package fq.router2.utils; import*; import java.math.BigInteger; import; public class IOUtils { public static File ETC_DIR = new File("/data/data/fq.router2/etc"); public static File VAR_DIR = new File("/data/data/fq.router2/var"); public static File LOG_DIR = new File("/data/data/fq.router2/log"); public static void createCommonDirs() { try { if (!ETC_DIR.exists()) { ETC_DIR.mkdir(); } if (!VAR_DIR.exists()) { VAR_DIR.mkdir(); } if (!LOG_DIR.exists()) { LOG_DIR.mkdir(); } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e("failed to create common dirs", e); } } public static String md5Checksum(File file) { try { return copy(new FileInputStream(file), null); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e("failed to calculate md5 checksum", e); return ""; } } public static interface LineRead { void onLineRead(String line); } public static interface ChunkCopied { void onChunkCopied(byte[] buffer, int length) throws Exception; } public static String readAll(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception { return readAll(inputStream, null); } public static String readAll(InputStream inputStream, LineRead callback) throws Exception { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String line; while (null != (line = reader.readLine())) { if (null != callback) { callback.onLineRead(line); } stringBuilder.append(line); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } finally { inputStream.close(); } } public static String copy(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream) throws Exception { return copy(inputStream, outputStream, null); } public static String copy(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, ChunkCopied callback) throws Exception { MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 32]; int length; while ((length = > 0) { md5.update(buffer, 0, length); if (null != outputStream) { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, length); } if (null != callback) { callback.onChunkCopied(buffer, length); } } return new BigInteger(1, md5.digest()).toString(16); } public static void writeToFile(File file, String content) { try { FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); try { OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream); try { writer.write(content); } finally { writer.close(); } } finally { outputStream.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static String readFromFile(File file) { if (!file.exists()) { return ""; } try { return readAll(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }