package org.jboss.seam.remoting.validation; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.enterprise.context.Conversation; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.validation.MessageInterpolator; import javax.validation.Validation; import javax.validation.Validator; import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory; import javax.validation.metadata.BeanDescriptor; import javax.validation.metadata.ConstraintDescriptor; import javax.validation.metadata.PropertyDescriptor; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import org.jboss.solder.logging.Logger; import org.jboss.seam.remoting.AnnotationsParser; import org.jboss.seam.remoting.RequestHandler; import org.jboss.seam.remoting.util.JsConverter; import org.jboss.seam.remoting.util.Strings; /** * This class reads constraints metadata from all requested beans, translate them and send them back to client * * @author Amir Sadri */ public class ConstraintTranslator implements RequestHandler { /////////TODO what if client wanted to use a customized ValidatorFactory private static final ValidatorFactory Factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory(); private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ConstraintTranslator.class); private static Annotation[] EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS = new Annotation[]{}; private static final byte[] VALIDATION_TAG_OPEN = "<validation>".getBytes(); private static final byte[] VALIDATION_TAG_CLOSE = "</validation>".getBytes(); private static final byte[] MESSAGES_TAG_OPEN = "<messages>".getBytes(); private static final byte[] MESSAGES_TAG_CLOSE = "</messages>".getBytes(); private static final byte[] BEAN_TAG_OPEN_START = "<b n=\"".getBytes(); private static final byte[] BEAN_TAG_OPEN_END = "\">".getBytes(); private static final byte[] BEAN_TAG_CLOSE = "</b>".getBytes(); private static final byte[] PROPERTY_TAG_OPEN_START = "<p n=\"".getBytes(); private static final byte[] PROPERTY_TAG_OPEN_END = "\">".getBytes(); private static final byte[] PROPERTY_TAG_CLOSE = "</p>".getBytes(); private static final byte[] CONSTRAINT_TAG_OPEN_START = "<c n=\"".getBytes(); private static final byte[] CONSTRAINT_TAG_MIDDLE = "\" parent=\"".getBytes(); private static final byte[] CONSTRAINT_TAG_OPEN_END = "\">".getBytes(); private static final byte[] CONSTRAINT_TAG_CLOSE = "</c>".getBytes(); private static final byte[] GROUP_TAG_OPEN = "<g id=\"".getBytes(); private static final byte[] GROUP_TAG_CLOSE = "\" />".getBytes(); private static final String GROUP_HIERARCHY_TAG_OPEN = "<gh id=\""; private static final String GROUP_HIERARCHY_TAG_MIDDLE = "\" n=\""; private static final String GROUP_HIERARCHY_TAG_OPEN_END = "\">"; private static final String GROUP_HIERARCHY_CLOSE = "</gh>"; private static final String GROUP_PARENT_TAG_OPEN = "<gp "; private static final String GROUP_PARENT_TAG_MIDDLE_ID = " id=\""; private static final String GROUP_PARENT_TAG_MIDDLE_NAME = " n=\""; private static final String GROUP_PARENT_TAG_CLOSE = "\" />"; private static final byte[] MESSAGE_TAG_OPEN_START = "<m c=\"".getBytes(); private static final byte[] MESSAGE_TAG_OPEN_MIDDLE = "\" msg=\"".getBytes(); private static final byte[] MESSAGE_TAG_OPEN_END = "\" />".getBytes(); private static final byte[] PARAMETER_TAG_OPEN_START = "<pm n=\"".getBytes(); private static final byte[] PARAMETER_TAG_OPEN_MIDDLE = "\" v=\"".getBytes(); private static final byte[] PARAMETER_TAG_OPEN_END = "\" />".getBytes(); static ArrayList<String> DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES = new ArrayList<String>(); static { DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES.add("message"); DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES.add("groups"); DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES.add("payload"); } private HashMap<String, SpecialConsideration> specialConsiderations = new HashMap<String, SpecialConsideration>(); @Inject BeanManager beanManager; @Inject Conversation conversation; public ConstraintTranslator() { specialConsiderations.put("Pattern", new RegexpConsideration()); //////TODO implement a mechanism which would allow developers to add their own SpecialConsiderations dynamically } /* * handles validation requests by converting Constraint metadata to a client-side readable, XML format * * @see org.jboss.seam.remoting.RequestHandler#handle(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { response.setContentType("text/xml"); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[256]; int read = request.getInputStream().read(buffer); while (read != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, read); read = request.getInputStream().read(buffer); } String requestData = new String(out.toByteArray()); log.debug("[ConstraintHandler] Processing remote request: " + requestData); // Parse the incoming request as XML SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader(); Document doc = StringReader(requestData)); Element body = doc.getRootElement().element("body"); Element beans = body.element("beans"); Element msgs = body.element("messages"); if (beans == null) { log.debug("Recieved envelope is empty! [no 'beans' tag]"); return; /////There is nothing to handle... } String[] loadedMsgs = msgs != null ? msgs.getText().split(",,") : null; Iterator<Element> children = beans.elementIterator(); Locale locale = null; try { Bean<Locale> bean = (Bean<Locale>) beanManager.getBeans(Locale.class).iterator().next(); locale = bean.create(beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean)); } catch (Exception exp) { ////// for some reason, which most likely would be not having International Module being used, /////// we cannot get hold of the dynamic Locale instance, so we have to carry on with the server's default one locale = Locale.getDefault(); } this.marshalResponse(children, loadedMsgs, response.getOutputStream(), locale); } /* * convert and then write bean's constraint metadata into the response stream, * it also returns a list of required validation messages */ protected Map<String, Object[]> translateConstraints(String beanName, String qualifiers, OutputStream out) throws IOException { Bean<?> targetBean = getTargetBean(beanName, qualifiers); HashMap<String, Object[]> validationMessages = new HashMap<String, Object[]>(32); HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> groupHierarechy = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); out.write(BEAN_TAG_OPEN_START); out.write(beanName.getBytes()); out.write(BEAN_TAG_OPEN_END); Validator validator = Factory.getValidator(); BeanDescriptor descriptor = validator.getConstraintsForClass(targetBean.getBeanClass()); Iterator<PropertyDescriptor> descriptors = descriptor.getConstrainedProperties().iterator(); while (descriptors.hasNext()) { PropertyDescriptor prop =; out.write(PROPERTY_TAG_OPEN_START); out.write(prop.getPropertyName().getBytes()); out.write(PROPERTY_TAG_OPEN_END); Iterator<ConstraintDescriptor<?>> constraints = prop.getConstraintDescriptors().iterator(); while (constraints.hasNext()) { ConstraintDescriptor<?> constraint =; String[] outcome = convertConstraint(constraint, groupHierarechy, out, null); validationMessages.put(outcome[0], new Object[]{constraint, outcome[1]}); } out.write(PROPERTY_TAG_CLOSE); } if (groupHierarechy.size() > 0) { Iterator<String> keys = groupHierarechy.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; String[] tokens = key.split(":"); ///// first token is name , second one is id out.write((GROUP_HIERARCHY_TAG_OPEN + tokens[1]).getBytes()); out.write((GROUP_HIERARCHY_TAG_MIDDLE + tokens[0]).getBytes()); out.write(GROUP_HIERARCHY_TAG_OPEN_END.getBytes()); ArrayList<String> parentsTags = groupHierarechy.get(key); if (parentsTags.size() > 0) { for (String tag : parentsTags) out.write(tag.getBytes()); } out.write(GROUP_HIERARCHY_CLOSE.getBytes()); } } out.write(BEAN_TAG_CLOSE); return validationMessages; } /* * The core functionality */ protected String[] convertConstraint(ConstraintDescriptor<?> constraint, HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> gh, OutputStream out, String parent) throws IOException { String annotation = constraint.getAnnotation().annotationType().toString(); annotation = annotation.substring(annotation.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); ////I decided not to use the fully-qualified name Map<String, Object> attrs = constraint.getAttributes(); //// in order to reduce the amount of data that is sent to client HashMap<String, Object> params = null; if (attrs != null) { params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String attr : attrs.keySet()) { if (!DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES.contains(attr)) params.put(attr, attrs.get(attr)); } } if (this.specialConsiderations.containsKey(annotation)) { SpecialConsideration sc = this.specialConsiderations.get(annotation); annotation = sc.reassessConstraintName(annotation); params = sc.reassessParameters(params); } out.write(CONSTRAINT_TAG_OPEN_START); out.write(annotation.getBytes()); if (parent != null) { out.write(CONSTRAINT_TAG_MIDDLE); out.write(parent.getBytes()); } out.write(CONSTRAINT_TAG_OPEN_END); ///////////////////////// Handling Groups if there is any if (gh != null) { Set<Class<?>> groups = constraint.getGroups(); if (groups.size() > 0) { int counter = gh.size(); Iterator<Class<?>> groupIter = groups.iterator(); while (groupIter.hasNext()) { Class<?> groupClass =; String name = groupClass.getName(); if (!name.equals("javax.validation.groups.Default")) { out.write(GROUP_TAG_OPEN); out.write((BuildGroupHierarchy(groupClass, ++counter, gh) + "").getBytes()); out.write(GROUP_TAG_CLOSE); } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (params != null && params.size() > 0) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("_["); for (String key : params.keySet()) { Object obj = params.get(key); builder.append(key).append(":"); out.write(PARAMETER_TAG_OPEN_START); out.write(key.getBytes()); out.write(PARAMETER_TAG_OPEN_MIDDLE); String JSValue = obj.toString(); if (obj.getClass().isArray()) JSValue = JsConverter.convertArray((Object[]) obj); else if (obj instanceof Collection<?>) JSValue = JsConverter.convertCollection((Collection<?>) obj); else if (obj instanceof Map) JSValue = JsConverter.convertMap((Map<?, ?>) obj); out.write(JSValue.getBytes()); out.write(PARAMETER_TAG_OPEN_END); builder.append(JSValue).append(","); } builder.deleteCharAt(builder.length() - 1); builder.append("]"); annotation += builder.toString(); } out.write(CONSTRAINT_TAG_CLOSE); Set<ConstraintDescriptor<?>> compositeConstraints = constraint.getComposingConstraints(); if (compositeConstraints != null) { Iterator<ConstraintDescriptor<?>> composites = compositeConstraints.iterator(); while (composites.hasNext()) { convertConstraint(, null, out, annotation); } } ///////////the outcome of all composed constraints is ignored, since their message ////////// will be overidden by their parent's anyway... return parent == null ? new String[]{annotation, (String) attrs.get("message")} : null; } /* * extract the actual Bean */ protected Bean<?> getTargetBean(String beanName, String qualifiers) { Bean<?> targetBean = null; Set<Bean<?>> beans = beanManager.getBeans(beanName); if (beans.isEmpty()) { try { Class<?> beanType = Class.forName(beanName); Annotation[] q = qualifiers != null && !Strings.isEmpty(qualifiers) ? new AnnotationsParser(beanType, qualifiers, beanManager).getAnnotations() : EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS; beans = beanManager.getBeans(beanType, q); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid bean class specified: " + beanName); } if (beans.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find bean with bean with type/name " + beanName + ", qualifiers [" + qualifiers + "]"); } } targetBean = beans.iterator().next(); return targetBean; } /* * response is made here by converting each bean's constraint metadata and sending both metadata and required * messages. * */ private void marshalResponse(Iterator<Element> beans, String[] msgs, OutputStream out, Locale locale) throws IOException { out.write(ENVELOPE_TAG_OPEN); out.write(BODY_TAG_OPEN); out.write(VALIDATION_TAG_OPEN); if (beans == null) out.write("<null/>".getBytes()); else { HashMap<String, Object[]> requiredMsgs = new HashMap<String, Object[]>(); while (beans.hasNext()) { final Element bean =; final Attribute qualifier = bean.attribute("qualifiers"); requiredMsgs.putAll(this.translateConstraints(bean.attribute("target").getText(), qualifier != null ? qualifier.getText() : null, out)); } out.write(MESSAGES_TAG_OPEN); if (msgs != null) { for (String msg : msgs) /////cross-checking already available validation messages with requiredMsgs.remove(msg); ///// the ones we are about to send } MessageInterpolator messageHandler = Factory.getMessageInterpolator(); for (String key : requiredMsgs.keySet()) { out.write(MESSAGE_TAG_OPEN_START); out.write(key.getBytes()); out.write(MESSAGE_TAG_OPEN_MIDDLE); Object[] entry = requiredMsgs.get(key); FakeInterpolatorContext context = new FakeInterpolatorContext((ConstraintDescriptor<?>) entry[0]); out.write(messageHandler.interpolate((String) entry[1], context, locale) .replace("\"", "'") .replace("&", "&") .replace("<", "<") .getBytes()); out.write(MESSAGE_TAG_OPEN_END); } out.write(MESSAGES_TAG_CLOSE); } out.write(VALIDATION_TAG_CLOSE); out.write(BODY_TAG_CLOSE); out.write(ENVELOPE_TAG_CLOSE); out.flush(); } /* * make the group hierarchy, while ensuring that there is no duplicate entry */ private int BuildGroupHierarchy(Class<?> group, int counter, final HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> gh) { String groupName = group.getName(); Iterator<String> keys = gh.keySet().iterator(); int flag = -1; while (keys.hasNext()) { String n =; if (n.startsWith(groupName.substring(groupName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1))) { flag = Integer.parseInt(n.split(":")[1]); break; } } if (flag != -1) return flag; Class<?>[] parents = group.getInterfaces(); ArrayList<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { Class<?>[] grandParents = parents[i].getInterfaces(); String name = parents[i].getName(); name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); if (grandParents.length == 0) tags.add(GROUP_PARENT_TAG_OPEN + GROUP_PARENT_TAG_MIDDLE_NAME + name + GROUP_PARENT_TAG_CLOSE); else { int temp = BuildGroupHierarchy(parents[i], counter + i + 1, gh); tags.add(GROUP_PARENT_TAG_OPEN + GROUP_PARENT_TAG_MIDDLE_ID + temp + GROUP_PARENT_TAG_CLOSE); } } gh.put(groupName.substring(groupName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) + ":" + counter, tags); return counter; } /* * we need a InterpolatorContext to fetch messages before really validating them. */ private final class FakeInterpolatorContext implements MessageInterpolator.Context { private ConstraintDescriptor<?> cd; public FakeInterpolatorContext(ConstraintDescriptor<?> descriptor) { = descriptor; } public ConstraintDescriptor<?> getConstraintDescriptor() { return; } public Object getValidatedValue() { return "?value?"; //////we dont know yet!! } } }