/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2010, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.solder.config.xml.parser.namespace; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.ArrayXmlItem; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.ClassXmlItem; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.EntryXmlItem; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.KeyXmlItem; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.ModifiesXmlItem; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.ParameterXmlItem; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.ParametersXmlItem; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.ReplacesXmlItem; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.ValueXmlItem; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.XmlItem; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.model.XmlItemType; import org.jboss.solder.config.xml.parser.SaxNode; public class RootNamespaceElementResolver implements NamespaceElementResolver { private final CompositeNamespaceElementResolver delegate; static final String[] namspaces = {"java.lang", "java.util", "javax.annotation", "javax.inject", "javax.enterprise.inject", "javax.enterprise.context", "javax.enterprise.event", "javax.decorator", "javax.interceptor", "org.jboss.solder.config.xml.annotations.internal", "org.jboss.solder.core", "org.jboss.solder.unwraps", "org.jboss.solder.resourceLoader"}; public RootNamespaceElementResolver() { delegate = new CompositeNamespaceElementResolver(namspaces); } public XmlItem getItemForNamespace(SaxNode node, XmlItem parent) { XmlItem ret = getRootItem(node, parent); if (ret != null) return ret; return delegate.getItemForNamespace(node, parent); } XmlItem getRootItem(SaxNode node, XmlItem parent) { String item = node.getName(); if (item.equals(XmlItemType.VALUE.getElementName()) || item.equals(XmlItemType.VALUE.getAlias())) { return new ValueXmlItem(parent, node.getInnerText(), node.getDocument(), node.getLineNo()); } else if (item.equals(XmlItemType.KEY.getElementName()) || item.equals(XmlItemType.KEY.getAlias())) { return new KeyXmlItem(parent, node.getInnerText(), node.getDocument(), node.getLineNo()); } else if (item.equals(XmlItemType.ENTRY.getElementName()) || item.equals(XmlItemType.ENTRY.getAlias())) { return new EntryXmlItem(parent, node.getDocument(), node.getLineNo()); } else if (item.equals(XmlItemType.ARRAY.getElementName())) { return new ArrayXmlItem(parent, node.getAttributes(), node.getDocument(), node.getLineNo()); } else if (item.equals(XmlItemType.REPLACE.getElementName())) { return new ReplacesXmlItem(parent, node.getDocument(), node.getLineNo()); } else if (item.equals(XmlItemType.MODIFIES.getElementName())) { return new ModifiesXmlItem(parent, node.getDocument(), node.getLineNo()); } else if (item.equals(XmlItemType.PARAMETERS.getElementName())) { return new ParametersXmlItem(parent, node.getDocument(), node.getLineNo()); } // now deal with primitive types Class<?> primType = null; if (item.equals("int")) { primType = int.class; } else if (item.equals("short")) { primType = short.class; } else if (item.equals("long")) { primType = long.class; } else if (item.equals("byte")) { primType = byte.class; } else if (item.equals("char")) { primType = char.class; } else if (item.equals("double")) { primType = double.class; } else if (item.equals("float")) { primType = float.class; } else if (item.equals("boolean")) { primType = boolean.class; } if (primType != null) { if (parent != null && parent.getType() == XmlItemType.PARAMETERS) { return new ParameterXmlItem(parent, primType, node.getDocument(), node.getLineNo()); } else { return new ClassXmlItem(parent, primType, node.getAttributes(), node.getDocument(), node.getLineNo()); } } return null; } }