/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.journal.helpers; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.helpers.PasswordCipher; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class TestPasswordCipher extends TestCase { private static final String CIPHER_TYPE_1 = "1"; private static final String KEY_1 = "Now is the time for all"; private static final String KEY_2 = "X"; private static final String KEY_3 = "@lk<>2lkj-\u1234***"; private static final String[] KEYS = new String[] {KEY_1, KEY_2, KEY_3}; private static final String TEXT_1 = "Silly boys!"; private static final String TEXT_2 = "234!@#$@#$@%$^&*"; private static final String TEXT_3 = "FRED\u6655"; private static final String[] TEXTS = new String[] {TEXT_1, TEXT_2, TEXT_3}; public TestPasswordCipher(String name) { super(name); } public void testUniqueArgumentsOnEncipher() { try { PasswordCipher.encipher(null, TEXT_1); fail("Expected a NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected the exception } String cipher1 = PasswordCipher.encipher(KEY_1, null); assertNull(cipher1); String cipher2 = PasswordCipher.encipher("", TEXT_1); assertEquals(TEXT_1, cipher2); } /** * If the cipher text is null, the result will be null. If no key is * provided, or no cipher type is provided, the clear text will be the same * as the cipher text. */ public void testUniqueArgumentsOnDecipher() { String clear1 = PasswordCipher.decipher(KEY_1, null, CIPHER_TYPE_1); assertNull(clear1); String clear2 = PasswordCipher.decipher(null, TEXT_1, CIPHER_TYPE_1); assertEquals(TEXT_1, clear2); String clear3 = PasswordCipher.decipher("", TEXT_2, CIPHER_TYPE_1); assertEquals(TEXT_2, clear3); String clear4 = PasswordCipher.decipher(KEY_2, TEXT_1, null); assertEquals(TEXT_1, clear4); String clear5 = PasswordCipher.decipher(KEY_2, TEXT_2, ""); assertEquals(TEXT_2, clear5); } /** * The cipherText should not be the same as the clear text (unless the key * is empty). */ public void testCipherDoesSomething() { for (String element : KEYS) { for (String element2 : TEXTS) { String cipher = PasswordCipher.encipher(element, element2); assertFalse(element2.equals(cipher)); } } } /** * If I don't supply the type of cipher, deciphering has no effect. */ public void testNullCipherDoesNothing() { for (String element : KEYS) { for (String element2 : TEXTS) { String deciphered = PasswordCipher.decipher(element, element2, null); assertEquals(element2, deciphered); } } } /** * If I encipher and then decipher with the same key, I should get my * original text back. */ public void testCipherIsReversible() { for (String element : KEYS) { for (String element2 : TEXTS) { String cipher = PasswordCipher.encipher(element, element2); String clear = PasswordCipher.decipher(element, cipher, CIPHER_TYPE_1); assertEquals(element2, clear); } } } /** * If I pick a bunch of keys and texts at random, the ciphers should not * come out the same. */ public void testCipherIsWellDistributed() { Set<String> ciphers = new HashSet<String>(); for (String element : KEYS) { for (String element2 : TEXTS) { String cipher = PasswordCipher.encipher(element, element2); assertTrue("Set of ciphers already contains '" + cipher + "'", ciphers.add(cipher)); } } } }