/* * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 * * LICENSE: Eclipse Public License v1.0 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package com.ibm.db2j; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchScanner; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.IteratorSetting; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ScannerBase; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ZooKeeperInstance; import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Key; import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Range; import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Value; import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.RegExFilter; import org.apache.accumulo.core.security.Authorizations; import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException; import org.apache.derby.iapi.store.access.Qualifier; import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor; import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.Orderable; import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLChar; import org.apache.derby.vti.IFastPath; import org.apache.derby.vti.VTIEnvironment; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import com.ibm.db2j.AbstractVTI; import com.ibm.gaiandb.GaianDBConfigProcedures; import com.ibm.gaiandb.GaianResultSetMetaData; import com.ibm.gaiandb.Logger; import com.ibm.gaiandb.RowsFilter; import com.ibm.gaiandb.Util; import com.ibm.gaiandb.diags.GDBMessages; /** * This VTI provides access to an Accumulo Database Table. * It reads configuration parameters from gaiandb_config.properties (e.g. instance name, zookeeper ips, user, password, table, visibility) - see configuration example below. * It supports use of all fields in the Accumulo table structure: * * Row ID, Column Family, Column Qualifier, Column Visibility, Timestamp, Value * * The first 5 fields represent a Key. All fields are byte arrays except for the Timestamp which is a long. * Row ID is the equivalent of a "primary key". All Accumulo table rows having a same Row ID represent a "record" returned by this VTI - i.e. a set of related column family values. * Column Family effectively holds the column name, and column values returned by this VTI can be configured to contain the Column Qualifier or Value field. * Column Visibility holds a logical expression allowing restrictions on cell-level access by a table scan. * Timestamp allows ordering by time of the records. If the field is not provided at ingestion-time, it is automatically generated instead. * * Configuration example: * ====================== * * # Logical table 'LTBIKES' definition: * LTBIKES_DEF=ROWID INT, AREA VARCHAR(50), INSTALLED BOOLEAN, LAT DOUBLE, LOCKED BOOLEAN, LON DOUBLE, NUMBIKES INT, NUMEMPTYDOCKS INT, STATION VARCHAR(50), NOT_FIXED BOOLEAN * * # Data-source wrapper 'LTBIKES_DS0' properties - federated under logical table LTBIKES: * LTBIKES_DS0_VTI=com.ibm.db2j.AccumuloVTI * LTBIKES_DS0_ARGS=AccumuloUserInstance1, mytable qualifiers [vis1&vis2], DERIVE_SCHEMA_FROM_FIRST_ROW * LTBIKES_DS0_OPTIONS=MAP_COLUMNS_BY_POSITION * * # NOTE: The property ending with "_ARGS" specifies the arguments that are passed to the VTI constructor: * # 1) A reference to the static Accumulo connection properties * # 2) The physical accumulo table name, an identifier specifying the field to extract for table values (either "values" or "qualifiers"), and a visibility expression * # 3) An optional 'DERIVE_SCHEMA_FROM_FIRST_ROW' argument to tell the VTI to derive it's schema based on the first RowID row. * # => Default would be to use property: LTBIKES_DS0_SCHEMA, or failing that: LT_BIKES_DEF * * # Static VTI properties: * AccumuloVTI.AccumuloUserInstance1.INSTANCE=instance1 * AccumuloVTI.AccumuloUserInstance1.ZOOKEEPERS= * AccumuloVTI.AccumuloUserInstance1.USR=root * AccumuloVTI.AccumuloUserInstance1.PWD=<pwd> * * @author DavidVyvyan */ public class AccumuloVTI extends AbstractVTI { //implements PluralizableVTI { // Use PROPRIETARY notice if class contains a main() method, otherwise use COPYRIGHT notice. public static final String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE = "(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2014"; private static final Logger logger = new Logger( "AccumuloVTI", 30 ); private final static Map<String, ZooKeeperInstance> zooKeeperInstances = new Hashtable<String, ZooKeeperInstance>(); private final Connector accumuloConnector; private final String accumuloTable; private final boolean isDeriveSchemaFromFirstRow; private static final String DERIVE_SCHEMA_FROM_FIRST_ROW = "DERIVE_SCHEMA_FROM_FIRST_ROW"; // Table meta-data, i.e. schema/shape including column indexes, names, types and sizes private GaianResultSetMetaData accumuloTableRSMD = null; private final Scanner standardScanner; private final BatchScanner batchScanner; private ScannerBase tableScanner = null; // Can switch between the 2 scanner types above private List<Range> rowidRangesPredicates = null; private List<IteratorSetting> preScanIterators = new ArrayList<IteratorSetting>(); // iterators based on regex filters built from predicates private Iterator<Map.Entry<Key,Value>> rowScanIterator = null; private Map.Entry<Key,Value> currentAccumuloRow = null; private int[] projectedColumns = null; private Qualifier[][] qualifiers = null; Map<String, Integer> projectedColumnsNameToIndexMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private final boolean isExtractAccumuloColumnQualifiersInPlaceOfValues; private final Authorizations tableScannerAuthorizations; // Fields used for building meta-data private static final String ROWID = "ROWID"; private static final String VC256 = "VARCHAR(256)"; private static final boolean isRowidInSchema = true; // Include Accumulo RowID as a column in this VTI's table shape? private static int rowidColShift = 0; private static final String PROPERTY_INSTANCE = "INSTANCE"; private static final String PROPERTY_ZOOKEEPERS = "ZOOKEEPERS"; private static final String PROPERTY_USR = "USR"; private static final String PROPERTY_PWD = "PWD"; private int rowCount = 0; private int numRowsReceivedFromAccumulo; private static final String VTI_ARGS_SYNTAX_HELP = "AccumuloVTI args syntax (LTX_DSY_ARGS): <vtiPropertiesID>, <accumuloTable [fieldToExtractExpression] [visibilityExpressionInSquareBrackets]>[, " +DERIVE_SCHEMA_FROM_FIRST_ROW+"]"; /** * Build an AccumuloVTI based on passed in CSV String holding: * * 1) A reference to the static Accumulo connection properties * 2) The physical accumulo table name, an identifier specifying the field to extract for table values (either "values" or "qualifiers"), and a visibility expression * 3) An optional 'DERIVE_SCHEMA_FROM_FIRST_ROW' argument to tell the VTI to derive it's schema based on the first RowID row. * => Default would be to use property: LTBIKES_DS0_SCHEMA, or failing that: LT_BIKES_DEF * * @param vtiArgs * @throws Exception */ public AccumuloVTI(String vtiArgs) throws Exception { super(vtiArgs, "AccumuloVTI"); String[] locatorArgs = replacements.toArray( new String[0] ); if ( 1 > locatorArgs.length ) throw new Exception("Missing AccumuloVTI table argument: " + vtiArgs + ". " + VTI_ARGS_SYNTAX_HELP); final String accumuloTableAndConstraints = locatorArgs[0]; isDeriveSchemaFromFirstRow = 1 < locatorArgs.length && DERIVE_SCHEMA_FROM_FIRST_ROW.equals(locatorArgs[1]); String[] toks = Util.splitByTrimmedDelimiterNonNestedInSquareBracketsOrDoubleQuotes(accumuloTableAndConstraints, ' '); accumuloTable = toks[0]; final boolean isFirstConstraintFieldToExtract = 1 < toks.length && '[' != toks[1].charAt(0); final int visFieldIdx = 1 < toks.length && '[' == toks[1].charAt(0) ? 1 : ( 2 < toks.length ? 2 : -1 ); isExtractAccumuloColumnQualifiersInPlaceOfValues = isFirstConstraintFieldToExtract && toks[1].equalsIgnoreCase("qualifiers"); String visibilityExpression = null; // default null = not specified if ( 0 < visFieldIdx ) { final String vis = toks[visFieldIdx]; final int vlen = vis.length(); if ( '[' != vis.charAt(0) || ']' != vis.charAt(vlen-1) ) throw new Exception("Missing AccumuloVTI table argument: " + vtiArgs + ". " + VTI_ARGS_SYNTAX_HELP); visibilityExpression = vis.substring(1, vlen-1); } tableScannerAuthorizations = null == visibilityExpression ? new Authorizations() : new Authorizations( visibilityExpression ); String instanceName = getVTIProperty(PROPERTY_INSTANCE); String zooKeeperHostPortLocationsCSV = getVTIProperty(PROPERTY_ZOOKEEPERS); String usr = getVTIProperty(PROPERTY_USR); String pwd = getVTIProperty(PROPERTY_PWD); ZooKeeperInstance instance; if ( zooKeeperInstances.containsKey( instanceName ) ) instance = zooKeeperInstances.get( instanceName ); else zooKeeperInstances.put( instanceName, instance = new ZooKeeperInstance( instanceName, zooKeeperHostPortLocationsCSV ) ); // All properties are referenced relative to: AccumuloVTI.<vtiArgs prefix argument>, e.g. AccumuloVTI.MyUserInstanceTable1 accumuloConnector = instance.getConnector( usr, pwd ); try { standardScanner = accumuloConnector.createScanner( accumuloTable, tableScannerAuthorizations ); } catch ( TableNotFoundException e ) { throw new SQLException("Unable to construct Accumulo Scanner. table = " + accumuloTable + ", cause: " + e); } try { batchScanner = accumuloConnector.createBatchScanner(accumuloTable, tableScannerAuthorizations, 10); } catch ( TableNotFoundException e ) { throw new SQLException("Unable to construct Accumulo BatchScanner. table = " + accumuloTable + ", cause: " + e); } tableScanner = standardScanner; // default } /** * Gives VTI's table schema, i.e. number of columns, their types, names, sizes etc. * Deduces this from the first row of data in the targeted table (whose name should be specified in gaiandb_config.properties). * This method is always called by the querying engine (Gaian or Derby) *before* query execution. */ @Override public GaianResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException { if ( false == isDeriveSchemaFromFirstRow ) accumuloTableRSMD = super.getMetaData(); else if ( null == accumuloTableRSMD ) { // Get table shape from first accumulo record rowScanIterator = standardScanner.iterator(); if ( false == rowScanIterator.hasNext() ) throw new SQLException("Table has no data to derive it's schema. Table name = " + accumuloTable); Key key = rowScanIterator.next().getKey(); Text rowID = key.getRow(), previousRowID = null; StringBuilder tableDefSB = new StringBuilder( ( isRowidInSchema ? ROWID + ' ' + VC256 + ',' : "" ) + key.getColumnFamily() + ' ' + VC256 ); while ( rowScanIterator.hasNext() ) { key = rowScanIterator.next().getKey(); previousRowID = rowID; rowID = key.getRow(); if ( false == rowID.equals(previousRowID) ) break; // stop when a full record has been read. tableDefSB.append( ',' + key.getColumnFamily().toString() + ' ' + VC256 ); } reinitialise(); // clear scanner for re-use try { accumuloTableRSMD = new GaianResultSetMetaData( tableDefSB.toString() ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException("Unable to build AccumuloVTI RSMD table schema from definition: " + tableDefSB + " (returning null), cause: " + e); } } // ROWID must always be included... if missing then hardly no qualifiers can be pushed down at all. // The logical table could still be configured to cut out the ROWID if this was really necessary (but performance could not longer be optimised). // isIncludeRowID = null != accumuloTableRSMD && "ROWID".equalsIgnoreCase( accumuloTableRSMD.getColumnName(1) ); return accumuloTableRSMD; } /** * The args passed here include: * 1) End-point instance ID (if VTI implements Pluralizable), * 2) All arguments passed to or created in the invoking parent GaianTable(). * The end-point instance ID is passed as first argument of the String[] in this method */ @Override public void setArgs(String[] args) throws Exception { super.setArgs(args); // allow super class to extract arguments it may need, e.g. QRY_CONTEXT_ARG_LT_DEF, to deduce default table schema. // Note we don't use default table schema based on logical table definition because we need to give exact column family names // to accumulo when specifying projected columns - there is no room for using differently named columns or different character case // for them in the logical table. logger.logInfo("Entered setArgs(), args are: " + Arrays.asList(args) ); // if ( null != args && 0 < args.length ) { if ( null != args[0] ) pluralizationInstance = args[0]; } // Not interested in pluralization yet }; @Override public boolean pushProjection(VTIEnvironment arg0, int[] arg1) throws SQLException { logger.logThreadDetail("Entered AccumuloVTI.pushProjection(), projection: " + Util.intArrayAsString(arg1)); if ( null != arg1) projectedColumns = arg1; return true; } /** * Qualifyable interface - used to process predicates against our columns - * Note that predicates on our *constant* columns (e.g. for each pluralizable instance) should ideally be processed above by GaianDB (if we passed * the constant instances up with getEndpointConstantColumns()) - however it does little harm to test/filter them again here just in case. */ @Override public void setQualifiers(VTIEnvironment vtie, Qualifier[][] qual) throws SQLException { logger.logThreadDetail("Entered AccumuloVTI.setQualifiers(), qualifiers: " + RowsFilter.reconstructSQLWhereClause(qual)); qualifiers = qual; try { preScanIterators.clear(); // Prepare range predicates based on given column qualifiers. QualifiersToAccumuloRangesConverter predicatesConverter = new QualifiersToAccumuloRangesConverter(qualifiers); if ( predicatesConverter.isQualifiersResolveToFalse() ) { logger.logInfo("Resolved column ranges - one of which is empty - ABORTING QUERY"); projectedColumns = new int[0]; return; } rowidRangesPredicates = predicatesConverter.getAccumuloRanges(); logger.logInfo("Qualifiers resolved to "+ (null==rowidRangesPredicates?"0 Accumulo Ranges on ROWID": rowidRangesPredicates.size() + " Accumulo Ranges: " + rowidRangesPredicates) ); qualifiers = predicatesConverter.getPrunedQualifiers(); logger.logInfo("Remaining Qualifiers: " + RowsFilter.reconstructSQLWhereClause(qualifiers, accumuloTableRSMD)); for ( int i=0; i<projectedColumns.length; i++ ) { final int pColID = projectedColumns[i]; if ( 1 == pColID ) continue; final String colName = accumuloTableRSMD.getColumnName( pColID ); String regex = predicatesConverter.getPredicatesRegexForColID( pColID-1 ); // passed in colID must be 0-based if ( null == regex || ".*".equals(regex) ) continue; // null case should not happen logger.logInfo("Built REGEX filter for column '" + colName + "' (colID " + pColID + "): " + regex); IteratorSetting regexIteratorSetting = new IteratorSetting(1, "FilterForQualsOrValues_" + pColID, RegExFilter.class); // RegExFilter.setRegexs( regexIteratorSetting, rowTerm, cfTerm, cqTerm, valueTerm, orFields? ); if ( isExtractAccumuloColumnQualifiersInPlaceOfValues ) RegExFilter.setRegexs( regexIteratorSetting, null, "^(?:"+colName+")$", regex, null, false ); else RegExFilter.setRegexs( regexIteratorSetting, null, "^(?:"+colName+")$", null, regex, false ); // Add 1 regex scan iterator per column having predicates on it - doesn't work the way we want... (only the column with the predicate is retrieved) // tableScanner.addScanIterator( regexIteratorSetting ); preScanIterators.add( regexIteratorSetting ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.logImportant("Exception whilst resolving Accumulo Ranges from qualifiers (using empty Ranges list), cause " + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); } } /** * Prepare table scanner and its iterators. * Use scanner.fetchColumnFamily() to specify requested columns. * Use scanner.setRanges(), scanner.fetchColumn() and custom scanner iterators to specify column filters. */ @Override public boolean executeAsFastPath() throws SQLException { try { final int columnCount = accumuloTableRSMD.getColumnCount(); // Initialise array of queried columns if not set. if ( null == projectedColumns ) { projectedColumns = new int[ columnCount ]; for ( int i=0; i<columnCount; i++ ) projectedColumns[i] = i+1; // 1-based } if ( null != rowidRangesPredicates ) { int numRanges = rowidRangesPredicates.size(); if ( 1 < numRanges ) ((BatchScanner) (tableScanner = batchScanner)).setRanges( rowidRangesPredicates ); else if ( 1 == numRanges ) ((Scanner) (tableScanner = standardScanner)).setRange( rowidRangesPredicates.get(0) ); } if ( false == preScanIterators.isEmpty() ) { if ( 1 == preScanIterators.size() && ( 1 == projectedColumns.length || ( 2 == projectedColumns.length && 1 == projectedColumns[0] ) ) ) // No need for pre-scans as there is only 1 column with predicates and no other columns are being extracted. tableScanner.addScanIterator( preScanIterators.get(0) ); else { for ( IteratorSetting it : preScanIterators ) { tableScanner.addScanIterator( it ); long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); rowidRangesPredicates = iterateAndExtractRowRanges( tableScanner.iterator() ); logger.logInfo("Scanned rowID ranges matching a column's predicates in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - millis) + "ms. Remaining RowIDs ranges count = " + rowidRangesPredicates.size()); if ( rowidRangesPredicates.isEmpty() ) { projectedColumns = new int[0]; break; } tableScanner.clearScanIterators(); int numRanges = rowidRangesPredicates.size(); if ( 1 < numRanges ) ((BatchScanner) (tableScanner = batchScanner)).setRanges( rowidRangesPredicates ); else if ( 1 == numRanges ) ((Scanner) (tableScanner = standardScanner)).setRange( rowidRangesPredicates.get(0) ); } } } // Initialise a shift value to 1 if ROWID needs setting in nextRow() if ( 0 == projectedColumns.length ) return true; rowidColShift = 1 == projectedColumns[0] ? 1 : 0; // Initialise mapping of column names to column indexes for ( int i=0; i<projectedColumns.length; i++ ) { int pColID = projectedColumns[i]; projectedColumnsNameToIndexMap.put( accumuloTableRSMD.getColumnName(pColID), pColID ); } // Specify all columns required to be extracted for this query for ( int i=0; i<projectedColumns.length; i++ ) { final int pColID = projectedColumns[i]; if ( 1 == pColID ) continue; final String colName = accumuloTableRSMD.getColumnName( pColID ); logger.logInfo("Adding projected column (column family): " + colName); tableScanner.fetchColumnFamily( new Text(colName) ); // NOTE - Could make use of the following if the column name were to be built from family+qualifier fields: // tableScanner.fetchColumn( new Text("<colFamily>"), new Text("<colQualifier>") ); } rowScanIterator = tableScanner.iterator(); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new SQLException("Exception in AccumuloVTI.executeAsFastPath(), cause: " + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); } return true; } /** * The purpose of this method is to retrieve a list of rowIDs that satisfy predicates set on an IteratorSetting. * This method must only be called with an iterator that will retrieve 1 Accumulo record per rowID. * * @param scanIterator * @return */ private List<Range> iterateAndExtractRowRanges( Iterator<Map.Entry<Key, Value>> scanIterator ) { List<Range> rowRanges = new ArrayList<Range>(); while( scanIterator.hasNext() ) rowRanges.add( new Range( scanIterator.next().getKey().getRow() ) ); return Range.mergeOverlapping( rowRanges ); } /** * GaianDB extract rows by calling this method repeatedly. * 'dvdRecord' contains the number of columns resolved in tableShapeRSMD. * However we only need to populate the projected columns indexes. */ @Override public int nextRow( final DataValueDescriptor[] dvdRecord ) throws StandardException, SQLException { // logger.logDetail("Getting new relational record based on set of Accumulo rows. rowCount = " + rowCount + // ", currenAccumuloRow: " + currentAccumuloRow ); if ( 0 == rowCount ) { numRowsReceivedFromAccumulo = 0; if ( 0 == projectedColumns.length || false == rowScanIterator.hasNext() ) return IFastPath.SCAN_COMPLETED; // empty table else currentAccumuloRow = rowScanIterator.next(); // kick-start row extraction } // Check if there are any Accumulo records left... if ( null == currentAccumuloRow ) return IFastPath.SCAN_COMPLETED; Key key = currentAccumuloRow.getKey(); // lots of info available off the Key: rowID, col name/family, col qualifier, visibility, timestamp Text rowID = key.getRow(); // Look for a new record... until one is found that meets qualifiers, or until none are left do { // Check if there are any Accumulo records left... if ( null == currentAccumuloRow ) return IFastPath.SCAN_COMPLETED; numRowsReceivedFromAccumulo++; // Set rowID column before extracting others associated with it in the while loop if ( 1 == rowidColShift ) dvdRecord[0].setValue( rowID.toString() ); // Initialise column cells to NULL value. for ( int i=rowidColShift; i<projectedColumns.length; i++ ) dvdRecord[ projectedColumns[i]-1 ].setToNull(); // Extract columns from Accumulo records for this rowID - note: Accumulo rows don't have to be complete Text previousRowID = rowID; while ( rowID.equals( previousRowID ) ) { final String colName = key.getColumnFamily().toString(); final Integer pColID = projectedColumnsNameToIndexMap.get(colName); if ( null == pColID ) { logger.logImportant("Encountered Accumulo column which was not requested as column family (skipped): " + colName); continue; // this column was not requested - should not happen } // Log info about the newly found column final String cellStringValue = isExtractAccumuloColumnQualifiersInPlaceOfValues ? currentAccumuloRow.getKey().getColumnQualifier().toString() : currentAccumuloRow.getValue().toString(); // logger.logDetail("Setting ProjectedColID: " + pColID + // ", from record with Key: " + key + " ==> ColFamily: " + key.getColumnFamily() // + ( isExtractAccumuloColumnQualifiersInPlaceOfValues ? ", ColQualifier: " : ", Value: " ) + cellStringValue ); // Set column value for the row - this also does type conversion. dvdRecord[ pColID-1 ].setValue( cellStringValue ); // normalise to 0-based // Scroll to the next column - break if we run out of records (rows don't have to be complete) if ( false == rowScanIterator.hasNext() ) { currentAccumuloRow = null; break; } currentAccumuloRow = rowScanIterator.next(); key = currentAccumuloRow.getKey(); previousRowID = rowID; rowID = key.getRow(); } } while ( null != qualifiers && false == RowsFilter.testQualifiers( dvdRecord, qualifiers ) ); rowCount++; return IFastPath.GOT_ROW; } // PluralizableVTI methods - used to re-factor/generalise/simplify data source wrapper configurations // Note each endpointID will appear as a suffix in the GDB_LEAF column when querying the logical table augmented with the provenance columns. // @Override public Set<String> getEndpointIDs() { return endpointConstants.keySet(); } // @Override public DataValueDescriptor[] getEndpointConstants(String endpointID) { return endpointConstants.get( endpointID ); } @Override public int getRowCount() throws Exception { return rowCount; } // Empty local heap resources for this instance and set them to null if possible @Override public void close() throws SQLException { super.close(); reinitialise(); } //endpointConstants.clear(); } private static final Range RANGE_INFINITY = new Range(); private static final List<Range> RANGES_INFINITY = Arrays.asList( RANGE_INFINITY ); /** * Clears the query objects and returns true */ @Override public boolean reinitialise() { if ( 0 < rowCount ) logger.logImportant("Re-initialising AccumuloVTI. Row Counts for last query - filtered locally/remotely: " + rowCount + '/' + numRowsReceivedFromAccumulo); tableScanner.clearColumns(); tableScanner.clearScanIterators(); if ( tableScanner == standardScanner ) standardScanner.setRange( RANGE_INFINITY ); else batchScanner.setRanges( RANGES_INFINITY ); tableScanner = standardScanner; // default rowCount = 0; return true; } @Override public boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException { return 0 == rowCount; } // VTICosting methods - used for JOIN optimisations @Override public double getEstimatedCostPerInstantiation(VTIEnvironment arg0) throws SQLException { return 0; } @Override public double getEstimatedRowCount(VTIEnvironment arg0) throws SQLException { return 0; } @Override public boolean supportsMultipleInstantiations(VTIEnvironment arg0) throws SQLException { return false; } private class QualifiersToAccumuloRangesConverter { private final static int ROWID_COLID = 0; // This VTI always exposes the rowID as the first column of the result. private final Qualifier[][] originalQualifiers; private Qualifier[][] prunedQualifiers; // Mapping from column ID to Lists of Range objects converted from qualifiers on the columnID private final Map<Integer, List<Range>> accumuloColIDs2RangesMap; // Integer colID is 0-based private QualifiersToAccumuloRangesConverter( Qualifier[][] queryColumnPredicates ) throws StandardException, SQLException { originalQualifiers = queryColumnPredicates; accumuloColIDs2RangesMap = deriveAccumuloRangesAndPruneQualifiers(); // might be null if a range resolves to empty } private boolean isQualifiersResolveToFalse() { return null==accumuloColIDs2RangesMap; } private List<Range> getAccumuloRanges() { return null==accumuloColIDs2RangesMap ? null : accumuloColIDs2RangesMap.get( ROWID_COLID ); } public Qualifier[][] getPrunedQualifiers() { return prunedQualifiers; } /** * Converts List of ranges for a column to a regular expression - expects the type to be String (UTF8) * Passed in colID must be 0-based. * * Example String regex: * Original predicates/range: (C>="c" AND C<"i") OR C="bob" * In conjunctive normal form: C<"i" AND (C="bob" OR C>="c") * Equivalent REGEX: (?:[c-h].*|bob) * * We wanted a solution that would work with Accumulo 1.4.4 * However a better solution in future (1.5+) is to use full server-side Filter, e.g. AccumuloPredicateHandler * https://github.com/bfemiano/accumulo-hive-storage-manager/wiki/Iterator%20Predicate%20pushdown * http://storage-handler-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/javadocs/org/apache/accumulo/storagehandler/predicate/AccumuloPredicateHandler.html * * @param colID - 0-based column ID * @return a regular expression equivalent to the list of Ranges converted from the qualifiers; or ".*" if all records pass, and null if none do (empty range). */ public String getPredicatesRegexForColID( int colID ) { // Passed in colID must be 0-based if ( null == accumuloColIDs2RangesMap ) return null; // it has been determined that no records can match the query List<Range> columnRanges = accumuloColIDs2RangesMap.get(colID); if ( null == columnRanges ) return ".*"; // null means no range restrictions (i.e. no filter) so all records match.. if ( 1 > columnRanges.size() ) return null; // an empty range means that no records can match the query // Ranges list is already ordered... StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "^(?:"); for ( Range colRange : columnRanges ) sb.append( constructRegexForRange( colRange ) + "|" ); int len = sb.length(); sb.replace( len-1, len, ")$" ); // replace the last '|' with the closing bracket for the regex return sb.toString(); } /** * Example ranges to consider for conversion to regex (Note Accumulo Ranges methods will have already eliminated impossible ranges like >="aaa" and <"aa"): * * v>"a" and v<max => a..* | [b-max].* * * v>"aaa" and v<max => aaa..*| aa[b-max].* | a[b-max].* | [b-max].* * v>="aaa" => aaa.* | aa[b-max].* | a[b-max].* | [b-max].* * v>="aaa" and v<="ad" => aaa.* | aa[b-max].* | a[b-c].* | ad * v>="aaa" and v<"ad" => aaa.* | aa[b-max].* | a[b-c].* * v>="aaa" and v<"ac" => aaa.* | aa[b-max].* | ab.* * v>="aaa" and v<"ab" => aaa.* | aa[b-max].* * * v>="ab" and v<"azz" => ab.* | a[c-y].* | az | az[min-y].* * * v>="aaa" and v<"acc" => aaa.* | aa[b-max].* | ab.* | ac | ac[min-b].* * v>="aaa" and v<"aad" => aaa.* | aa[b-c].* * v>="aaa" and v<"aadd" => aaa.* | aa[b-c].* | aad[e-max].* * * v>="aaa" and v<"aaad" => aaa | aaa[min-c].* * v>"aaa" and v<"aaadd" => aaa[min-c].* | aaad | aaad[min-c].* * * v>="aaa" and v<="aaa" => aaa * * v>="aaa" and v<"bbb" => aaa.* | aa[b-max].* | a[b-max].* | b | b[min-a].* | bb | bb[min-a].* * v>="aaa" and v<"cbb" => aaa.* | aa[b-max].* | a[b-max].* | b.* | c | c[min-a].* | cb | cb[min-a].* * v>="aaa" and v<"dbb" => aaa.* | aa[b-max].* | a[b-max].* | [b-c].* | d | d[min-a].* | db | db[min-a].* * * v>min and v<"bbb" => [min-a].* | b | b[min-a].* | bb | bb[min-a].* * v>min and v<"b" => [min-a].* * * v>="a" and v<"b" => a.* * * Basic algorithm: * 1. If keys are equal and included, quote the value and return it. * 2. If the start key is negative infinitity skip to step 7. * 3. If the start key is a sub-string of the end key, skip to step 7 * 4. Create a starting regex matching the whole left bound string. If the start key is not included, then enforce existence of a trailing char * 5. Create a new ORed regex for every sub-string of it, until it matches the beginning of the end key * -> build every new substring by removing right-most chars 1 at a time, and adding 1 to the rightmost char * 6. If/when the last sub-string matches the beginning of the end key, create an ORed regex range bounded on both sides (unless left bound+1 > right bound-1) * 7. Add an ORed regex for every remaining super-string of the end key (adding chars left to right and substracting 1 from the rightmost char). * -> For each of these, also pre-pend another ORed value for the exact new super-string (i.e. with no suffix) * 8. Add a final regex matching the whole right-bound string if it is included. * * @param range * @return */ private String constructRegexForRange( Range range ) { final Key k1 = range.getStartKey(), k2 = range.getEndKey(); final boolean inf1 = range.isInfiniteStartKey(), inf2 = range.isInfiniteStopKey(); if ( true == inf1 && true == inf2 ) return ".*"; // infinite range final String v1 = true == inf1 ? null : k1.getRow().toString(), v2 = true == inf2 ? null : k2.getRow().toString(); logger.logDetail( "startKey: " + (null == v1 ? "-inf" : "'" + v1 + "' (incl? " + range.isStartKeyInclusive() + ")") ); logger.logDetail( "endKey: " + (null == v2 ? "+inf" : "'" + v2 + "' (incl? " + range.isEndKeyInclusive() + ")") ); // 1. If keys are equal and included, quote the value and return it. if ( null != v1 && v1.equals(v2) && range.isStartKeyInclusive() ) return rQuote(v1); // Quote/wrap in case v1 contains special characters // Keys are not equal, so get ready for an actual range... StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder(); int prefixLen = 0; // the prefix which may be common to v1 and v2, e.g: "aa" is a common prefix for v1="aaaa" and v2="aadd", and used to form expressions like: "aa[b-c].*" final int len1 = inf1 ? 0 : v1.length(), len2 = inf2 ? 0 : v2.length(); // 2. If the start key is infinite skip to step 7. if ( false == inf1 ) { // 3. If the start key is a sub-string of the end key, skip to step 7 if ( false == inf2 && v2.startsWith(v1) ) prefixLen = v1.length(); else { // 4. Create a starting regex matching the whole left bound string. If the start key is not included, then enforce existence of a trailing char regex.append( rQuote(v1) + (range.isStartKeyInclusive()?"":".") + ".*" + '|' ); logger.logDetail("Char values in '" + v1 + "': " + unicodeValuesAsString(v1) ); // 5. Create a new ORed regex for every sub-string of it, until it matches the beginning of the end key for ( int i=1; i<=len1; i++ ) { prefixLen = len1-i; // length of the next prefix String prefix = v1.substring(0, prefixLen); if ( '\u00FF' == v1.charAt(prefixLen) ) continue; char c1 = (char) (v1.charAt(prefixLen)+1); // character just beyond the prefix, shifted up 1 in the utf8 range. // logger.logDetail("len2 " + len2 + ", prefixLen " + prefixLen + ", prefix " + prefix); if ( false == inf2 && len2 > prefixLen && v2.startsWith(prefix) ) { // 6. If/when the last sub-string matches the beginning of the end key, create an ORed regex range bounded on both sides (unless left bound+1 > right bound-1) char c2 = (char) (v2.charAt(prefixLen)-1); // character just beyond the prefix in the upper bound, shifted down 1 in the utf8 character set. if ( c1 < c2 ) regex.append( rQuote(prefix) + '[' + toUnicode(c1) + '-' + toUnicode(c2) + "].*" + '|' ); else if ( c1 == c2 ) regex.append( rQuote(prefix) + toUnicode(c1) + ".*" + '|' ); prefixLen++; break; } if ( '\u00FF' > c1 ) regex.append( rQuote(prefix) + '[' + toUnicode(c1) + '-' + UMAX + "].*" + '|' ); else if ( '\u00FF' == c1 ) regex.append( rQuote(prefix) + UMAX + ".*" + '|' ); } } } // 7. Add an ORed regex for every remaining super-string of the end key (adding chars left to right and substracting 1 from the rightmost char). if ( false == inf2 ) { logger.logDetail("Char values in '" + v2 + "': " + unicodeValuesAsString(v2) ); for ( int i=prefixLen; i<len2; i++ ) { String prefix = v2.substring(0, i); regex.append( rQuote(prefix) + '|' ); if ( '\u0000' == v2.charAt(i) ) continue; // if ( '\u0000' == v2.charAt(i) ) { regex.append( rQuote(prefix) + '|' ); continue; } char c2 = (char) (v2.charAt(i)-1); // character just beyond the prefix, shifted down 1 in the utf8 character set. if ( '\u0000' < c2 ) regex.append( rQuote(prefix) + '[' + UMIN + '-' + toUnicode(c2) + "].*" + '|' ); else if ( '\u0000' == c2 ) regex.append( rQuote(prefix) + UMIN + ".*" + '|' ); } } // 8. Add a final regex matching the whole right-bound string if it is included. if ( range.isEndKeyInclusive() ) regex.append( rQuote(v2) ); else regex.deleteCharAt( regex.length()-1 ); // remove last '|' symbol return regex.toString(); } public String unicodeValuesAsString( String s ) { if ( null==s ) return null; int len = s.length(); StringBuffer pcs = new StringBuffer( 0<len ? "[" + toUnicode(s.charAt(0)) : "[" ); for (int i=1; i<len; i++) pcs.append( ", " + toUnicode(s.charAt(i)) ); pcs.append(']'); return pcs.toString(); } private String rQuote( String s ) { return 0 == s.length() ? "" : "\\Q" + s + "\\E"; } private String toUnicode( char c ) { return c+""; } // private String toUnicode( char c ) { return ((16>(int)c) ? "\\u000" : "\\u00" ) + Integer.toHexString(c); } private static final String UMIN = "\\u0000"; private static final String UMAX = "\\u00FF"; /** * Create a list of ranges for each column, based on conditional expressions in the Qualifier[][] structure, which holds predicates in conjunctive normal form. * Each list of ranges represents conditions for 1 column. * The ranges are only built for columns that are compared to strings. * All comparison expressions ORed with comparisons involving other columnIDs are excluded entirely from all derived lists of ranges. * * Finally, this method also creates the prunedQualifiers field, which holds the original qualifiers minus those that were extracted to build the ranges lists. */ private Map<Integer, List<Range>> deriveAccumuloRangesAndPruneQualifiers() throws SQLException, StandardException { // Mapping from column ID to Lists of Range objects converted from qualifiers on the columnID Map<Integer, List<Range>> colIDs2RangesMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Range>>(); // Integer colID is 0-based prunedQualifiers = originalQualifiers; if ( null == originalQualifiers || 0 == originalQualifiers.length ) return colIDs2RangesMap; Set<Integer> excludedColIDs = new HashSet<Integer>(); // Find all column IDs that are compared to values that are not strings. // We will not push predicates down to Accumulo for these columns. for ( int i=0; i<originalQualifiers.length; i++ ) for ( int j=0; j<originalQualifiers[i].length; j++ ) if ( false == originalQualifiers[i][j].getOrderable() instanceof SQLChar ) excludedColIDs.add( originalQualifiers[i][j].getColumnId() ); // Process 1st row, which contains ANDed expressions. Qualifier[] qRow = originalQualifiers[0]; for ( int j=0; j<qRow.length; j++ ) { Qualifier qCell = qRow[j]; int colID = qCell.getColumnId(); // Create new Ranges for this qCell. // Example: ROWID!=3 becomes ranges: [null,3[ ; ]3,null] List<Range> newRanges = constructRangesFromSingleQualifier( qCell ); // can't be empty List<Range> accumuloRanges = colIDs2RangesMap.get( colID ); if ( null == accumuloRanges ) { colIDs2RangesMap.put( colID, newRanges ); continue; } // Clip new ranges (i.e. intersect) with current ones. // Example for ROWID!=3 AND ROWID!=5 we end up with: [null,3[ ; ]3,5[ ; ]5,null] List<Range> combinedRanges = new ArrayList<Range>(); for ( Range r1 : accumuloRanges ) for ( Range r2 : newRanges ) { Range r = r1.clip(r2, true); if ( null != r ) combinedRanges.add( r ); } if ( (newRanges = Range.mergeOverlapping( combinedRanges )).isEmpty() ) return null; // empty range - no records can match // Reduce current set before moving on to the next ANDed cell in this first row. colIDs2RangesMap.put( colID, newRanges ); } List<Qualifier[]> remainingQualifiers = new ArrayList<Qualifier[]>(); remainingQualifiers.add( new Qualifier[0] ); // The first row contains anded predicates - we have pruned them all... // Process all subsequent rows, which now contain ORed expressions - also combine these with previous rows // ORed rows that reference columns other than the ROW ID column are skipped/ignored because they may just be true. // Rows are combined with previous ones by intersecting them for ( int i=1; i<originalQualifiers.length; i++ ) { qRow = originalQualifiers[i]; boolean isOnlyOneColIDReferencedInThisORedQrow = true; int colID = qRow[0].getColumnId(); for ( int j=1; j<qRow.length; j++ ) if ( colID != qRow[j].getColumnId() ) { isOnlyOneColIDReferencedInThisORedQrow = false; break; } // Ignore ORed expressions containing more than 1 column ID - they can't enforce constrainst on the Ranges list because the other column may resolve to true. if ( false == isOnlyOneColIDReferencedInThisORedQrow ) { remainingQualifiers.add( qRow ); continue; } // Create ranges for this ORed row List<Range> oredRanges = new ArrayList<Range>(); for ( int j=0; j<qRow.length; j++ ) oredRanges.addAll( constructRangesFromSingleQualifier(qRow[j]) ); // can't become empty List<Range> accumuloRanges = colIDs2RangesMap.get( colID ); if ( null == accumuloRanges ) { colIDs2RangesMap.put( colID, Range.mergeOverlapping( oredRanges ) ); continue; } // can't resolve to empty here // Now clip (i.e. intersect) all current ranges with ranges built in this row. List<Range> combinedRanges = new ArrayList<Range>(); for ( Range r1 : accumuloRanges ) for ( Range r2 : oredRanges ) { Range r = r1.clip(r2, true); if ( null != r ) combinedRanges.add( r ); } if ( (accumuloRanges = Range.mergeOverlapping( combinedRanges )).isEmpty() ); // return null; // empty range - no records can match // Finally, try to reduce the current set before moving on to the next ORed row colIDs2RangesMap.put( colID, accumuloRanges ); } logger.logDetail("Built Map <colID -> List<Range>> (size " + colIDs2RangesMap.size() + "): " + colIDs2RangesMap); prunedQualifiers = 2 > remainingQualifiers.size() ? null : (Qualifier[][]) remainingQualifiers.toArray( new Qualifier[0][] ); return colIDs2RangesMap; } } private static List<Range> constructRangesFromSingleQualifier( final Qualifier q ) throws SQLException, StandardException { List<Range> ranges = new ArrayList<Range>(); final String val = q.getOrderable().getString(); final int operator = q.getOperator(); boolean negate = q.negateCompareResult(); switch ( operator ) { case Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS: if (negate) { ranges.add(new Range(null, false, val, false)); ranges.add(new Range(val, false, null, false)); } else ranges.add(new Range(val)); break; case Orderable.ORDER_OP_GREATEROREQUALS: negate = !negate; case Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSTHAN: ranges.add( negate ? new Range(val, null) : new Range(null, false, val, false) ); break; case Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSOREQUALS: negate = !negate; case Orderable.ORDER_OP_GREATERTHAN: ranges.add( negate ? new Range(null, val) : new Range(val, false, null, false) ); break; default: String errmsg = "Invalid operator detected (not one of the Orderable interface): " + operator; logger.logThreadWarning(GDBMessages.ENGINE_OPERATOR_INVALID, "DERBY ERROR: " + errmsg); throw new SQLException( errmsg ); } return ranges; } // /** // * Automatically creates a logical table based on an Accumulo one. // * Logical table column types can later be changed manually by the user in gaiandb_config.properties if they want // * to expose them via more useful types for searching. // * // * @param ltName // * @param instanceID // * @param zookeepersCSV // * @param usr // * @param pwd // * @param accumuloTable // */ // public static void setLogicalTableForAccumulo( final String ltName, // final String instanceID, final String zookeepersCSV, final String usr, final String pwd, final String accumuloTable ) { // // // Use a hash of the connector properties to derive a unique vtiPropertiesID for looking them up. // // Note we need to order the Zookeepers list so it doesn't affect the hash. // final String accumuloInstancePropertiesHash = Util.getFileMD5(file)( instanceID + usr + pwd // + new TreeSet<String>( Arrays.asList( Util.splitByCommas(zookeepersCSV) ) ) ).hashCode(); // // final String vtiPropertiesID = AccumuloVTI.class.getSimpleName() + '.' + ; // // GaianDBConfigProcedures.setConfigProperties( // "values ('" + vtiInstancePrefix + ".INSTANCE', '" + instanceID) // // } /** * Automatically creates a logical table based on an Accumulo one. * Logical table column types can later be changed manually by the user if they want to expose them via more useful types for searching. * * This is the registration SQL for this procedure: * CREATE PROCEDURE setltforaccumulo( ltname varchar(32672), connectorID varchar(32672), tablexpr varchar(32672) ) * PARAMETER STYLE JAVA LANGUAGE JAVA MODIFIES SQL DATA EXTERNAL NAME 'com.ibm.db2j.AccumuloVTI.setLogicalTableForAccumulo' * * Example use: * call setltforaccumulo('LTBIKES', 'connectAcc:root:password@ets03.hursley.ibm.com/instance1', 'mytable') * * @param ltName * @param connectorInfo - Either just a connectorID (to point to an existing one), or * set a new connectorID, using format: connectorID:user:password@zookeepersCSV/instance; * Example: "Connector1:user:password@host1,,host3/MyAccumuloInstance" * @param accumuloTableExpression - This may contain a simple accumulo table name, or a more complex expression to allow: * - Access to different combinations of Accumulo table fields for each column family (e.g. extract column qualifier instead of the value field). * - Specification of the "Visibility" logical expression in square brackets. This visibility will be attributed * to the Scanner that will run against the Accumulo table - this needs to be a subset of the User's Visbility. * Example: "myAccumuloTable qualifiers [A&B]" */ public static void setLogicalTableForAccumulo( String ltName, String connectorID, String accumuloTableExpression ) throws Exception { final String HELP_SYNTAX = "Syntax: call setLogicalTableForAccumulo('<ltName>', '<connectorID>', '<accumuloTable>'), where " + "connectorID may also set itself: <connectorID:user:password@zookeepersCSV/instance>"; int idx = connectorID.indexOf(':'); String connectorInfo = null; if ( -1 < idx ) { connectorInfo = connectorID.substring(idx+1); connectorID = connectorID.substring(0, idx); } final String vtiPropertiesPrefix = AccumuloVTI.class.getSimpleName() + '.' + connectorID; String instance, zookeepersList, usr, pwd; if ( null != connectorInfo ) { // Create new connector properties // int idx1 = connectorInfo.indexOf('@'); // int idx2 = connectorInfo.indexOf(';'); // int idx3 = connectorInfo.indexOf(':'); int idx1 = connectorInfo.indexOf(':'); int idx2 = connectorInfo.indexOf('@'); int idx3 = connectorInfo.lastIndexOf('/'); if ( 0 > idx1 || 0 > idx2 || 0 > idx3 ) throw new Exception("Incorrect syntax for Accumulo connectorID argument. " + HELP_SYNTAX); // instance = connectorInfo.substring(0, idx1); // zookeepersList = connectorInfo.substring(idx1+1, idx2); // usr = connectorInfo.substring(idx2+1, idx3); // pwd = connectorInfo.substring(idx3+1); usr = connectorInfo.substring(0, idx1); pwd = connectorInfo.substring(idx1+1, idx2); zookeepersList = connectorInfo.substring(idx2+1, idx3); instance = connectorInfo.substring(idx3+1); GaianDBConfigProcedures.setConfigProperties( "values ('" + vtiPropertiesPrefix + '.' + PROPERTY_INSTANCE + "', '" + instance + "')" + ", ('" + vtiPropertiesPrefix + '.' + PROPERTY_ZOOKEEPERS + "', '" + zookeepersList + "')" + ", ('" + vtiPropertiesPrefix + '.' + PROPERTY_USR + "', '" + usr + "')" + ", ('" + vtiPropertiesPrefix + '.' + PROPERTY_PWD + "', '" + pwd + "')" ); } // Now build VTI instance to derive schema, then set logical table and data source properties final String vtiArgs = connectorID + ',' + accumuloTableExpression + ',' + DERIVE_SCHEMA_FROM_FIRST_ROW; AccumuloVTI vtiInstance = new AccumuloVTI( vtiArgs ); String tableDef = vtiInstance.getMetaData().getColumnsDefinition(); logger.logInfo("Derived schema (from 1st row) for Accumulo table '" + accumuloTableExpression + "': " + tableDef); // Map<String, String> ltProperties = GaianDBConfigProcedures.prepareLogicalTable(ltName, tableDef, ""); // ltProperties.put( ltName + "_DS0_VTI", AccumuloVTI.class.getName() ); // ltProperties.put( ltName + "_DS0_ARGS", vtiArgs ); // ltProperties.put( ltName + "_DS0_OPTIONS", "MAP_COLUMNS_BY_POSITION" ); // ltProperties.put( ltName + "_DS0_SCHEMA", tableDef ); // // apply all properties... GaianDBConfigProcedures.setLogicalTable(ltName, tableDef, ""); GaianDBConfigProcedures.setDataSourceVTI(ltName, "0", AccumuloVTI.class.getName(), vtiArgs, "MAP_COLUMNS_BY_POSITION", ""); // TODO: add _SCHEMA property in deriveRequiredDataSourceUpdatesFromOptionsAndColumnsLists() } }