/* * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.drools.jsr94.rules; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.rules.Handle; import javax.rules.ObjectFilter; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Test the <code>StatefulRuleSession</code> implementation. * * @see javax.rules.StatefulRuleSession */ public class StatefulRuleSessionTest extends RuleEngineTestBase { /** * Test containsObject. */ @Test public void testContainsObject() throws Exception { this.statefulSession = this.engine.getStatefulRuleSession( this.bindUri ); final Person bob = new Person( "bob" ); final Handle handle = this.statefulSession.addObject( bob ); assertTrue( "where is bob", this.statefulSession.containsObject( handle ) ); } /** * Test addObject. */ @Test public void testAddObject() throws Exception { // tested in testContainsObject } @Test public void testJsr94FactHandleFactoryAvailable() throws ClassNotFoundException { this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass( "org.drools.jsr94.rules.Jsr94FactHandleFactory" ); } /** * Test addObjects. */ @Test public void testAddObjects() throws Exception { this.statefulSession = this.engine.getStatefulRuleSession( this.bindUri ); final List inObjects = new ArrayList(); final Person bob = new Person( "bob" ); inObjects.add( bob ); final Person rebecca = new Person( "rebecca" ); rebecca.addSister( "jeannie" ); inObjects.add( rebecca ); final Person jeannie = new Person( "jeannie" ); jeannie.addSister( "rebecca" ); inObjects.add( jeannie ); final List handleList = this.statefulSession.addObjects( inObjects ); assertEquals( "incorrect size", 3, handleList.size() ); assertEquals( "where is bob", bob, this.statefulSession.getObject( (Handle) handleList.get( 0 ) ) ); assertEquals( "where is rebecca", rebecca, this.statefulSession.getObject( (Handle) handleList.get( 1 ) ) ); assertEquals( "where is jeannie", jeannie, this.statefulSession.getObject( (Handle) handleList.get( 2 ) ) ); } /** * Test getObject. */ @Test public void testGetObject() throws Exception { // tested in testAddObjects } /** * Test updateObject. */ @Test public void testUpdateObject() throws Exception { this.statefulSession = this.engine.getStatefulRuleSession( this.bindUri ); Person bob = new Person( "bob" ); final Handle handle = this.statefulSession.addObject( bob ); this.statefulSession.updateObject( handle, bob = new Person( "boby" ) ); assertEquals( "where is boby", bob, this.statefulSession.getObject( handle ) ); } /** * Test removeObject. */ @Test public void testRemoveObject() throws Exception { this.statefulSession = this.engine.getStatefulRuleSession( this.bindUri ); final Person bob = new Person( "bob" ); final Handle handle = this.statefulSession.addObject( bob ); assertTrue( "where is bob", this.statefulSession.containsObject( handle ) ); this.statefulSession.removeObject( handle ); assertTrue( "bob still there", !this.statefulSession.containsObject( handle ) ); } /** * Test getObjects. */ @Test public void testGetObjects() throws Exception { this.statefulSession = this.engine.getStatefulRuleSession( this.bindUri ); final Person bob = new Person( "bob" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( bob ); final Person rebecca = new Person( "rebecca" ); rebecca.addSister( "jeannie" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( rebecca ); final Person jeannie = new Person( "jeannie" ); jeannie.addSister( "rebecca" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( jeannie ); // execute the rules this.statefulSession.executeRules(); final List outList = this.statefulSession.getObjects(); assertEquals( "incorrect size", 5, outList.size() ); assertTrue( "where is bob", outList.contains( bob ) ); assertTrue( "where is rebecca", outList.contains( rebecca ) ); assertTrue( "where is jeannie", outList.contains( jeannie ) ); assertTrue( outList.contains( "rebecca and jeannie are sisters" ) ); assertTrue( outList.contains( "jeannie and rebecca are sisters" ) ); this.statefulSession.release(); } /** * Test getObjects with ObjectFilter. */ @Test public void testGetObjectsWithFilter() throws Exception { this.statefulSession = this.engine.getStatefulRuleSession( this.bindUri ); final Person bob = new Person( "bob" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( bob ); final Person rebecca = new Person( "rebecca" ); rebecca.addSister( "jeannie" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( rebecca ); final Person jeannie = new Person( "jeannie" ); jeannie.addSister( "rebecca" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( jeannie ); // execute the rules this.statefulSession.executeRules(); final List outList = this.statefulSession.getObjects( new PersonFilter() ); assertEquals( "incorrect size", 3, outList.size() ); assertTrue( "where is bob", outList.contains( bob ) ); assertTrue( "where is rebecca", outList.contains( rebecca ) ); assertTrue( "where is jeannie", outList.contains( jeannie ) ); this.statefulSession.release(); } /** * Test executeRules. */ @Test public void testExecuteRules() throws Exception { // tested in testGetObjects, testGetObjectsWithFilter } /** * Test reset. */ @Test public void testReset() throws Exception { this.statefulSession = this.engine.getStatefulRuleSession( this.bindUri ); final Person bob = new Person( "bob" ); final Handle handle = this.statefulSession.addObject( bob ); assertTrue( "where is bob", this.statefulSession.containsObject( handle ) ); this.statefulSession.reset(); assertTrue( "bob still there", !this.statefulSession.containsObject( handle ) ); } /** * Test executeRules with globals. */ @Test public void testExecuteRulesGlobals() throws Exception { final java.util.Map map = new HashMap(); java.util.Vector v = new java.util.Vector(); map.put( "vector", v ); this.statefulSession = this.engine.getStatefulRuleSession( this.bindUri_globals, map ); final Person bob = new Person( "bob" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( bob ); final Person rebecca = new Person( "rebecca" ); rebecca.addSister( "jeannie" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( rebecca ); final Person jeannie = new Person( "jeannie" ); jeannie.addSister( "rebecca" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( jeannie ); // execute the rules this.statefulSession.executeRules(); final List outList = this.statefulSession.getObjects(); assertEquals( "incorrect size", 5, outList.size() ); assertContains( outList, bob ); assertContains( outList, rebecca ); assertContains( outList, jeannie ); assertContains( outList, "rebecca and jeannie are sisters" ); assertContains( outList, "jeannie and rebecca are sisters" ); v = (java.util.Vector) map.get( "vector" ); assertNotNull( "Global Vector null", v ); assertContains( v, "rebecca and jeannie are sisters" ); assertContains( v, "jeannie and rebecca are sisters" ); assertEquals( "Vector v incorrect size", 2, v.size() ); this.statefulSession.release(); } /** * Test executeRules drl with dsl. */ @Test public void testExecuteRules_dsl() throws Exception { this.statefulSession = this.engine.getStatefulRuleSession( this.bindUri_drl ); final Person bob = new Person( "bob" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( bob ); final Person rebecca = new Person( "rebecca" ); rebecca.addSister( "jeannie" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( rebecca ); final Person jeannie = new Person( "jeannie" ); jeannie.addSister( "rebecca" ); this.statefulSession.addObject( jeannie ); // execute the rules this.statefulSession.executeRules(); final List outList = this.statefulSession.getObjects(); assertEquals( "incorrect size", 5, outList.size() ); assertContains( outList, bob ); assertContains( outList, rebecca ); assertContains( outList, jeannie ); assertContains( outList, "rebecca and jeannie are sisters" ); assertContains( outList, "jeannie and rebecca are sisters" ); this.statefulSession.release(); } protected void assertContains(final List expected, final Object object) { if ( expected.contains( object ) ) { return; } fail( object + " not in " + expected ); } /** * Filter accepts only objects of type Person. */ static class PersonFilter implements ObjectFilter { public Object filter(final Object object) { return (object instanceof Person ? object : null); } public void reset() { // nothing to reset } } }