package net.floodlightcontroller.core.internal; import; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.*; import net.floodlightcontroller.core.internal.Controller.IUpdate; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFControllerRole; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.DatapathId; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * A utility class to manage the <i>controller roles</i>. * * A utility class to manage the <i>controller roles</i> as opposed * to the switch roles. The class manages the controllers current role, * handles role change requests, and maintains the list of connected * switch(-channel) so it can notify the switches of role changes. * * We need to ensure that every connected switch is always send the * correct role. Therefore, switch add, sending of the initial role, and * changing role need to use mutexes to ensure this. This has the ugly * side-effect of requiring calls between controller and OFChannelHandler * * This class is fully thread safe. Its method can safely be called from * any thread. * * @author gregor * */ public class RoleManager { private volatile RoleInfo currentRoleInfo; private final Controller controller; private final IShutdownService shutdownService; private final RoleManagerCounters counters; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RoleManager.class); /** * @param role initial role * @param roleChangeDescription initial value of the change description * @throws NullPointerException if role or roleChangeDescription is null */ public RoleManager(@Nonnull Controller controller, @Nonnull IShutdownService shutdownService, @Nonnull HARole role, @Nonnull String roleChangeDescription) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(controller, "controller must not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(role, "role must not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(roleChangeDescription, "roleChangeDescription must not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(shutdownService, "shutdownService must not be null"); this.currentRoleInfo = new RoleInfo(role, roleChangeDescription, new Date()); this.controller = controller; this.shutdownService = shutdownService; this.counters = new RoleManagerCounters(controller.getDebugCounter()); } /** * Re-assert a role for the given channel handler. * * The caller specifies the role that should be reasserted. We only * reassert the role if the controller's current role matches the * reasserted role and there is no role request for the reasserted role * pending. * @param ofSwitchHandshakeHandler The OFChannelHandler on which we should reassert. * @param role The role to reassert */ public synchronized void reassertRole(OFSwitchHandshakeHandler ofSwitchHandshakeHandler, HARole role) { // check if the requested reassertion actually makes sense if (this.getRole() != role) return; ofSwitchHandshakeHandler.sendRoleRequestIfNotPending(this.getRole().getOFRole()); } /** * Set the controller's new role and notify switches. * * This method updates the controllers current role and notifies all * connected switches of the new role is different from the current * role. We dampen calls to this method. See class description for * details. * * @param role The new role. * @param roleChangeDescription A textual description of why the role * was changed. For information purposes only. * @throws NullPointerException if role or roleChangeDescription is null */ public synchronized void setRole(HARole role, String roleChangeDescription) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(role, "role must not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(roleChangeDescription, "roleChangeDescription must not be null"); if (role == getRole()) { counters.setSameRole.increment(); log.debug("Received role request for {} but controller is " + "already {}. Ignoring it.", role, this.getRole()); return; } if (this.getRole() == HARole.STANDBY && role == HARole.ACTIVE) { // At this point we are guaranteed that we will execute the code // below exactly once during the lifetime of this process! And // it will be a to MASTER transition counters.setRoleMaster.increment(); }"Received role request for {} (reason: {})." + " Initiating transition", role, roleChangeDescription); currentRoleInfo = new RoleInfo(role, roleChangeDescription, new Date()); controller.addUpdateToQueue(new HARoleUpdate(role)); controller.addUpdateToQueue(new SwitchRoleUpdate(role)); } @SuppressFBWarnings(value="UG_SYNC_SET_UNSYNC_GET", justification = "setter is synchronized for mutual exclusion, " + "currentRoleInfo is volatile, so no sync on getter needed") public synchronized HARole getRole() { return currentRoleInfo.getRole(); } public synchronized OFControllerRole getOFControllerRole() { return getRole().getOFRole(); } /** * Return the RoleInfo object describing the current role. * * Return the RoleInfo object describing the current role. The * RoleInfo object is used by REST API users. * @return the current RoleInfo object */ public RoleInfo getRoleInfo() { return currentRoleInfo; } private void attemptActiveTransition() { if(!switchesHaveAnotherMaster()){ // No valid cluster controller connections found, become ACTIVE! setRole(HARole.ACTIVE, "Leader election assigned ACTIVE role"); } } /** * Iterates over all the switches and checks to see if they have controller * connections that points towards another master controller. * @return */ private boolean switchesHaveAnotherMaster() { IOFSwitchService switchService = controller.getSwitchService(); for(Entry<DatapathId, IOFSwitch> switchMap : switchService.getAllSwitchMap().entrySet()){ IOFSwitchBackend sw = (IOFSwitchBackend) switchMap.getValue(); if(sw.hasAnotherMaster()){ return true; } } return false; } public void notifyControllerConnectionUpdate() { if(currentRoleInfo.getRole() != HARole.ACTIVE) { attemptActiveTransition(); } } /** * Update message indicating controller's role has changed. * RoleManager, which enqueues these updates guarantees that we will * only have a single transition from SLAVE to MASTER. * * When the role update from master to slave is complete, the HARoleUpdate * will terminate floodlight. */ private class HARoleUpdate implements IUpdate { private final HARole newRole; public HARoleUpdate(HARole newRole) { this.newRole = newRole; } @Override public void dispatch() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Dispatching HA Role update newRole = {}", newRole); } for (IHAListener listener : Controller.haListeners.getOrderedListeners()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Calling HAListener {} with transitionTo{}", listener.getName(), newRole); } switch(newRole) { case ACTIVE: listener.transitionToActive(); break; case STANDBY: listener.transitionToStandby(); break; } } controller.setNotifiedRole(newRole); if (newRole == HARole.STANDBY && Controller.shutdownOnTransitionToStandby) { String reason = String.format("Received role request to " + "transition from ACTIVE to STANDBY (reason: %s)", getRoleInfo().getRoleChangeDescription()); shutdownService.terminate(reason, 0); } } } public class SwitchRoleUpdate implements IUpdate { private final HARole role; public SwitchRoleUpdate(HARole role) { this.role = role; } @Override public void dispatch() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Dispatching switch role update newRole = {}, switch role = {}", this.role, this.role.getOFRole()); } for (OFSwitchHandshakeHandler h: controller.getSwitchService().getSwitchHandshakeHandlers()) h.sendRoleRequest(this.role.getOFRole()); } } public RoleManagerCounters getCounters() { return this.counters; } }