/* * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2010 * * LICENSE: Eclipse Public License v1.0 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package com.ibm.db2j; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException; import org.apache.derby.iapi.store.access.Qualifier; import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor; import org.apache.derby.vti.IFastPath; import org.apache.derby.vti.VTICosting; import org.apache.derby.vti.VTIEnvironment; import com.ibm.gaiandb.GaianChildVTI; import com.ibm.gaiandb.GaianDBConfig; import com.ibm.gaiandb.GaianResultSetMetaData; import com.ibm.gaiandb.Logger; import com.ibm.gaiandb.searchapis.SLikeResultsParser; /** * @author Edd Biddle */ /* * The XML-RPC functionality used by this class has been commented out so that Gaian can be shipped without * an external requirement for the xmlrpc-1.1.jar file * * To re-enable uncomment the three XML-RPC Code commented out blocks * * The following classpath line in the Gaian launchpad needs to be added * * SET CLASSPATH="%CLASSPATH%;%GDBH%\xmlrpc-1.1.jar * * The following parameters need to be set in the Gaian Config properties file * * com.ibm.db2j.slike.language=<Annotator language> (default) en * com.ibm.db2j.slike.port=<RPC listening Port> * com.ibm.db2j.slike.host=<host name> */ public class SLike extends VTI60 implements VTICosting, IFastPath, GaianChildVTI { // Use PROPRIETARY notice if class contains a main() method, otherwise use COPYRIGHT notice. public static final String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE = "(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2010"; private static final Logger logger = new Logger( "SLike", 20 ); private ResultSetMetaData rsmd = null; private Vector<DataValueDescriptor[]> resultRows = null; private int index = 0; private String term = null; private String language = null; private Integer port = 9877; private String host = null; public SLike(String term) throws Exception{ logger.logInfo("Entered SLike(term) constructor"); // rsmd = new GaianResultSetMetaData( "HEAD VARCHAR(100), HEAD_TYPE VARCHAR(40)" ); rsmd = new GaianResultSetMetaData( "HEAD_TYPE VARCHAR(40)" ); this.term = term; } public double getEstimatedCostPerInstantiation(VTIEnvironment arg0) throws SQLException { int rc = 0; logger.logInfo("getEstimatedCostPerInstantiation() returning: " + rc); return rc; } public double getEstimatedRowCount(VTIEnvironment arg0) throws SQLException { int rc = 0; logger.logInfo("getEstimatedCostPerInstantiation() returning: " + rc); return rc; } public boolean supportsMultipleInstantiations(VTIEnvironment arg0) throws SQLException { boolean rc = true; logger.logInfo("supportsMultipleInstantiations() returning: " + rc); return rc; } public void currentRow(ResultSet arg0, DataValueDescriptor[] arg1) throws StandardException, SQLException { } public boolean executeAsFastPath() throws StandardException, SQLException { logger.logInfo("Entered executeAsFastPath()"); if ( null != resultRows ) { logger.logInfo("SLike results already in memory"); return true; } index = 0; resultRows = new Vector<DataValueDescriptor[]>(); logger.logInfo("Setting up parameters"); this.language = GaianDBConfig.getVTIProperty( SLike.class, "language" ); this.host = GaianDBConfig.getVTIProperty( SLike.class, "host" ); try { this.port = Integer.parseInt(GaianDBConfig.getVTIProperty( SLike.class, "port" )); } catch(Exception e){ this.port = 9877; } if(this.language == null){ this.language = "en"; } if(this.host == null){ this.host = ""; } logger.logInfo("Calling SLike using term: " + this.term + ", port: " + this.port + ", host: " + this.host + ", language: " + this.language); /* * XML-RPC Code commented out * XmlRpcClientLite rpcClientLite = null; try { rpcClientLite = new XmlRpcClientLite(this.host, this.port.intValue()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } */ Vector<String> params = new Vector<String>(); params.add(term); params.add(language); byte[] result = null; /* * XML-RPC Code commented out * try { result = (byte[]) rpcClientLite.execute("rules.processText", params); } catch (XmlRpcException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } */ SLikeResultsParser rp = new SLikeResultsParser(result); rp.parseResults(); resultRows = rp.getParsedResults(); logger.logInfo("Semantic Like values loaded in memory: " + resultRows.size()); return true; } public int nextRow(DataValueDescriptor[] dvdr) throws StandardException, SQLException { if ( index >= resultRows.size() ) { // index = 0; this.close(); return IFastPath.SCAN_COMPLETED; } DataValueDescriptor[] row = resultRows.get(index++); dvdr[0].setValue( row[0] ); // dvdr[1].setValue( row[1] ); return IFastPath.GOT_ROW; } public void rowsDone() throws StandardException, SQLException { close(); } public boolean fetchNextRow(DataValueDescriptor[] row) throws Exception { return IFastPath.GOT_ROW == nextRow(row); } public int getRowCount() throws Exception { return resultRows.size(); } public boolean isScrollable() { return true; } public void setExtractConditions(Qualifier[][] qualifiers, int[] projectedColumns, int[] physicalColumnsMapping) throws Exception { // No need to set qualifiers - the search string acts as a filter instead. // Also ignore mappedColumns as column names are expected to be the same in the logical table. } public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException { logger.logInfo("SLike.getMetaData(): " + rsmd); return rsmd; } public void setArgs(String[] args) { if ( 0 < args.length ) this.term = args[0]; if ( 1 < args.length ) this.language = args[1]; if ( 2 < args.length ) this.port = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); if ( 3 < args.length ) this.host = args[3]; } public void close() { logger.logInfo("SLike.close()"); reinitialise(); } @Override public boolean reinitialise() { logger.logInfo("SLike.reinitialise()"); if ( null != resultRows ) { resultRows.clear(); resultRows.trimToSize(); resultRows = null; } index = 0; return true; } public boolean isBeforeFirst() { return 0 == index; } }