package org.epics.archiverappliance.mgmt.archivepv; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.epics.archiverappliance.common.TimeUtils; import org.epics.archiverappliance.config.ApplianceAggregateInfo; import org.epics.archiverappliance.config.ApplianceInfo; import org.epics.archiverappliance.config.ConfigService; import org.epics.archiverappliance.utils.ui.GetUrlContent; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; /** * Data from various appliances that is used for capacity planning. * We assume that policies have been applied for this PV and that typeinfo is available. * We gather data from various appliances (engine + ETL + storage) as it applies to this PV. * Capacity planning consists of measured data and estimated data. * The estimated data is available from the configService as ApplianceAggregateInfo * The measured data is available thru this class. * As the measured data does not change very often, we cache this locally for a time period as defined by MEASURED_DATA_CACHE_TIME * @author mshankar * */ public class CapacityPlanningData { private static final int MEASURED_DATA_CACHE_TIME = 60*60*1000; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CapacityPlanningData.class.getName()); /** * This is the percentage of time taken (averaged over the lifetime of the engine) that the engine write thread takes to flush data into short term store. */ private float engineWriteThreadUsage; private float secondsConsumedByWriter; private float currentTotalStorageRate; private float percentageTimeForWritterAfterPVadded=0; /** * ETL metrics for all the stores in this appliance that support the storage API. */ private ConcurrentHashMap<String, ETLMetrics> etlMetrics = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ETLMetrics>(); private ApplianceAggregateInfo applianceAggregateInfoAsOfLastFetch; private String identity; private boolean isAvailible=true; private static CPStaticData cachedCPStaticData = null; class ETLMetrics { String identity; /** * This is percentage time taken (averaged over the lifetime of ETL) that the ETL thread takes to move data from one store to another. */ double etlTimeTaken; /** this is the estimated storage size for pv just added. estimateStoragePVadded=sum(pvDataRate*partitionTime); */ long estimateStoragePVadded=0; double estimateETLtimePercentageAfterPVadded; /** * This is the raw storage (in bytes, averaged over the lifetime of ETL) available before ETL runs in all the various stores. */ long etlStorageAvailable; /** * This is the total size of the store. */ long totalSpace; public ETLMetrics(JSONObject obj) { this.identity = (String) obj.get("identity"); this.totalSpace = Long.parseLong((String) obj.get("totalSpace")); this.etlStorageAvailable = Long.parseLong((String) obj.get("availableSpace")); this.etlTimeTaken = Double.parseDouble((String) obj.get("avgTimeConsumedPercent")); //avgTimeConsumedMs } } public CapacityPlanningData(ConfigService configService, ApplianceInfo applianceInfo) throws IOException { try{ identity = applianceInfo.getIdentity(); String engineURL = applianceInfo.getEngineURL() + "/getApplianceMetrics"; JSONObject engineMetrics = GetUrlContent.getURLContentAsJSONObject(engineURL); DecimalFormat twoSignificantDigits = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###,###,###,###.##"); String secondsConsumedByWriterStr = (String) engineMetrics.get("secondsConsumedByWritter"); secondsConsumedByWriter=twoSignificantDigits.parse(secondsConsumedByWriterStr).floatValue(); String currentTotalStorageRateStr = (String) engineMetrics.get("dataRate"); if(currentTotalStorageRateStr != null) { currentTotalStorageRate=twoSignificantDigits.parse(currentTotalStorageRateStr).floatValue(); } String etlURL = applianceInfo.getEtlURL() + "/getStorageMetricsForAppliance"; JSONArray etlMetricsArray = GetUrlContent.getURLContentAsJSONArray(etlURL); logger.debug(applianceInfo.getIdentity()+"'s ETLMetric:"+etlMetricsArray.toJSONString()); for(Object etlMetricObj : etlMetricsArray) { ETLMetrics etlMetric = new ETLMetrics((JSONObject) etlMetricObj); etlMetrics.put(etlMetric.identity, etlMetric); } applianceAggregateInfoAsOfLastFetch = configService.getAggregatedApplianceInfo(applianceInfo).clone(); } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Exception in CapacityPlanningMetricsPerApplianceForPV", e); throw new IOException(e); } } public static class CPStaticData { public ConcurrentHashMap<ApplianceInfo, CapacityPlanningData> cpApplianceMetrics; Timestamp timeofData; public CPStaticData(ConcurrentHashMap<ApplianceInfo, CapacityPlanningData> cpApplianceMetrics, Timestamp timeofData) { this.cpApplianceMetrics = cpApplianceMetrics; this.timeofData = timeofData; } } public static CPStaticData getMetricsForAppliances(ConfigService configService) throws IOException { Timestamp now =; if(cachedCPStaticData != null) { if((now.getTime() - cachedCPStaticData.timeofData.getTime()) > MEASURED_DATA_CACHE_TIME) { logger.debug("Refetching static data for capacity planning as it is stale " + (now.getTime() - cachedCPStaticData.timeofData.getTime())); } else { logger.debug("Using cached copy of measured data"); return cachedCPStaticData; } } logger.debug("Fetching new capacity planning static data"); ConcurrentHashMap<ApplianceInfo, CapacityPlanningData> capacityMetrics = new ConcurrentHashMap<ApplianceInfo, CapacityPlanningData>(); for(ApplianceInfo applianceInfo : configService.getAppliancesInCluster()) { capacityMetrics.put(applianceInfo, new CapacityPlanningData(configService, applianceInfo)); } CPStaticData newStaticData = new CPStaticData(capacityMetrics, now); cachedCPStaticData = newStaticData; return cachedCPStaticData; } public float getEngineWriteThreadUsage(float writePeriod) { engineWriteThreadUsage = (float) (secondsConsumedByWriter*100/writePeriod); logger.debug("engineWriteThreadUsage for appliance " + identity + " is " + engineWriteThreadUsage); return engineWriteThreadUsage; } public ConcurrentHashMap<String, ETLMetrics> getEtlMetrics() { return etlMetrics; } public float getCurrentTotalStorageRate() { return currentTotalStorageRate; } /** * Return the difference between the appliance aggregate info as of "now" and from the time we last fetched the static data. * @param configService ConfigService * @return ApplianceAggregateInfo   * @throws IOException   */ public ApplianceAggregateInfo getApplianceAggregateDifferenceFromLastFetch(ConfigService configService) throws IOException { ApplianceAggregateInfo freshData = configService.getAggregatedApplianceInfo(configService.getAppliance(identity)); return freshData.getDifference(applianceAggregateInfoAsOfLastFetch); } public float getPercentageTimeForWritter() { return percentageTimeForWritterAfterPVadded; } public void setPercentageTimeForWritter(float percentageTimeForWritterAfterPVadded) { this.percentageTimeForWritterAfterPVadded = percentageTimeForWritterAfterPVadded; } public float getSecondsConsumedByWriter() { return secondsConsumedByWriter; } public boolean isAvailible() { return isAvailible; } public void setAvailible(boolean isAvailible) { this.isAvailible = isAvailible; } public String getStaticDataLastUpdated() { if(cachedCPStaticData != null) { return TimeUtils.convertToHumanReadableString(cachedCPStaticData.timeofData); } else { return "Unknown"; } } }