/* * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.drools.core.reteoo.compiled; import org.drools.core.base.ClassFieldReader; import org.drools.core.common.InternalFactHandle; import org.drools.core.common.InternalWorkingMemory; import org.drools.core.reteoo.AlphaNode; import org.drools.core.reteoo.BetaNode; import org.drools.core.reteoo.LeftInputAdapterNode; import org.drools.core.reteoo.ObjectTypeNode; import org.drools.core.spi.PropagationContext; /** * todo: document */ public class AssertHandler extends AbstractCompilerHandler { private static final String LOCAL_FACT_VAR_NAME = "fact"; private static final String FACT_HANDLE_PARAM_TYPE = InternalFactHandle.class.getName(); private static final String PROP_CONTEXT_PARAM_TYPE = PropagationContext.class.getName(); private static final String WORKING_MEMORY_PARAM_TYPE = InternalWorkingMemory.class.getName(); private static final String FACT_HANDLE_PARAM_NAME = "handle"; private static final String PROP_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME = "context"; private static final String WORKING_MEMORY_PARAM_NAME = "wm"; private static final String ASSERT_METHOD_SIGNATURE = "public final void assertObject(" + FACT_HANDLE_PARAM_TYPE + " " + FACT_HANDLE_PARAM_NAME + "," + PROP_CONTEXT_PARAM_TYPE + " " + PROP_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME + "," + WORKING_MEMORY_PARAM_TYPE + " " + WORKING_MEMORY_PARAM_NAME + "){"; /** * This flag is used to instruct the AssertHandler to tell it to generate a local varible * in the {@link org.kie.reteoo.compiled.CompiledNetwork#assertObject} for holding the value returned * from the {@link org.kie.common.InternalFactHandle#getFactHandle()}. * * This is only needed if there is at least 1 set of hashed alpha nodes in the network */ private final boolean alphaNetContainsHashedField; private final StringBuilder builder; private final String factClassName; AssertHandler(StringBuilder builder, String factClassName) { this(builder, factClassName, false); } public AssertHandler(StringBuilder builder, String factClassName, boolean alphaNetContainsHashedField) { this.builder = builder; this.factClassName = factClassName; this.alphaNetContainsHashedField = alphaNetContainsHashedField; } @Override public void startObjectTypeNode(ObjectTypeNode objectTypeNode) { builder.append(ASSERT_METHOD_SIGNATURE).append(NEWLINE); // we only need to create a reference to the object, not handle, if there is a hashed alpha in the network if (alphaNetContainsHashedField) { // example of what this will look like // ExampleFact fact = (ExampleFact) handle.getObject(); builder.append(factClassName).append(" ").append(LOCAL_FACT_VAR_NAME). append(" = (").append(factClassName).append(")"). append(FACT_HANDLE_PARAM_NAME).append(".getObject();"). append(NEWLINE); } } @Override public void startBetaNode(BetaNode betaNode) { builder.append(getVariableName(betaNode)).append(".assertObject("). append(FACT_HANDLE_PARAM_NAME).append(","). append(PROP_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME).append(","). append(WORKING_MEMORY_PARAM_NAME).append(");").append(NEWLINE); } @Override public void startLeftInputAdapterNode(LeftInputAdapterNode leftInputAdapterNode) { builder.append(getVariableName(leftInputAdapterNode)).append(".assertObject("). append(FACT_HANDLE_PARAM_NAME).append(","). append(PROP_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME).append(","). append(WORKING_MEMORY_PARAM_NAME).append(");").append(NEWLINE); } @Override public void startNonHashedAlphaNode(AlphaNode alphaNode) { builder.append("if ( ").append(getVariableName(alphaNode)). append(".isAllowed(").append(FACT_HANDLE_PARAM_NAME).append(","). append(WORKING_MEMORY_PARAM_NAME).append(", "). append(getContextVariableName(alphaNode)).append(") ) {").append(NEWLINE); } @Override public void endNonHashedAlphaNode(AlphaNode alphaNode) { // close if statement builder.append("}").append(NEWLINE); } @Override public void startHashedAlphaNodes(ClassFieldReader hashedFieldReader) { String attributeName = hashedFieldReader.getFieldName(); String localVariableName = attributeName + "NodeId"; // todo get accessor smarter because of booleans. Note that right now booleans wouldn't be hashed String attributeGetterName = "get" + Character.toTitleCase(attributeName.charAt(0)) + attributeName.substring(1); // get the attribute from the fact that we are switching over builder.append("Integer ").append(localVariableName); // todo we are casting to Integer because generics aren't supported builder.append(" = (Integer)").append(getVariableName(hashedFieldReader)).append(".get("). append(LOCAL_FACT_VAR_NAME).append(".").append(attributeGetterName) .append("());").append(NEWLINE); // ensure that the value is present in the node map builder.append("if(").append(localVariableName).append(" != null) {").append(NEWLINE); // todo we had the .intValue() because JANINO has a problem with it builder.append("switch(").append(localVariableName).append(".intValue()) {").append(NEWLINE); } @Override public void startHashedAlphaNode(AlphaNode hashedAlpha, Object hashedValue) { builder.append("case ").append(hashedAlpha.getId()).append(" : ").append(NEWLINE); } @Override public void endHashedAlphaNode(AlphaNode hashedAlpha, Object hashedValue) { builder.append("break;").append(NEWLINE); } @Override public void endHashedAlphaNodes(ClassFieldReader hashedFieldReader) { // close switch statement builder.append("}").append(NEWLINE); // and if statement for ensuring non-null builder.append("}").append(NEWLINE); } @Override public void endObjectTypeNode(ObjectTypeNode objectTypeNode) { // close the assertObject method builder.append("}").append(NEWLINE); } }