/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2011, Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates, and individual * contributors by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jboss.solder.reflection; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectStreamException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Class that handles the method calls for a {@link Proxy} that * implements an annotation. * * @author Stuart Douglas * @see AnnotationInstanceProvider */ class AnnotationInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler, Serializable { private static class SerializationProxy { private final Map<String, ?> valueMap; private final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType; private SerializationProxy(Map<String, ?> valueMap, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) { this.valueMap = valueMap; this.annotationType = annotationType; } private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { return new AnnotationInvocationHandler(valueMap, annotationType); } } private static final long serialVersionUID = 4801508041776645033L; private final Map<String, Object> valueMap; private final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType; private final Method[] members; AnnotationInvocationHandler(Map<String, ?> values, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) { this.valueMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); valueMap.putAll(values); this.annotationType = annotationType; this.members = annotationType.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : members) { Object value = valueMap.get(m.getName()); if (value == null) { value = m.getDefaultValue(); if (value == null) { throw new NullMemberException(annotationType, m, "Error creating annotation @" + annotationType.getName() + " member " + m.getName() + " was null and does not provide a default value"); } else { valueMap.put(m.getName(), value); } } } } public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if (method.getName().equals("equals")) { return equals(args[0]); } else if (method.getName().equals("hashCode")) { return hashCode(); } else if (method.getName().equals("toString")) { return toString(); } else if (method.getName().equals("annotationType")) { return annotationType; } else { Object val = valueMap.get(method.getName()); Class<?> r = method.getReturnType(); val = performTypeCoercion(val, r); return val; } } private Object performTypeCoercion(Object val, Class<?> type) { if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || type == int.class) { return ((Number) val).intValue(); } else if (Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || type == long.class) { return ((Number) val).longValue(); } else if (Short.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || type == short.class) { return ((Number) val).shortValue(); } else if (Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || type == byte.class) { return ((Number) val).byteValue(); } else if (Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || type == double.class) { return ((Number) val).doubleValue(); } else if (Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || type == float.class) { return ((Number) val).floatValue(); } else if (Character.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || type == char.class) { if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(val.getClass())) { return val.toString().charAt(0); } } return val; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder(); string.append('@').append(annotationType.getName()).append('('); for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { string.append(members[i].getName()).append('='); Object value = performTypeCoercion(valueMap.get(members[i].getName()), members[i].getReturnType()); if (value instanceof boolean[]) { appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString((boolean[]) value)); } else if (value instanceof byte[]) { appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString((byte[]) value)); } else if (value instanceof short[]) { appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString((short[]) value)); } else if (value instanceof int[]) { appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString((int[]) value)); } else if (value instanceof long[]) { appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString((long[]) value)); } else if (value instanceof float[]) { appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString((float[]) value)); } else if (value instanceof double[]) { appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString((double[]) value)); } else if (value instanceof char[]) { appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString((char[]) value)); } else if (value instanceof String[]) { String[] strings = (String[]) value; String[] quoted = new String[strings.length]; for (int j = 0; j < strings.length; j++) { quoted[j] = "\"" + strings[j] + "\""; } appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString(quoted)); } else if (value instanceof Class<?>[]) { Class<?>[] classes = (Class<?>[]) value; String[] names = new String[classes.length]; for (int j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) { names[j] = classes[j].getName() + ".class"; } appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString(names)); } else if (value instanceof Object[]) { appendInBraces(string, Arrays.toString((Object[]) value)); } else if (value instanceof String) { string.append('"').append(value).append('"'); } else if (value instanceof Class<?>) { string.append(((Class<?>) value).getName()).append(".class"); } else { string.append(value); } if (i < members.length - 1) { string.append(", "); } } return string.append(')').toString(); } private void appendInBraces(StringBuilder buf, String s) { buf.append('{').append(s.substring(1, s.length() - 1)).append('}'); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof Annotation) { Annotation that = (Annotation) other; if (this.annotationType.equals(that.annotationType())) { for (Method member : members) { Object thisValue = performTypeCoercion(valueMap.get(member.getName()), member.getReturnType()); Object thatValue = invoke(member, that); if (thisValue instanceof byte[] && thatValue instanceof byte[]) { if (!Arrays.equals((byte[]) thisValue, (byte[]) thatValue)) return false; } else if (thisValue instanceof short[] && thatValue instanceof short[]) { if (!Arrays.equals((short[]) thisValue, (short[]) thatValue)) return false; } else if (thisValue instanceof int[] && thatValue instanceof int[]) { if (!Arrays.equals((int[]) thisValue, (int[]) thatValue)) return false; } else if (thisValue instanceof long[] && thatValue instanceof long[]) { if (!Arrays.equals((long[]) thisValue, (long[]) thatValue)) return false; } else if (thisValue instanceof float[] && thatValue instanceof float[]) { if (!Arrays.equals((float[]) thisValue, (float[]) thatValue)) return false; } else if (thisValue instanceof double[] && thatValue instanceof double[]) { if (!Arrays.equals((double[]) thisValue, (double[]) thatValue)) return false; } else if (thisValue instanceof char[] && thatValue instanceof char[]) { if (!Arrays.equals((char[]) thisValue, (char[]) thatValue)) return false; } else if (thisValue instanceof boolean[] && thatValue instanceof boolean[]) { if (!Arrays.equals((boolean[]) thisValue, (boolean[]) thatValue)) return false; } else if (thisValue instanceof Object[] && thatValue instanceof Object[]) { if (!Arrays.equals((Object[]) thisValue, (Object[]) thatValue)) return false; } else { if (!thisValue.equals(thatValue)) { return false; } } } return true; } } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hashCode = 0; for (Method member : members) { int memberNameHashCode = 127 * member.getName().hashCode(); Object value = performTypeCoercion(valueMap.get(member.getName()), member.getReturnType()); int memberValueHashCode; if (value instanceof boolean[]) { memberValueHashCode = Arrays.hashCode((boolean[]) value); } else if (value instanceof short[]) { memberValueHashCode = Arrays.hashCode((short[]) value); } else if (value instanceof int[]) { memberValueHashCode = Arrays.hashCode((int[]) value); } else if (value instanceof long[]) { memberValueHashCode = Arrays.hashCode((long[]) value); } else if (value instanceof float[]) { memberValueHashCode = Arrays.hashCode((float[]) value); } else if (value instanceof double[]) { memberValueHashCode = Arrays.hashCode((double[]) value); } else if (value instanceof byte[]) { memberValueHashCode = Arrays.hashCode((byte[]) value); } else if (value instanceof char[]) { memberValueHashCode = Arrays.hashCode((char[]) value); } else if (value instanceof Object[]) { memberValueHashCode = Arrays.hashCode((Object[]) value); } else { memberValueHashCode = value.hashCode(); } hashCode += memberNameHashCode ^ memberValueHashCode; } return hashCode; } private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { return new SerializationProxy(valueMap, annotationType); } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Must use SerializationProxy"); } private static Object invoke(Method method, Object instance) { try { if (!method.isAccessible()) method.setAccessible(true); return method.invoke(instance); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error checking value of member method " + method.getName() + " on " + method.getDeclaringClass(), e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error checking value of member method " + method.getName() + " on " + method.getDeclaringClass(), e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error checking value of member method " + method.getName() + " on " + method.getDeclaringClass(), e); } } }