package org.epics.archiverappliance.etl.common; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.epics.archiverappliance.EventStream; import org.epics.archiverappliance.common.TimeUtils; import org.epics.archiverappliance.etl.ETLContext; import org.epics.archiverappliance.etl.ETLDest; import org.epics.archiverappliance.etl.ETLInfo; import org.epics.archiverappliance.etl.ETLSource; import org.epics.archiverappliance.etl.StorageMetrics; /** * We schedule a ETLPVLookupItems with the appropriate thread using an ETLJob * @author mshankar * */ public class ETLJob implements Runnable { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ETLJob.class.getName()); private ETLPVLookupItems lookupItem; private boolean currentlyRunning = false; private long ETLRunStartEpochSeconds = 0; private Timestamp runAsIfAtTime = null; private Exception exceptionFromLastRun = null; public ETLJob(ETLPVLookupItems lookupItem) { this.lookupItem = lookupItem; this.runAsIfAtTime = null; } /** * Mostly used by ETL unit tests. * @param lookupItem ETLPVLookupItems * @param runAsIfAtTime Timestamp */ public ETLJob(ETLPVLookupItems lookupItem, Timestamp runAsIfAtTime) { this.lookupItem = lookupItem; this.runAsIfAtTime = runAsIfAtTime; } @Override public void run() { try { exceptionFromLastRun = null; if(this.runAsIfAtTime == null) { // We run ETL as if it were 10% of src partition seconds ago to give the previous lifetime time to finish. long padding = Math.round(this.lookupItem.getETLSource().getPartitionGranularity().getApproxSecondsPerChunk()*0.1); Timestamp processingTime = TimeUtils.convertFromEpochSeconds(TimeUtils.getCurrentEpochSeconds() - padding, 0); this.processETL(processingTime); } else { this.processETL(runAsIfAtTime); } } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Exception processing ETL for " + lookupItem.toString(), e); exceptionFromLastRun = e; } } /** * Main ETL algorithm. * @param processingTime Typically we'd use for this. However, we can also run as if it's a certain time by using this parameter. * @throws IOException   * */ public void processETL(Timestamp processingTime) throws IOException { String pvName = lookupItem.getPvName(); String jobDesc = lookupItem.toString(); if (currentlyRunning) { logger.error("The previous ETL job ("+jobDesc+") that began at " + ((ETLRunStartEpochSeconds != 0) ? TimeUtils.convertToHumanReadableString(ETLRunStartEpochSeconds) : "Unknown") + " is still running"); return; } long time4getETLStreams=0; long time4checkSizes=0; long time4prepareForNewPartition=0; long time4appendToETLAppendData=0; long time4commitETLAppendData=0; long time4markForDeletion=0; long time4runPostProcessors=0; long time4executePostETLTasks=0; // We create a brand new context for each run. try(ETLContext etlContext = new ETLContext()) { currentlyRunning=true; ETLRunStartEpochSeconds = TimeUtils.getCurrentEpochSeconds(); long pvETLStartEpochMilliSeconds = TimeUtils.getCurrentEpochMilliSeconds(); if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Processing ETL for pv " + lookupItem.getPvName() + " from " + lookupItem.getETLSource().getDescription() + lookupItem.getETLDest().getDescription() + " as if it is " + TimeUtils.convertToHumanReadableString(processingTime)); } ETLSource curETLSource = lookupItem.getETLSource(); ETLDest curETLDest = lookupItem.getETLDest(); assert(curETLSource != null); assert(curETLDest != null); StorageMetrics destMetrics = null; if ( curETLDest instanceof StorageMetrics) { destMetrics = (StorageMetrics) curETLDest; } // Process each ETLInfo element in the list of ETLInfo // elements containing information about event streams // (e.g., files) ready for ETL for the current time and // PV name being processed. long time1=System.currentTimeMillis(); long totalSrcBytes = 0; List<ETLInfo> ETLInfoList = curETLSource.getETLStreams(pvName, processingTime, etlContext); time4getETLStreams=time4getETLStreams+System.currentTimeMillis()-time1; if (ETLInfoList != null) { List<ETLInfo> movedList = new LinkedList<ETLInfo>(); for (ETLInfo infoItem : ETLInfoList) { if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Processing ETLInfo with key = " + infoItem.getKey() + " for PV " + pvName + "itemInfo partitionGranularity = " + infoItem.getGranularity().toString()); } long checkSzStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); long sizeOfSrcStream = infoItem.getSize(); totalSrcBytes += sizeOfSrcStream; if(sizeOfSrcStream > 0 && destMetrics != null) { long freeSpace = destMetrics.getUsableSpace(lookupItem.getMetricsForLifetime()); long freeSpaceBuffer = 1024*1024; // We leave space for at lease freeSpaceBuffer in the dest so that you can login and have some room to repair damage coming in from an out of space condition. long estimatedSpaceNeeded = sizeOfSrcStream + freeSpaceBuffer; if(freeSpace < estimatedSpaceNeeded) { logger.error("No space on dest when moving ETLInfo with key = " + infoItem.getKey() + " for PV " + pvName + "itemInfo partitionGranularity = " + infoItem.getGranularity().toString() + " as we estimate we need " + estimatedSpaceNeeded + " bytes but we only have " + freeSpace); OutOfSpaceHandling outOfSpaceHandling = this.lookupItem.getOutOfSpaceHandling(); if(outOfSpaceHandling == OutOfSpaceHandling.DELETE_SRC_STREAMS_WHEN_OUT_OF_SPACE) { logger.error("Not enough space on dest. Deleting src stream " + infoItem.getKey()); movedList.add(infoItem); lookupItem.outOfSpaceChunkDeleted(); continue; } else if(outOfSpaceHandling == OutOfSpaceHandling.SKIP_ETL_WHEN_OUT_OF_SPACE) { logger.warn("Not enough space on dest. Skipping ETL this time for pv " + pvName); break; } else { // By default, we use the DELETE_SRC_STREAMS_IF_FIRST_DEST_WHEN_OUT_OF_SPACE... if(lookupItem.getLifetimeorder() == 0) { logger.error("Not enough space on dest. Deleting src stream " + infoItem.getKey()); movedList.add(infoItem); lookupItem.outOfSpaceChunkDeleted(); continue; } else { logger.warn("Not enough space on dest. Skipping ETL this time for pv " + pvName); break; } } } } long checkSzEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); time4checkSizes=time4checkSizes+(checkSzEnd-checkSzStart); try(EventStream stream = infoItem.getEv()) { long time2=System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean partitionPrepareResult = curETLDest.prepareForNewPartition(pvName, infoItem.getFirstEvent(), infoItem.getType(), etlContext); time4prepareForNewPartition=time4prepareForNewPartition+System.currentTimeMillis()-time2; if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if(!partitionPrepareResult) logger.debug("Destination partition already prepared for PV " + pvName + " with key = " + infoItem.getKey()); } long time3=System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean status = curETLDest.appendToETLAppendData(pvName, stream, etlContext); movedList.add(infoItem); time4appendToETLAppendData=time4appendToETLAppendData+System.currentTimeMillis()-time3; if (status) { if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Successfully appended ETLInfo with key = " + infoItem.getKey() + " for PV " + pvName + "itemInfo partitionGranularity = " + infoItem.getGranularity().toString()); } } else { logger.warn("Processing ETLInfo with key = " + infoItem.getKey() + " for PV " + pvName + "itemInfo partitionGranularity = " + infoItem.getGranularity().toString()); } } catch(IOException ex) { //TODO What do we do in the case of exceptions? Do we remove the source still? Do we stop the engine from recording this PV? logger.error("Exception processing " + infoItem.getKey(), ex); } } // Concatenate any append data for the current ETLDest // destination to this destination. try { long time7=System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean commitSuccessful = curETLDest.commitETLAppendData(pvName, etlContext); time4commitETLAppendData=time4commitETLAppendData+System.currentTimeMillis()-time7; if(commitSuccessful) { // Now that ETL processing has completed for the current // event time and PV name being processed, loop through // the list of ETLInfo elements containing information // about event streams and mark each ETLSource event stream // (e.g., file) for deletion. for (ETLInfo infoItem : movedList) { logger.debug("mark for deletion itemInfo key= " + infoItem.getKey()); long time4=System.currentTimeMillis(); curETLSource.markForDeletion(infoItem, etlContext); time4markForDeletion=time4markForDeletion+System.currentTimeMillis()-time4; } } else { logger.error("Unsuccessful commiting ETL for pv " + pvName); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("IOException from prepareForNewPartition ", e); } try { long time5=System.currentTimeMillis(); curETLDest.runPostProcessors(pvName, lookupItem.getDbrType(), etlContext); time4runPostProcessors=time4runPostProcessors+System.currentTimeMillis()-time5; }catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception running post processors for pv " + pvName, e); } logger.debug("Executing post ETL tasks for this run"); long time6=System.currentTimeMillis(); etlContext.executePostETLTasks(); time4executePostETLTasks=time4executePostETLTasks+System.currentTimeMillis()-time6; logger.debug("Done executing post ETL tasks for this run"); long pvETLEndEpochMilliSeconds = TimeUtils.getCurrentEpochMilliSeconds(); lookupItem.addETLDurationInMillis(pvETLStartEpochMilliSeconds, pvETLEndEpochMilliSeconds); lookupItem.addInfoAboutDetailedTime(time4getETLStreams, time4checkSizes, time4prepareForNewPartition, time4appendToETLAppendData, time4commitETLAppendData, time4markForDeletion, time4runPostProcessors, time4executePostETLTasks, totalSrcBytes); } else { logger.debug("There were no ETL streams when running ETL for " + jobDesc); } } catch(IOException ex) { logger.error("IOException processing ETL for pv " + lookupItem.getPvName(), ex); } finally { currentlyRunning=false; } } /** * Was there an exception in the last ETL run for this job * Mostly used by unit tests. * @return exceptionFromLastRun   */ public Exception getExceptionFromLastRun() { return exceptionFromLastRun; } }