/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.resourceIndex; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.jrdf.graph.ObjectNode; import org.jrdf.graph.PredicateNode; import org.jrdf.graph.SubjectNode; import org.jrdf.graph.Triple; import org.trippi.FlushErrorHandler; import org.trippi.RDFFormat; import org.trippi.TripleIterator; import org.trippi.TripleUpdate; import org.trippi.TriplestoreConnector; import org.trippi.TrippiException; import org.trippi.TupleIterator; import org.fcrepo.common.Constants; import org.fcrepo.server.Module; import org.fcrepo.server.Parameterized; import org.fcrepo.server.Server; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ModuleInitializationException; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ModuleShutdownException; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ResourceIndexException; import org.fcrepo.server.storage.DOReader; import org.fcrepo.server.utilities.status.ServerState; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Fedora's <code>ResourceIndex</code> as a configurable module. * * @author Chris Wilper */ public class ResourceIndexModule extends Module implements ResourceIndex { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceIndexModule.class); /** * The instance this module wraps. */ private ResourceIndex _ri; ///////////////////////////////////// // Initialization & Module Methods // ///////////////////////////////////// /** * Instantiate the module. */ public ResourceIndexModule(Map<String, String> parameters, Server server, String role) throws ModuleInitializationException { super(parameters, server, role); } /** * Perform post-initialization of this module. ResourceIndexModule takes the * following parameters: * <ul> * <li> level (required, integer between 0 and 1)<br> The level of * indexing that should be performed. Values correspond to * <code>INDEX_LEVEL_OFF</code>, and <code>INDEX_LEVEL_ON</code>. * </li> * <li> datastore (required)<br> The name of the datastore element that * contains the Trippi Connector configuration.</li> * <li> connectionPool (optional, default is ConnectionPoolManager's * default)<br> Which connection pool to use for updating the database of * method information.</li> * <li> syncUpdates (optional, default is false)<br> Whether to flush the * triple buffer before returning from object modification operations. * Specifying this as true will ensure that RI queries always reflect the * latest triples.</li> * <li> alias:xyz (optional, uri)<br> Any parameter starting with "alias:" * will be put into Trippi's alias map, and can be used for queries. For * example, alias:xyz with a value of urn:example:long:uri:x:y:z: will make * it possible to use "xyz:a" to mean "urn:example:long:uri:x:y:z:a" in * queries.</li> * </ul> */ @Override public void initModule() throws ModuleInitializationException { int level = getRequiredInt("level", 0, 1); if (level == 0) { logger.info("Disabled in configuration ( level={} ), exiting", level); return; } boolean syncUpdates = getBoolean("syncUpdates", false); try { TriplestoreConnector connector = null; String ds = getParameter("datastore"); if (ds != null){ logger.info("Configuring triplestore connector from fcfg datastore configuration {}", ds); connector = getConnector(getServer() .getDatastoreConfig(ds)); } else { logger.info("Configuring triplestore from bean {}", TriplestoreConnector.class.getName()); connector = getServer().getBean(TriplestoreConnector.class.getName(),TriplestoreConnector.class); } TripleGenerator generator = getServer().getBean(TripleGenerator.class.getName(), TripleGenerator.class); _ri = new ResourceIndexImpl(connector, generator, level, syncUpdates); setAliasMap(getAliases()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("Error initializing RI", getRole(), e); } } private TriplestoreConnector getConnector(Parameterized datastore) throws Exception { if (datastore == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("Specifed datastore " + "does not exist in fedora.fcfg", getRole()); } Map<String, String> config = datastore.getParameters(); // make sure path, if specified and relative, is translated // to an absolute path based on the value of FEDORA_HOME String path = config.get("path"); if (path != null) { config.put("path", datastore.getParameter("path", true)); } String className = config.get("connectorClassName"); if (className == null) { throw new ResourceIndexException("Required datastore parameter " + "is missing: connectorClassName"); } getServer().getStatusFile().append(ServerState.STARTING, "Initializing Triplestore"); return TriplestoreConnector.init(className, config); } private Map<String, String> getAliases() { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); Iterator<String> iter = parameterNames(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String pName = iter.next(); String[] parts = pName.split(":"); if (parts.length == 2 && parts[0].equals("alias")) { map.put(parts[1], getParameter(pName)); } } map.put("fedora", Constants.FEDORA.uri); map.put("dc", Constants.DC.uri); map.put("fedora-model", Constants.MODEL.uri); map.put("fedora-rels-ext", Constants.RELS_EXT.uri); map.put("fedora-view", Constants.VIEW.uri); map.put("rdf", Constants.RDF.uri); map.put("mulgara", Constants.MULGARA.uri); map.put("xml-schema", Constants.RDF_XSD.uri); return map; } private int getRequiredInt(String name, int min, int max) throws ModuleInitializationException { try { int value = Integer.parseInt(getRequired(name)); if (value < min || value > max) { throw new ModuleInitializationException(name + " parameter is out of range, expected [" + min + "-" + max + "]", getRole()); } return value; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ModuleInitializationException(name + " parameter must be " + "an integer", getRole()); } } private boolean getBoolean(String name, boolean defaultValue) throws ModuleInitializationException { String value = getParameter(name); if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } value = value.toLowerCase(); if (value.equals("true") || value.equals("yes") || value.equals("on")) { return true; } else if (value.equals("false") || value.equals("no") || value.equals("off")) { return false; } else { throw new ModuleInitializationException(name + " parameter, if " + "specified, must be a boolean (true or false)", getRole()); } } private String getRequired(String name) throws ModuleInitializationException { String value = getParameter(name); if (value != null) { return value; } else { throw new ModuleInitializationException(name + " parameter " + "is required", getRole()); } } /** * Shutdown the RI module by closing the wrapped ResourceIndex. * * @throws ModuleShutdownException * if any error occurs while closing. */ @Override public void shutdownModule() throws ModuleShutdownException { if (_ri != null) { try { _ri.close(); } catch (TrippiException e) { throw new ModuleShutdownException("Error closing RI", getRole(), e); } } } /////////////////////////// // ResourceIndex Methods // /////////////////////////// /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getIndexLevel() { if (_ri == null) { return 0; } else { return _ri.getIndexLevel(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean getSync() { return _ri.getSync(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void addObject(DOReader reader) throws ResourceIndexException { _ri.addObject(reader); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void modifyObject(DOReader oldReader, DOReader newReader) throws ResourceIndexException { _ri.modifyObject(oldReader, newReader); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void deleteObject(DOReader oldReader) throws ResourceIndexException { _ri.deleteObject(oldReader); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Triple> exportObject(DOReader object) throws ResourceIndexException { return _ri.exportObject(object); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void export(OutputStream out, RDFFormat format) throws ResourceIndexException { _ri.export(out, format); } /////////////////////////////// // TriplestoreReader methods // /////////////////////////////// /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setAliasMap(Map<String, String> aliasToPrefix) throws TrippiException { _ri.setAliasMap(aliasToPrefix); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Map<String, String> getAliasMap() throws TrippiException { return _ri.getAliasMap(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public TupleIterator findTuples(String queryLang, String tupleQuery, int limit, boolean distinct) throws TrippiException { return _ri.findTuples(queryLang, tupleQuery, limit, distinct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int countTuples(String queryLang, String tupleQuery, int limit, boolean distinct) throws TrippiException { return _ri.countTuples(queryLang, tupleQuery, limit, distinct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public TripleIterator findTriples(String queryLang, String tripleQuery, int limit, boolean distinct) throws TrippiException { return _ri.findTriples(queryLang, tripleQuery, limit, distinct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int countTriples(String queryLang, String tripleQuery, int limit, boolean distinct) throws TrippiException { return _ri.countTriples(queryLang, tripleQuery, limit, distinct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public TripleIterator findTriples(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object, int limit) throws TrippiException { return _ri.findTriples(subject, predicate, object, limit); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int countTriples(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object, int limit) throws TrippiException { return _ri.countTriples(subject, predicate, object, limit); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public TripleIterator findTriples(String queryLang, String tupleQuery, String tripleTemplate, int limit, boolean distinct) throws TrippiException { return _ri.findTriples(queryLang, tupleQuery, tripleTemplate, limit, distinct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int countTriples(String queryLang, String tupleQuery, String tripleTemplate, int limit, boolean distinct) throws TrippiException { return _ri.countTriples(queryLang, tupleQuery, tripleTemplate, limit, distinct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String[] listTupleLanguages() { return _ri.listTupleLanguages(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String[] listTripleLanguages() { return _ri.listTripleLanguages(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void close() throws TrippiException { // no-op; closing must be done via Module.shutdownModule } /////////////////////////////// // TriplestoreWriter methods // /////////////////////////////// /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void add(List<Triple> triples, boolean flush) throws IOException, TrippiException { _ri.add(triples, flush); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void add(TripleIterator triples, boolean flush) throws IOException, TrippiException { _ri.add(triples, flush); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void add(Triple triple, boolean flush) throws IOException, TrippiException { _ri.add(triple, flush); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void delete(List<Triple> triples, boolean flush) throws IOException, TrippiException { _ri.delete(triples, flush); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void delete(TripleIterator triples, boolean flush) throws IOException, TrippiException { _ri.delete(triples, flush); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void delete(Triple triple, boolean flush) throws IOException, TrippiException { _ri.delete(triple, flush); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void flushBuffer() throws IOException, TrippiException { _ri.flushBuffer(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setFlushErrorHandler(FlushErrorHandler h) { _ri.setFlushErrorHandler(h); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getBufferSize() { return _ri.getBufferSize(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<TripleUpdate> findBufferedUpdates(SubjectNode subject, PredicateNode predicate, ObjectNode object, int updateType) { return _ri.findBufferedUpdates(subject, predicate, object, updateType); } }