package org.openedit.util; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class DateStorageUtil { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DateStorageUtil.class); protected Map<String, DateFormat> fieldDateFormats; protected DateFormat fieldOldDashFormat; // 1 day = 24 hour x 60 minutes x 60 seconds x 1000 millisecond; private static final long PERIOD_OF_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; static final private ThreadLocal perThreadCache = new ThreadLocal(); public DateFormat getDateFormat(String inFormat) { if (fieldDateFormats == null) { fieldDateFormats = new HashMap<String, DateFormat>(); } DateFormat format = fieldDateFormats.get(inFormat); if (format == null) { format = new SimpleDateFormat(inFormat); format.setLenient(true); fieldDateFormats.put(inFormat, format); } return format; } protected DateFormat getStandardFormat() { return getDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"); } public DateFormat getJsonFormat() { return getDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); } protected DateFormat getExifFormat() { // 2010:09:20 13:20:53-04:00 return getDateFormat("yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ssZ"); } protected DateFormat getExifPhotoshopFormat(){ //XMP-photoshop:DateCreated return getDateFormat("yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss.S"); } protected DateFormat getOldColonFormat() { return getDateFormat("yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss"); } protected DateFormat getOldDashFormat() { return getDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } protected DateFormat getLuceneFormat() { if (fieldOldDashFormat == null) { fieldOldDashFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); fieldOldDashFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); fieldOldDashFormat.setLenient(true); } return fieldOldDashFormat; } protected DateFormat getOldShortStandardFormat() { return getDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); } public static DateStorageUtil getStorageUtil() { DateStorageUtil format = (DateStorageUtil) perThreadCache.get(); if (format == null) { format = new DateStorageUtil(); perThreadCache.set(format); } return format; } /* * return the number of days between two day */ public static double compareStorateDateWithCurrentTime(String lastTime) { Date lastDateTime = DateStorageUtil.getStorageUtil().parseFromStorage( lastTime); // String currentDate = // DateStorageUtil.getStorageUtil().formatForStorage(new Date()); // Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); // Need to add timezone here Date current = new Date(); double duration = (double) (current.getTime() - lastDateTime.getTime()) / PERIOD_OF_DAY; return duration; } public Date parseFromStorage(String inStoredDate) { if (inStoredDate == null) { return null; } try { if (inStoredDate.length() > 20) { if( inStoredDate.endsWith("Z") ) { inStoredDate = inStoredDate.replaceAll("Z$", "+0000"); } if (inStoredDate.contains("T")) { return getJsonFormat().parse(inStoredDate); //Also works for ElasticSearch } if (inStoredDate.indexOf("-") < 6) { return getStandardFormat().parse(inStoredDate); } if(inStoredDate.substring(inStoredDate.length() - ".000".length()).contains(".")) //What is this??!! { return getExifPhotoshopFormat().parse(inStoredDate); } String ending = inStoredDate.substring(inStoredDate.length() - 5, inStoredDate.length()); if( ending.contains(":")) { ending = ending.replaceAll(":",""); inStoredDate = inStoredDate.substring(0,inStoredDate.length() - 5) + ending; } return getExifFormat().parse(inStoredDate); } if (inStoredDate.length() > 18) { if (inStoredDate.contains("-")) { return getOldDashFormat().parse(inStoredDate); } else { return getOldColonFormat().parse(inStoredDate); } } if (inStoredDate.length() > 16) { // 5/16/00, 11:01 AM 17chars if (inStoredDate.contains(",")) { return getDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy, hh:mm a").parse( inStoredDate); } // 08.30.00 02:18 AM if (inStoredDate.contains(".")) { return getDateFormat("MM.dd.yyyy hh:mm a").parse( inStoredDate); } } // TODO: Deal with military time? if (inStoredDate.length() > 13 && inStoredDate.contains("/")) { return getSlashedDateFormat().parse(inStoredDate); } if (inStoredDate.length() > 13) { return getLuceneFormat().parse(inStoredDate); } if (inStoredDate.length() > 5) { return getOldShortStandardFormat().parse(inStoredDate); } } catch (Exception ex) {"Could not parse date " + inStoredDate); } return null; } public DateFormat getSlashedDateFormat() { return getDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); } public String formatForStorage(String inDate, String inFormat) { DateFormat format = getDateFormat(inFormat); try { Date parsed = format.parse(inDate); return formatForStorage(parsed); } catch (Exception ex) {"Could not parse date " + inDate); return null; } } public String formatForStorage(Date inDate) { String storage = getStandardFormat().format(inDate); return storage; } public String formatDate(String inDate, String inFormat) { Date date = parseFromStorage(inDate); DateFormat formater = getDateFormat(inFormat); return date != null ? formater.format(date) : null; } public String formatDateObj(Date date, String inFormat) { DateFormat formater = getDateFormat(inFormat); return date != null ? formater.format(date) : null; } public String checkFormat(String inValue) { if( inValue == null) { return null; } if (inValue.length() > 21) { if (!inValue.contains("T") && inValue.indexOf("-") < 6 && !inValue.substring(inValue.length() - ".000".length()).contains(".")) { return inValue; } } Date clean = parseFromStorage(inValue); if (clean == null) { return inValue; } return formatForStorage(clean); } public int getDiffYears(Date first, Date last) { Calendar a = getCalendar(first); Calendar b = getCalendar(last); int diff = b.get(b.YEAR) - a.get(b.YEAR); if (a.get(a.MONTH) > b.get(a.MONTH) || (a.get(a.MONTH) == b.get(a.MONTH) && a.get(a.DATE) > b .get(a.DATE))) { diff--; } return diff; } public Calendar getCalendar(Date date) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US); cal.setTime(date); return cal; } public int getDiffYears(String first, String last) { Date one = parseFromStorage(first); Date two= null; if("now".equals(last)){ two = new Date(); }else{ two = parseFromStorage(last); } if(one != null && two != null){ return getDiffYears(one, two); } else{ return -1; } } }