package com.openedit.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openedit.profile.UserProfile; import org.openedit.util.LocaleManager; import com.openedit.BaseWebPageRequest; import com.openedit.ModuleManager; import com.openedit.OpenEditException; import com.openedit.OpenEditRuntimeException; import com.openedit.WebPageRequest; import com.openedit.WebServer; import com.openedit.error.ErrorHandler; import com.openedit.generators.Output; import; import; import; import com.openedit.users.User; import com.openedit.web.Browser; public class RequestUtils { protected PageManager fieldPageManager; protected WebServer fieldWebServer; protected ModuleManager fieldModuleManager; protected ClassLoader fieldClassLoader; protected LocaleManager fieldLocaleManager; protected String fieldHome; protected String fieldSiteRoot; public String getSiteRoot() { return fieldSiteRoot; } public void setSiteRoot(String inSiteRoot) { fieldSiteRoot = inSiteRoot; } protected String getHome() { return fieldHome; } protected void setHome(String inHome) { fieldHome = inHome; } public LocaleManager getLocaleManager() { if (fieldLocaleManager == null) { fieldLocaleManager = new LocaleManager(); } return fieldLocaleManager; } public void setLocaleManager(LocaleManager inLocaleManager) { fieldLocaleManager = inLocaleManager; } static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RequestUtils.class); public PageManager getPageManager() { return fieldPageManager; } public void setPageManager(PageManager fieldPageManager) { this.fieldPageManager = fieldPageManager; } public WebServer getWebServer() { return fieldWebServer; } public void setWebServer(WebServer fieldWebServer) { this.fieldWebServer = fieldWebServer; } public ModuleManager getModuleManager() { return fieldModuleManager; } public void setModuleManager(ModuleManager fieldModuleManager) { this.fieldModuleManager = fieldModuleManager; } public WebPageRequest createVirtualPageRequest(String path, User inUser,UserProfile inProfile) { WebPageRequest request = createPageRequest(path, inUser); request.setUser(inUser); request.setUserProfile(inProfile); // if( inUtil != null) // { // // add the URLUtilities to the context // request.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.URL_UTILITIES, inUtil); // request.putProtectedPageValue( PageRequestKeys.WEB_SERVER_PATH, inUtil.buildRoot() ); // request.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.HOME, inUtil.relativeHomePrefix()); // // // } // try { Page page = request.getPage(); getWebServer().getOpenEditEngine().createPageStreamer( page, request); Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader oldLoader = thread.getContextClassLoader(); try { thread.setContextClassLoader(getClassLoader()); log.debug("running " + path); getModuleManager().executePageActions(page, request ); getModuleManager().executePathActions(page, request ); } finally { thread.setContextClassLoader(oldLoader); } } catch( Exception e ) { handleException( path, e , request); } catch( Throwable e ) { //handleException( path, e , request); log.error( e ); } return request; } public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } private void handleException( String inActionName, Exception e, WebPageRequest inReq ) { log.error( "Scheduler failed to execution action " + inActionName + " " + e.getMessage() ); e.printStackTrace(); try { ErrorHandler handler = (ErrorHandler)getModuleManager().getBean("defaultErrorHandler"); handler.handleError(e, inReq); } catch ( Throwable ex ) { log.error( "Error handle error ignored: " + ex); } } public WebPageRequest createPageRequest(String inPath, User inUser) { try { String[] parts = inPath.split("[?]"); //TODO: Move this to Util class Page page = getPageManager().getPage(parts[0],true); return createPageRequest(inUser, parts, page); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new OpenEditRuntimeException(e); } } public WebPageRequest createPageRequest(User inUser, String[] parts, Page page) { BaseWebPageRequest request = (BaseWebPageRequest)createPageRequest(page, null,null,inUser,null); request.setWriter(new StringWriter() ); if (parts != null && parts.length > 1) { String[] args = parts[1].split("&"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String[] pairs = args[i].split("="); request.setRequestParameter(pairs[0], pairs[1]); } } request.putPageValue("siteRoot", getSiteRoot()); return request; } public WebPageRequest createPageRequest(Page inPage, HttpServletRequest inRequest, HttpServletResponse inResponse, User inUser, URLUtilities util) { BaseWebPageRequest context = new BaseWebPageRequest(); context.setLocaleManager(getLocaleManager()); context.putProtectedPageValue( PageRequestKeys.PAGE, inPage); context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.CONTENT, inPage); context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.USER, inUser); // put standard servlet stuff into the context if( inRequest != null) { context.putProtectedPageValue( PageRequestKeys.REQUEST, inRequest); context.putProtectedPageValue( PageRequestKeys.RESPONSE, inResponse); HttpSession session = inRequest.getSession(true); context.putProtectedPageValue( PageRequestKeys.SESSION, session); context.setRequest(inRequest); context.setResponse(inResponse); context.setSession(session); //Add item in session as page variables context.putPageValues(new SessionMap(session)); try { OutputStream os = inResponse.getOutputStream(); context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.OUTPUT_STREAM, os); // Also make a writer String encoding = inPage.getCharacterEncoding(); if ( encoding != null) { //TODO: Benchmark using a new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os,encoding) ); I hate too many buffers Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os,encoding); context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.OUTPUT_WRITER, writer); } else { Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os ); //uses the server default LANG env variable context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.OUTPUT_WRITER, writer); } } catch (IOException ex) { log.error( ex ); throw new OpenEditException(ex); } } else if( getHome() != null) { context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.HOME, getHome()); } if( util != null) { // add the URLUtilities to the context context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.URL_UTILITIES, util); //context.putProtectedPageValue( PageRequestKeys.WEB_SERVER_PATH, util.buildRoot() ); if( fieldHome == null) { setHome( util.relativeHomePrefix() ); } context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.HOME, getHome()); if( inPage.isDynamic() ) //TODO: Move all this to an action { // urlpath is the address the link came in on String path = PathUtilities.extractDirectoryPath(inPage.getPath()); context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.URL_PATH, util.relativeHomePrefix() + path); // filepath is the address a page within the template might live on context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.FILE_PATH, path); //TODO: Replace with Browser Action //add in browser info Browser browser = new Browser(inRequest.getHeader("User-Agent")); browser.setHttpServletRequest(inRequest); browser.setLocale( inRequest.getLocale() ); context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.BROWSER, browser); //Replaced with action PageValue.getLoader // SessionTool sessionTool = new SessionTool( context, getModuleManager() ); // context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.CLASSTOOL, sessionTool ); } } else { util = new URLUtilities(null,null); context.putProtectedPageValue(PageRequestKeys.URL_UTILITIES, util); } if( fieldSiteRoot == null) { setSiteRoot(context.getSiteRoot()); } context.putPageValue("siteRoot", getSiteRoot()); return context; } /* public String getRenderedPageContent(String inPath, WebPageRequest inReq, User inUser, URLUtilities util){ try { Page page = getPageManager().getPage(inPath); WebPageRequest req; if(inReq == null){ req = createVirtualPageRequest(inPath, inUser, util); } else{ req = createPageRequest(page, inReq.getRequest(), inReq.getResponse(), inUser, util); getModuleManager().executePageActions(page, req ); getModuleManager().executePathActions(page, req ); } ByteArrayOutputStream scapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Writer capture = null; capture = new OutputStreamWriter(scapture, page.getCharacterEncoding()); Output out = new Output(capture, scapture); page.generate(req, out); String output = scapture.toString(); return output; } catch (Exception e) { throw new OpenEditRuntimeException(e); } } */ public WebPageRequest createPageRequest(Page inPage, User inUser) { return createPageRequest(inUser,(String[])null,inPage); } public Map extractValueMap(WebPageRequest inReq) { Map values = new HashMap(); if( inReq.getSession() != null) { Enumeration enumerate = inReq.getSession().getAttributeNames(); while( enumerate.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)enumerate.nextElement(); values.put(key, inReq.getSessionValue(key)); } } values.putAll( inReq.getPageMap()); return values; } }