/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.cluster; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.ObjectCursor; import org.elasticsearch.Version; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetaData; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNode; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.node.DiscoveryNodes; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RoutingTable; import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.MapBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings; import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.DummyTransportAddress; import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; /** * Tests for the {@link ClusterChangedEvent} class. */ public class ClusterChangedEventTests extends ESTestCase { private static final ClusterName TEST_CLUSTER_NAME = new ClusterName("test"); private static final int INDICES_CHANGE_NUM_TESTS = 5; private static final String NODE_ID_PREFIX = "node_"; private static final String INITIAL_CLUSTER_ID = Strings.randomBase64UUID(); // the initial indices which every cluster state test starts out with private static final List<String> initialIndices = Arrays.asList("idx1", "idx2", "idx3"); // index settings private static final Settings settings = Settings.builder().put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_VERSION_CREATED, Version.CURRENT).build(); /** * Test basic properties of the ClusterChangedEvent class: * (1) make sure there are no null values for any of its properties * (2) make sure you can't create a ClusterChangedEvent with any null values */ public void testBasicProperties() { ClusterState newState = createSimpleClusterState(); ClusterState previousState = createSimpleClusterState(); ClusterChangedEvent event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", newState, previousState); assertThat(event.source(), equalTo("_na_")); assertThat(event.state(), equalTo(newState)); assertThat(event.previousState(), equalTo(previousState)); assertNotNull("nodesDelta should not be null", event.nodesDelta()); // should not be able to create a ClusterChangedEvent with null values for any of the constructor args try { event = new ClusterChangedEvent(null, newState, previousState); fail("should not have created a ClusterChangedEvent from a null source: " + event.source()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", null, previousState); fail("should not have created a ClusterChangedEvent from a null state: " + event.state()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", newState, null); fail("should not have created a ClusterChangedEvent from a null previousState: " + event.previousState()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } } /** * Test whether the ClusterChangedEvent returns the correct value for whether the local node is master, * based on what was set on the cluster state. */ public void testLocalNodeIsMaster() { final int numNodesInCluster = 3; ClusterState previousState = createSimpleClusterState(); ClusterState newState = createState(numNodesInCluster, true, initialIndices); ClusterChangedEvent event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", newState, previousState); assertTrue("local node should be master", event.localNodeMaster()); newState = createState(numNodesInCluster, false, initialIndices); event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", newState, previousState); assertTrue("local node should be master", event.localNodeMaster()); } /** * Test that the indices created and indices deleted lists between two cluster states * are correct when there is no change in the cluster UUID. Also tests metadata equality * between cluster states. */ public void testMetaDataChangesOnNoMasterChange() { metaDataChangesCheck(false); } /** * Test that the indices created and indices deleted lists between two cluster states * are correct when there is a change in the cluster UUID. Also tests metadata equality * between cluster states. */ public void testMetaDataChangesOnNewClusterUUID() { metaDataChangesCheck(true); } /** * Test the index metadata change check. */ public void testIndexMetaDataChange() { final int numNodesInCluster = 3; final ClusterState originalState = createState(numNodesInCluster, randomBoolean(), initialIndices); final ClusterState newState = originalState; // doesn't matter for this test, just need a non-null value final ClusterChangedEvent event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", originalState, newState); // test when its not the same IndexMetaData final String indexId = initialIndices.get(0); final IndexMetaData originalIndexMeta = originalState.metaData().index(indexId); // make sure the metadata is actually on the cluster state assertNotNull("IndexMetaData for " + indexId + " should exist on the cluster state", originalIndexMeta); IndexMetaData newIndexMeta = createIndexMetadata(indexId, originalIndexMeta.getVersion() + 1); assertTrue("IndexMetaData with different version numbers must be considered changed", event.indexMetaDataChanged(newIndexMeta)); // test when it doesn't exist newIndexMeta = createIndexMetadata("doesntexist"); assertTrue("IndexMetaData that didn't previously exist should be considered changed", event.indexMetaDataChanged(newIndexMeta)); // test when its the same IndexMetaData assertFalse("IndexMetaData should be the same", event.indexMetaDataChanged(originalIndexMeta)); } /** * Test nodes added/removed/changed checks. */ public void testNodesAddedAndRemovedAndChanged() { final int numNodesInCluster = 4; final ClusterState originalState = createState(numNodesInCluster, randomBoolean(), initialIndices); // test when nodes have not been added or removed between cluster states ClusterState newState = createState(numNodesInCluster, randomBoolean(), initialIndices); ClusterChangedEvent event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", newState, originalState); assertFalse("Nodes should not have been added between cluster states", event.nodesAdded()); assertFalse("Nodes should not have been removed between cluster states", event.nodesRemoved()); assertFalse("Nodes should not have been changed between cluster states", event.nodesChanged()); // test when nodes have been removed between cluster states newState = createState(numNodesInCluster - 1, randomBoolean(), initialIndices); event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", newState, originalState); assertTrue("Nodes should have been removed between cluster states", event.nodesRemoved()); assertFalse("Nodes should not have been added between cluster states", event.nodesAdded()); assertTrue("Nodes should have been changed between cluster states", event.nodesChanged()); // test when nodes have been added between cluster states newState = createState(numNodesInCluster + 1, randomBoolean(), initialIndices); event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", newState, originalState); assertFalse("Nodes should not have been removed between cluster states", event.nodesRemoved()); assertTrue("Nodes should have been added between cluster states", event.nodesAdded()); assertTrue("Nodes should have been changed between cluster states", event.nodesChanged()); // test when nodes both added and removed between cluster states // here we reuse the newState from the previous run which already added extra nodes newState = nextState(newState, randomBoolean(), Collections.<String>emptyList(), Collections.<String>emptyList(), 1); event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", newState, originalState); assertTrue("Nodes should have been removed between cluster states", event.nodesRemoved()); assertTrue("Nodes should have been added between cluster states", event.nodesAdded()); assertTrue("Nodes should have been changed between cluster states", event.nodesChanged()); } /** * Test the routing table changes checks. */ /* public void testRoutingTableChanges() { final int numNodesInCluster = 3; final ClusterState originalState = createState(numNodesInCluster, randomBoolean(), initialIndices); // routing tables and index routing tables are same object ClusterState newState = ClusterState.builder(originalState).build(); ClusterChangedEvent event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", originalState, newState); assertFalse("routing tables should be the same object", event.routingTableChanged()); assertFalse("index routing table should be the same object", event.indexRoutingTableChanged(initialIndices.get(0))); // routing tables and index routing tables aren't same object newState = createState(numNodesInCluster, true, initialIndices); event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", originalState, newState); assertTrue("routing tables should not be the same object", event.routingTableChanged()); assertTrue("index routing table should not be the same object", event.indexRoutingTableChanged(initialIndices.get(0))); // index routing tables are different because they don't exist newState = createState(numNodesInCluster, true, initialIndices.subList(1, initialIndices.size())); event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", originalState, newState); assertTrue("routing tables should not be the same object", event.routingTableChanged()); assertTrue("index routing table should not be the same object", event.indexRoutingTableChanged(initialIndices.get(0))); } */ // Tests that the indices change list is correct as well as metadata equality when the metadata has changed. private static void metaDataChangesCheck(final boolean changeClusterUUID) { final int numNodesInCluster = 3; for (int i = 0; i < INDICES_CHANGE_NUM_TESTS; i++) { final ClusterState previousState = createState(numNodesInCluster, true, initialIndices); final int numAdd = randomIntBetween(0, 5); // add random # of indices to the next cluster state final int numDel = randomIntBetween(0, initialIndices.size()); // delete random # of indices from the next cluster state final List<String> addedIndices = addIndices(numAdd); final List<String> delIndices = delIndices(numDel, initialIndices); final ClusterState newState = nextState(previousState, changeClusterUUID, addedIndices, delIndices, 0); final ClusterChangedEvent event = new ClusterChangedEvent("_na_", newState, previousState); final List<String> addsFromEvent = event.indicesCreated(); final List<String> delsFromEvent = event.indicesDeleted(); Collections.sort(addsFromEvent); Collections.sort(delsFromEvent); assertThat(addsFromEvent, equalTo(addedIndices)); assertThat(delsFromEvent, changeClusterUUID ? equalTo(Collections.<String>emptyList()) : equalTo(delIndices)); assertThat(event.metaDataChanged(), equalTo(changeClusterUUID || addedIndices.size() > 0 || delIndices.size() > 0)); } } private static ClusterState createSimpleClusterState() { return ClusterState.builder(TEST_CLUSTER_NAME).build(); } // Create a basic cluster state with a given set of indices private static ClusterState createState(final int numNodes, final boolean isLocalMaster, final List<String> indices) { final MetaData metaData = createMetaData(indices); return ClusterState.builder(TEST_CLUSTER_NAME) .nodes(createDiscoveryNodes(numNodes, isLocalMaster)) .metaData(metaData) .routingTable(createRoutingTable(1, metaData)) .build(); } // Create a modified cluster state from another one, but with some number of indices added and deleted. private static ClusterState nextState(final ClusterState previousState, final boolean changeClusterUUID, final List<String> addedIndices, final List<String> deletedIndices, final int numNodesToRemove) { final ClusterState.Builder builder = ClusterState.builder(previousState); builder.stateUUID(Strings.randomBase64UUID()); final MetaData.Builder metaBuilder = MetaData.builder(previousState.metaData()); if (changeClusterUUID || addedIndices.size() > 0 || deletedIndices.size() > 0) { // there is some change in metadata cluster state if (changeClusterUUID) { metaBuilder.clusterUUID(Strings.randomBase64UUID()); } for (String index : addedIndices) { metaBuilder.put(createIndexMetadata(index), true); } for (String index : deletedIndices) { metaBuilder.remove(index); } builder.metaData(metaBuilder); } if (numNodesToRemove > 0) { final int discoveryNodesSize = previousState.getNodes().size(); final DiscoveryNodes.Builder nodesBuilder = DiscoveryNodes.builder(previousState.getNodes()); for (int i = 0; i < numNodesToRemove && i < discoveryNodesSize; i++) { nodesBuilder.remove(NODE_ID_PREFIX + i); } builder.nodes(nodesBuilder); } return builder.build(); } // Create the discovery nodes for a cluster state. For our testing purposes, we want // the first to be master, the second to be master eligible, the third to be a data node, // and the remainder can be any kinds of nodes (master eligible, data, or both). private static DiscoveryNodes createDiscoveryNodes(final int numNodes, final boolean isLocalMaster) { assert (numNodes >= 3) : "the initial cluster state for event change tests should have a minimum of 3 nodes " + "so there are a minimum of 2 master nodes for testing master change events."; final DiscoveryNodes.Builder builder = DiscoveryNodes.builder(); final int localNodeIndex = isLocalMaster ? 0 : randomIntBetween(1, numNodes - 1); // randomly assign the local node if not master for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { final String nodeId = NODE_ID_PREFIX + i; boolean isMasterEligible = false; boolean isData = false; if (i == 0) { // the master node builder.masterNodeId(nodeId); isMasterEligible = true; } else if (i == 1) { // the alternate master node isMasterEligible = true; } else if (i == 2) { // we need at least one data node isData = true; } else { // remaining nodes can be anything (except for master) isMasterEligible = randomBoolean(); isData = randomBoolean(); } final DiscoveryNode node = newNode(nodeId, isMasterEligible, isData); builder.put(node); if (i == localNodeIndex) { builder.localNodeId(nodeId); } } return builder.build(); } // Create a new DiscoveryNode private static DiscoveryNode newNode(final String nodeId, boolean isMasterEligible, boolean isData) { final Map<String, String> attributes = MapBuilder.<String, String>newMapBuilder() .put(DiscoveryNode.MASTER_ATTR, isMasterEligible ? "true" : "false") .put(DiscoveryNode.DATA_ATTR, isData ? "true": "false") .immutableMap(); return new DiscoveryNode(nodeId, nodeId, DummyTransportAddress.INSTANCE, attributes, Version.CURRENT); } // Create the metadata for a cluster state. private static MetaData createMetaData(final List<String> indices) { final MetaData.Builder builder = MetaData.builder(); builder.clusterUUID(INITIAL_CLUSTER_ID); for (String index : indices) { builder.put(createIndexMetadata(index), true); } return builder.build(); } // Create the index metadata for a given index. private static IndexMetaData createIndexMetadata(final String index) { return createIndexMetadata(index, 1); } // Create the index metadata for a given index, with the specified version. private static IndexMetaData createIndexMetadata(final String index, final long version) { return IndexMetaData.builder(index) .settings(settings) .numberOfShards(1) .numberOfReplicas(0) .creationDate(System.currentTimeMillis()) .version(version) .build(); } // Create the routing table for a cluster state. private static RoutingTable createRoutingTable(final long version, final MetaData metaData) { final RoutingTable.Builder builder = RoutingTable.builder().version(version); for (ObjectCursor<IndexMetaData> cursor : metaData.indices().values()) { builder.addAsNew(cursor.value); } return builder.build(); } // Create a list of indices to add private static List<String> addIndices(final int numIndices) { final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; i++) { list.add("newIdx_" + i); } return list; } // Create a list of indices to delete from a list that already belongs to a particular cluster state. private static List<String> delIndices(final int numIndices, final List<String> currIndices) { final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; i++) { list.add(currIndices.get(i)); } return list; } }