/* Copyright (c) 2003 eInnovation Inc. All rights reserved This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package com.openedit.web; import java.util.Locale; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; /** * This interface represents a particular type of browser. * * @author cburkey */ public class Browser { public static final int UNKNOWN_BROWSER = 0; public static final int MSIE_BROWSER = 1; public static final int GECKO_BROWSER = 2; public static final int NETSCAPE_BROWSER = 3; public static final int CHROME_BROWSER = 4; public static final int WEBKIT_BROWSER = 5; public static final int OPERA_BROWSER = 7; public static final int TEXT_BROWSER = 8; protected int fieldBrowserType = UNKNOWN_BROWSER; public static final int IE_EDIT_WIDTH = 83; // percentage width of edit iframe in IE public static final int MOZILLA_EDIT_WIDTH = 100; // percentage width of edit iframe in Mozilla protected int fieldMajorVersion = 0; protected String fieldMinorVersion = ""; protected String fieldUserAgent; protected String fieldVersion = ""; protected Locale fieldLocale; protected HttpServletRequest fieldHttpServletRequest; public Browser(String inUserAgent) { fieldUserAgent = inUserAgent; parseUserAgent(); } /** * Retrieve the browser type. * * @return One of the <code>BROWSER</code> constants */ public int getBrowserType() { return fieldBrowserType; } /** * Determine if the browser is a Microsoft browser. * * @return */ public boolean isMSIE() { return (getBrowserType() == MSIE_BROWSER); } /** * Retrieve the major version (if one could be found). * * @return */ public int getMajorVersion() { return fieldMajorVersion; } /** * Retrieve the minor version (if one could be found). * * @return */ public String getMinorVersion() { return fieldMinorVersion; } /** * Determine whether the browser is a Mozilla derivative (including Netscape 6 and 7). * * @return */ public boolean isGecko() { return (getBrowserType() == GECKO_BROWSER); } public boolean isHtml5VideoOnly() { return (getBrowserType() == WEBKIT_BROWSER); } public boolean isHtml5Browser() { if ( isMSIE() ) { int major = getMajorVersion(); if( major != 0 && major < 9) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Retrieve the user agent string that we used to determine the information in this browser. * * @return */ public String getUserAgent() { return fieldUserAgent; } /** * Retrieve the browser version. * * @return */ public String getVersion() { return fieldVersion; } /** * FIXME: This is a temporary method needed because Velocity can't handle static fields (it * would seem). This should disappear when we fix bug WSP35. * * @return */ public boolean isXMLEditorCompatible() { return (getBrowserType() == GECKO_BROWSER) || ((getBrowserType() == MSIE_BROWSER) && (getVersion().compareTo("5.5") >= 0)); } protected void setBrowserType(int inBrowserType) { fieldBrowserType = inBrowserType; } protected void setMajorVersion(int inMajorVersion) { fieldMajorVersion = inMajorVersion; } protected void setMajorVersion(String inMajorVersion) { if( inMajorVersion != null && inMajorVersion.length() > 0 ) { try { fieldMajorVersion = Integer.parseInt(inMajorVersion); } catch( NumberFormatException ex ) { //Fail? } } } protected void setMinorVersion(String inMinorVersion) { fieldMinorVersion = inMinorVersion; } protected void setVersion(String inVersion) { fieldVersion = inVersion; } protected void parseUserAgent() { //Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) //Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100423 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.3 //Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B334b Safari/531.21.10 if (getUserAgent() == null) { setBrowserType(UNKNOWN_BROWSER); return; } String[] details = getUserAgent().split(" "); int found = UNKNOWN_BROWSER; //start at the end and work upwards for (int j = details.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { String browser = details[j].trim(); found = findBrowser(browser); if( found != UNKNOWN_BROWSER) { //get the version numbers and break out setBrowserType(found); if( !browser.contains("/") && j < details.length -1) { browser = browser + "/" + details[j+1]; } setVersions(browser); return; } } //Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5355d Safari/8536.25 if( getUserAgent().contains("AppleWebKit")) { setBrowserType(WEBKIT_BROWSER); } } protected void setVersions(String inBrowser) { // # Try to get version info out of leftover stuff int split = inBrowser.indexOf("/"); if( split > -1 ) { String version = inBrowser.substring(split + 1); version = extractNumber(version); setVersion(version); int j = getVersion().indexOf("."); if (j >= 0) { setMajorVersion(getVersion().substring(0, j)); int k = getVersion().indexOf(".", j + 1); if (k < 0) { k = getVersion().length(); } setMinorVersion(getVersion().substring(j + 1, k)); } else { setMajorVersion(getVersion()); setMinorVersion("0"); } } else { //look for any version numbers? } } protected String extractNumber(String inVersion) { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(inVersion.length()); boolean founddot = false; for (int i = 0; i < inVersion.length(); i++) { char c = inVersion.charAt(i); if( Character.isDigit(c) ) { out.append(c); } else if( founddot == false && c == '.' ) { founddot = true; //one dot only please out.append(c); } } String result = out.toString().toLowerCase(); return result; } private int findBrowser(String browVer) { //from more specific to more generic if( browVer.startsWith("(")) { browVer = browVer.substring(1); } if (browVer.startsWith("Firefox")) { return GECKO_BROWSER; } if (browVer.startsWith("Safari") ) { return WEBKIT_BROWSER; } else if (browVer.startsWith("Gecko")) { return GECKO_BROWSER; } else if (browVer.startsWith("Lynx")) { return TEXT_BROWSER; } else if (browVer.startsWith("MSIE")) { return MSIE_BROWSER; } else if (browVer.startsWith("Opera")) { return OPERA_BROWSER; } else if (browVer.startsWith("Mozilla")) { return NETSCAPE_BROWSER; } return UNKNOWN_BROWSER; } public int getEditWidth() { if ( getBrowserType() == MSIE_BROWSER ) { return IE_EDIT_WIDTH; } else { return MOZILLA_EDIT_WIDTH; } } public Locale getLocale() { return fieldLocale; } public void setLocale(Locale inLocale) { fieldLocale = inLocale; } public String getCookieListing() { if( fieldHttpServletRequest == null) { return null; } StringBuffer all = new StringBuffer(); Cookie[] cookies = getHttpServletRequest().getCookies(); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { all.append( cookies[i].getName()); all.append('='); all.append(cookies[i].getValue()); all.append(';'); } return all.toString(); } public HttpServletRequest getHttpServletRequest() { return fieldHttpServletRequest; } public void setHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest inHttpServletRequest) { fieldHttpServletRequest = inHttpServletRequest; } }