package fq.router2.life_cycle; import fq.router2.utils.IOUtils; import fq.router2.utils.LogUtils; import fq.router2.utils.ShellUtils; import; public class ManagerProcess { public static void kill() throws Exception { if (Deployer.MANAGER_MAIN_PY.exists() && ShellUtils.isRooted()) { LogUtils.i("run clean"); try { if ("run-needs-su".equals(getRunMode())) { ShellUtils.execute( ShellUtils.pythonEnv(), Deployer.PYTHON_LAUNCHER.getAbsolutePath(), Deployer.MANAGER_MAIN_PY.getAbsolutePath(), "clean"); } else { ShellUtils.sudo( ShellUtils.pythonEnv(), Deployer.PYTHON_LAUNCHER.getAbsolutePath(), Deployer.MANAGER_MAIN_PY.getAbsolutePath(), "clean"); } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e("failed to clean", e); } } LogUtils.i("killall python"); if (new File("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox").exists()) { ShellUtils.sudo("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox", "killall", "python"); } else { ShellUtils.sudo(ShellUtils.findCommand("killall"), "python"); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (exists()) { Thread.sleep(3000); } else { LogUtils.i("killall python done cleanly"); return; } } LogUtils.e("killall python by force"); if (new File("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox").exists()) { ShellUtils.sudo("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox", "killall", "-KILL", "python"); } else { ShellUtils.sudo(ShellUtils.findCommand("killall"), "-KILL", "python"); } } public static boolean exists() { try { String output; if (new File("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox").exists()) { output = ShellUtils.sudo("/data/data/fq.router2/busybox", "killall", "-0", "python"); } else { output = ShellUtils.sudo(ShellUtils.findCommand("killall"), "-0", "python"); } if (output.contains("no process killed")) { return false; } else { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public static String getRunMode() { if (!Deployer.MANAGER_MAIN_PY.exists()) { return "run-normally"; } File runModeCacheFile = new File("/data/data/fq.router2/etc/run-mode2"); if (runModeCacheFile.exists()) { String cacheContent = IOUtils.readFromFile(runModeCacheFile); if ("run-normally".equals(cacheContent)) { return "run-normally"; } else { LogUtils.e(cacheContent); return "run-needs-su"; } } // S4 will fail this test try { String output = ShellUtils.sudo(ShellUtils.pythonEnv(), Deployer.PYTHON_LAUNCHER + " -c \"import subprocess; print(subprocess.check_output(['" + ShellUtils.BUSYBOX_FILE.getCanonicalPath() + "', 'echo', 'hello']))\"").trim(); LogUtils.i("get run mode: " + output); if (output.contains("Permission denied")) { IOUtils.writeToFile(runModeCacheFile, "wrong output: " + output); return "run-needs-su"; } else { IOUtils.writeToFile(runModeCacheFile, "run-normally"); return "run-normally"; } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.e("failed to test subprocess", e); IOUtils.writeToFile(runModeCacheFile, "exception: " + e); return "run-needs-su"; } } }