package org.epics.archiverappliance.utils.nio; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException; import java.nio.file.OpenOption; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * This is a replacement for NIO Paths that caters to our syntax rules. * Normal file system paths are all similar to linux file names. * The compressed use the jar:file:syntax. * For example, <code>jar:file:///ziptest/!/SomeTextFile.txt</code> * * @author luofeng * @author mshankar * */ public class ArchPaths implements Closeable { public static final String ZIP_PREFIX = "jar:file://"; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ArchPaths.class.getName()); private static FileSystemProvider zipFSProvider = getZipFSProvider(); private ConcurrentHashMap<String, FileSystem> fileSystemList = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, FileSystem>(); /** * Return a path based on a varargs list of path components. * Each path component is separated by the file separator. * @param first   * @param more   * @return Path   * @throws IOException   */ public Path get(String first, String... more) throws IOException { return get(false, first, more); } /** * Return a path based on a varargs list of path components. * Each path component is separated by the file separator. * @param createParent If this is true, we create the parent automatically when requesting the path * @param first   * @param more   * @return Path   * @throws IOException   */ public Path get(boolean createParent, String first, String... more) throws IOException { String path; if (more.length == 0) { path = first; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(first); for (String segment: more) { if (segment.length() > 0) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append('/'); } sb.append(segment); } } path = sb.toString(); } return this.get(path, createParent); } /** * @param uriPathOrDefautFilePath   * @return Path   * @throws IOException   */ public Path get(String uriPathOrDefautFilePath) throws IOException { return get(uriPathOrDefautFilePath, false); } /** * Return a path based on the full URI representation of the path. * * @param uriPathOrDefautFilePath   * @param createParent If this is true, we create the parent automatically when requesting the path * @return Path   * @throws IOException   */ public Path get(String uriPathOrDefautFilePath, boolean createParent) throws IOException { if(uriPathOrDefautFilePath.startsWith(ZIP_PREFIX)){ // We are dealing with zip files here. int sep=uriPathOrDefautFilePath.indexOf("!/"); if (sep == -1){ int sep2=uriPathOrDefautFilePath.indexOf(ZIP_PREFIX); if(sep2!=-1){ String defaultFile=uriPathOrDefautFilePath.substring(sep2+11); return FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(defaultFile); }else{ IOException e=new IOException("the uri path doesn't include the file path in zip fie. the url path should be like these:" + " jar:file:///D:/ziptest/!/SomeTextFile.txt or jar:file:///ziptest/!/SomeTextFile.txt,or jar:file:///ziptest/, but your path is "+uriPathOrDefautFilePath); logger.error("the uri path doesn't include the file path in zip fie. the url path should be like these:" + " jar:file:///D:/ziptest/!/SomeTextFile.txt or jar:file:///ziptest/!/SomeTextFile.txt,or jar:file:///ziptest/, but your path is "+uriPathOrDefautFilePath,e); throw e; } } if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Asking for " + uriPathOrDefautFilePath + (createParent ? " with and option to create parent folder" : " without the option to create the parent folder")); String zipPathStr = uriPathOrDefautFilePath.substring(ZIP_PREFIX.length(), sep); if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("The path to the zip file is " + zipPathStr); String innerFilePath = uriPathOrDefautFilePath.substring(sep+1); if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("The path to the file within the zip file is " + innerFilePath); FileSystem zipfs = null; if(fileSystemList.get(zipPathStr) != null) { logger.debug("We already have the zip file open in this context " + zipPathStr); zipfs = fileSystemList.get(zipPathStr); } else { Path zipPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(zipPathStr); if(!Files.exists(zipPath)) { if(createParent) { Files.createDirectories(zipPath.getParent()); logger.debug("Creating the zip file."); Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>(); env.put("create", "true"); zipfs = zipFSProvider.newFileSystem(zipPath, env); if(zipfs == null) throw new IOException("Unable to get a new file system from the provider."); fileSystemList.put(zipPathStr, zipfs); } else { throw new NoSuchFileException("The zip file " + zipPathStr + " does not exist and we do not have the createParent set to true"); } } else { Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>(); env.put("create", "false"); zipfs = zipFSProvider.newFileSystem(zipPath, env); if(zipfs == null) throw new IOException("Unable to get a new file system from the provider."); fileSystemList.put(zipPathStr, zipfs); } } Path pathWithinZipFile = zipfs.getPath(innerFilePath); Path parent = pathWithinZipFile.getParent(); if (createParent && parent != null && Files.notExists(parent)) { if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Creating parent folder " + parent.toString()); Files.createDirectories(parent); } return pathWithinZipFile; } else { if(uriPathOrDefautFilePath.contains(":") && uriPathOrDefautFilePath.indexOf(":") < uriPathOrDefautFilePath.indexOf("/") && !uriPathOrDefautFilePath.startsWith("file:///")) { try { URI uri = new URI(uriPathOrDefautFilePath); FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, System.getenv(), Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); Path normalFilePath = fs.getPath(uri.getPath()); Path parent = normalFilePath.getParent(); if (createParent && parent != null && Files.notExists(parent)) { if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Creating parent folder " + parent.toString()); Files.createDirectories(parent); } return normalFilePath; } catch(URISyntaxException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } else { // We are dealing with normal file system paths. Path normalFilePath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(uriPathOrDefautFilePath); Path parent = normalFilePath.getParent(); if (createParent && parent != null && Files.notExists(parent)) { if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Creating parent folder " + parent.toString()); Files.createDirectories(parent); } return normalFilePath; } } } /** * Returns a seekable byte channel. * In case of file systems, this is the raw SeekableByteChannel as returned by the provider. * In case of zip files, we wrap the InputStream using WrappedSeekableByteChannel (which is a read only byte channel for now). * @param path Path * @param options OpenOption * @return a new seekabel byte channel * @throws IOException   */ public static SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Path path, OpenOption...options) throws IOException { String pathURI = path.toUri().toString(); if(pathURI.startsWith(ZIP_PREFIX)) { return new WrappedSeekableByteChannel(path); } else { return Files.newByteChannel(path, options); } } private static FileSystemProvider getZipFSProvider() { for (FileSystemProvider provider : FileSystemProvider.installedProviders()) { if ("jar".equals(provider.getScheme())) return provider; } logger.fatal("For some reason we do not have the zip file system provider on this JVM."); return null; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { for(String key:fileSystemList.keySet()){ if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Closing file system for " + key); fileSystemList.get(key).close(); } } /** * The path used for backing up the data using ETL. * When enabling compression with packing, we backup the packed file itself as opposed to the files within the packed file. * @param path Path * @return Path for backup * @throws IOException   */ public String getPathForBackup(Path path) throws IOException { String uriStr = path.toUri().toString(); if(uriStr.startsWith(ZIP_PREFIX)) { int sep = uriStr.indexOf("!/"); if(sep == -1) { throw new IOException("Malformed URI :" + uriStr); } String zipPathStr = uriStr.substring(ZIP_PREFIX.length(), sep); return zipPathStr; } else { // For regular file systems, the container path is the same as the regular path return path.toFile().getAbsolutePath(); } } }