package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import org.jboss.solder.logging.Logger; import; import; import; /** * Database import * * @author <a href="">Jozef Hartinger</a> */ @Stateless public class ImportBean { public static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ImportBean.class); @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em; public void clearDatabase() { // an ugly hack that resets db sequence on GlassFish so that our functional tests can depend on generated ids if (Utils.isClassAvailable("org.eclipse.persistence.Version")) { try { em.createNativeQuery("update SEQUENCE set SEQ_COUNT = 0").executeUpdate(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.debug("Unable to reset sequence", e); } } em.createQuery("delete from Task").executeUpdate(); em.createQuery("delete from Category").executeUpdate(); } public void feedDatabase() {"Running database import."); // School Category school = createCategory("School"); addTask(school, "Build the Turing machine"); addTask(school, "Finish the RESTEasy-Seam integration example"); addTask(school, "Learn new vocab for English conversations"); addTask(school, "Prepare a presentation for webdesign seminar"); addTask(school, "Print study materials", true); em.persist(school); // Work Category work = createCategory("Work"); addTask(work, "Pick up meal tickets"); // Buy em.persist(work); Category buy = createCategory("Buy"); addTask(buy, "Buy milk"); addTask(buy, "Buy an infinite tape"); addTask(buy, "Order books"); addTask(buy, "Buy a turtle", true); addTask(buy, "Buy new shoes", true); addTask(buy, "Order camera", true); em.persist(buy); // Other stuff Category other_stuff = createCategory("Other Stuff"); addTask(other_stuff, "Learn to fly", true); addTask(other_stuff, "Visit grandma"); addTask(other_stuff, "Extend passport"); addTask(other_stuff, "Get a haircut"); addTask(other_stuff, "Pay bills", true); addTask(other_stuff, "Tidy up", true); em.persist(other_stuff); } private Category createCategory(String name) { Category c = new Category(name); c.setTasks(new LinkedList<Task>()); return c; } private void addTask(Category category, String name) { addTask(category, name, false); } private void addTask(Category category, String name, boolean resolved) { Task task = new Task(name, resolved, new Date(), new Date(), category); category.getTasks().add(task); } }