package org.openedit.xml; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.entermedia.cache.CacheManager; import org.openedit.Data; import; import; import; import; import org.openedit.util.DateStorageUtil; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import com.openedit.OpenEditRuntimeException; import com.openedit.Shutdownable; import com.openedit.hittracker.DataHitTracker; import com.openedit.hittracker.HitTracker; import com.openedit.hittracker.SearchQuery; import com.openedit.hittracker.Term; import com.openedit.users.User; import com.openedit.util.PathUtilities; public class XmlSearcher extends BaseSearcher implements Shutdownable { protected XmlArchive fieldXmlArchive; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XmlSearcher.class); protected PropertyDetails fieldDefaultDetails; protected CacheManager fieldCacheManager; protected XmlFile fieldXmlFile; protected long fieldEditCount = 0; public CacheManager getCacheManager() { if (fieldCacheManager == null) { fieldCacheManager = new CacheManager(); //TODO: make this shared across catalogs? } return fieldCacheManager; } public void setCacheManager(CacheManager inCache) { fieldCacheManager = inCache; } public Object searchById(String inId) { return searchById(inId, true ); } public Object searchById(String inId, boolean inCache) { if (inId != null) { SearchQuery query = createSearchQuery(); query.addMatches("id", inId); HitTracker hits = search(query); Object hit = hits.first(); return hit; } return null; } protected String cacheId() { return getCatalogId() + getSearchType(); } public void reIndexAll() throws OpenEditException { getCacheManager().clear(cacheId() ); fieldXmlFile = null; } public boolean passes(Element inElement, SearchQuery inQuery) throws ParseException { for (Iterator iterator = inQuery.getTerms().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Term term = (Term); if("betweendates".equals(term.getOperation())) { Date before = inQuery.getDateFormat().parse(term.getParameter("lowDate")); Date after = inQuery.getDateFormat().parse(term.getParameter("highDate")); String id = term.getDetail().getId();//effectivedate String date = inElement.attributeValue(id); if(date == null) { return false; } Date target = getDefaultDateFormat().parse(date); if(!(before.before(target) && after.after(target))) { return false; } } else if("afterdate".equals(term.getOperation())) { Date after = inQuery.getDateFormat().parse(term.getParameter("highDate")); String id = term.getDetail().getId();//effectivedate String date = inElement.attributeValue(id); if(date == null) { return false; } Date target = getDefaultDateFormat().parse(date); if(!target.after(after)) { return false; } } else if("beforedate".equals(term.getOperation())) { String low = term.getParameter("beforeDate"); Date before = null; if( low != null) { before = inQuery.getDateFormat().parse(low); } else { Object[] values = term.getValues(); if( values != null && values.length > 0) { before = (Date)values[0]; } } String id = term.getDetail().getId();//effectivedate String date = inElement.attributeValue(id); if(date == null) { return false; } Date target = DateStorageUtil.getStorageUtil().parseFromStorage(date); if(before == null || !target.before(before)) { return false; } } else if("orgroup".equals(term.getOperation())) { String value = term.getValue(); Object[] values = term.getValues(); String attribval = inElement.attributeValue(term.getDetail().getId()); if(value != null && (attribval == null || !value.contains(attribval)) ) { return false; } if(values != null){ boolean foundmatch = false; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { String val = (String) values[i]; if(attribval != null && val.contains(attribval)){ foundmatch =true; } } if(!foundmatch){ return false; } } } else { String name = term.getDetail().getId(); String value = term.getValue(); if (name == null) { name = "id"; } else if( name.equals("description") ) { if( value != null && "*".equals(value)) { return true; } name = "name"; //This is temporary until we support isKeyword } if( value == null && term.getDetail().isBoolean() ) { value = "false"; } if( value != null) { value = value.toLowerCase(); } String attribval = null; if( "name".equals(name)) { attribval = inElement.getTextTrim(); if(attribval == null || attribval.length()==0){ attribval = inElement.attributeValue("name"); if(attribval != null){ attribval = attribval.trim(); } } } else { attribval = inElement.attributeValue(name); } if( attribval != null ) { attribval = attribval.toLowerCase(); } if( attribval == null && term.getDetail().isBoolean() ) { attribval = "false"; } if( "not".equals( term.getOperation() ) ) { if (value != null && attribval != null && ("*".equals(value) || doesMatch(term.getOperation(),attribval,value) ) ) { return false; } } else { if (value != null && attribval != null && ("*".equals(value) || doesMatch(term.getOperation(),attribval,value) ) ) { if (!inQuery.isAndTogether()) { return true; } } else if (inQuery.isAndTogether()) { return false; } } } } if(inQuery.isAndTogether()) { return true; } return false; } protected boolean doesMatch(String inOperation, String inAttribval, String inValue) { if( "contains".equals(inOperation) ) { return inAttribval.contains(inValue); } if(inAttribval.contains("|")){ String[] vals = BaseData.VALUEDELMITER.split(inAttribval); for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { String val = vals[i]; if(PathUtilities.match(inValue, val)){ return true; } } } return PathUtilities.match(inAttribval.toLowerCase(), inValue); } public String getIndexId() { XmlFile settings = getXmlFile(); return getSearchType() + settings.getLastModified() + fieldEditCount; } /** * Because of the way SearchQuery is coded, we can't get to the operation information. * So, this only supports exact matching. */ public HitTracker search(SearchQuery inQuery) { if( inQuery == null) { return null; } HitTracker hits = (HitTracker) getCacheManager().get(cacheId(), inQuery.toQuery() + inQuery.getSortBy()); if(hits != null) { if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug("Cached search " + getSearchType() + " " + inQuery.toQuery() + " (sorted by " + inQuery.getSortBy() + ") found " + hits.size() + " in " + getCatalogId()); } return hits; } XmlFile settings = getXmlFile(); List results = new ArrayList(); if (settings.isExist()) { for (Iterator iterator = settings.getElements().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element element = (Element); try { if (passes(element, inQuery)) { results.add(new ElementData(element)); } } catch (ParseException e) { throw new OpenEditRuntimeException(e); } } } else {"Xml does not exist " + settings.getPath()); } sortResults(inQuery, results); hits = new DataHitTracker(); hits.setSearcher(this); hits.setSearchQuery(inQuery); hits.setIndexId(getSearchType() + settings.getLastModified()); hits.addAll(results); // if( getCache().size() > 500) // { // clearIndex(); // } getCacheManager().put(cacheId(),inQuery.toQuery() + inQuery.getSortBy(), hits); //if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug("Search " + getSearchType() + " " + inQuery.toQuery() + " (sorted by " + inQuery.getSortBy() + ") found " + hits.size()); } return hits; } private void sortResults(SearchQuery inQuery, List results) { final List sorts = inQuery.getSorts(); if (!sorts.isEmpty() ) { ElementSorter sorter = new ElementSorter(sorts); Collections.sort(results,sorter); } } protected XmlFile getXmlFile() { if( fieldXmlFile == null ) { synchronized (this) { if( fieldXmlFile == null ) { fieldXmlFile = loadXmlFile(); } } } return fieldXmlFile; } public void setXmlFile(XmlFile inFile) { fieldXmlFile = inFile; } protected XmlFile loadXmlFile() { try { String inName = getSearchType(); String path = getPropertyDetailsArchive().getConfigurationPath("/lists" + "/" + inName + ".xml"); //No sure why we do this. PropertyDetails details = getPropertyDetailsArchive().getPropertyDetailsCached(inName); if( details == null) { inName = "property"; } inName = inName.replace('/','_'); //if we load up foldername/name, we can't have a slash in the xml XmlFile settings = getXmlArchive().getXml(path,path,inName); return settings; } catch ( OpenEditException ex) { throw new OpenEditRuntimeException(ex); } } public XmlArchive getXmlArchive() { return fieldXmlArchive; } public void setXmlArchive(XmlArchive inXmlArchive) { fieldXmlArchive = inXmlArchive; } public SearchQuery createSearchQuery() { SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery(); query.setPropertyDetails(getPropertyDetails()); query.setCatalogId(getCatalogId()); query.setSearcherManager(getSearcherManager()); query.setResultType(getSearchType()); return query; } public void saveData(Data inData, User inUser) { //If this element is manipulated then the instance is the same //No need to read it ElementData data = (ElementData)inData; XmlFile settings = getXmlFile(); String path = "/WEB-INF/data/" + getCatalogId() + "/lists" + "/" + getSearchType() + ".xml"; settings.setPath(path); Element element = null; if( inData.getId() == null) { inData.setId( String.valueOf( new Date().getTime() )); } else { element = settings.getElementById(inData.getId()); } if( element == null ) { //New element element = settings.getRoot().addElement(settings.getElementName()); element.addAttribute("id", inData.getId()); } if( inData instanceof ElementData) { ElementData data = (ElementData)inData; List attributes = data.getElement().attributes(); element.setAttributes(attributes); //element.setText(inData.getName()); //existing row exists element.setContent(data.getElement().content()); } else { element.clearContent(); element.setAttributes(null); ElementData data = new ElementData(element); data.setId(inData.getId()); data.setName(inData.getName()); data.setSourcePath(inData.getSourcePath()); for (Iterator iterator = inData.getProperties().keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String key = (String); data.setProperty(key, inData.get(key)); } }"Saved to " + settings.getPath()); getXmlArchive().saveXml(settings, inUser); clearIndex(); } public void saveAllData(Collection inAll, User inUser){ String path = "/WEB-INF/data/" + getCatalogId() + "/lists" + "/" + getSearchType() + ".xml"; saveAllData(inAll, inUser, path); } public void saveAllData(Collection inAll, User inUser, String path) { XmlFile settings = getXmlFile(); settings.setPath(path); for (Iterator iterator = inAll.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Data data = (Data); if( data.getId() == null) { //TODO: Use counter data.setId( String.valueOf( new Date().getTime() )); } if( data instanceof ElementData) { ElementData edata = (ElementData)data; if( edata.getElement().getParent() == null) { settings.getRoot().add(edata.getElement()); continue; } if( edata.getElement().getParent() == settings.getRoot()) { continue; } } Element contained = settings.getRoot().elementByID(data.getId()); //This only works for upper case ID if( contained == null ) { Element newone = settings.addNewElement(); List details = getProperties(); for (Iterator iterator2 = details.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) { PropertyDetail field = (PropertyDetail); String value = data.get(field.getId()); if( "name".equals(field.getId()) ) { newone.setText(value); } else { newone.addAttribute(field.getId(), value); } } } } clearIndex();"Saved to " + settings.getPath()); getXmlArchive().saveXml(settings, inUser); } public Data createNewData() { XmlFile settings = getXmlFile(); Element newone = DocumentHelper.createElement(settings.getElementName()); ElementData data = new ElementData(newone); return data; } public List getIndexProperties() { PropertyDetails details = getPropertyDetailsArchive().getPropertyDetailsCached(getSearchType()); if( details == null || details.size() == 0) { return getDefaultDetails().findIndexProperties(); } return details.findIndexProperties(); } public List getStoredProperties() { PropertyDetails details = getPropertyDetailsArchive().getPropertyDetailsCached(getSearchType()); if( details == null || details.size() == 0) { return getDefaultDetails().findStoredProperties(); } return details.findStoredProperties(); } public List getSearchProperties(User inUser) { List details = getDetailsForView(getSearchType() + "/" + getSearchType() + "search", inUser); if (details == null || details.size() == 0) { return getDefaultDetails().findStoredProperties(); } return details; } public List getProperties() { PropertyDetails details = getPropertyDetailsArchive().getPropertyDetailsCached(getSearchType()); if( details == null || details.size() == 0) { return getDefaultDetails().getDetails(); } return details.getDetails(); } public PropertyDetails getPropertyDetails() { PropertyDetails details = getPropertyDetailsArchive().getPropertyDetailsCached(getSearchType()); if( details == null || details.size() == 0) { return getDefaultDetails(); } return details; } public PropertyDetails getDefaultDetails() { if( fieldDefaultDetails == null) { //fake one PropertyDetails details = new PropertyDetails(); PropertyDetail id = new PropertyDetail(); id.setIndex(true); id.setStored(true); id.setText("Id"); id.setId("id"); id.setEditable(true); id.setIndex(true); id.setStored(true); details.addDetail(id); id = new PropertyDetail(); id.setIndex(true); id.setStored(true); id.setText("Name"); id.setId("name"); id.setEditable(true); details.addDetail(id); fieldDefaultDetails = details; } return fieldDefaultDetails; } public void deleteAll(User inUser) { HitTracker all = getAllHits(); XmlFile settings = getXmlFile(); for (Iterator iterator = all.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Data object = (Data); Element record = settings.getElementById(object.getId()); if( record != null) { settings.getRoot().remove(record); } } getXmlArchive().saveXml(settings, inUser); clearIndex(); } public void delete(Data inData, User inUser) { XmlFile settings = getXmlFile(); Element record = settings.getElementById(inData.getId()); if( record != null) { settings.getRoot().remove(record); getXmlArchive().saveXml(settings, inUser); } clearIndex(); } public void clearIndex() { fieldEditCount++; synchronized (this) { fieldXmlFile = null; //reload it each time? getCacheManager().clear(cacheId()); } } public void shutdown() { clearIndex(); } }