/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.journal.readerwriter.multifile; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.fcrepo.common.Constants; import org.fcrepo.server.Context; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ServerException; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.JournalConstants; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.JournalConsumer; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.MockJournalRecoveryLog; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.MockServerForJournalTesting; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.ServerInterface; import org.fcrepo.server.management.MockManagementDelegate; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class TestLockingFollowingJournalReader implements Constants, JournalConstants, MultiFileJournalConstants { private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestLockingFollowingJournalReader.class); @Rule public TemporaryFolder tmpFolder = new TemporaryFolder(); private static final int WAIT_INTERVAL = 5; private static final String JOURNAL_FILENAME_PREFIX = "unit"; private static final String DUMMY_HASH_VALUE = "Dummy Hash"; private File journalDirectory; private File archiveDirectory; private File lockRequestFile; private File lockAcceptedFile; private Map<String, String> parameters; private ServerInterface server; private final String role = "DumbGrunt"; private MyMockManagementDelegate delegate; private int initialNumberOfThreads; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { journalDirectory = createTempDirectory("fedoraTestingJournalFiles"); archiveDirectory = createTempDirectory("fedoraTestingArchiveFiles"); lockRequestFile = new File(journalDirectory.getPath() + File.separator + "lockRequested"); lockRequestFile.delete(); lockAcceptedFile = new File(journalDirectory.getPath() + File.separator + "lockAccepted"); lockAcceptedFile.delete(); delegate = new MyMockManagementDelegate(); server = new MockServerForJournalTesting(delegate, DUMMY_HASH_VALUE); parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put(PARAMETER_JOURNAL_RECOVERY_LOG_CLASSNAME, MockJournalRecoveryLog.class.getName()); parameters.put(PARAMETER_JOURNAL_READER_CLASSNAME, LockingFollowingJournalReader.class.getName()); parameters.put(PARAMETER_JOURNAL_DIRECTORY, journalDirectory.getPath()); parameters.put(PARAMETER_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY, archiveDirectory.getPath()); parameters.put(PARAMETER_FOLLOW_POLLING_INTERVAL, "1"); parameters.put(PARAMETER_JOURNAL_FILENAME_PREFIX, JOURNAL_FILENAME_PREFIX); parameters.put(PARAMETER_LOCK_REQUESTED_FILENAME, lockRequestFile .getPath()); parameters.put(PARAMETER_LOCK_ACCEPTED_FILENAME, lockAcceptedFile .getPath()); initialNumberOfThreads = getNumberOfCurrentThreads(); } @After public void cleanUp() throws Exception { delegate.reset(); if (lockRequestFile.delete()){ LOGGER.info("Cleaned up lockRequestFile file at {}", lockRequestFile.getPath()); } if (lockAcceptedFile.delete()){ LOGGER.info("Cleaned up lockAcceptedFile file at {}", lockAcceptedFile.getPath()); } for (File file: journalDirectory.listFiles()) { boolean deleted = file.delete(); LOGGER.info("{} Cleaned up a journalDirectory file: {}", deleted, file.getPath()); } for (File file: archiveDirectory.listFiles()) { boolean deleted = file.delete(); LOGGER.info("{} Cleaned up a archiveDirectory file: {}", deleted, file.getPath()); } } /** * Create 3 files and watch it process all of them */ @Test public void testSimpleNoLocking() { try { // create 3 files, each with an ingest createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); // create the JournalConsumer and run it. JournalConsumer consumer = new JournalConsumer(parameters, role, server); startConsumerThread(consumer); waitWhileThreadRuns(WAIT_INTERVAL); consumer.shutdown(); assertEquals("Expected to see 3 ingests", 3, delegate .getCallCount()); assertEquals("Journal files not all gone", 0, howManyFilesInDirectory(journalDirectory)); assertEquals("Wrong number of archive files", 3, howManyFilesInDirectory(archiveDirectory)); } catch (Throwable e) { processException(e); } } /** * A lock request created before startup will prevent processing. When the * request is removed, processing will occur. */ @Ignore public void testLockBeforeStartingAndResume() throws Exception { // create 3 files, each with an ingest, and create a lock request. createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); createLockRequest(); // create the JournalConsumer and run it. JournalConsumer consumer = new JournalConsumer(parameters, role, server); startConsumerThread(consumer); // we should see the lock accepted and no processing going on. waitForLockAccepted(); waitWhileThreadRuns(WAIT_INTERVAL); assertEquals("Journal files should not be processed", 0, delegate .getCallCount()); assertEquals("Journal files should not be processed", 3, howManyFilesInDirectory(journalDirectory)); assertEquals("Journal files should not be processed", 0, howManyFilesInDirectory(archiveDirectory)); int lockMessageIndex = assertLockMessageInLog(); // remove the request. We should see the lock released and // processing should run to completion. removeLockRequest(); waitForLockReleased(); waitWhileThreadRuns(WAIT_INTERVAL); consumer.shutdown(); assertEquals("Expected to see 3 ingests", 3, delegate .getCallCount()); assertEquals("Journal files not all gone", 0, howManyFilesInDirectory(journalDirectory)); assertEquals("Wrong number of archive files", 3, howManyFilesInDirectory(archiveDirectory)); assertUnlockMessageInLog(lockMessageIndex); } /** * A lock request created while a file is in progress, which should prevent * further processing until it is removed. */ @Test public void testLockWhileProcessingAndResume() throws Exception { // create 3 files, each with an ingest createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); // a lock request will be created while the second file is being // processed. delegate.setIngestOperation(new LockAfterSecondIngest()); // create the JournalConsumer and run it. JournalConsumer consumer = new JournalConsumer(parameters, role, server); startConsumerThread(consumer); // we should see the lock accepted and processing stop after the // second file. waitForLockAccepted(); waitWhileThreadRuns(WAIT_INTERVAL); assertEquals("We should stop after the second ingest", 2, delegate .getCallCount()); assertEquals("One Journal file should not be processed", 1, howManyFilesInDirectory(journalDirectory)); assertEquals("Only two Journal files should be processed", 2, howManyFilesInDirectory(archiveDirectory)); int lockMessageIndex = assertLockMessageInLog(); // remove the request. We should see the lock released and // processing should run to completion. removeLockRequest(); waitForLockReleased(); waitWhileThreadRuns(WAIT_INTERVAL); consumer.shutdown(); assertEquals("Expected to see 3 ingests", 3, delegate .getCallCount()); assertEquals("Journal files not all gone", 0, howManyFilesInDirectory(journalDirectory)); assertEquals("Wrong number of archive files", 3, howManyFilesInDirectory(archiveDirectory)); assertUnlockMessageInLog(lockMessageIndex); } @Ignore public void testSimpleFirst() throws Exception { testSimpleNoLocking(); cleanUp(); setUp(); testLockWhileProcessingAndResume(); } @Ignore public void testSimpleLast() throws Exception { testLockWhileProcessingAndResume(); cleanUp(); setUp(); testSimpleNoLocking(); } /** * A lock request created while the system if polling, which should prevent * further processing until it is removed. Create 1 files and watch it * process all of them. Create a lock and wait for the ack. Create a 2nd * file, and it will not be processed. Remove the lock; ack is removed and * last file is processed. */ @Ignore public void testLockWhilePollingAndResume() { try { // create 1 file, with an ingest createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); // create the JournalConsumer and run it. JournalConsumer consumer = new JournalConsumer(parameters, role, server); startConsumerThread(consumer); // the file should be processed and we being polling. waitWhileThreadRuns(WAIT_INTERVAL); assertEquals("The first file should have been processed.", 1, delegate.getCallCount()); assertEquals("The first file should have been processed.", 0, howManyFilesInDirectory(journalDirectory)); assertEquals("The first file should have been processed.", 1, howManyFilesInDirectory(archiveDirectory)); // create a lock request and wait for the acceptance. createLockRequest(); waitForLockAccepted(); // create another Journal file, but it won't be processed. createJournalFileFromString(getSimpleIngestString()); waitWhileThreadRuns(WAIT_INTERVAL); assertEquals("The second file should not have been processed.", 1, delegate.getCallCount()); assertEquals("The second file should not have been processed.", 1, howManyFilesInDirectory(journalDirectory)); assertEquals("The second file should not have been processed.", 1, howManyFilesInDirectory(archiveDirectory)); int lockMessageIndex = assertLockMessageInLog(); // remove the lock and the file is processed. removeLockRequest(); waitForLockReleased(); waitWhileThreadRuns(WAIT_INTERVAL); consumer.shutdown(); assertEquals("Expected to see 2 ingests", 2, delegate .getCallCount()); assertEquals("Journal files not all gone", 0, howManyFilesInDirectory(journalDirectory)); assertEquals("Wrong number of archive files", 2, howManyFilesInDirectory(archiveDirectory)); assertUnlockMessageInLog(lockMessageIndex); } catch (Throwable e) { processException(e); } } private void createLockRequest() throws IOException { lockRequestFile.createNewFile(); } private void removeLockRequest() { lockRequestFile.delete(); } private int howManyFilesInDirectory(File directory) { return MultiFileJournalHelper .getSortedArrayOfJournalFiles(directory, JOURNAL_FILENAME_PREFIX).length; } /** * Wait until the JournalConsumerThread stops, or until the time limit * expires, whichever comes first. */ private void waitWhileThreadRuns(int maxSecondsToWait) { for (int i = 0; i < maxSecondsToWait; i++) { if (getNumberOfCurrentThreads() == initialNumberOfThreads) { return; } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Wait until the lock is accepted, or until the time runs out. If the * latter, complain. */ private void waitForLockAccepted() { int maxWait = 10; for (int i = 0; i < maxWait; i++) { if (lockAcceptedFile.exists()) { return; } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } fail("Lock was not accepted after " + maxWait + " seconds."); } /** * Wait until the lock is released, or until the time runs out. If the * latter, complain. */ private void waitForLockReleased() { int maxWait = 10; for (int i = 0; i < maxWait; i++) { if (!lockAcceptedFile.exists()) { return; } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } fail("Lock was not released after " + maxWait + " seconds."); } /** * Set the ManagementDelegate into the JournalConsumer, which will create * the JournalConsumerThread. */ private void startConsumerThread(JournalConsumer consumer) { consumer.setManagementDelegate(delegate); } private int getNumberOfCurrentThreads() { int i = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup() .enumerate(new Thread[500]); return i; } private void createJournalFileFromString(String text) throws IOException { File journal = File.createTempFile(JOURNAL_FILENAME_PREFIX, null, journalDirectory); journal.deleteOnExit(); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(journal); writer.write(text); writer.close(); } /** * Confirm that the last message in the log is a lock message, and return * its position in the logger. */ private int assertLockMessageInLog() { List<String> messages = MockJournalRecoveryLog.getMessages(); int lastMessageIndex = messages.size() - 1; String lastMessage = messages.get(lastMessageIndex); assertStringStartsWith(lastMessage, "Lock request detected:"); return lastMessageIndex; } /** * Confirm that the log message following the lock message is in fact an * unlock message. */ private void assertUnlockMessageInLog(int lockMessageIndex) { List<String> messages = MockJournalRecoveryLog.getMessages(); int unlockMessageIndex = lockMessageIndex + 1; assertTrue(messages.size() > unlockMessageIndex); String unlockMessage = messages.get(unlockMessageIndex); assertStringStartsWith(unlockMessage, "Lock request removed"); } private void assertStringStartsWith(String string, String prefix) { if (!string.startsWith(prefix)) { fail("String does not start as expected: string='" + string + "', prefix='" + prefix + "'"); } } private void processException(Throwable e) { if (e instanceof ServerException) { System.err.println("ServerException: code='" + ((ServerException) e).getCode() + "', class='" + e.getClass().getName() + "'"); StackTraceElement[] traces = e.getStackTrace(); for (StackTraceElement element : traces) { System.err.println(element); } Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause != null) { cause.printStackTrace(); } fail("Threw a ServerException"); } else { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Threw an exception"); } } private File createTempDirectory(String name) throws IOException { return tmpFolder.newFolder(name); } private String getSimpleIngestString() { return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<FedoraJournal repositoryHash=\"" + DUMMY_HASH_VALUE + "\" timestamp=\"2006-08-11T11:14:43.011-0400\">\n" + " <JournalEntry method=\"ingest\" timestamp=\"2006-08-11T11:14:42.690-0400\" clientIpAddress=\"\" loginId=\"fedoraAdmin\">\n" + " <context>\n" + " <password>junk</password>\n" + " <noOp>false</noOp>\n" + " <now>2006-08-11T11:14:42.690-0400</now>\n" + " <multimap name=\"environment\">\n" + " <multimapkey name=\"urn:fedora:names:fedora:2.1:environment:httpRequest:authType\">\n" + " <multimapvalue>BASIC</multimapvalue>\n" + " </multimapkey>\n" + " </multimap>\n" + " <multimap name=\"subject\"></multimap>\n" + " <multimap name=\"action\"> </multimap>\n" + " <multimap name=\"resource\"></multimap>\n" + " <multimap name=\"recovery\"></multimap>\n" + " </context>\n" + " <argument name=\"serialization\" type=\"stream\">PD94</argument>\n" + " <argument name=\"message\" type=\"string\">Minimal Ingest sample</argument>\n" + " <argument name=\"format\" type=\"string\">" + FOXML1_1.uri + "</argument>\n" + " <argument name=\"encoding\" type=\"string\">UTF-8</argument>\n" + " <argument name=\"pid\" type=\"string\">new</argument>\n" + " </JournalEntry>\n" + "</FedoraJournal>\n"; } /** * Set one of these as the ingest object on the ManagementDelegate. When the * second ingest operation begins, a Lock Request will be created. */ private final class LockAfterSecondIngest implements Runnable { public void run() { if (delegate.getCallCount() == 2) { try { createLockRequest(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * This sub-class of {@link MockManagementDelegate} allows us to insert a * {@link Runnable} that will be executed in the middle of an ingest call. * * @author Firstname Lastname */ private static class MyMockManagementDelegate extends MockManagementDelegate { private Runnable ingestOperation; public void setIngestOperation(Runnable ingestOperation) { this.ingestOperation = ingestOperation; } @Override public String ingest(Context context, InputStream serialization, String logMessage, String format, String encoding, String pid) throws ServerException { String result = super.ingest(context, serialization, logMessage, format, encoding, pid); if (ingestOperation != null) { ingestOperation.run(); } return result; } } }