/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.index.query; import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.Fuzziness; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Locale; /** * Match query is a query that analyzes the text and constructs a query as the result of the analysis. It * can construct different queries based on the type provided. */ public class MatchQueryBuilder extends QueryBuilder implements BoostableQueryBuilder<MatchQueryBuilder> { public enum Operator { OR, AND } public enum Type { /** * The text is analyzed and terms are added to a boolean query. */ BOOLEAN, /** * The text is analyzed and used as a phrase query. */ PHRASE, /** * The text is analyzed and used in a phrase query, with the last term acting as a prefix. */ PHRASE_PREFIX } public enum ZeroTermsQuery { NONE, ALL } private final String name; private final Object text; private Type type; private Operator operator; private String analyzer; private Float boost; private Integer slop; private Fuzziness fuzziness; private Integer prefixLength; private Integer maxExpansions; private String minimumShouldMatch; private String fuzzyRewrite = null; private Boolean lenient; private Boolean fuzzyTranspositions = null; private ZeroTermsQuery zeroTermsQuery; private Float cutoff_Frequency = null; private String queryName; /** * Constructs a new text query. */ public MatchQueryBuilder(String name, Object text) { this.name = name; this.text = text; } /** * Sets the type of the text query. */ public MatchQueryBuilder type(Type type) { this.type = type; return this; } /** * Sets the operator to use when using a boolean query. Defaults to <tt>OR</tt>. */ public MatchQueryBuilder operator(Operator operator) { this.operator = operator; return this; } /** * Explicitly set the analyzer to use. Defaults to use explicit mapping config for the field, or, if not * set, the default search analyzer. */ public MatchQueryBuilder analyzer(String analyzer) { this.analyzer = analyzer; return this; } /** * Set the boost to apply to the query. */ @Override public MatchQueryBuilder boost(float boost) { this.boost = boost; return this; } /** * Set the phrase slop if evaluated to a phrase query type. */ public MatchQueryBuilder slop(int slop) { this.slop = slop; return this; } /** * Sets the fuzziness used when evaluated to a fuzzy query type. Defaults to "AUTO". */ public MatchQueryBuilder fuzziness(Object fuzziness) { this.fuzziness = Fuzziness.build(fuzziness); return this; } public MatchQueryBuilder prefixLength(int prefixLength) { this.prefixLength = prefixLength; return this; } /** * When using fuzzy or prefix type query, the number of term expansions to use. Defaults to unbounded * so its recommended to set it to a reasonable value for faster execution. */ public MatchQueryBuilder maxExpansions(int maxExpansions) { this.maxExpansions = maxExpansions; return this; } /** * Set a cutoff value in [0..1] (or absolute number >=1) representing the * maximum threshold of a terms document frequency to be considered a low * frequency term. */ public MatchQueryBuilder cutoffFrequency(float cutoff) { this.cutoff_Frequency = cutoff; return this; } public MatchQueryBuilder minimumShouldMatch(String minimumShouldMatch) { this.minimumShouldMatch = minimumShouldMatch; return this; } public MatchQueryBuilder fuzzyRewrite(String fuzzyRewrite) { this.fuzzyRewrite = fuzzyRewrite; return this; } public MatchQueryBuilder fuzzyTranspositions(boolean fuzzyTranspositions) { //LUCENE 4 UPGRADE add documentation this.fuzzyTranspositions = fuzzyTranspositions; return this; } /** * Sets whether format based failures will be ignored. */ public MatchQueryBuilder setLenient(boolean lenient) { this.lenient = lenient; return this; } public MatchQueryBuilder zeroTermsQuery(ZeroTermsQuery zeroTermsQuery) { this.zeroTermsQuery = zeroTermsQuery; return this; } /** * Sets the query name for the filter that can be used when searching for matched_filters per hit. */ public MatchQueryBuilder queryName(String queryName) { this.queryName = queryName; return this; } @Override public void doXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { builder.startObject(MatchQueryParser.NAME); builder.startObject(name); builder.field("query", text); if (type != null) { builder.field("type", type.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } if (operator != null) { builder.field("operator", operator.toString()); } if (analyzer != null) { builder.field("analyzer", analyzer); } if (boost != null) { builder.field("boost", boost); } if (slop != null) { builder.field("slop", slop); } if (fuzziness != null) { fuzziness.toXContent(builder, params); } if (prefixLength != null) { builder.field("prefix_length", prefixLength); } if (maxExpansions != null) { builder.field("max_expansions", maxExpansions); } if (minimumShouldMatch != null) { builder.field("minimum_should_match", minimumShouldMatch); } if (fuzzyRewrite != null) { builder.field("fuzzy_rewrite", fuzzyRewrite); } if (fuzzyTranspositions != null) { //LUCENE 4 UPGRADE we need to document this & test this builder.field("fuzzy_transpositions", fuzzyTranspositions); } if (lenient != null) { builder.field("lenient", lenient); } if (zeroTermsQuery != null) { builder.field("zero_terms_query", zeroTermsQuery.toString()); } if (cutoff_Frequency != null) { builder.field("cutoff_frequency", cutoff_Frequency); } if (queryName != null) { builder.field("_name", queryName); } builder.endObject(); builder.endObject(); } }