package org.epics.archiverappliance.retrieval.postprocessors; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.epics.archiverappliance.Event; import org.epics.archiverappliance.EventStream; import org.epics.archiverappliance.common.TimeSpan; import org.epics.archiverappliance.common.TimeUtils; import org.epics.archiverappliance.config.PVTypeInfo; import; import org.epics.archiverappliance.engine.membuf.ArrayListEventStream; import org.epics.archiverappliance.retrieval.RemotableEventStreamDesc; import; /** * Abstract class for various operators that operate on a SummaryStatistics * Child classes implement the getIdentity and the getStats method. * @author mshankar * */ public abstract class SummaryStatsPostProcessor implements PostProcessor, PostProcessorWithConsolidatedEventStream, FillNoFillSupport { @Override public abstract String getIdentity(); public abstract SummaryStatsCollector getCollector(); /** * @return true if this post processor is providing an array (list) of data, or false if a single value is provided */ public boolean isProvidingVectorData() { return false; } /** * @return the number of elements per sample that this post processor provides */ public int getElementCount() { return 1; } private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SummaryStatsPostProcessor.class.getName()); int intervalSecs = PostProcessors.DEFAULT_SUMMARIZING_INTERVAL; private Timestamp previousEventTimestamp = new Timestamp(1); static class SummaryValue { /** * The summary value */ double value; /** * Maximize severity */ int severity; /** * Do we have any connection changed events */ boolean connectionChanged; HashMap<String, String> additionalCols = null; /** * Summary values */ List<Double> values; public SummaryValue(double value, int severity, boolean connectionChanged) { this.value = value; this.severity = severity; this.connectionChanged = connectionChanged; } public SummaryValue(List<Double> values, int severity, boolean connectionChanged) { this.values = values; this.value = Double.NaN; this.severity = severity; this.connectionChanged = connectionChanged; } public void addAdditionalColumn(HashMap<String, String> additionalColumns) { for(String name : additionalColumns.keySet()) { String value = additionalColumns.get(name); if(this.additionalCols == null) { this.additionalCols = new HashMap<String, String>(); } this.additionalCols.put(name, value); } } } protected LinkedHashMap<Long, SummaryValue> consolidatedData = new LinkedHashMap<Long, SummaryValue>(); long firstBin = 0; long lastBin = Long.MAX_VALUE; long currentBin = -1; int currentMaxSeverity = 0; boolean currentConnectionChangedEvents = false; SummaryStatsCollector currentBinCollector = null; RemotableEventStreamDesc srcDesc = null; private boolean inheritValuesFromPreviousBins = true; Event lastSampleBeforeStart = null; boolean lastSampleBeforeStartAdded = false; @Override public void initialize(String userarg, String pvName) throws IOException { if(userarg != null && userarg.contains("_")) { String[] userparams = userarg.split("_"); String intervalStr = userparams[1]; intervalSecs = Integer.parseInt(intervalStr); logger.debug("Using use supplied interval of " + intervalSecs); } else { logger.debug("Using the default interval of " + intervalSecs + " as the user has not specified the interval argument."); } } @Override public long estimateMemoryConsumption(String pvName, PVTypeInfo typeInfo, Timestamp start, Timestamp end, HttpServletRequest req) { firstBin = TimeUtils.convertToEpochSeconds(start)/intervalSecs; lastBin = TimeUtils.convertToEpochSeconds(end)/intervalSecs; logger.debug("Expecting " + lastBin + " - " + firstBin + " values " + (lastBin+2 - firstBin)); // Add 2 for the first and last bins.. float storageRate = typeInfo.getComputedStorageRate(); long numSeconds = TimeUtils.convertToEpochSeconds(end) - TimeUtils.convertToEpochSeconds(start); // Add a fudge factor of 2 for java long estimatedMemoryConsumption = (long) (storageRate*numSeconds*2/intervalSecs); return estimatedMemoryConsumption; } @Override public Callable<EventStream> wrap(final Callable<EventStream> callable) { final boolean vectorType = isProvidingVectorData(); final int elementCount = getElementCount(); return new Callable<EventStream>() { @Override public EventStream call() throws Exception { try(EventStream strm = { // If we cache the mean/sigma etc, then we should add something to the desc telling us that this is cached data and then we can replace the stat value for that bin? if(srcDesc == null) srcDesc = (RemotableEventStreamDesc) strm.getDescription(); for(Event e : strm) { try { DBRTimeEvent dbrTimeEvent = (DBRTimeEvent) e; long epochSeconds = dbrTimeEvent.getEpochSeconds(); if(dbrTimeEvent.getEventTimeStamp().after(previousEventTimestamp)) { previousEventTimestamp = dbrTimeEvent.getEventTimeStamp(); } else { // Note that this is expected. ETL is not transactional; so we can get the same event twice from different stores. if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Skipping older event " + TimeUtils.convertToHumanReadableString(dbrTimeEvent.getEventTimeStamp()) + " previous " + TimeUtils.convertToHumanReadableString(previousEventTimestamp)); } continue; } long binNumber = epochSeconds/intervalSecs; if(binNumber >= firstBin && binNumber <= lastBin) { // We only add bins for the specified time frame. // The ArchiveViewer depends on the number of values being the same and because of different rates for PVs, the bin number for the starting bin could be different... // We could add a firstbin-1 and put all values before the starting timestamp in that bin but that would give incorrect summaries. if(!lastSampleBeforeStartAdded && lastSampleBeforeStart != null) { switchToNewBin(firstBin-1); currentBinCollector.addEvent(lastSampleBeforeStart); lastSampleBeforeStartAdded = true; } if(binNumber != currentBin) { if(currentBin != -1) { SummaryValue summaryValue; if (vectorType) { summaryValue = new SummaryValue(((SummaryStatsVectorCollector)currentBinCollector).getVectorValues(), currentMaxSeverity, currentConnectionChangedEvents); } else { summaryValue = new SummaryValue(currentBinCollector.getStat(), currentMaxSeverity, currentConnectionChangedEvents); if(currentBinCollector instanceof SummaryStatsCollectorAdditionalColumns) { summaryValue.addAdditionalColumn(((SummaryStatsCollectorAdditionalColumns)currentBinCollector).getAdditionalStats()); } } consolidatedData.put(currentBin, summaryValue); } switchToNewBin(binNumber); } currentBinCollector.addEvent(e); if(dbrTimeEvent.getSeverity() > currentMaxSeverity) { currentMaxSeverity = dbrTimeEvent.getSeverity(); } if(dbrTimeEvent.hasFieldValues() && dbrTimeEvent.getFields().containsKey("cnxregainedepsecs")) { currentConnectionChangedEvents = true; } } else if(binNumber < firstBin) { // Michael Davidsaver's special case; keep track of the last value before the start time and then add that in as a single sample. if(!lastSampleBeforeStartAdded) { if(lastSampleBeforeStart != null) { if(e.getEpochSeconds() >= lastSampleBeforeStart.getEpochSeconds()) { lastSampleBeforeStart = e.makeClone(); } } else { lastSampleBeforeStart = e.makeClone(); } } } } catch(PBParseException ex) { logger.error("Skipping possible corrupted event for pv " + strm.getDescription()); } } return new SummaryStatsCollectorEventStream(firstBin, lastBin, intervalSecs, srcDesc, consolidatedData, inheritValuesFromPreviousBins, zeroOutEmptyBins(), vectorType, elementCount); } } }; } private void switchToNewBin(long binNumber) { currentBin = binNumber; currentMaxSeverity = 0; currentConnectionChangedEvents = false; currentBinCollector = getCollector(); currentBinCollector.setBinParams(intervalSecs, currentBin); } @Override public String getExtension() { String identity = this.getIdentity(); if(intervalSecs == PostProcessors.DEFAULT_SUMMARIZING_INTERVAL) { return identity; } else { return identity + "_" + Integer.toString(intervalSecs); } } @Override public EventStream getConsolidatedEventStream() { if(!lastSampleBeforeStartAdded && lastSampleBeforeStart != null) { switchToNewBin(firstBin-1); logger.debug("Adding lastSampleBeforeStart to bin " + TimeUtils.convertToHumanReadableString(lastSampleBeforeStart.getEpochSeconds())); currentBinCollector.addEvent(lastSampleBeforeStart); lastSampleBeforeStartAdded = true; } if(currentBin != -1) { SummaryValue summaryValue; if (isProvidingVectorData()) { summaryValue = new SummaryValue(((SummaryStatsVectorCollector)currentBinCollector).getVectorValues(), currentMaxSeverity, currentConnectionChangedEvents); } else { summaryValue = new SummaryValue(currentBinCollector.getStat(), currentMaxSeverity, currentConnectionChangedEvents); if(currentBinCollector instanceof SummaryStatsCollectorAdditionalColumns) { summaryValue.addAdditionalColumn(((SummaryStatsCollectorAdditionalColumns)currentBinCollector).getAdditionalStats()); } } consolidatedData.put(currentBin, summaryValue); currentBinCollector = null; } if(consolidatedData.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayListEventStream(0, srcDesc); } else { return new SummaryStatsCollectorEventStream(this.firstBin == 0 ? 0 : this.firstBin-1, this.lastBin, this.intervalSecs, srcDesc, consolidatedData, inheritValuesFromPreviousBins, zeroOutEmptyBins(), isProvidingVectorData(), getElementCount()); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.epics.archiverappliance.retrieval.postprocessors.PostProcessorWithConsolidatedEventStream#getStartBinEpochSeconds() */ @Override public long getStartBinEpochSeconds() { return this.firstBin*this.intervalSecs; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.epics.archiverappliance.retrieval.postprocessors.PostProcessorWithConsolidatedEventStream#getEndBinEpochSeconds() */ @Override public long getEndBinEpochSeconds() { return this.lastBin*this.intervalSecs; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.epics.archiverappliance.retrieval.postprocessors.PostProcessorWithConsolidatedEventStream#getBinTimestamps() */ @Override public LinkedList<TimeSpan> getBinTimestamps() { return getBinTimestamps(this.firstBin, this.lastBin, this.intervalSecs); } public static LinkedList<TimeSpan> getBinTimestamps(long firstBin, long lastBin, int intervalSecs) { LinkedList<TimeSpan> ret = new LinkedList<TimeSpan>(); long previousBinEpochSeconds = firstBin*intervalSecs; for(long currentBin = firstBin+1; currentBin <= lastBin; currentBin++) { long currentBinEpochSeconds = currentBin*intervalSecs; ret.add(new TimeSpan(previousBinEpochSeconds, currentBinEpochSeconds)); previousBinEpochSeconds = currentBinEpochSeconds; } return ret; } @Override public void doNotInheritValuesFromPrevioisBins() { this.inheritValuesFromPreviousBins = false; } @Override public boolean zeroOutEmptyBins() { return false; } }