package org.modeldriven.fuml.repository.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.modeldriven.fuml.repository.NameCollisionException; import org.modeldriven.fuml.repository.Property; import org.modeldriven.fuml.repository.RepositoryArtifact; import org.modeldriven.fuml.xmi.XmiException; import fUML.Syntax.Classes.Kernel.Operation; import fUML.Syntax.CommonBehaviors.BasicBehaviors.Behavior; public class Class_ extends Classifier implements org.modeldriven.fuml.repository.Class_ { private fUML.Syntax.Classes.Kernel.Class_ class_; private List<Property> attributes; private Map<String, Property> namedAttributes; private List<Property> declaredAttributes; private List<Operation> operations; public Class_(fUML.Syntax.Classes.Kernel.Class_ class_, RepositoryArtifact artifact) { super(class_, artifact); this.class_ = class_; } // note: package-level access only void setAttributes(List<Property> attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; if (this.attributes != null) for (Property prop : this.attributes) if (prop.getName() != null && prop.getName().trim().length() != 0) { if (this.namedAttributes == null) this.namedAttributes = new HashMap<String, Property>(); //Property existing = this.namedAttributes.get(prop.getName()); //if (existing != null) // throw new NameCollisionException("the class '" // + this.getQualifiedName() // + "' contains multiple properties named '" // + prop.getName() + "' - the named properties for each class " // + "and it's generalizations (ancestry) must be unique"); this.namedAttributes.put(prop.getName(), prop); } } // note: package-level access only void setOperations(List<Operation> operations) { this.operations = operations; } public fUML.Syntax.Classes.Kernel.PropertyList getOwnedAttribute() { return this.class_.ownedAttribute; } public fUML.Syntax.Classes.Kernel.OperationList getOwnedOperation() { return this.class_.ownedOperation; } public fUML.Syntax.Classes.Kernel.Class_ getDelegate() { return this.class_; } public Property getProperty(String name) { return getProperty(name, false); } public Property findProperty(String name) { return getProperty(name, true); } private Property getProperty(String name, boolean supressErrors) { Property result = null; if (this.namedAttributes != null) result = this.namedAttributes.get(name); if (result == null && !supressErrors) throw new XmiException("no attribute found for, " + this.getName() + "." + name); return result; } public List<Property> getNamedProperties() { List<Property> result = new ArrayList<Property>(); if (namedAttributes != null) { int i = 0; for (Iterator<Property> it = namedAttributes.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { result.add(; i++; } } return result; } public List<Property> getAllProperties() { if (attributes != null) return attributes; else return new ArrayList<Property>(); } public List<Property> getDeclaredProperties() { if (declaredAttributes == null) { declaredAttributes = new ArrayList<Property>(class_.ownedAttribute.size()); for (fUML.Syntax.Classes.Kernel.Property p : class_.ownedAttribute) { Property property = new org.modeldriven.fuml.repository.model.Property(p, this.getArtifact()); declaredAttributes.add(property); } } return declaredAttributes; } public List<OpaqueBehavior> getOpaqueBehaviors() { List<OpaqueBehavior> result = new ArrayList<OpaqueBehavior>( this.getDelegate().ownedBehavior.size()); for (Behavior behavior : this.getDelegate().ownedBehavior) { if (behavior instanceof fUML.Syntax.CommonBehaviors.BasicBehaviors.OpaqueBehavior) result.add(new OpaqueBehavior((fUML.Syntax.CommonBehaviors.BasicBehaviors.OpaqueBehavior)behavior, this.artifact)); } return result; } } // Class_