/* * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.drools.examples.datadriventemplate; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.drools.examples.templates.ActivityType; import org.drools.examples.templates.FeeScheduleRule; import org.drools.examples.templates.FeeScheduleType; import org.drools.examples.templates.FeeType; import org.drools.examples.templates.ProductType; import org.drools.template.DataProvider; import org.drools.template.DataProviderCompiler; /** * This example shows how to use Data-driven rule templates. It assumes that the FeeScheduleRule * objects have been retrieved from a database using some form of Object-Relational Mapper (such * as Hibernate or Toplink). * * An alternative is to use the ResultSetGenerator from the org.drools.templates.jdbc package, where you can use * vanilla JDBC to generate rules from (you just select the table names as the field named from the template) - this means no ORM * is required. * * Some things to note: * - at the moment the templates require all parameters to come in a Strings * - any row that references a parameter that is empty will not be generated. */ public class DataDrivenTemplateExample { private class TestDataProvider implements DataProvider { private Iterator<FeeScheduleRule> iterator; TestDataProvider(List<FeeScheduleRule> rows) { this.iterator = rows.iterator(); } public boolean hasNext() { return iterator.hasNext(); } public String[] next() { FeeScheduleRule nextRule = iterator.next(); String[] row = new String[]{ String.valueOf( nextRule.getFeeEventId() ), nextRule.getType().getCode(), nextRule.getEntityBranch(), nextRule.getProductType().getCode(), nextRule.getActivityType().getName(), nextRule.getFeeType().getCode(), nextRule.getOwningParty(), nextRule.getCurrency(), nextRule.getComparator(), String.valueOf( nextRule.getCompareAmount() ), String.valueOf( nextRule.getAmount() ), String.valueOf( nextRule.isLogEvent() )}; return row; } } public static void main(String[] args) { DataDrivenTemplateExample example = new DataDrivenTemplateExample(); example.testCompiler(); } public void testCompiler() { ArrayList<FeeScheduleRule> rules = new ArrayList<FeeScheduleRule>(); FeeScheduleType standard = new FeeScheduleType( "STANDARD" ); FeeScheduleType flat = new FeeScheduleType( "FLAT" ); ProductType sblc = new ProductType( "SBLC" ); ProductType rrc = new ProductType( "RRC" ); ActivityType iss = new ActivityType( "ISS" ); ActivityType osx = new ActivityType( "OSX" ); FeeType commission = new FeeType( "Commission" ); FeeType postage = new FeeType( "Postage" ); FeeType telex = new FeeType( "Telex" ); rules.add( createRule( 1, flat, "", sblc, iss, commission, "Party 1", "USD", "", 0, 750, true ) ); rules.add( createRule( 2, standard, "Entity Branch 1", rrc, iss, commission, "", "YEN", "", 0, 1600, false ) ); rules.add( createRule( 3, standard, "", sblc, iss, postage, "", "YEN", "", 0, 40, true ) ); rules.add( createRule( 4, flat, "", sblc, osx, telex, "", "YEN", "<", 30000, 45, false ) ); TestDataProvider tdp = new TestDataProvider( rules ); final DataProviderCompiler converter = new DataProviderCompiler(); final String drl = converter.compile( tdp, getTemplate() ); System.out.println( drl ); } private InputStream getTemplate() { return DataDrivenTemplateExample.class.getResourceAsStream( "FeeScheduleRules.drt" ); } private FeeScheduleRule createRule(long feeEventId, FeeScheduleType type, String entityBranch, ProductType productType, ActivityType activityType, FeeType feeType, String owningParty, String currency, String comparator, long compareAmount, long amount, boolean logEvent) { FeeScheduleRule rule = new FeeScheduleRule( feeEventId, activityType, productType, type, feeType, owningParty, entityBranch, comparator, compareAmount, amount, currency, logEvent ); return rule; } }