package fq.router2.life_cycle; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build; import fq.router2.R; import; import fq.router2.utils.IOUtils; import fq.router2.utils.LogUtils; import fq.router2.utils.ShellUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; public class Deployer { public static File PAYLOAD_ZIP = new File(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR, ""); public static File PAYLOAD_CHECKSUM = new File(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR, "payload.checksum"); public static File PYTHON_DIR = new File(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR, "python"); public static File PYTHON_LAUNCHER = new File(PYTHON_DIR, "bin/python"); public static File WIFI_TOOLS_DIR = new File(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR, "wifi-tools"); public static File PROXY_TOOLS_DIR = new File(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR, "proxy-tools"); public static File MANAGER_DIR = new File(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR, "manager"); public static File MANAGER_MAIN_PY = new File(MANAGER_DIR, ""); public static File MANAGER_VPN_PY = new File(MANAGER_DIR, ""); private final Context context; public Deployer(Context context) { this.context = context; } public String deploy() { LogUtils.i("Deploying payload"); try { copyBusybox(); makeExecutable(ShellUtils.BUSYBOX_FILE); } catch (Exception e) { return logFatalError("failed to copy busybox", e); } boolean foundPayloadUpdate; try { foundPayloadUpdate = shouldDeployPayload(); } catch (Exception e) { return logFatalError("failed to check update", e); } if (foundPayloadUpdate) { context.sendBroadcast(new LaunchingIntent(_(R.string.status_clear_old_files), 30)); try { try { ManagerProcess.kill(); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e("failed to kill manager before redeploy", e); // ignore and continue } clearDataDirectory(); } catch (Exception e) { return logFatalError("failed to clear data directory", e); } } context.sendBroadcast(new LaunchingIntent(_(R.string.status_copy_files), 35)); try { copyBusybox(); makeExecutable(ShellUtils.BUSYBOX_FILE); copyPayloadZip(); } catch (Exception e) { return logFatalError("failed to copy", e); } context.sendBroadcast(new LaunchingIntent(_(R.string.status_unzip_files), 40)); try { unzipPayloadZip(); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = logFatalError("failed to unzip", e); try { if (ShellUtils.execute("getprop", "ro.product.cpu.abi").trim().equals("x86")) { return _(R.string.x86_is_not_supported); } } catch (Exception e2) { // ignore } return msg; } try { linkLibs(); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e("failed to link libs", e); } try { makePayloadExecutable(); } catch (Exception e) { return logFatalError("failed to make payload executable", e); } LogUtils.i("Deployed payload"); return ""; } private String _(int id) { return context.getResources().getString(id); } private boolean shouldDeployPayload() throws Exception { if (!PAYLOAD_CHECKSUM.exists()) { LogUtils.i("no checksum, assume it is old"); return true; } if (!isPayloadComplete()) { LogUtils.i("payload is corrupted"); return true; } String oldChecksum = IOUtils.readFromFile(PAYLOAD_CHECKSUM); InputStream inputStream = context.getAssets().open(""); try { String newChecksum = IOUtils.copy(inputStream, null); if (oldChecksum.equals(newChecksum)) { LogUtils.i("no payload update found"); return false; } else { LogUtils.i("found payload update"); return true; } } finally { inputStream.close(); } } private boolean isPayloadComplete() { return MANAGER_VPN_PY.exists() && PYTHON_LAUNCHER.exists() && WIFI_TOOLS_DIR.exists(); } private void clearDataDirectory() throws Exception { if (ShellUtils.DATA_DIR.exists()) { LogUtils.i("clear data dir"); deleteDirectory(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR + "/python"); deleteDirectory(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR + "/wifi-tools"); deleteDirectory(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR + "/proxy-tools"); deleteDirectory(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR + "/manager"); deleteDirectory(ShellUtils.DATA_DIR + "/"); new File("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox").delete(); } } private void deleteDirectory(String path) throws Exception { if (new File(path).exists()) { try { ShellUtils.execute("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox", "rm", "-rf", path); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e("failed to delete " + path, e); } } if (new File(path).exists()) { LogUtils.e("failed to delete " + path); } } private void copyPayloadZip() throws Exception { if (PAYLOAD_ZIP.exists()) { LogUtils.i("skip copy as it already exists"); return; } if (PYTHON_DIR.exists()) { LogUtils.i("skip copy as it has already been unzipped"); return; } LogUtils.i("copying to data directory"); InputStream inputStream = context.getAssets().open(""); try { OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(PAYLOAD_ZIP); try { String checksum = IOUtils.copy(inputStream, outputStream); IOUtils.writeToFile(PAYLOAD_CHECKSUM, checksum); } finally { outputStream.close(); } } finally { inputStream.close(); } LogUtils.i("successfully copied"); } private void copyBusybox() throws Exception { if (ShellUtils.BUSYBOX_FILE.exists()) { LogUtils.i("skip copy busybox as it already exists"); return; } LogUtils.i("copying busybox to data directory"); InputStream inputStream = context.getAssets().open("busybox"); try { OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(ShellUtils.BUSYBOX_FILE); try { IOUtils.copy(inputStream, outputStream); } finally { outputStream.close(); } } finally { inputStream.close(); } LogUtils.i("successfully copied busybox"); } private void unzipPayloadZip() throws Exception { if (PYTHON_DIR.exists()) { LogUtils.i("skip unzip as it has already been unzipped"); return; } LogUtils.i("unzipping"); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( ShellUtils.BUSYBOX_FILE + " unzip -o -q", new String[0], ShellUtils.DATA_DIR); try { ShellUtils.waitFor("unzip", process); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e("unzip failed", e); Thread.sleep(3000); process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( ShellUtils.BUSYBOX_FILE + " unzip -o -q", new String[0], ShellUtils.DATA_DIR); ShellUtils.waitFor("unzip", process); } if (!new File("/data/data/fq.router2/").delete()) { LogUtils.i("failed to delete after unzip"); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { LogUtils.i("sleep 2 seconds"); Thread.sleep(2000); // wait for the files written out if (isPayloadComplete()) { LogUtils.i("payload is complete"); break; } } LogUtils.i("successfully unzipped"); } private void linkLibs() throws Exception { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) { return; // try narrow the effect range } if (isXperia()) { LogUtils.i("skip link libs for xperia"); // will cause reboot return; } if (!shouldLinkLibs()) { return; } ShellUtils.sudo("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox", "mount", "-o", "remount,rw", "/system"); try { File[] files = new File(PYTHON_DIR, "lib").listFiles(); if (files == null) { throw new Exception(new File(PYTHON_DIR, "lib") + " not found"); } else { for (File file : files) { String targetPath = "/system/lib/" + file.getName(); if (!new File(targetPath).exists()) { try { LogUtils.i("rm " + targetPath); ShellUtils.sudo("rm " + targetPath); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } ShellUtils.sudo(ShellUtils.BUSYBOX_FILE.getCanonicalPath(), "ln", "-s", file.getCanonicalPath(), targetPath); } } } } finally { ShellUtils.sudo("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox", "mount", "-o", "remount,ro", "/system"); } } private boolean isXperia() { try { return new File("/sbin/ric").exists(); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e("failed to tell if it is xperia", e); return true; } } private boolean shouldLinkLibs() throws Exception { File[] files = new File(PYTHON_DIR, "lib").listFiles(); if (files == null) { throw new Exception(new File(PYTHON_DIR, "lib") + " not found"); } else { for (File file : files) { String targetPath = "/system/lib/" + file.getName(); if (!new File(targetPath).exists()) { return true; } } } return false; } private void makePayloadExecutable() throws Exception { File[] files = new File(PYTHON_DIR, "bin").listFiles(); if (files == null) { throw new Exception(new File(PYTHON_DIR, "bin") + " not found"); } else { for (File file : files) { makeExecutable(file); } } try { files = WIFI_TOOLS_DIR.listFiles(); if (files == null) { throw new Exception(WIFI_TOOLS_DIR + " not found"); } else { for (File file : files) { makeExecutable(file); } } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e("failed to make wifi tools executable", e); } // files = PROXY_TOOLS_DIR.listFiles(); // if (files == null) { // throw new Exception(PROXY_TOOLS_DIR + " not found"); // } else { // for (File file : files) { // makeExecutable(file); // } // } } private void makeExecutable(File file) throws Exception { try { Method setExecutableMethod = File.class.getMethod("setExecutable", boolean.class, boolean.class); if ((Boolean) setExecutableMethod.invoke(file, true, true)) { LogUtils.i("successfully made " + file.getName() + " executable"); } else { LogUtils.i("failed to make " + file.getName() + " executable"); ShellUtils.sudo(ShellUtils.findCommand("chmod"), "0700", file.getCanonicalPath()); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { ShellUtils.execute("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox", "chmod", "0700", file.getAbsolutePath()); LogUtils.i("successfully made " + file.getName() + " executable"); } } private String logFatalError(String message, Exception e) { LogUtils.e(message, e); return message; } }