package net.floodlightcontroller.util; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFFactories; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFFlowMod; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFInstructionType; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFOxsList; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFStatTriggerFlags; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFVersion; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.OFInstruction; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.OFInstructionApplyActions; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.OFInstructionClearActions; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.OFInstructionExperimenter; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.OFInstructionGotoTable; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.OFInstructionMeter; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.OFInstructionStatTrigger; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.OFInstructionWriteActions; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.OFInstructionWriteMetadata; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxs.OFOxs; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxs.OFOxsByteCount; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxs.OFOxsDuration; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxs.OFOxsFlowCount; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxs.OFOxsIdleTime; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxs.OFOxsPacketCount; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.stat.StatField; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.TableId; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.U32; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.U64; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator.Feature; /** * Convert OFInstructions to and from dpctl/ofctl-style strings. * Used primarily by the static flow pusher to store and retreive * flow entries. * * @author Ryan Izard <,> * */ public class InstructionUtils { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InstructionUtils.class); public static final String STR_GOTO_TABLE = "instruction_goto_table"; public static final String STR_WRITE_METADATA = "instruction_write_metadata"; public static final String STR_WRITE_ACTIONS = "instruction_write_actions"; public static final String STR_APPLY_ACTIONS = "instruction_apply_actions"; public static final String STR_CLEAR_ACTIONS = "instruction_clear_actions"; public static final String STR_GOTO_METER = "instruction_goto_meter"; public static final String STR_EXPERIMENTER = "instruction_experimenter"; public static final String STR_DEPRECATED = "instruction_deprecated"; public static final String STR_STAT_TRIGGER = "instruction_stat_trigger"; private static final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); private static final String JSON_EMPTY_OBJECT = "{}"; /** * Adds the instructions to the list of OFInstructions in the OFFlowMod. Any pre-existing * instruction of the same type is replaced with OFInstruction inst. * @param fmb, the flow mod to append the instruction to * @param inst, the instuction to append */ public static void appendInstruction(OFFlowMod.Builder fmb, OFInstruction inst) { List<OFInstruction> newIl = new ArrayList<OFInstruction>(); List<OFInstruction> oldIl = fmb.getInstructions(); if (oldIl != null) { // keep any existing instructions that were added earlier newIl.addAll(fmb.getInstructions()); } for (OFInstruction i : newIl) { // remove any duplicates. Only one of each instruction. if (i.getType() == inst.getType()) { newIl.remove(i); } } newIl.add(inst); fmb.setInstructions(newIl); } /** * Get string name of OFInstructionType * @param t * @return */ public static String getInstructionName(OFInstructionType t) { switch (t) { case APPLY_ACTIONS: return STR_APPLY_ACTIONS; case CLEAR_ACTIONS: return STR_CLEAR_ACTIONS; case DEPRECATED: return STR_DEPRECATED; case EXPERIMENTER: return STR_EXPERIMENTER; case GOTO_TABLE: return STR_GOTO_TABLE; case METER: return STR_GOTO_METER; case STAT_TRIGGER: return STR_STAT_TRIGGER; case WRITE_ACTIONS: return STR_WRITE_ACTIONS; case WRITE_METADATA: return STR_WRITE_METADATA; } return ""; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convert an OFInstructionGotoTable to string form. The string will be formatted * in a dpctl/ofctl-style syntax. * @param inst; The instruction to convert to a string * @return */ public static String gotoTableToString(OFInstructionGotoTable inst) { return Short.toString(inst.getTableId().getValue()); } /** * Convert the string representation of an OFInstructionGotoTable to * an OFInstructionGotoTable. The instruction will be set within the * OFFlowMod.Builder provided. Notice nothing is returned, but the * side effect is the addition of an instruction in the OFFlowMod.Builder. * @param fmb; The FMB in which to append the new instruction * @param instStr; The string to parse the instruction from */ public static void gotoTableFromString(OFFlowMod.Builder fmb, String inst) { if (inst == null || inst.equals("")) { return; } if (fmb.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_11) < 0) { log.error("Goto Table Instruction not supported in OpenFlow 1.0"); return; } OFInstructionGotoTable.Builder ib = OFFactories.getFactory(fmb.getVersion()).instructions().buildGotoTable(); // Get the table ID ib.setTableId(TableId.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(inst))); log.debug("Appending GotoTable instruction: {}",; appendInstruction(fmb,; log.debug("All instructions after append: {}", fmb.getInstructions()); } /** * Convert an OFInstructionMetadata to string form. The string will be formatted * in a dpctl/ofctl-style syntax. * @param inst; The instruction to convert to a string * @return */ public static String writeMetadataToString(OFInstructionWriteMetadata inst) { /* * U64.toString() formats with a leading 0x */ if (inst.getMetadataMask().equals(U64.NO_MASK)) { // don't give the mask if it's all 1's --> omit "/" return inst.getMetadata().toString(); } else { return inst.getMetadata().toString() + "/" + inst.getMetadataMask().toString(); } } /** * Convert the string representation of an OFInstructionMetadata to * an OFInstructionMetadata. The instruction will be set within the * OFFlowMod.Builder provided. Notice nothing is returned, but the * side effect is the addition of an instruction in the OFFlowMod.Builder. * @param fmb; The FMB in which to append the new instruction * @param instStr; The string to parse the instruction from */ public static void writeMetadataFromString(OFFlowMod.Builder fmb, String inst) { if (inst == null || inst.equals("")) { return; } if (fmb.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_11) < 0) { log.error("Write Metadata Instruction not supported in OpenFlow 1.0"); return; } OFInstructionWriteMetadata.Builder ib = OFFactories.getFactory(fmb.getVersion()).instructions().buildWriteMetadata(); // Process tokens (should be metadata or its mask) String[] keyValue = inst.split("/"); if (keyValue.length > 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[Metadata, Mask] " + keyValue + " does not have form 'metadata/mask' or 'metadata' for parsing " + inst); } else if (keyValue.length == 1) { log.debug("No mask detected in OFInstructionWriteMetaData string."); } else if (keyValue.length == 2) { log.debug("Detected mask in OFInstructionWriteMetaData string."); } // Get the metadata ib.setMetadata(U64.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(keyValue[0]))); // Get the optional mask if (keyValue.length == 2) { ib.setMetadataMask(U64.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(keyValue[1]))); } else { ib.setMetadataMask(U64.NO_MASK); } log.debug("Appending WriteMetadata instruction: {}",; appendInstruction(fmb,; log.debug("All instructions after append: {}", fmb.getInstructions()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convert an OFInstructionWriteActions to string form. The string will be formatted * in a dpctl/ofctl-style syntax. * @param inst; The instruction to convert to a string * @return */ public static String writeActionsToString(OFInstructionWriteActions inst) throws Exception { return ActionUtils.actionsToString(inst.getActions()); } /** * Convert the string representation of an OFInstructionWriteActions to * an OFInstructionWriteActions. The instruction will be set within the * OFFlowMod.Builder provided. Notice nothing is returned, but the * side effect is the addition of an instruction in the OFFlowMod.Builder. * @param fmb; The FMB in which to append the new instruction * @param instStr; The string to parse the instruction from */ public static void writeActionsFromString(OFFlowMod.Builder fmb, String inst) { if (fmb.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_11) < 0) { log.error("Write Actions Instruction not supported in OpenFlow 1.0"); return; } OFFlowMod.Builder tmpFmb = OFFactories.getFactory(fmb.getVersion()).buildFlowModify(); // ActionUtils.fromString() will use setActions(), which should not be used for OF1.3; use temp to avoid overwriting any applyActions data OFInstructionWriteActions.Builder ib = OFFactories.getFactory(fmb.getVersion()).instructions().buildWriteActions(); ActionUtils.fromString(tmpFmb, inst); ib.setActions(tmpFmb.getActions()); log.debug("Appending WriteActions instruction: {}",; appendInstruction(fmb,; log.debug("All instructions after append: {}", fmb.getInstructions()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convert an OFInstructionApplyActions to string form. The string will be formatted * in a dpctl/ofctl-style syntax. * @param inst; The instruction to convert to a string * @return */ public static String applyActionsToString(OFInstructionApplyActions inst) throws Exception { return ActionUtils.actionsToString(inst.getActions()); } /** * Convert the string representation of an OFInstructionApplyActions to * an OFInstructionApplyActions. The instruction will be set within the * OFFlowMod.Builder provided. Notice nothing is returned, but the * side effect is the addition of an instruction in the OFFlowMod.Builder. * @param fmb; The FMB in which to append the new instruction * @param instStr; The string to parse the instruction from */ public static void applyActionsFromString(OFFlowMod.Builder fmb, String inst) { if (fmb.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_11) < 0) { log.error("Apply Actions Instruction not supported in OpenFlow 1.0"); return; } OFFlowMod.Builder tmpFmb = OFFactories.getFactory(fmb.getVersion()).buildFlowModify(); OFInstructionApplyActions.Builder ib = OFFactories.getFactory(fmb.getVersion()).instructions().buildApplyActions(); ActionUtils.fromString(tmpFmb, inst); ib.setActions(tmpFmb.getActions()); log.debug("Appending ApplyActions instruction: {}",; appendInstruction(fmb,; log.debug("All instructions after append: {}", fmb.getInstructions()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convert an OFInstructionClearActions to string form. The string will be formatted * in a dpctl/ofctl-style syntax. * @param inst; The instruction to convert to a string * @return */ public static String clearActionsToString(OFInstructionClearActions inst) { return ""; // No data for this instruction. The presence of it's key indicates it is to be applied. } /** * Convert the string representation of an OFInstructionClearActions to * an OFInstructionClearActions. The instruction will be set within the * OFFlowMod.Builder provided. Notice nothing is returned, but the * side effect is the addition of an instruction in the OFFlowMod.Builder. * @param fmb; The FMB in which to append the new instruction * @param instStr; The string to parse the instruction from */ public static void clearActionsFromString(OFFlowMod.Builder fmb, String inst) { if (fmb.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_11) < 0) { log.error("Clear Actions Instruction not supported in OpenFlow 1.0"); return; } if (inst != null && inst.trim().isEmpty()) { /* Allow the empty string, since this is what specifies clear (i.e. key clear does not have any defined values). */ OFInstructionClearActions i = OFFactories.getFactory(fmb.getVersion()).instructions().clearActions(); log.debug("Appending ClearActions instruction: {}", i); appendInstruction(fmb, i); log.debug("All instructions after append: {}", fmb.getInstructions()); } else { log.error("Got non-empty or null string, but ClearActions should not have any String sub-fields: {}", inst); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convert an OFInstructionMeter to string form. The string will be formatted * in a dpctl/ofctl-style syntax. * @param inst; The instruction to convert to a string * @return */ public static String meterToString(OFInstructionMeter inst) { return Long.toString(inst.getMeterId()); } /** * Convert the string representation of an OFInstructionMeter to * an OFInstructionMeter. The instruction will be set within the * OFFlowMod.Builder provided. Notice nothing is returned, but the * side effect is the addition of an instruction in the OFFlowMod.Builder. * @param fmb; The FMB in which to append the new instruction * @param instStr; The string to parse the instruction from */ public static void meterFromString(OFFlowMod.Builder fmb, String inst) { if (inst == null || inst.isEmpty()) { return; } if (fmb.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_13) < 0) { log.error("Goto Meter Instruction not supported in OpenFlow 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2"); return; } OFInstructionMeter.Builder ib = OFFactories.getFactory(fmb.getVersion()).instructions().buildMeter(); ib.setMeterId(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(inst)); log.debug("Appending (Goto)Meter instruction: {}",; appendInstruction(fmb,; log.debug("All instructions after append: {}", fmb.getInstructions()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convert an OFInstructionExperimenter to string form. The string will be formatted * in a dpctl/ofctl-style syntax. * @param inst; The instruction to convert to a string * @return */ public static String experimenterToString(OFInstructionExperimenter inst) { return Long.toString(inst.getExperimenter()); } /** * Convert the string representation of an OFInstructionExperimenter to * an OFInstructionExperimenter. The instruction will be set within the * OFFlowMod.Builder provided. Notice nothing is returned, but the * side effect is the addition of an instruction in the OFFlowMod.Builder. * @param fmb; The FMB in which to append the new instruction * @param instStr; The string to parse the instruction from */ public static void experimenterFromString(OFFlowMod.Builder fmb, String inst) { log.warn("OFInstructionExperimenter from-string not implemented"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convert an deprecated (OF1.5+) OFInstructionMeter to string form. * @param inst; The instruction to convert to a string * @return */ public static String deprecatedToString(OFInstruction inst) { log.warn("OFInstructionDeprecated is being used. Did you mean to use OF1.5+ OFActionMeter?"); return ""; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convert JSON string OFInstructionStatTrigger object. * @param fmb; Where the instruction will be placed * @param json; The string to convert to an OFInstructionStatTrigger * @return */ public static boolean statTriggerFromJsonString(OFFlowMod.Builder fmb, String json) { OFInstructionStatTrigger i = statTriggerFromJsonString(fmb.getVersion(), json); if (i != null) { appendInstruction(fmb, i); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Convert JSON string OFInstructionStatTrigger object. * @param json; The string to convert to an OFInstructionStatTrigger * @return */ public static OFInstructionStatTrigger statTriggerFromJsonString(OFVersion v, String json) { if (json == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON string cannot be null"); } final Set<OFStatTriggerFlags> flags = new HashSet<OFStatTriggerFlags>(); final Set<OFOxs<?>> thresholds = new HashSet<OFOxs<?>>(); final JsonParser jp; try { jp = jsonFactory.createParser(json); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not create JSON parser for OFFlowMod.Builder {}", json); return null; } try { if (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) { throw new IOException("Expected START_OBJECT"); } while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { String key = jp.getCurrentName().toLowerCase().trim(); if (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_ARRAY) { throw new IOException("Expected START_ARRAY"); } switch (key) { case "flags": while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) { boolean flagSet = false; for (OFStatTriggerFlags f : OFStatTriggerFlags.values()) { if (f.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(jp.getText().trim())) { /* case-insensitive, unlike enum.valueOf() */ flags.add(f); flagSet = true; break; } } if (!flagSet) { log.warn("Unknown flag {}", jp.getText()); } } break; case "thresholds": while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) { if (jp.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) { throw new IOException("Expected START_OBJECT"); } OFOxs.Builder<?> threshold = null; U64 value = null; while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { switch (jp.getCurrentName().toLowerCase().trim()) { case "oxs_type": String type = jp.getText().toLowerCase().trim(); if (type.equals(StatField.BYTE_COUNT.getName())) { threshold = OFFactories.getFactory(v).oxss().buildByteCount(); } else if (type.equals(StatField.DURATION.getName())) { threshold = OFFactories.getFactory(v).oxss().buildDuration(); } else if (type.equals(StatField.FLOW_COUNT.getName())) { threshold = OFFactories.getFactory(v).oxss().buildFlowCount(); } else if (type.equals(StatField.IDLE_TIME.getName())) { threshold = OFFactories.getFactory(v).oxss().buildIdleTime(); } else if (type.equals(StatField.PACKET_COUNT.getName())) { threshold = OFFactories.getFactory(v).oxss().buildPacketCount(); } else { log.warn("Unexpected OXS threshold type {}", type); } break; case "value": value = U64.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(jp.getText())); break; default: log.warn("Unexpected OXS threshold key {}", jp.getCurrentName()); break; } } if (threshold == null || value == null) { log.error("Must specify both OXS type and threshold value. Got {} and {}, respectively", threshold, value); return null; } else { if (threshold.getStatField().getName().equals(StatField.BYTE_COUNT.getName())) { thresholds.add(((OFOxsByteCount.Builder) threshold).setValue(value).build()); } else if (threshold.getStatField().getName().equals(StatField.DURATION.getName())) { thresholds.add(((OFOxsDuration.Builder) threshold).setValue(value).build()); } else if (threshold.getStatField().getName().equals(StatField.FLOW_COUNT.getName())) { thresholds.add(((OFOxsFlowCount.Builder) threshold).setValue(U32.of(value.getValue())).build()); } else if (threshold.getStatField().getName().equals(StatField.IDLE_TIME.getName())) { thresholds.add(((OFOxsIdleTime.Builder) threshold).setValue(value).build()); } else if (threshold.getStatField().getName().equals(StatField.PACKET_COUNT.getName())) { thresholds.add(((OFOxsPacketCount.Builder) threshold).setValue(value).build()); } else { log.warn("Unexpected OXS threshold type {}", threshold.getStatField().getName()); } } } break; default: log.warn("Unexpected OFInstructionStatTrigger key {}", key); break; } } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not parse: {}", json); log.error("JSON parse error message: {}", e.getMessage()); return null; } return OFFactories.getFactory(v).instructions().statTrigger(flags, OFOxsList.ofList(thresholds)); } /** * Append OFInstructionStatsTrigger object to an existing JsonGenerator. * This method assumes the field name of the instruction has been * written already, if required. The appended data will * be formatted as follows: * { * "flags":[ * f1, f2, f3, ..., fn * ], * "thresholds":[ * { * "oxs_type":"l", * "value":"v" * }, * { * "oxs_type":"m", * "value":"v" * }, * ..., * { * "oxs_type":"n", * "value":"v" * } * ] * } * @param jsonGen * @param s */ public static void statTriggerToJsonString(JsonGenerator jsonGen, OFInstructionStatTrigger s) { jsonGen.configure(Feature.WRITE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS, true); try { jsonGen.writeStartObject(); jsonGen.writeArrayFieldStart("flags"); for (OFStatTriggerFlags f : s.getFlags()) { jsonGen.writeString(f.toString()); } jsonGen.writeEndArray(); jsonGen.writeArrayFieldStart("thresholds"); for (OFOxs<?> o : s.getThresholds()) { jsonGen.writeStartObject(); if (o instanceof OFOxsDuration) { OFOxsDuration t = (OFOxsDuration) o; jsonGen.writeStringField("oxs_type", t.getStatField().getName()); jsonGen.writeStringField("value", t.getValue().toString()); } else if (o instanceof OFOxsByteCount) { OFOxsByteCount t = (OFOxsByteCount) o; jsonGen.writeStringField("oxs_type", t.getStatField().getName()); jsonGen.writeStringField("value", t.getValue().toString()); } else if (o instanceof OFOxsFlowCount) { OFOxsFlowCount t = (OFOxsFlowCount) o; jsonGen.writeStringField("oxs_type", t.getStatField().getName()); jsonGen.writeStringField("value", t.getValue().toString()); } else if (o instanceof OFOxsIdleTime) { OFOxsIdleTime t = (OFOxsIdleTime) o; jsonGen.writeStringField("oxs_type", t.getStatField().getName()); jsonGen.writeStringField("value", t.getValue().toString()); } else if (o instanceof OFOxsPacketCount) { OFOxsPacketCount t = (OFOxsPacketCount) o; jsonGen.writeStringField("oxs_type", t.getStatField().getName()); jsonGen.writeStringField("value", t.getValue().toString()); } else { log.warn("Skipping unknown OXS type {}", o.getStatField().getName()); } jsonGen.writeEndObject(); } jsonGen.writeEndArray(); jsonGen.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error composing OFInstructionStatTrigger JSON object. {}", e.getMessage()); } } /** * Create OFInstructionStatsTrigger JSON object string. * This method assumes the field name of the instruction will be * written externally, if required. The appended JSON string will * be formatted as follows: * { * "flags":[ * f1, f2, f3, ..., fn * ], * "thresholds":[ * { * "oxs_type":"l", * "value":"v" * }, * { * "oxs_type":"m", * "value":"v" * }, * ..., * { * "oxs_type":"n", * "value":"v" * } * ] * } * @param s */ public static String statTriggerToJsonString(OFInstructionStatTrigger s) { Writer w = new StringWriter(); JsonGenerator jsonGen; try { jsonGen = jsonFactory.createGenerator(w); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not instantiate JSON Generator. {}", e.getMessage()); return JSON_EMPTY_OBJECT; } statTriggerToJsonString(jsonGen, s); return w.toString(); /* overridden impl returns contents of Writer's StringBuffer */ } }