/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.journal.readerwriter.multicast.rmi; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.AbstractJournalTester; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.JournalException; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; public class TestRmiJournalReceiver extends AbstractJournalTester { @Rule public TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder(); // Supports legacy test runners public static junit.framework.Test suite() { return new junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter(TestRmiTransport.class); } private File journalDirectory; private static int fileIndex; @BeforeClass public static void initializeFileIndex() { fileIndex = 0; } @Before public void createJournalDirectory() throws IOException { journalDirectory = folder.newFolder("TestRmiJournalReceiver"); } @Before public void cleanJournalDirectory() { deleteDirectoryContents(journalDirectory); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testNoDirectoryPath() throws RemoteException { createReceiver(new String[] {}); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testDirectoryDoesNotExist() throws RemoteException { createReceiver(new String[] {"BogusDirectory"}); } @Test public void testValidOneArg() throws RemoteException { createReceiver(new String[] {journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath()}); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testInvalidRegistryPortNumber() throws RemoteException { createReceiver(new String[] {journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "BogusPort"}); } @Test public void testValidTwoArgs() throws RemoteException { createReceiver(new String[] {journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234"}); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testInvalidServerPortNumber() throws RemoteException { createReceiver(new String[] {journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "BogusServerPort"}); } @Test public void testValidThreeArgs() throws RemoteException { createReceiver(new String[] {journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "1235"}); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testInvalidLogLevel() throws RemoteException { createReceiver(new String[] {journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "1235", "BogusLogLevel"}); } @Test public void testValidFourArgs() throws RemoteException { createReceiver(new String[] {journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "1235", "INFO"}); } @Test public void testNormalSequence() throws RemoteException, JournalException { String text1 = "Write this text!"; String text2 = " And some more also."; RmiJournalReceiver receiver = createReceiver(new String[] {journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath()}); String filename = getFilename(); receiver.openFile("SomeSillyHash", filename); receiver.writeText(RmiJournalReceiverHelper .figureIndexedHash("SomeSillyHash", 0), text1); receiver.writeText(RmiJournalReceiverHelper .figureIndexedHash("SomeSillyHash", 1), text2); receiver.closeFile(); assertFileContents(text1 + text2, new File(journalDirectory, filename)); } @Test public void testIncorrectItemHash() throws RemoteException, JournalException { String text1 = "This won't work."; RmiJournalReceiver receiver = createReceiver(new String[] { journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "1235", "FATAL"}); String filename = getFilename(); receiver.openFile("RepoHash", filename); try { receiver.writeText("BogusItemHash", text1); fail("Expected an exception."); } catch (JournalException e) { // expected the exception - close the file so we can clean up. receiver.closeFile(); } } @Test public void testOpenAfterOpen() throws RemoteException, JournalException { RmiJournalReceiver receiver = createReceiver(new String[] { journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "1235", "FATAL"}); receiver.openFile("RepoHash", getFilename()); try { receiver.openFile("RepoHash", getFilename()); fail("Expected an exception."); } catch (JournalException e) { // expected the exception - close the file so we can clean up. receiver.closeFile(); } } @Test public void testCloseWithoutOpen() throws RemoteException, JournalException { RmiJournalReceiver receiver = createReceiver(new String[] { journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "1235", "FATAL"}); try { receiver.closeFile(); fail("Expected an exception."); } catch (JournalException e) { // expected the exception. } } @Test public void testCloseAfterClose() throws RemoteException, JournalException { RmiJournalReceiver receiver = createReceiver(new String[] { journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "1235", "FATAL"}); receiver.openFile("RepoHash", getFilename()); receiver.closeFile(); try { receiver.closeFile(); fail("Expected an exception."); } catch (JournalException e) { // expected the exception. } } @Test public void testWriteAfterClose() throws RemoteException, JournalException { RmiJournalReceiver receiver = createReceiver(new String[] { journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "1235", "FATAL"}); receiver.openFile("RepoHash", getFilename()); receiver.closeFile(); try { receiver.writeText(getIndexHash("RepoHash", 0), "Some bogus text"); fail("Expected an exception."); } catch (JournalException e) { // expected the exception. } } @Test public void testFileExists() throws RemoteException, JournalException { RmiJournalReceiver receiver = createReceiver(new String[] { journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "1235", "FATAL"}); String filename = getFilename(); receiver.openFile("RepoHash", filename); receiver.closeFile(); try { receiver.openFile("RepoHash", filename); fail("Expected an exception."); } catch (JournalException e) { // expected the exception. } } @Test public void testCantCreateFile() throws RemoteException, JournalException { RmiJournalReceiver receiver = createReceiver(new String[] { journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "1234", "1235", "FATAL"}); try { receiver.openFile("RepoHash", ":"); fail("Expected an exception."); } catch (JournalException e) { // expected the exception. } } private RmiJournalReceiver createReceiver(String[] args) throws RemoteException { return new RmiJournalReceiver(new RmiJournalReceiverArguments(args)); } private String getFilename() { return "journal" + fileIndex++; } private String getIndexHash(String repoHash, int itemIndex) { return RmiJournalReceiverHelper.figureIndexedHash(repoHash, itemIndex); } }