package net.floodlightcontroller.util; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFFactories; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFVersion; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.match.Match; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.match.MatchField; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.match.MatchFields; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.ArpOpcode; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.EthType; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.ICMPv4Code; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.ICMPv4Type; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.IPv4Address; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.IPv4AddressWithMask; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.IPv6AddressWithMask; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.IPv6FlowLabel; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.IpDscp; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.IpEcn; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.IpProtocol; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.MacAddress; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.OFBooleanValue; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.OFMetadata; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.OFVlanVidMatch; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.OFVlanVidMatchWithMask; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.PacketType; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.TransportPort; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.U16; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.U32; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.U64; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.U8; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.VlanPcp; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.OFPort; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; /** * Utilities for working with Matches. Includes workarounds for * current Loxi limitations/bugs. * * Convert OFInstructions to and from dpctl/ofctl-style strings. * Used primarily by the static flow pusher to store and retreive * flow entries. * * @author Ryan Izard <,> * * Includes string methods adopted from OpenFlowJ for OpenFlow 1.0. * * @author David Erickson ( * @author Rob Sherwood ( */ public class MatchUtils { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MatchUtils.class); /* List of Strings for marshalling and unmarshalling to human readable forms. * Classes that convert from Match and String should reference these fields for a * common string representation throughout the controller. The StaticFlowEntryPusher * is one such example that references these strings. The REST API for the SFEP will * expect the JSON string to be formatted using these strings for the applicable fields. */ public static final String STR_IN_PORT = "in_port"; /* These are special port IDs */ public static final String STR_PORT_LOCAL = "local"; public static final String STR_PORT_CONTROLLER = "controller"; public static final String STR_PORT_ALL = "all"; public static final String STR_PORT_IN_PORT = STR_IN_PORT; public static final String STR_PORT_FLOOD = "flood"; public static final String STR_PORT_NORMAL = "normal"; public static final String STR_PORT_TABLE = "table"; public static final String STR_PORT_MAX = "max"; public static final String STR_PORT_ANY = "any"; public static final String STR_IN_PHYS_PORT = "in_phys_port"; public static final String STR_DL_DST = "eth_dst"; public static final String STR_DL_SRC = "eth_src"; public static final String STR_DL_TYPE = "eth_type"; public static final String STR_DL_VLAN = "eth_vlan_vid"; public static final String STR_DL_VLAN_PCP = "eth_vlan_pcp"; public static final String STR_NW_DST = "ipv4_dst"; public static final String STR_NW_SRC = "ipv4_src"; public static final String STR_IPV6_DST = "ipv6_dst"; public static final String STR_IPV6_SRC = "ipv6_src"; public static final String STR_IPV6_FLOW_LABEL = "ipv6_label"; public static final String STR_IPV6_EXTHDR = "ipv6_exthdr"; public static final String STR_IPV6_ND_SLL = "ipv6_nd_sll"; public static final String STR_IPV6_ND_TARGET = "ipv6_nd_target"; public static final String STR_IPV6_ND_TLL = "ipv6_nd_tll"; public static final String STR_NW_PROTO = "ip_proto"; public static final String STR_NW_TOS = "ip_tos"; public static final String STR_NW_ECN = "ip_ecn"; public static final String STR_NW_DSCP = "ip_dscp"; public static final String STR_SCTP_DST = "sctp_dst"; public static final String STR_SCTP_SRC = "sctp_src"; public static final String STR_UDP_DST = "udp_dst"; public static final String STR_UDP_SRC = "udp_src"; public static final String STR_TCP_DST = "tcp_dst"; public static final String STR_TCP_SRC = "tcp_src"; public static final String STR_TP_DST = "tp_dst"; // support for OF1.0 generic transport ports public static final String STR_TP_SRC = "tp_src"; public static final String STR_ICMP_TYPE = "icmpv4_type"; public static final String STR_ICMP_CODE = "icmpv4_code"; public static final String STR_ICMPV6_TYPE = "icmpv6_type"; public static final String STR_ICMPV6_CODE = "icmpv6_code"; public static final String STR_ARP_OPCODE = "arp_opcode"; public static final String STR_ARP_SHA = "arp_sha"; public static final String STR_ARP_DHA = "arp_tha"; public static final String STR_ARP_SPA = "arp_spa"; public static final String STR_ARP_DPA = "arp_tpa"; public static final String STR_MPLS_LABEL = "mpls_label"; public static final String STR_MPLS_TC = "mpls_tc"; public static final String STR_MPLS_BOS = "mpls_bos"; public static final String STR_METADATA = "metadata"; public static final String STR_TUNNEL_ID = "tunnel_id"; public static final String STR_TUNNEL_IPV4_SRC = "tunnel_ipv4_src"; public static final String STR_TUNNEL_IPV4_DST = "tunnel_ipv4_dst"; public static final String STR_PBB_ISID = "pbb_isid"; //TODO support when Loxi does public static final String STR_PBB_UCA = "pbb_uca"; public static final String STR_TCP_FLAGS = "tcp_flags"; public static final String STR_OVS_TCP_FLAGS = "ovs_tcp_flags"; public static final String STR_ACTSET_OUTPUT = "actset_output"; public static final String STR_PACKET_TYPE = "packet_type"; public static final String SET_FIELD_DELIM = "->"; private static Map<MatchFields, MatchField<?>> ALL_MATCH_FIELDS; private static Map<MatchFields, Set<OFVersion>> SUPPORTED_OFVERSIONS; private static final Match.Builder v10 = OFFactories.getFactory(OFVersion.OF_10).buildMatch(); private static final Match.Builder v11 = OFFactories.getFactory(OFVersion.OF_11).buildMatch(); private static final Match.Builder v12 = OFFactories.getFactory(OFVersion.OF_12).buildMatch(); private static final Match.Builder v13 = OFFactories.getFactory(OFVersion.OF_13).buildMatch(); private static final Match.Builder v14 = OFFactories.getFactory(OFVersion.OF_14).buildMatch(); private static final Match.Builder v15 = OFFactories.getFactory(OFVersion.OF_15).buildMatch(); private static void initGlobals() { Map<MatchFields, MatchField<?>> tmpAll = new HashMap<MatchFields, MatchField<?>>(); Map<MatchFields, Set<OFVersion>> tmpVer = new HashMap<MatchFields, Set<OFVersion>>(); for (Field field : MatchField.ARP_OP.getClass().getFields()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Checking MatchField {}", field.getName()); } if (field.getType() == MatchField.class) { try { /* null b/c static final field we're trying to access */ MatchField<?> f = (MatchField<?>) field.get(null); synchronized (MatchUtils.class) { tmpAll.put(, f); /* !MUST! set this before SUPPORTED_OFVERSIONS */ tmpVer.put(, getSupportedOFVersions(; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Added MatchField {} to list of all MatchFields", f.getName()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { log.error("Could not add MatchField {} to list of all MatchFields", field.getName()); } } } ALL_MATCH_FIELDS = ImmutableMap.copyOf(tmpAll); SUPPORTED_OFVERSIONS = ImmutableMap.copyOf(tmpVer); } public static Set<OFVersion> getSupportedOFVersions(MatchFields m) { if (ALL_MATCH_FIELDS == null || SUPPORTED_OFVERSIONS == null) { initGlobals(); } Set<OFVersion> v = SUPPORTED_OFVERSIONS.get(m); if (v != null) { return v; /* should already be unmodifiable */ } v = new HashSet<OFVersion>(); if (v10.supports(getMatchField(m))) { v.add(OFVersion.OF_10); } if (v11.supports(getMatchField(m))) { v.add(OFVersion.OF_11); } if (v12.supports(getMatchField(m))) { v.add(OFVersion.OF_12); } if (v13.supports(getMatchField(m))) { v.add(OFVersion.OF_13); } if (v14.supports(getMatchField(m))) { v.add(OFVersion.OF_14); } if (v15.supports(getMatchField(m))) { v.add(OFVersion.OF_15); } SUPPORTED_OFVERSIONS.put(m, ImmutableSet.copyOf(v)); return SUPPORTED_OFVERSIONS.get(m); } public static MatchField<?> getMatchField(MatchFields m) { if (ALL_MATCH_FIELDS == null || SUPPORTED_OFVERSIONS == null) { initGlobals(); } return ALL_MATCH_FIELDS.get(m); } /** * Get the string name of a MatchField as it's exposed through * the REST API of Floodlight. This is, unfortunately, not the * same name as the ones used internally within MatchField. * @param mf * @return */ public static String getMatchFieldName(MatchFields mf) { String key = ""; switch (mf) { case ARP_OP: key = STR_ARP_OPCODE; break; case ARP_SHA: key = STR_ARP_SHA; break; case ARP_SPA: key = STR_ARP_SPA; break; case ARP_THA: key = STR_ARP_DHA; break; case ARP_TPA: key = STR_ARP_DPA; break; case ETH_DST: key = STR_DL_DST; break; case ETH_SRC: key = STR_DL_SRC; break; case ETH_TYPE: key = STR_DL_TYPE; break; case ICMPV4_CODE: key = STR_ICMP_CODE; break; case ICMPV4_TYPE: key = STR_ICMP_TYPE; break; case ICMPV6_CODE: key = STR_ICMPV6_CODE; break; case ICMPV6_TYPE: key = STR_ICMPV6_TYPE; break; case IN_PHY_PORT: key = STR_IN_PHYS_PORT; break; case IN_PORT: key = STR_IN_PORT; break; case IPV4_DST: key = STR_NW_DST; break; case IPV4_SRC: key = STR_NW_SRC; break; case IPV6_DST: key = STR_IPV6_DST; break; case IPV6_EXTHDR: key = STR_IPV6_EXTHDR; break; case IPV6_FLABEL: key = STR_IPV6_FLOW_LABEL; break; case IPV6_ND_SLL: key = STR_IPV6_ND_SLL; break; case IPV6_ND_TARGET: key = STR_IPV6_ND_TARGET; break; case IPV6_ND_TLL: key = STR_IPV6_ND_TLL; break; case IPV6_SRC: key = STR_IPV6_SRC; break; case IP_DSCP: key = STR_NW_DSCP; break; case IP_ECN: key = STR_NW_ECN; break; case IP_PROTO: key = STR_NW_PROTO; break; case METADATA: key = STR_METADATA; break; case MPLS_BOS: key = STR_MPLS_BOS; break; case MPLS_LABEL: key = STR_MPLS_LABEL; break; case MPLS_TC: key = STR_MPLS_TC; break; case PBB_UCA: key = STR_PBB_UCA; break; case SCTP_DST: key = STR_SCTP_DST; break; case SCTP_SRC: key = STR_SCTP_SRC; break; case TCP_DST: key = STR_TCP_DST; break; case TCP_SRC: key = STR_TCP_SRC; break; case TUNNEL_ID: key = STR_TUNNEL_ID; break; case TUNNEL_IPV4_DST: key = STR_TUNNEL_IPV4_DST; break; case TUNNEL_IPV4_SRC: key = STR_TUNNEL_IPV4_SRC; break; case UDP_DST: key = STR_UDP_DST; break; case UDP_SRC: key = STR_UDP_SRC; break; case VLAN_PCP: key = STR_DL_VLAN_PCP; break; case VLAN_VID: key = STR_DL_VLAN; break; case PACKET_TYPE: key = STR_PACKET_TYPE; break; case TCP_FLAGS: key = STR_TCP_FLAGS; break; case OVS_TCP_FLAGS: key = STR_OVS_TCP_FLAGS; break; case ACTSET_OUTPUT: key = STR_ACTSET_OUTPUT; break; /* NOTE: keep BSN MatchFields to eliminate need for default case. Unaccounted for fields will then produce warning in future */ case BSN_EGR_PORT_GROUP_ID: case BSN_GLOBAL_VRF_ALLOWED: case BSN_INGRESS_PORT_GROUP_ID: case BSN_INNER_ETH_DST: case BSN_INNER_ETH_SRC: case BSN_INNER_VLAN_VID: case BSN_IN_PORTS_128: case BSN_IN_PORTS_512: case BSN_L2_CACHE_HIT: case BSN_L3_DST_CLASS_ID: case BSN_L3_INTERFACE_CLASS_ID: case BSN_L3_SRC_CLASS_ID: case BSN_LAG_ID: case BSN_TCP_FLAGS: case BSN_UDF0: case BSN_UDF1: case BSN_UDF2: case BSN_UDF3: case BSN_UDF4: case BSN_UDF5: case BSN_UDF6: case BSN_UDF7: case BSN_VFI: case BSN_VLAN_XLATE_PORT_GROUP_ID: case BSN_VRF: case BSN_VXLAN_NETWORK_ID: log.warn("Ignoring BSN MatchField {}", mf); break; } return key; } /** * Create a point-to-point match for two devices at the IP layer. * Takes an existing match (e.g. from a PACKET_IN), and masks all * MatchFields leaving behind: * IN_PORT * VLAN_VID * ETH_TYPE * ETH_SRC * ETH_DST * IPV4_SRC * IPV4_DST * IP_PROTO (might remove this) * * If one of the above MatchFields is wildcarded in Match m, * that MatchField will be wildcarded in the returned Match. * * @param m The match to remove all L4+ MatchFields from * @return A new Match object with all MatchFields masked/wildcared * except for those listed above. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public static Match maskL4AndUp(Match m) { Match.Builder mb = m.createBuilder(); Iterator<MatchField<?>> itr = m.getMatchFields().iterator(); // only get exact or masked fields (not fully wildcarded) while(itr.hasNext()) { MatchField mf =; // restrict MatchFields only to L3 and below: IN_PORT, ETH_TYPE, ETH_SRC, ETH_DST, IPV4_SRC, IPV4_DST, IP_PROTO (this one debatable...) // if a MatchField is not in the access list below, it will not be set --> it will be left wildcarded (default) if (mf.equals(MatchField.IN_PORT) || mf.equals(MatchField.ETH_TYPE) || mf.equals(MatchField.ETH_SRC) || mf.equals(MatchField.ETH_DST) || mf.equals(MatchField.IPV4_SRC) || mf.equals(MatchField.IPV4_DST) || mf.equals(MatchField.IP_PROTO)) { if (m.isExact(mf)) { mb.setExact(mf, m.get(mf)); } else if (m.isPartiallyMasked(mf)) { mb.setMasked((MatchField<?>) mf, m.getMasked(mf)); } else { // it's either exact, masked, or wildcarded // itr only contains exact and masked MatchFields // we should never get here } } } return; } /** * Retains all fields in the Match parent. Converts the parent to an * equivalent Match of OFVersion version. No polite check is done to verify * if MatchFields in parent are supported in a Match of OFVersion * version. An exception will be thrown if there are any unsupported * fields during the conversion process. * * Note that a Match.Builder is returned. This is a convenience for cases * where MatchFields might be modified, added, or removed prior to being * built (e.g. in Forwarding/Routing between switches of different OFVersions). * Simply build the returned Match.Builder if you would like to treat this * function as a strict copy-to-version. * * @param parent, the Match to convert * @param version, the OFVersion to convert parent to * @return a Match.Builder of the newly-converted Match */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Match.Builder convertToVersion(Match parent, OFVersion version) { /* Builder retains a parent MatchField list, but list will not be used to * build the new match if the builder's set methods have been invoked; only * additions will be built, and all parent MatchFields will be ignored, * even if they were not modified by the new builder. Create a builder, and * walk through m's list of non-wildcarded MatchFields. Set them all in the * new builder by invoking a set method for each. This will make them persist * in the Match built from this builder if the user decides to add or subtract * from the MatchField list. */ Match.Builder mb = OFFactories.getFactory(version).buildMatch(); Iterator<MatchField<?>> itr = parent.getMatchFields().iterator(); // only get exact or masked fields (not fully wildcarded) while (itr.hasNext()) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") MatchField mf =; if (parent.isExact(mf)) { mb.setExact(mf, parent.get(mf)); } else if (parent.isPartiallyMasked(mf)) { mb.setMasked((MatchField<?>) mf, parent.getMasked(mf)); } else { // it's either exact, masked, or wildcarded // itr only contains exact and masked MatchFields // we should never get here } } return mb; } /** * * Workaround for bug in Loxi: * * Create a builder from an existing Match object. Unlike Match's * createBuilder(), this utility function will preserve all of * Match m's MatchFields, even if new MatchFields are set or modified * with the builder after it is returned to the calling function. * * All original MatchFields in m will be set if the build() method is * invoked upon the returned builder. After the builder is returned, if * a MatchField is modified via setExact(), setMasked(), or wildcard(), * the newly modified MatchField will replace the original found in m. * * @param m; the match to create the builder from * @return Match.Builder; the builder that can be modified, and when built, * will retain all of m's MatchFields, unless you explicitly overwrite them. */ public static Match.Builder createRetentiveBuilder(Match m) { return convertToVersion(m, m.getVersion()); } /** * Create a Match builder the same OF version as Match m. The returned builder * will not retain any MatchField information from Match m and will * essentially return a clean-slate Match builder with no parent history. * This simple method is included as a wrapper to provide the opposite functionality * of createRetentiveBuilder(). * * @param m; the match to create the builder from * @return Match.Builder; the builder retains no history from the parent Match m */ public static Match.Builder createForgetfulBuilder(Match m) { return OFFactories.getFactory(m.getVersion()).buildMatch(); } /** * Create a duplicate Match object from Match m. * * @param m; the match to copy * @return Match; the new copy of Match m */ public static Match createCopy(Match m) { return m.createBuilder().build(); // will use parent MatchFields to produce the new Match only if the builder is never modified } /** * TODO NOT IMPLEMENTED! * * Returns empty string right now. */ @Deprecated public static String toString(Match match) { return ""; } /** * Based on the method from OFMatch in openflowj 1.0. * Set this Match's parameters based on a comma-separated key=value pair * dpctl-style string, e.g., from the output of OFMatch.toString(). The * exact syntax for each key is defined by the string constants at the top * of <br> * * @param match * a key=value comma separated string, e.g. * "in_port=5,nw_dst=,tp_src=80" * @param the OF version to construct this match for * @throws IllegalArgumentException * on unexpected key or value */ public static Match fromString(String match, OFVersion ofVersion) throws IllegalArgumentException { boolean ver10 = false; if (match.equals("") || match.equalsIgnoreCase("any") || match.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || match.equals("[]")) { match = "Match[]"; } // Split into pairs of key=value String[] tokens = match.split("[\\[,\\]]"); int initArg = 0; if (tokens[0].equals("Match")) { initArg = 1; } // Split up key=value pairs into [key, value], and insert into array-deque int i; String[] tmp; ArrayDeque<String[]> llValues = new ArrayDeque<String[]>(); for (i = initArg; i < tokens.length; i++) { tmp = tokens[i].split("="); if (tmp.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Token " + tokens[i] + " does not have form 'key=value' parsing " + match); } tmp[0] = tmp[0].toLowerCase(); // try to make key parsing case insensitive llValues.add(tmp); // llValues contains [key, value] pairs. Create a queue of pairs to process. } Match.Builder mb = OFFactories.getFactory(ofVersion).buildMatch(); //Determine if the OF version is 1.0 before adding a flow if (ofVersion.equals(OFVersion.OF_10)) { ver10 = true; } while (!llValues.isEmpty()) { IpProtocol ipProto = null; String[] key_value = llValues.pollFirst(); // pop off the first element; this completely removes it from the queue. /* Extract the data and its mask */ String[] dataMask = key_value[1].split("/"); if (dataMask.length > 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[Data, Mask] " + dataMask + " does not have form 'data/mask' or 'data'" + key_value[1]); } else if (dataMask.length == 1) { dataMask[0] = dataMask[0].trim().toLowerCase(); log.debug("No mask detected in Match string: {}", key_value[1]); } else if (dataMask.length == 2) { dataMask[0] = dataMask[0].trim().toLowerCase(); dataMask[1] = dataMask[1].trim().toLowerCase(); log.debug("Detected mask in Match string: {}", key_value[1]); } switch (key_value[0]) { case STR_IN_PORT: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.IN_PORT, portFromString(dataMask[0])); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.IN_PORT, portFromString(dataMask[0]), portFromString(dataMask[1])); } break; case STR_DL_DST: /* Only accept hex-string for MAC addresses */ if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ETH_DST, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0])); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ETH_DST, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0]), MacAddress.of(dataMask[1])); } break; case STR_DL_SRC: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ETH_SRC, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0])); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ETH_SRC, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0]), MacAddress.of(dataMask[1])); } break; case STR_DL_TYPE: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ETH_TYPE, EthType.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ETH_TYPE, EthType.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), EthType.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_DL_VLAN: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.VLAN_VID, OFVlanVidMatch.ofRawVid(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.VLAN_VID, OFVlanVidMatchWithMask.of( OFVlanVidMatch.ofRawVid(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0])), OFVlanVidMatch.ofRawVid(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1])))); } break; case STR_DL_VLAN_PCP: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.VLAN_PCP, VlanPcp.of(U8.t(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0])))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.VLAN_PCP, VlanPcp.of(U8.t(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]))), VlanPcp.of(U8.t(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1])))); } break; case STR_NW_DST: /* Only accept dotted-decimal for IPv4 addresses */ mb.setMasked(MatchField.IPV4_DST, IPv4AddressWithMask.of(key_value[1])); break; case STR_NW_SRC: mb.setMasked(MatchField.IPV4_SRC, IPv4AddressWithMask.of(key_value[1])); break; case STR_IPV6_DST: /* Only accept hex-string for IPv6 addresses */ if (ver10 == true) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OF Version incompatible"); } mb.setMasked(MatchField.IPV6_DST, IPv6AddressWithMask.of(key_value[1])); break; case STR_IPV6_SRC: if (ver10 == true) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OF Version incompatible"); } mb.setMasked(MatchField.IPV6_SRC, IPv6AddressWithMask.of(key_value[1])); break; case STR_IPV6_FLOW_LABEL: if (ver10 == true) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OF Version incompatible"); } if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.IPV6_FLABEL, IPv6FlowLabel.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.IPV6_FLABEL, IPv6FlowLabel.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), IPv6FlowLabel.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_NW_PROTO: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.IP_PROTO, IpProtocol.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.IP_PROTO, IpProtocol.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0])), IpProtocol.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_NW_TOS: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.IP_ECN, IpEcn.of((byte)(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]) & 0x03))); mb.setExact(MatchField.IP_DSCP, IpDscp.of((byte)((ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]) & 0xFC) >> 2))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.IP_ECN, IpEcn.of((byte)(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]) & 0x03)), IpEcn.of((byte)(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1]) & 0x03))); mb.setMasked(MatchField.IP_DSCP, IpDscp.of((byte)((ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]) & 0xFC) >> 2)), IpDscp.of((byte)((ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1]) & 0xFC) >> 2))); } break; case STR_NW_ECN: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.IP_ECN, IpEcn.of(U8.t(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0])))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.IP_ECN, IpEcn.of(U8.t(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]))), IpEcn.of(U8.t(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1])))); } break; case STR_NW_DSCP: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.IP_DSCP, IpDscp.of(U8.t(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0])))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.IP_DSCP, IpDscp.of(U8.t(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]))), IpDscp.of(U8.t(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1])))); } break; case STR_SCTP_DST: // for transport ports, if we don't know the transport protocol yet, postpone parsing this [key, value] pair until we know. Put it at the back of the queue. if (mb.get(MatchField.IP_PROTO) == null) { llValues.add(key_value); // place it back if we can't proceed yet } else { if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.SCTP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.SCTP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } break; case STR_SCTP_SRC: if (mb.get(MatchField.IP_PROTO) == null) { llValues.add(key_value); // place it back if we can't proceed yet } else { if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.SCTP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.SCTP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } break; case STR_UDP_DST: if (mb.get(MatchField.IP_PROTO) == null) { llValues.add(key_value); // place it back if we can't proceed yet } else { if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.UDP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.UDP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } break; case STR_UDP_SRC: if (mb.get(MatchField.IP_PROTO) == null) { llValues.add(key_value); // place it back if we can't proceed yet } else { if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.UDP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.UDP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } break; case STR_TCP_DST: if (mb.get(MatchField.IP_PROTO) == null) { llValues.add(key_value); // place it back if we can't proceed yet } else { if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.TCP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.TCP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } break; case STR_TCP_SRC: if (mb.get(MatchField.IP_PROTO) == null) { llValues.add(key_value); // place it back if we can't proceed yet } else { if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.TCP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.TCP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } break; case STR_TP_DST: // support for OF1.0 generic transport ports if ((ipProto = mb.get(MatchField.IP_PROTO)) == null) { llValues.add(key_value); // place it back if we can't proceed yet } else if (ipProto == IpProtocol.TCP){ if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.TCP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.TCP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } else if (ipProto == IpProtocol.UDP){ if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.UDP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.UDP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } else if (ipProto == IpProtocol.SCTP){ if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.SCTP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.SCTP_DST, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } break; case STR_TP_SRC: if ((ipProto = mb.get(MatchField.IP_PROTO)) == null) { llValues.add(key_value); // place it back if we can't proceed yet } else if (ipProto == IpProtocol.TCP){ if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.TCP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.TCP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } else if (ipProto == IpProtocol.UDP){ if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.UDP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.UDP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } else if (ipProto == IpProtocol.SCTP){ if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.SCTP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.SCTP_SRC, TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), TransportPort.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } } break; case STR_ICMP_TYPE: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ICMPV4_TYPE, ICMPv4Type.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ICMPV4_TYPE, ICMPv4Type.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0])), ICMPv4Type.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_ICMP_CODE: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ICMPV4_CODE, ICMPv4Code.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ICMPV4_CODE, ICMPv4Code.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0])), ICMPv4Code.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_ICMPV6_TYPE: if (ver10 == true) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OF Version incompatible"); } if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ICMPV6_TYPE, U8.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ICMPV6_TYPE, U8.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0])), U8.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_ICMPV6_CODE: if (ver10 == true) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OF Version incompatible"); } if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ICMPV6_CODE, U8.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ICMPV6_CODE, U8.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0])), U8.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_IPV6_ND_SLL: if (ver10 == true) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OF Version incompatible"); } if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.IPV6_ND_SLL, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0])); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.IPV6_ND_SLL, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0]), MacAddress.of(dataMask[1])); } break; case STR_IPV6_ND_TLL: if (ver10 == true) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OF Version incompatible"); } if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.IPV6_ND_TLL, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0])); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.IPV6_ND_TLL, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0]), MacAddress.of(dataMask[1])); } break; case STR_IPV6_ND_TARGET: if (ver10 == true) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OF Version incompatible"); } mb.setMasked(MatchField.IPV6_ND_TARGET, IPv6AddressWithMask.of(key_value[1])); break; case STR_IPV6_EXTHDR: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.IPV6_EXTHDR, U16.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.IPV6_EXTHDR, U16.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), U16.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_ARP_OPCODE: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ARP_OP, ArpOpcode.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ARP_OP, ArpOpcode.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), ArpOpcode.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_ARP_SHA: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ARP_SHA, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0])); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ARP_SHA, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0]), MacAddress.of(dataMask[1])); } break; case STR_ARP_DHA: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ARP_THA, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0])); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ARP_THA, MacAddress.of(dataMask[0]), MacAddress.of(dataMask[1])); } break; case STR_ARP_SPA: mb.setMasked(MatchField.ARP_SPA, IPv4AddressWithMask.of(key_value[1])); break; case STR_ARP_DPA: mb.setMasked(MatchField.ARP_TPA, IPv4AddressWithMask.of(key_value[1])); break; case STR_MPLS_LABEL: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.MPLS_LABEL, U32.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.MPLS_LABEL, U32.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(dataMask[0])), U32.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_MPLS_TC: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.MPLS_TC, U8.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.MPLS_TC, U8.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[0])), U8.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecShort(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_MPLS_BOS: mb.setExact(MatchField.MPLS_BOS, OFBooleanValue.of(Boolean.parseBoolean(key_value[1]))); break; case STR_METADATA: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.METADATA, OFMetadata.ofRaw(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.METADATA, OFMetadata.ofRaw(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(dataMask[0])), OFMetadata.ofRaw(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_TUNNEL_ID: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.TUNNEL_ID, U64.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.TUNNEL_ID, U64.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(dataMask[0])), U64.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_TUNNEL_IPV4_SRC: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.TUNNEL_IPV4_SRC, IPv4Address.of(key_value[1])); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.TUNNEL_IPV4_SRC, IPv4AddressWithMask.of(key_value[1])); } break; case STR_TUNNEL_IPV4_DST: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.TUNNEL_IPV4_DST, IPv4Address.of(key_value[1])); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.TUNNEL_IPV4_DST, IPv4AddressWithMask.of(key_value[1])); } break; case STR_PBB_ISID: log.warn("Ignoring unimplemented OXM {}", key_value[0]); /*TODO no-op. Not implemented. if (key_value[1].startsWith("0x")) { mb.setExact(MatchField.pb, U64.of(Long.parseLong(key_value[1].replaceFirst("0x", ""), 16))); } else { mb.setExact(MatchField., U64.of(Long.parseLong(key_value[1]))); } */ break; case STR_PBB_UCA: mb.setExact(MatchField.PBB_UCA, OFBooleanValue.of(Boolean.parseBoolean(key_value[1]))); break; case STR_TCP_FLAGS: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.TCP_FLAGS, U16.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.TCP_FLAGS, U16.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), U16.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_OVS_TCP_FLAGS: if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.OVS_TCP_FLAGS, U16.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]))); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.OVS_TCP_FLAGS, U16.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0])), U16.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } break; case STR_ACTSET_OUTPUT: /* TODO when loxi bug fixed if (!mb.supports(MatchField.ACTSET_OUTPUT)) { log.warn("Match {} unsupported in OpenFlow version {}", MatchField.ACTSET_OUTPUT, ofVersion); break; } else { log.warn("Why are we here?"); }*/ if (dataMask.length == 1) { mb.setExact(MatchField.ACTSET_OUTPUT, portFromString(dataMask[0])); } else { mb.setMasked(MatchField.ACTSET_OUTPUT, portFromString(dataMask[0]), portFromString(dataMask[1])); } break; case STR_PACKET_TYPE: if (dataMask.length != 2) { log.error("Ignoring invalid PACKET_TYPE OXM. Must specify namespace and namespace type in the form 'ns/nstype'"); } else { mb.setExact(MatchField.PACKET_TYPE, PacketType.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[0]), ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecInt(dataMask[1]))); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown token " + key_value + " parsing " + match); } } return; } public static OFPort portFromString(String s) { if (s == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Port string cannot be null"); } s = s.trim().toLowerCase(); switch (s) { case MatchUtils.STR_PORT_ALL: return OFPort.ALL; case MatchUtils.STR_PORT_CONTROLLER: return OFPort.CONTROLLER; case MatchUtils.STR_PORT_FLOOD: return OFPort.FLOOD; case MatchUtils.STR_PORT_IN_PORT: return OFPort.IN_PORT; case MatchUtils.STR_PORT_LOCAL: return OFPort.LOCAL; case MatchUtils.STR_PORT_NORMAL: return OFPort.NORMAL; case MatchUtils.STR_PORT_TABLE: return OFPort.TABLE; case MatchUtils.STR_PORT_MAX: return OFPort.MAX; case MatchUtils.STR_PORT_ANY: return OFPort.ANY; default: log.debug("Port {} was not a special port string. Parsing as raw int or hex", s); } try { return OFPort.of(U32.of(ParseUtils.parseHexOrDecLong(s)).getRaw()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("Could not parse port '{}'", s); return null; } } public static String portToString(OFPort p) { if (p == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Port cannot be null"); } if (p.equals(OFPort.ALL)) { return STR_PORT_ALL; } if (p.equals(OFPort.ANY)) { return STR_PORT_ANY; } if (p.equals(OFPort.CONTROLLER)) { return STR_PORT_CONTROLLER; } if (p.equals(OFPort.FLOOD)) { return STR_PORT_FLOOD; } if (p.equals(OFPort.IN_PORT)) { return STR_PORT_IN_PORT; } if (p.equals(OFPort.LOCAL)) { return STR_PORT_LOCAL; } if (p.equals(OFPort.NORMAL)) { return STR_PORT_NORMAL; } if (p.equals(OFPort.MAX)) { return STR_PORT_MAX; } if (p.equals(OFPort.TABLE)) { return STR_PORT_TABLE; } return Integer.toString(p.getPortNumber()); } }