package org.sdnplatform.sync.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; import org.sdnplatform.sync.IStoreClient; import org.sdnplatform.sync.Versioned; import org.sdnplatform.sync.error.ObsoleteVersionException; import org.sdnplatform.sync.internal.config.Node; import org.sdnplatform.sync.internal.config.SyncStoreCCProvider; import; import; /** * This tool makes bootstrapping a cluster simpler by writing the appropriate * configuration parameters to the local system store * @author readams */ public class BootstrapTool extends SyncClientBase { /** * Command-line settings */ protected BootstrapToolSettings bSettings; protected static class BootstrapToolSettings extends SyncClientBaseSettings { @Option(name="--seeds", aliases="-s", usage="Comma-separated list of seeds specified as " + "ipaddr:port, such as,") protected String seeds; @Option(name="--localNodeDomain", aliases="-d", usage="Set the domain ID of the local node") protected short domainId; @Option(name="--localNodePort", usage="Set the listen port for the local node") protected int localNodePort; @Option(name="--localNodeIface", usage="Set the interface name to listen on for the local node") protected String localNodeIface; @Option(name="--localNodeHost", usage="Set the hostname for the local node (overrides " + "localNodeIface)") protected String localNodeHost; @Option(name="--reseed", aliases="-r", usage="If you simultaneously change the IP of every node " + "in the cluster, the cluster may not automatically " + "reform. Run this command to cause it to rerun the " + "bootstrap process while retaining existing node IDs. " + "The node will be put into its own local domain.") protected boolean reseed; @Option(name="--delete", usage="Remove the specified node from the cluster. Note " + "that if the node is still active it will rejoin " + "automatically, so only run this once the node has " + "been disabled.") protected short deleteNode; } public BootstrapTool(BootstrapToolSettings bootstrapSettings) { super(bootstrapSettings); this.bSettings = bootstrapSettings; } protected void bootstrap() throws Exception { IStoreClient<String, String> uStoreClient = syncManager.getStoreClient(SyncStoreCCProvider. SYSTEM_UNSYNC_STORE, String.class, String.class); IStoreClient<Short, Node> nodeStoreClient = syncManager.getStoreClient(SyncStoreCCProvider. SYSTEM_NODE_STORE, Short.class, Node.class); if (bSettings.localNodeIface != null) { while (true) { try { uStoreClient.put(SyncStoreCCProvider.LOCAL_NODE_IFACE, bSettings.localNodeIface); break; } catch (ObsoleteVersionException e) {} } } if (bSettings.localNodePort != 0) { while (true) { try { uStoreClient.put(SyncStoreCCProvider.LOCAL_NODE_IFACE, Integer.toString(bSettings.localNodePort)); break; } catch (ObsoleteVersionException e) {} } } if (bSettings.localNodeHost != null) { while (true) { try { uStoreClient.put(SyncStoreCCProvider.LOCAL_NODE_HOSTNAME, bSettings.localNodeHost); break; } catch (ObsoleteVersionException e) {} } } if (bSettings.seeds != null) { String[] seedsStr = bSettings.seeds.split(","); boolean seedsvalid = true; ArrayList<HostAndPort> seedsList = new ArrayList<HostAndPort>(); for (String s : seedsStr) { try { seedsList.add(HostAndPort.fromString(s)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { err.println("Invalid seed: " + e.getMessage()); seedsvalid = false; } } if (!seedsvalid) { System.exit(2); } String seeds = Joiner.on(',').join(seedsList); while (true) { try { uStoreClient.put(SyncStoreCCProvider.AUTH_SCHEME, bSettings.authScheme.toString()); uStoreClient.put(SyncStoreCCProvider.KEY_STORE_PATH, bSettings.keyStorePath); uStoreClient.put(SyncStoreCCProvider.KEY_STORE_PASSWORD, bSettings.keyStorePassword); uStoreClient.put(SyncStoreCCProvider.SEEDS, seeds); break; } catch (ObsoleteVersionException e) {} } } Short localNodeId = null; if (bSettings.reseed || bSettings.domainId != 0) { String localNodeIdStr = waitForValue(uStoreClient, SyncStoreCCProvider.LOCAL_NODE_ID, 10000000000L); if (localNodeIdStr == null) { err.println("Error: Local node ID is not set; you must " + "first seed the cluster by using the --seeds " + "option"); System.exit(3); } localNodeId = Short.valueOf(localNodeIdStr); } if (bSettings.reseed) { while (true) { try { nodeStoreClient.delete(localNodeId); break; } catch (ObsoleteVersionException e) { }; } } if (bSettings.domainId != 0) { while (true) { try { Versioned<Node> localNode = nodeStoreClient.get(localNodeId); if (localNode.getValue() == null) { err.println("Could not set domain ID for local node " + "because local node not found in system " + "node store"); System.exit(4); } Node o = localNode.getValue(); localNode.setValue(new Node(o.getHostname(), o.getPort(), o.getNodeId(), bSettings.domainId)); nodeStoreClient.put(localNodeId, localNode); break; } catch (ObsoleteVersionException e) { }; } } if (bSettings.deleteNode != 0) { while (true) { try { nodeStoreClient.delete(bSettings.deleteNode); break; } catch (ObsoleteVersionException e) {} } } } private String waitForValue(IStoreClient<String, String> uStoreClient, String key, long maxWait) throws Exception { long start = System.nanoTime(); while (start + maxWait > System.nanoTime()) { String v = uStoreClient.getValue(key); if (v != null) { return v; } Thread.sleep(100); } return null; } // **** // Main // **** public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BootstrapToolSettings settings = new BootstrapToolSettings(); settings.init(args); BootstrapTool client = new BootstrapTool(settings); client.connect(); try { client.bootstrap(); } finally { client.cleanup(); } } }