package org.elasticsearch.http.netty.pipelining; import*; /** * Permits downstream channel events to be ordered and signalled as to whether more are to come for a given sequence. * * @author Christopher Hunt */ public class OrderedDownstreamChannelEvent implements ChannelEvent { final ChannelEvent ce; final OrderedUpstreamMessageEvent oue; final int subsequence; final boolean last; /** * Construct a downstream channel event for all types of events. * * @param oue the OrderedUpstreamMessageEvent that this response is associated with * @param subsequence the sequence within the sequence * @param last when set to true this indicates that there are no more responses to be received for the * original OrderedUpstreamMessageEvent */ public OrderedDownstreamChannelEvent(final OrderedUpstreamMessageEvent oue, final int subsequence, boolean last, final ChannelEvent ce) { this.oue = oue; this.ce = ce; this.subsequence = subsequence; this.last = last; } /** * Convenience constructor signifying that this downstream message event is the last one for the given sequence, * and that there is only one response. */ public OrderedDownstreamChannelEvent(final OrderedUpstreamMessageEvent oe, final Object message) { this(oe, 0, true, message); } /** * Convenience constructor for passing message events. */ public OrderedDownstreamChannelEvent(final OrderedUpstreamMessageEvent oue, final int subsequence, boolean last, final Object message) { this(oue, subsequence, last, new DownstreamMessageEvent(oue.getChannel(), Channels.future(oue.getChannel()), message, oue.getRemoteAddress())); } public OrderedUpstreamMessageEvent getOrderedUpstreamMessageEvent() { return oue; } public int getSubsequence() { return subsequence; } public boolean isLast() { return last; } @Override public Channel getChannel() { return ce.getChannel(); } @Override public ChannelFuture getFuture() { return ce.getFuture(); } public ChannelEvent getChannelEvent() { return ce; } }