/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2011 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Andrew Niefer (IBM Corporation) - initial API and implementation * Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems) * Andrew Ferguson (Symbian) * Sergey Prigogin (Google) *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTGenericVisitor; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTNodeProperty; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTVisitor; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.DOMException; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.EScopeKind; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTArrayDeclarator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTArrayModifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTBinaryExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCompoundStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarationStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTEnumerationSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTEnumerationSpecifier.IASTEnumerator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTEqualsInitializer; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression.ValueCategory; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFieldReference; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTForStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionCallExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionDeclarator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionDefinition; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTGotoStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTIdExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTImplicitNameOwner; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializer; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializerClause; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializerList; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTLabelStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTName; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNamedTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNode; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTParameterDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTPointer; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTPointerOperator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTProblem; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTProblemHolder; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTranslationUnit; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTypeId; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTUnaryExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IArrayType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBasicType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBasicType.Kind; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ICompositeType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumeration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumerator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IFunction; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IFunctionType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ILabel; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IProblemBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IQualifierType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ISemanticProblem; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ITypedef; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IVariable; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTCatchHandler; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.ICPPASTBaseSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTConstructorChainInitializer; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTConstructorInitializer; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTConversionName; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTDeclSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTDeclarator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTExplicitTemplateInstantiation; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTFieldReference; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTFunctionDefinition; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTIfStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTInitializerList; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTLambdaExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTLinkageSpecification; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTNamespaceAlias; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTNewExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTParameterDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTPointerToMember; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTQualifiedName; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTReferenceOperator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTSimpleTypeTemplateParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTSwitchStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTTemplateId; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTTemplateParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTTemplateSpecialization; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTTemplatedTypeTemplateParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTTypeId; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTUsingDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTUsingDirective; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTWhileStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBlockScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassTemplate; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPConstructor; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPEnumeration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunction; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunctionScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunctionTemplate; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunctionType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMethod; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPNamespace; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPNamespaceAlias; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPNamespaceScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPReferenceType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPSpecialization; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPTemplateArgument; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPTemplateParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPTemplateScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPUsingDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.index.IIndex; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.index.IIndexBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.ArrayUtil; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.CharArrayUtils; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ASTInternal; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ASTQueries; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ProblemBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ProblemType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.Value; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPASTFieldReference; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPASTFunctionCallExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPASTIdExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPASTName; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPASTTranslationUnit; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPASTUnaryExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPArrayType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPBasicType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPClassTemplate; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPClassType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPConstructor; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPConstructorTemplate; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPEnumeration; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPEnumerator; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPField; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPFunction; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPFunctionTemplate; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPFunctionType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPLabel; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPLambdaExpressionParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPMethod; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPMethodTemplate; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPNamespace; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPNamespaceAlias; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPParameterPackType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPPointerToMemberType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPPointerType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPReferenceType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPTemplateArgument; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPTemplateParameterMap; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPTypedef; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPVariable; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ICPPInternalBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ICPPUnknownBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.index.IIndexScope; /** * Collection of methods to extract information from a C++ translation unit. */ public class CPPVisitor extends ASTQueries { private static final CPPBasicType UNSIGNED_LONG = new CPPBasicType(Kind.eInt, IBasicType.IS_LONG | IBasicType.IS_UNSIGNED); private static final CPPBasicType INT_TYPE = new CPPBasicType(Kind.eInt, 0); private static final String BEGIN_STR = "begin"; //$NON-NLS-1$ static final char[] BEGIN = BEGIN_STR.toCharArray(); static final String STD = "std"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final char[] SIZE_T = "size_t".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final char[] PTRDIFF_T = "ptrdiff_t".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final char[] TYPE_INFO= "type_info".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final char[] INITIALIZER_LIST = "initializer_list".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final IASTInitializerClause[] NO_ARGS = {}; // Thread-local set of DeclSpecifiers for which auto types are being created. // Used to prevent infinite recursion while processing invalid self-referencing // auto-type declarations. private static final ThreadLocal<Set<IASTDeclSpecifier>> autoTypeDeclSpecs = new ThreadLocal<Set<IASTDeclSpecifier>>() { @Override protected Set<IASTDeclSpecifier> initialValue() { return new HashSet<IASTDeclSpecifier>(); } }; public static IBinding createBinding(IASTName name) { IASTNode parent = name.getParent(); IBinding binding = null; if (parent instanceof IASTNamedTypeSpecifier || parent instanceof ICPPASTBaseSpecifier || parent instanceof ICPPASTConstructorChainInitializer || name.getPropertyInParent() == ICPPASTNamespaceAlias.MAPPING_NAME) { if (name.getLookupKey().length == 0) return null; return CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(name); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { if (name.getLookupKey().length == 0) return null; final ICPPASTQualifiedName qname = (ICPPASTQualifiedName) parent; if (name != qname.getLastName()) return CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(name); parent = parent.getParent(); binding = CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(name); if (binding instanceof IProblemBinding && !(parent instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceAlias)) { final IASTName[] ns = qname.getNames(); if (ns.length > 1 && ns[ns.length - 2].getBinding() instanceof IProblemBinding) return binding; if (((IProblemBinding) binding).getID() == IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_MEMBER_DECLARATION_NOT_FOUND) { IASTNode node = getContainingBlockItem(name.getParent()); ASTNodeProperty prop= node.getPropertyInParent(); while (prop == ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration.OWNED_DECLARATION) { node= node.getParent(); prop= node.getPropertyInParent(); } if (prop != IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.MEMBER_DECLARATION && prop != ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition.OWNED_DECLARATION) { return binding; } IScope scope= getContainingScope(qname); while (scope instanceof ICPPTemplateScope) { try { scope= scope.getParent(); } catch (DOMException e) { return binding; } } if (scope != getContainingScope(name)) return binding; } } else { if (parent instanceof IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) { if (binding instanceof IIndexBinding) { // Need to create an AST binding } else { ASTInternal.addDefinition(binding, parent); return binding; } } else { return binding; } } } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId) { final ICPPASTTemplateId id = (ICPPASTTemplateId) parent; if (CPPTemplates.isClassTemplate(id)) return CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(name); // function templates/instances/specializations must be resolved via the id id.resolveBinding(); return name.getBinding(); } if (parent instanceof IASTIdExpression) { return resolveBinding(parent); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTFieldReference) { return resolveBinding(parent); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) { return createBinding((ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) parent); } else if (parent instanceof IASTDeclarator) { return createBinding((IASTDeclarator) parent); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) { return createBinding((ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) parent); } else if (parent instanceof IASTDeclaration) { return createBinding((IASTDeclaration) parent); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) { return createBinding((ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) parent); } else if (parent instanceof IASTEnumerator) { return createBinding((IASTEnumerator) parent); } else if (parent instanceof IASTGotoStatement) { return createBinding((IASTGotoStatement) parent); } else if (parent instanceof IASTLabelStatement) { return createBinding((IASTLabelStatement) parent); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTTemplateParameter) { return CPPTemplates.createBinding((ICPPASTTemplateParameter) parent); } if (name.getLookupKey().length > 0) return binding; return null; } private static IBinding createBinding(IASTGotoStatement gotoStatement) { ICPPFunctionScope functionScope = (ICPPFunctionScope) getContainingScope(gotoStatement.getName()); IASTName name = gotoStatement.getName(); IBinding binding; binding = functionScope.getBinding(name, false); if (binding == null || !(binding instanceof ILabel)) { binding = new CPPLabel(name); ASTInternal.addName(functionScope, name); } return binding; } private static IBinding createBinding(IASTLabelStatement labelStatement) { ICPPFunctionScope functionScope = (ICPPFunctionScope) getContainingScope(labelStatement.getName()); IASTName name = labelStatement.getName(); IBinding binding; binding = functionScope.getBinding(name, false); if (binding == null || !(binding instanceof ILabel)) { binding = new CPPLabel(name); ASTInternal.addName(functionScope, name); } else { ((CPPLabel) binding).setLabelStatement(name); } return binding; } private static IBinding createBinding(IASTEnumerator enumerator) { ICPPScope scope = (ICPPScope) getContainingScope(enumerator); IBinding enumtor; enumtor = scope.getBinding(enumerator.getName(), false); if (enumtor == null || !(enumtor instanceof IEnumerator)) { enumtor = new CPPEnumerator(enumerator.getName()); } return enumtor; } private static IBinding createBinding(ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier specifier) { ICPPScope scope = (ICPPScope) getContainingScope(specifier); final IASTName name = specifier.getName(); IType fixedType= createEnumBaseType(specifier); IBinding binding = scope.getBinding(name, false); if (binding instanceof CPPEnumeration) { CPPEnumeration e= (CPPEnumeration) binding; if (e.isScoped() == specifier.isScoped()) { IType ft2= e.getFixedType(); if (fixedType == ft2 || (fixedType != null && fixedType.isSameType(ft2))) { if (specifier.isOpaque()) { e.addDeclaration(name); } else if (e.getDefinition() == null) { e.addDefinition(name); } else { return new ProblemBinding(name, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_REDEFINITION); } return e; } } return new ProblemBinding(name, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_REDECLARATION); } return new CPPEnumeration(specifier, fixedType); } private static IType createEnumBaseType(ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier specifier) { ICPPASTDeclSpecifier declspec = specifier.getBaseType(); if (declspec != null) { IType type= createType(declspec); return SemanticUtil.getNestedType(type, ALLCVQ); } if (specifier.isScoped()) { return CPPSemantics.INT_TYPE; } return null; } private static IBinding createBinding(final ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier elabType) { final IASTNode parent = elabType.getParent(); IBinding binding = null; boolean mustBeSimple = true; boolean isFriend = false; boolean qualified = false; IASTName name = elabType.getName(); if (name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { qualified = true; IASTName[] ns = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) name).getNames(); name = ns[ns.length - 1]; } if (parent instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { IASTDeclarator[] dtors = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) parent).getDeclarators(); ICPPASTDeclSpecifier declSpec = (ICPPASTDeclSpecifier) ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) parent).getDeclSpecifier(); isFriend = declSpec.isFriend() && dtors.length == 0; if (dtors.length > 0 || isFriend) { binding = CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(name); mustBeSimple = !isFriend; } else { mustBeSimple = false; } } else if (parent instanceof IASTParameterDeclaration || parent instanceof IASTDeclaration || parent instanceof IASTTypeId) { binding = CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(elabType.getName()); } if (binding instanceof IIndexBinding && binding instanceof ICPPClassType) { binding= ((CPPASTTranslationUnit) elabType.getTranslationUnit()).mapToAST((ICPPClassType) binding); ASTInternal.addDeclaration(binding, elabType); } if (binding != null && (!(binding instanceof IProblemBinding) || ((IProblemBinding) binding).getID() != IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_NAME_NOT_FOUND)) { return binding; } // ... If name lookup does not find a declaration for the name, the elaborated-type-specifier is ill-formed // unless it is of the simple form class-key identifier if (mustBeSimple && (elabType.getName() instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName || elabType.getKind() == IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier.k_enum)) { return binding; } try { boolean template = false; ICPPScope scope = (ICPPScope) getContainingScope(name); while (scope instanceof ICPPTemplateScope) { template = true; scope= (ICPPScope) scope.getParent(); } if (mustBeSimple) { // 3.3.1-5 ... the identifier is declared in the smallest non-class non-function-prototype scope that contains // the declaration while (scope instanceof ICPPClassScope || scope instanceof ICPPFunctionScope) { scope = (ICPPScope) getParentScope(scope, elabType.getTranslationUnit()); } } if (scope instanceof ICPPClassScope && isFriend && !qualified) { while (scope instanceof ICPPClassScope) scope = (ICPPScope) getParentScope(scope, elabType.getTranslationUnit()); } if (scope != null) { binding = scope.getBinding(elabType.getName(), false); if (binding instanceof ICPPUsingDeclaration) { IBinding[] expanded = ((ICPPUsingDeclaration) binding).getDelegates(); if (expanded.length == 1 && expanded[0] instanceof IType) { binding= expanded[0]; } } } if (binding instanceof ICPPInternalBinding) { if (!name.isActive()) return binding; if (binding instanceof ICPPClassType) { final ICPPInternalBinding ib = (ICPPInternalBinding) binding; if ((binding instanceof ICPPClassTemplate) == template) { ib.addDeclaration(elabType); return binding; } if (CPPSemantics.declaredBefore(binding, name, false)) { return new ProblemBinding(name, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_REDECLARATION); } // Mark the other declarations as problem and create the binding final IASTNode[] decls = ib.getDeclarations(); if (decls != null) { for (IASTNode decl : decls) { if (decl instanceof IASTName) { final IASTName n = (IASTName) decl; n.setBinding(new ProblemBinding(n, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_REDECLARATION)); } } } IASTNode decl= ib.getDefinition(); if (decl instanceof IASTName) { final IASTName n = (IASTName) decl; n.setBinding(new ProblemBinding(n, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_REDEFINITION)); } } } // Create a binding if (elabType.getKind() != IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier.k_enum) { if (template) binding = new CPPClassTemplate(name); else binding = new CPPClassType(name, binding); // name may live in a different scope, so make sure to add it to the owner scope, as well. ASTInternal.addName(scope, elabType.getName()); } } catch (DOMException e) { binding = e.getProblem(); } return binding; } private static IBinding createBinding(ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier compType) { IASTName name = compType.getName(); if (name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { IASTName[] ns = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) name).getNames(); name = ns[ns.length - 1]; } IBinding binding = null; ICPPScope scope = (ICPPScope) getContainingScope(name); try { boolean template = false; while (scope instanceof ICPPTemplateScope) { template = true; scope= (ICPPScope) scope.getParent(); } if (name instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId) { return CPPTemplates.createBinding((ICPPASTTemplateId) name); } if (name.getLookupKey().length > 0 && scope != null) // can't lookup anonymous things binding = scope.getBinding(name, false); if (binding instanceof ICPPInternalBinding && binding instanceof ICPPClassType && name.isActive()) { ICPPInternalBinding internal = (ICPPInternalBinding) binding; if (internal.getDefinition() == null && (binding instanceof ICPPClassTemplate) == template) { ASTInternal.addDefinition(internal, compType); } else { binding = new ProblemBinding(name, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_REDEFINITION); } } else { if (template) { binding = new CPPClassTemplate(name); } else { binding = new CPPClassType(name, binding); } } } catch (DOMException e) { binding = e.getProblem(); } return binding; } private static IBinding createBinding(IASTDeclaration declaration) { if (declaration instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) { ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition namespaceDef = (ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) declaration; ICPPScope scope = (ICPPScope) getContainingScope(namespaceDef); IBinding binding; binding = scope.getBinding(namespaceDef.getName(), false); if (!(binding instanceof ICPPInternalBinding) || binding instanceof IProblemBinding || !(binding instanceof ICPPNamespace)) { binding = new CPPNamespace(namespaceDef); } return binding; } else if (declaration instanceof ICPPASTUsingDirective) { return CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(((ICPPASTUsingDirective) declaration).getQualifiedName()); } else if (declaration instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceAlias) { ICPPASTNamespaceAlias alias = (ICPPASTNamespaceAlias) declaration; ICPPScope scope = (ICPPScope) getContainingScope(declaration); IBinding binding; binding = scope.getBinding(alias.getAlias(), false); if (!(binding instanceof ICPPInternalBinding)) { IBinding namespace = alias.getMappingName().resolveBinding(); if (namespace instanceof IProblemBinding) { IProblemBinding problem = (IProblemBinding) namespace; namespace = new CPPNamespace.CPPNamespaceProblem(problem.getASTNode(), problem.getID(), alias.getMappingName().toCharArray()); } if (namespace instanceof ICPPNamespace) { binding = new CPPNamespaceAlias(alias.getAlias(), (ICPPNamespace) namespace); } else { binding = new ProblemBinding(alias.getAlias(), IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_NAME_NOT_FOUND); } } return binding; } return null; } private static IBinding createBinding(IASTDeclarator declarator) { IASTNode parent = findOutermostDeclarator(declarator).getParent(); declarator= findInnermostDeclarator(declarator); final IASTDeclarator typeRelevantDtor= findTypeRelevantDeclarator(declarator); IASTName name= declarator.getName(); if (name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { name= ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) name).getLastName(); } // in case the binding was created starting from another name within the declarator. IBinding candidate= name.getBinding(); if (candidate != null) { return candidate; } // function type if (parent instanceof IASTTypeId) return CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(name); // function type for non-type template parameter ASTNodeProperty prop = parent.getPropertyInParent(); if (prop == ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration.PARAMETER || prop == ICPPASTTemplatedTypeTemplateParameter.PARAMETER) { return CPPTemplates.createBinding((ICPPASTTemplateParameter) parent); } // explicit instantiations if (prop == ICPPASTExplicitTemplateInstantiation.OWNED_DECLARATION) return CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(name); // explicit specializations ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration tmplDecl= CPPTemplates.getTemplateDeclaration(name); if (tmplDecl instanceof ICPPASTTemplateSpecialization) { IBinding b= CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(name); if (parent instanceof ICPPASTFunctionDefinition) { ASTInternal.addDefinition(b, name); } else { ASTInternal.addDeclaration(b, name); } return b; } // parameter declarations if (parent instanceof ICPPASTParameterDeclaration) { ICPPASTParameterDeclaration param = (ICPPASTParameterDeclaration) parent; parent = param.getParent(); if (parent instanceof IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) { IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator fdtor = (IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) param.getParent(); // Create parameter bindings only if the declarator declares a function if (findTypeRelevantDeclarator(fdtor) != fdtor) return null; final IASTNode dtorParent= findOutermostDeclarator(fdtor).getParent(); if (dtorParent instanceof ICPPASTLambdaExpression) { return new CPPLambdaExpressionParameter(name); } if (dtorParent instanceof IASTDeclaration) { IASTParameterDeclaration[] params = fdtor.getParameters(); int i= 0; for (; i < params.length; i++) { if (params[i] == param) break; } return new CPPParameter(name, i); } return null; } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) { return CPPTemplates.createBinding(param); } return new ProblemBinding(name, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_TYPE); } // function declaration/definition IBinding binding= null; final boolean template= tmplDecl != null; boolean isFriendDecl= false; ICPPScope scope = (ICPPScope) getContainingNonTemplateScope(name); if (scope instanceof ICPPClassScope) { isFriendDecl = isFriendDeclaration(parent); if (isFriendDecl) { try { while (scope.getKind() == EScopeKind.eClassType) { scope = (ICPPScope) getParentScope(scope, name.getTranslationUnit()); } } catch (DOMException e1) { } } } boolean forceResolve= isFriendDecl && name instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId; if (name.getLookupKey().length != 0 && scope != null) { binding = scope.getBinding(name, forceResolve); } boolean isFunction= false; if (parent instanceof ICPPASTFunctionDefinition) { isFunction= true; } else if (parent instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { IASTSimpleDeclaration simpleDecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) parent; if (simpleDecl.getDeclSpecifier().getStorageClass() == IASTDeclSpecifier.sc_typedef) { // Typedef declaration if (binding instanceof ICPPInternalBinding && binding instanceof ITypedef && name.isActive()) { IType t1 = ((ITypedef) binding).getType(); IType t2 = createType(declarator); if (t1 != null && t2 != null && t1.isSameType(t2)) { ASTInternal.addDeclaration(binding, name); return binding; } return new ProblemBinding(name, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_REDECLARATION); } // If we don't resolve the target type first, we get a problem binding in case the typedef // redeclares the target type, otherwise it is safer to defer the resolution of the target type. IType targetType= createType(declarator); CPPTypedef td= new CPPTypedef(name); td.setType(targetType); binding = td; } else if (typeRelevantDtor instanceof IASTFunctionDeclarator) { // Function declaration via function declarator isFunction= true; } else { // Looks like a variable declaration IType t1 = createType(declarator); if (SemanticUtil.getNestedType(t1, TDEF) instanceof IFunctionType) { // Function declaration via a typedef for a function type isFunction= true; } else if (binding instanceof IParameter) { // Variable declaration redeclaring a parameter binding = new ProblemBinding(name, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_REDECLARATION); } else { // Variable declaration IType t2= null; if (binding != null && binding instanceof IVariable && !(binding instanceof IIndexBinding)) { t2 = ((IVariable) binding).getType(); } if (t1 != null && t2 != null) { if (t1.isSameType(t2) || isCompatibleArray(t1, t2) != null) { ASTInternal.addDeclaration(binding, name); } else { binding = new ProblemBinding(name, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_REDECLARATION); } } else if (simpleDecl.getParent() instanceof ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) { binding = new CPPField(name); } else { binding = new CPPVariable(name); } } } } if (isFunction) { if (binding instanceof ICPPInternalBinding && binding instanceof ICPPFunction && name.isActive()) { ICPPFunction function = (ICPPFunction) binding; if (CPPSemantics.isSameFunction(function, typeRelevantDtor)) { binding= CPPSemantics.checkDeclSpecifier(binding, name, parent); if (binding instanceof IProblemBinding) return binding; ICPPInternalBinding internal = (ICPPInternalBinding) function; if (parent instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { ASTInternal.addDeclaration(internal, name); } else if (internal.getDefinition() == null) { ASTInternal.addDefinition(internal, name); } else { IASTNode def = internal.getDefinition(); if (def instanceof IASTDeclarator) def = ((IASTDeclarator) def).getName(); if (def != name) { return new ProblemBinding(name, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_INVALID_REDEFINITION); } } return function; } } if (scope instanceof ICPPClassScope) { if (isConstructor(scope, typeRelevantDtor)) { binding = template ? (ICPPConstructor) new CPPConstructorTemplate(name) : new CPPConstructor((ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) typeRelevantDtor); } else { binding = template ? (ICPPMethod) new CPPMethodTemplate(name) : new CPPMethod(typeRelevantDtor); } } else { binding = template ? (ICPPFunction) new CPPFunctionTemplate(name) : new CPPFunction(typeRelevantDtor); } binding= CPPSemantics.checkDeclSpecifier(binding, name, parent); } return binding; } public static boolean isFriendDeclaration(IASTNode decl) { IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec; if (decl instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { declSpec = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) decl).getDeclSpecifier(); } else if (decl instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { declSpec = ((IASTFunctionDefinition) decl).getDeclSpecifier(); } else { return false; } return declSpec instanceof ICPPASTDeclSpecifier && ((ICPPASTDeclSpecifier) declSpec).isFriend(); } public static boolean isConstructor(IScope containingScope, IASTDeclarator declarator) { if (containingScope == null || !(containingScope instanceof ICPPClassScope)) return false; IASTNode node = ASTInternal.getPhysicalNodeOfScope(containingScope); if (!(node instanceof ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier)) { return false; } ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier clsTypeSpec = (ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) node; IASTName clsName = clsTypeSpec.getName(); if (clsName instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { IASTName[] names = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) clsName).getNames(); clsName = names[names.length - 1]; } return isConstructor(clsName, declarator); } public static boolean isConstructorDeclaration(IASTName name) { if (name == null) return false; final ASTNodeProperty propertyInParent = name.getPropertyInParent(); if (propertyInParent == CPPSemantics.STRING_LOOKUP_PROPERTY || propertyInParent == null) return false; IASTNode parent = name.getParent(); if (parent instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId) { name= (IASTName) parent; parent= name.getParent(); } if (parent instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { if (((ICPPASTQualifiedName) parent).getLastName() != name) return false; name= (IASTName) parent; parent= name.getParent(); } if (parent instanceof IASTDeclarator) { IASTDeclarator dtor= findTypeRelevantDeclarator((IASTDeclarator) parent); if (dtor instanceof ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) { if (name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { IASTName[] names = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) name).getNames(); if (names.length >= 2) { return CPPVisitor.isConstructor(names[names.length - 2], dtor); } } else { while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier)) { parent= parent.getParent(); } if (parent instanceof ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) { IASTName compName= ((ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) parent).getName().getLastName(); return CPPVisitor.isConstructor(compName, dtor); } } } } return false; } public static boolean isConstructor(IASTName parentName, IASTDeclarator declarator) { if (declarator == null || !(declarator instanceof IASTFunctionDeclarator)) return false; IASTName name = findInnermostDeclarator(declarator).getName(); if (!CharArrayUtils.equals(name.getLookupKey(), parentName.getLookupKey())) return false; IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec = null; IASTNode parent = findOutermostDeclarator(declarator).getParent(); if (parent instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { declSpec = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) parent).getDeclSpecifier(); } else if (parent instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { declSpec = ((IASTFunctionDefinition) parent).getDeclSpecifier(); } if (declSpec != null && declSpec instanceof IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) { return (((IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) declSpec).getType() == IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_unspecified); } return false; } public static IScope getContainingNonTemplateScope(final IASTNode inputNode) { IScope scope= getContainingScope(inputNode); while (scope instanceof ICPPTemplateScope) { scope= CPPVisitor.getContainingScope(((ICPPTemplateScope) scope).getTemplateDeclaration()); } return scope; } public static IScope getContainingScope(final IASTNode inputNode) { if (inputNode == null || inputNode instanceof IASTTranslationUnit) return null; IASTNode node= inputNode; while (node != null) { if (node instanceof IASTName && !(node instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName)) { return getContainingScope((IASTName) node); } if (node instanceof IASTDeclaration) { IASTNode parent = node.getParent(); if (parent instanceof IASTTranslationUnit) { return ((IASTTranslationUnit) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof IASTDeclarationStatement) { return getContainingScope((IASTStatement) parent); } else if (parent instanceof IASTForStatement) { return ((IASTForStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement) { return ((ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) { return ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) { return ((ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTSwitchStatement) { return ((ICPPASTSwitchStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTIfStatement) { return ((ICPPASTIfStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTWhileStatement) { return ((ICPPASTWhileStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) { return ((ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTCatchHandler) { return ((ICPPASTCatchHandler) parent).getScope(); } } else if (node instanceof IASTStatement) { return getContainingScope((IASTStatement) node); } else if (node instanceof IASTTypeId) { ASTNodeProperty prop = node.getPropertyInParent(); if (prop == ICPPASTTemplateId.TEMPLATE_ID_ARGUMENT || prop == ICPPASTConversionName.TYPE_ID) { node= node.getParent(); // template-id or conversion name while (node instanceof IASTName) { node= node.getParent(); } continue; } else if (prop == ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator.TRAILING_RETURN_TYPE) { IScope result = scopeViaFunctionDtor((ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) node.getParent()); if (result != null) return result; } } else if (node instanceof IASTParameterDeclaration) { IASTNode parent = node.getParent(); if (parent instanceof ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) { IScope result = scopeViaFunctionDtor((ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) parent); if (result != null) return result; } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) { return ((ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) parent).getScope(); } } else if (node instanceof IASTInitializer) { if (node instanceof ICPPASTConstructorChainInitializer) { // The name of the member initializer is resolved in the scope of the // owner of the ctor. ICPPASTConstructorChainInitializer initializer = (ICPPASTConstructorChainInitializer) node; IASTFunctionDefinition fdef= (IASTFunctionDefinition) initializer.getParent(); IBinding binding = fdef.getDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding(); try { return binding.getScope(); } catch (DOMException e) { } } else { IASTNode parent = node.getParent(); if (parent instanceof IASTDeclarator) { IASTDeclarator dtor = (IASTDeclarator) parent; IASTName name = dtor.getName(); if (name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { IASTName[] ns = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) name).getNames(); return getContainingScope(ns[ns.length - 1]); } } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTConstructorChainInitializer) { // The initializer for the member initializer is resolved in // the body of the ctor. IASTNode temp = getContainingBlockItem(node); if (temp instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { IASTCompoundStatement body = (IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) temp).getBody(); return body.getScope(); } node= parent; } } } else if (node instanceof IASTExpression) { IASTNode parent = node.getParent(); if (parent instanceof IASTForStatement) { return ((IASTForStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement) { return ((ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTIfStatement) { return ((ICPPASTIfStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTSwitchStatement) { return ((ICPPASTSwitchStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTWhileStatement) { return ((ICPPASTWhileStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof IASTCompoundStatement) { return ((IASTCompoundStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof IASTArrayModifier) { IASTNode d = parent.getParent(); while (!(d instanceof IASTDeclarator || d instanceof IASTExpression)) { d = d.getParent(); } if (d instanceof IASTDeclarator) { IASTDeclarator dtor = (IASTDeclarator) d; while (dtor.getNestedDeclarator() != null) dtor = dtor.getNestedDeclarator(); IASTName name = dtor.getName(); if (name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { IASTName[] ns = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) name).getNames(); return getContainingScope(ns[ns.length - 1]); } } } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId && node.getPropertyInParent() == ICPPASTTemplateId.TEMPLATE_ID_ARGUMENT) { node= parent; // template-id while (node instanceof IASTName) { node= node.getParent(); } continue; } } else if (node instanceof ICPPASTTemplateParameter) { if (node instanceof ICPPASTTemplatedTypeTemplateParameter && node != inputNode) { return ((ICPPASTTemplatedTypeTemplateParameter) node).asScope(); } IASTNode parent = node.getParent(); if (parent instanceof ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) { return ((ICPPASTTemplateDeclaration) parent).getScope(); } } else if (node instanceof ICPPASTBaseSpecifier) { ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier compSpec = (ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) node.getParent(); IASTName n = compSpec.getName(); if (n instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { IASTName[] ns = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) n).getNames(); n = ns[ns.length - 1]; } return getContainingScope(n); } else if (node instanceof IASTEnumerator) { node= node.getParent(); if (node instanceof ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) { ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier enumSpec= (ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) node; IBinding binding = enumSpec.getName().resolveBinding(); if (binding instanceof ICPPEnumeration) { ICPPEnumeration enumType = (ICPPEnumeration) binding; if (enumType.isScoped()) { return enumType.asScope(); } } } } node = node.getParent(); } return new CPPScope.CPPScopeProblem(inputNode, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_BAD_SCOPE, inputNode.getRawSignature().toCharArray()); } private static IScope scopeViaFunctionDtor(ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator dtor) { if (ASTQueries.findTypeRelevantDeclarator(dtor) == dtor) { IASTDeclarator outerDtor = ASTQueries.findOutermostDeclarator(dtor); ASTNodeProperty prop = outerDtor.getPropertyInParent(); if (prop == IASTSimpleDeclaration.DECLARATOR) { return dtor.getFunctionScope(); } if (prop == IASTFunctionDefinition.DECLARATOR) { final IASTCompoundStatement body = (IASTCompoundStatement) ((IASTFunctionDefinition) outerDtor.getParent()).getBody(); if (body != null) return body.getScope(); return dtor.getFunctionScope(); } if (prop == ICPPASTLambdaExpression.DECLARATOR) { final IASTCompoundStatement body = ((ICPPASTLambdaExpression) outerDtor.getParent()).getBody(); if (body != null) return body.getScope(); return dtor.getFunctionScope(); } } return null; } /** * Returns enclosing function definition, or <code>null</code> if the given node * is not part of a function definition. */ public static ICPPASTFunctionDefinition findEnclosingFunctionDefinition(IASTNode node) { while (node != null) { if (node instanceof ICPPASTFunctionDefinition) { return (ICPPASTFunctionDefinition) node; } node= node.getParent(); } return null; } public static IScope getContainingScope(IASTName name) { return getContainingScope(name, null); } public static IScope getContainingScope(IASTName name, LookupData data) { IScope scope= getContainingScopeOrNull(name, data); if (scope == null) { return new CPPScope.CPPScopeProblem(name, IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_BAD_SCOPE); } return scope; } private static IScope getContainingScopeOrNull(IASTName name, LookupData data) { if (name == null) { return null; } IASTNode parent = name.getParent(); try { if (parent instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId) { name = (IASTName) parent; parent = name.getParent(); } if (parent instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { final ICPPASTQualifiedName qname= (ICPPASTQualifiedName) parent; final IASTName[] names = qname.getNames(); int i = 0; for (; i < names.length; i++) { if (names[i] == name) break; } final IASTTranslationUnit tu = parent.getTranslationUnit(); if (i == 0) { if (qname.isFullyQualified()) { if (tu == null) return null; return tu.getScope(); } if (qname.getParent() instanceof ICPPASTFieldReference) { name= qname; parent= name.getParent(); } } else if (i > 0) { if (data != null) { data.usesEnclosingScope= false; } // For template functions we may need to resolve a template parameter // as a parent of an unknown type used as parameter type. IBinding binding = names[i - 1].resolvePreBinding(); // 7.1.3-7 Unwrap typedefs, delete cv-qualifiers. if (binding instanceof ITypedef) { IType type= getNestedType((ITypedef) binding, TDEF | CVTYPE); if (type instanceof IBinding) { binding= (IBinding) type; } } boolean done= true; IScope scope= null; if (binding instanceof ICPPClassType) { if (binding instanceof IIndexBinding && tu != null) { binding= (((CPPASTTranslationUnit) tu)).mapToAST((ICPPClassType) binding); } scope= ((ICPPClassType) binding).getCompositeScope(); } else if (binding instanceof ICPPNamespace) { scope= ((ICPPNamespace) binding).getNamespaceScope(); } else if (binding instanceof ICPPEnumeration) { scope= ((ICPPEnumeration) binding).asScope(); } else if (binding instanceof ICPPUnknownBinding) { scope= ((ICPPUnknownBinding) binding).asScope(); } else if (binding instanceof IProblemBinding) { if (binding instanceof ICPPScope) scope= (IScope) binding; } else { done= false; } if (done) { if (scope == null) { return new CPPScope.CPPScopeProblem(names[i - 1], IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_BAD_SCOPE); } return scope; } } } if (parent instanceof ICPPASTFieldReference) { if (data != null) { data.usesEnclosingScope= false; } final ICPPASTFieldReference fieldReference = (ICPPASTFieldReference) parent; IType type = fieldReference.getFieldOwnerType(); type= getUltimateTypeUptoPointers(type); if (type instanceof ICPPClassType) { type= SemanticUtil.mapToAST(type, fieldReference); return ((ICPPClassType) type).getCompositeScope(); } else if (type instanceof ICPPUnknownBinding) { return ((ICPPUnknownBinding) type).asScope(); } else { // mstodo introduce problem category return new CPPScope.CPPScopeProblem(name, ISemanticProblem.TYPE_UNKNOWN_FOR_EXPRESSION); } } else if (parent instanceof IASTGotoStatement || parent instanceof IASTLabelStatement) { while (!(parent instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition)) { parent = parent.getParent(); } IASTFunctionDefinition fdef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) parent; return ((ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) fdef.getDeclarator()).getFunctionScope(); } } catch (DOMException e) { IProblemBinding problem = e.getProblem(); if (problem instanceof ICPPScope) return problem; return new CPPScope.CPPScopeProblem(problem.getASTNode(), problem.getID(), problem.getNameCharArray()); } return getContainingScope(parent); } public static IScope getContainingScope(IASTStatement statement) { IASTNode parent = statement.getParent(); IScope scope = null; if (parent instanceof IASTCompoundStatement) { IASTCompoundStatement compound = (IASTCompoundStatement) parent; scope = compound.getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof IASTForStatement) { scope = ((IASTForStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement) { scope= ((ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTSwitchStatement) { scope = ((ICPPASTSwitchStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTIfStatement) { scope = ((ICPPASTIfStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTWhileStatement) { scope = ((ICPPASTWhileStatement) parent).getScope(); } else if (parent instanceof IASTStatement) { scope = getContainingScope((IASTStatement) parent); } else if (parent instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { IASTFunctionDeclarator fnDeclarator = ((IASTFunctionDefinition) parent).getDeclarator(); IASTName name = findInnermostDeclarator(fnDeclarator).getName(); if (name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { IASTName[] ns = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) name).getNames(); name = ns[ns.length -1]; } return getContainingScope(name); } if (scope == null) return getContainingScope(parent); return scope; } public static IASTNode getContainingBlockItem(IASTNode node) { if (node == null) return null; if (node.getPropertyInParent() == CPPSemantics.STRING_LOOKUP_PROPERTY) return null; IASTNode parent = node.getParent(); if (parent == null) return null; while (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof IASTDeclaration) { IASTNode p = parent.getParent(); if (p instanceof IASTDeclarationStatement) return p; return parent; } else if (parent instanceof IASTExpression) { IASTNode p = parent.getParent(); if (p instanceof IASTForStatement) return parent; if (p instanceof ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement) return parent; if (p instanceof IASTStatement) return p; } else if (parent instanceof IASTStatement || parent instanceof IASTTranslationUnit) { return parent; } else if (parent instanceof IASTFunctionDeclarator && node.getPropertyInParent() == IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator.FUNCTION_PARAMETER) { return node; } else if (parent instanceof IASTEnumerationSpecifier.IASTEnumerator) { return parent; } node = parent; parent = node.getParent(); } return null; } static private IBinding resolveBinding(IASTNode node) { IASTName name = null; while (node != null) { if (node instanceof IASTIdExpression) { name = ((IASTIdExpression) node).getName(); break; } else if (node instanceof ICPPASTFieldReference) { name = ((ICPPASTFieldReference) node).getFieldName(); break; } else if (node instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) { node = ((IASTFunctionCallExpression) node).getFunctionNameExpression(); } else if (node instanceof IASTUnaryExpression) { node = ((IASTUnaryExpression) node).getOperand(); } else if (node instanceof IASTBinaryExpression) { node = ((IASTBinaryExpression) node).getOperand2(); } else { node = null; } } if (name != null) { name= name.getLastName(); IBinding binding = name.getPreBinding(); if (binding == null) { binding = CPPSemantics.resolveBinding(name); name.setBinding(binding); if (name instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId && binding instanceof ICPPSpecialization) { ((ICPPASTTemplateId) name).getTemplateName().setBinding(((ICPPSpecialization) binding).getSpecializedBinding()); } } return binding; } return null; } private static class CollectProblemsAction extends ASTGenericVisitor { private List<IASTProblem> fProblems = null; CollectProblemsAction() { super(true); } private void addProblem(IASTProblem problem) { if (fProblems == null) { fProblems= new ArrayList<IASTProblem>(); } fProblems.add(problem); } public IASTProblem[] getProblems() { if (fProblems == null) return new IASTProblem[0]; return fProblems.toArray(new IASTProblem[fProblems.size()]); } @Override public int genericVisit(IASTNode node) { if (node instanceof IASTProblemHolder) addProblem(((IASTProblemHolder) node).getProblem()); return PROCESS_CONTINUE; } } public static class CollectDeclarationsAction extends ASTVisitor { private static final int DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE = 8; private IASTName[] decls; private IBinding[] bindings; private int idx = 0; private int kind; private char[] requiredName; private IIndex index; private static final int KIND_LABEL = 1; private static final int KIND_OBJ_FN = 2; private static final int KIND_TYPE = 3; private static final int KIND_NAMESPACE = 4; private static final int KIND_COMPOSITE = 5; private static final int KIND_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER = 6; public CollectDeclarationsAction(IBinding binding) { shouldVisitTranslationUnit = true; shouldVisitNames = true; this.decls = new IASTName[DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE]; final String bname= binding.getName(); if (bname.length() > 0 && !bname.startsWith("operator")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ requiredName= bname.toCharArray(); } this.bindings = new IBinding[] {binding}; if (binding instanceof ICPPUsingDeclaration) { this.bindings= ((ICPPUsingDeclaration) binding).getDelegates(); kind= KIND_COMPOSITE; } else if (binding instanceof ILabel) { kind = KIND_LABEL; } else if (binding instanceof ICPPTemplateParameter) { kind = KIND_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER; } else if (binding instanceof ICompositeType || binding instanceof ITypedef || binding instanceof IEnumeration) { kind = KIND_TYPE; } else if (binding instanceof ICPPNamespace) { kind = KIND_NAMESPACE; } else if (binding instanceof IParameter) { requiredName= null; kind = KIND_OBJ_FN; } else { kind = KIND_OBJ_FN; } } @Override public int visit(IASTTranslationUnit tu) { index = tu.getIndex(); return PROCESS_CONTINUE; } @Override public int visit(IASTName name) { if (name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) return PROCESS_CONTINUE; if (requiredName != null && !CharArrayUtils.equals(name.getLookupKey(), requiredName)) { return PROCESS_CONTINUE; } ASTNodeProperty prop = name.getPropertyInParent(); if (prop == ICPPASTQualifiedName.SEGMENT_NAME) prop = name.getParent().getPropertyInParent(); switch (kind) { case KIND_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER: if (prop == ICPPASTSimpleTypeTemplateParameter.PARAMETER_NAME || prop == ICPPASTTemplatedTypeTemplateParameter.PARAMETER_NAME) { break; } else if (prop == IASTDeclarator.DECLARATOR_NAME) { IASTNode d = name.getParent(); while (d.getParent() instanceof IASTDeclarator) d = d.getParent(); if (d.getPropertyInParent() == IASTParameterDeclaration.DECLARATOR) { break; } } return PROCESS_CONTINUE; case KIND_LABEL: if (prop == IASTLabelStatement.NAME) break; return PROCESS_CONTINUE; case KIND_TYPE: case KIND_COMPOSITE: if (prop == IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.TYPE_NAME || prop == IASTEnumerationSpecifier.ENUMERATION_NAME || prop == ICPPASTUsingDeclaration.NAME) { break; } else if (prop == IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier.TYPE_NAME) { IASTNode p = name.getParent().getParent(); if (p instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration && ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) p).getDeclarators().length == 0) { break; } } else if (prop == IASTDeclarator.DECLARATOR_NAME) { IASTNode p = name.getParent(); while (p instanceof IASTDeclarator) { p= p.getParent(); } if (p instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) p).getDeclSpecifier(); if (declSpec.getStorageClass() == IASTDeclSpecifier.sc_typedef) break; } } if (kind == KIND_TYPE) return PROCESS_CONTINUE; // $FALL-THROUGH$ case KIND_OBJ_FN: if (prop == IASTDeclarator.DECLARATOR_NAME || prop == IASTEnumerationSpecifier.IASTEnumerator.ENUMERATOR_NAME || prop == ICPPASTUsingDeclaration.NAME) { break; } return PROCESS_CONTINUE; case KIND_NAMESPACE: if (prop == ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition.NAMESPACE_NAME || prop == ICPPASTNamespaceAlias.ALIAS_NAME) { break; } return PROCESS_CONTINUE; } if (bindings != null) { if (isDeclarationsBinding(name.resolveBinding())) { if (decls.length == idx) { IASTName[] temp = new IASTName[decls.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(decls, 0, temp, 0, decls.length); decls = temp; } decls[idx++] = name; } } return PROCESS_CONTINUE; } private boolean isDeclarationsBinding(IBinding nameBinding) { if (nameBinding != null) { for (IBinding binding : bindings) { if (areEquivalentBindings(nameBinding, binding)) { return true; } // A using declaration is a declaration for the references of its delegates if (nameBinding instanceof ICPPUsingDeclaration) { if (ArrayUtil.contains(((ICPPUsingDeclaration) nameBinding).getDelegates(), binding)) { return true; } } } } return false; } private boolean areEquivalentBindings(IBinding binding1, IBinding binding2) { if (binding1.equals(binding2)) { return true; } if ((binding1 instanceof IIndexBinding) != (binding2 instanceof IIndexBinding) && index != null) { if (binding1 instanceof IIndexBinding) { binding2 = index.adaptBinding(binding2); } else { binding1 = index.adaptBinding(binding1); } if (binding1 == null || binding2 == null) { return false; } if (binding1.equals(binding2)) { return true; } } return false; } public IASTName[] getDeclarations() { if (idx < decls.length) { IASTName[] temp = new IASTName[idx]; System.arraycopy(decls, 0, temp, 0, idx); decls = temp; } return decls; } } protected static IBinding unwindBinding(IBinding binding) { while (true) { if (binding instanceof ICPPSpecialization) { binding= ((ICPPSpecialization) binding).getSpecializedBinding(); } else { break; } } return binding; } public static class CollectReferencesAction extends ASTVisitor { private static final int DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE = 8; private IASTName[] refs; private IBinding[] bindings; private int idx = 0; private int kind; private static final int KIND_LABEL = 1; private static final int KIND_OBJ_FN = 2; private static final int KIND_TYPE = 3; private static final int KIND_NAMESPACE = 4; private static final int KIND_COMPOSITE = 5; public CollectReferencesAction(IBinding binding) { shouldVisitNames = true; this.refs = new IASTName[DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE]; binding = unwindBinding(binding); this.bindings = new IBinding[] {binding}; if (binding instanceof ICPPUsingDeclaration) { this.bindings= ((ICPPUsingDeclaration) binding).getDelegates(); kind= KIND_COMPOSITE; } else if (binding instanceof ILabel) { kind = KIND_LABEL; } else if (binding instanceof ICompositeType || binding instanceof ITypedef || binding instanceof IEnumeration) { kind = KIND_TYPE; } else if (binding instanceof ICPPNamespace) { kind = KIND_NAMESPACE; } else if (binding instanceof ICPPTemplateParameter) { kind = KIND_COMPOSITE; } else { kind = KIND_OBJ_FN; } } @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") @Override public int visit(IASTName name) { if (name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName || name instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId) return PROCESS_CONTINUE; ASTNodeProperty prop = name.getPropertyInParent(); ASTNodeProperty p2 = null; if (prop == ICPPASTQualifiedName.SEGMENT_NAME) { p2 = prop; prop = name.getParent().getPropertyInParent(); } switch (kind) { case KIND_LABEL: if (prop == IASTGotoStatement.NAME) break; return PROCESS_CONTINUE; case KIND_TYPE: case KIND_COMPOSITE: if (prop == IASTNamedTypeSpecifier.NAME || prop == ICPPASTPointerToMember.NAME || prop == ICPPASTUsingDeclaration.NAME || prop == ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.ICPPASTBaseSpecifier.NAME || prop == ICPPASTTemplateId.TEMPLATE_NAME || p2 == ICPPASTQualifiedName.SEGMENT_NAME) { break; } else if (prop == IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier.TYPE_NAME) { IASTNode p = name.getParent().getParent(); if (!(p instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) || ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) p).getDeclarators().length > 0) { break; } } if (kind == KIND_TYPE) return PROCESS_CONTINUE; // fall through case KIND_OBJ_FN: if (prop == IASTIdExpression.ID_NAME || prop == IASTFieldReference.FIELD_NAME || prop == ICPPASTUsingDirective.QUALIFIED_NAME || prop == ICPPASTUsingDeclaration.NAME || prop == IASTFunctionCallExpression.FUNCTION_NAME || prop == ICPPASTUsingDeclaration.NAME || prop == IASTNamedTypeSpecifier.NAME || prop == ICPPASTConstructorChainInitializer.MEMBER_ID || prop == ICPPASTTemplateId.TEMPLATE_ID_ARGUMENT || prop == IASTImplicitNameOwner.IMPLICIT_NAME) { break; } return PROCESS_CONTINUE; case KIND_NAMESPACE: if (prop == ICPPASTUsingDirective.QUALIFIED_NAME || prop == ICPPASTNamespaceAlias.MAPPING_NAME || prop == ICPPASTUsingDeclaration.NAME || p2 == ICPPASTQualifiedName.SEGMENT_NAME) { break; } return PROCESS_CONTINUE; } if (bindings != null) { if (isReferenceBinding(name.resolveBinding())) { if (refs.length == idx) { IASTName[] temp = new IASTName[refs.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(refs, 0, temp, 0, refs.length); refs = temp; } refs[idx++] = name; } } return PROCESS_CONTINUE; } private boolean isReferenceBinding(IBinding nameBinding) { nameBinding= unwindBinding(nameBinding); if (nameBinding != null) { for (IBinding binding : bindings) { if (nameBinding.equals(binding)) { return true; } } if (nameBinding instanceof ICPPUsingDeclaration) { IBinding[] delegates= ((ICPPUsingDeclaration) nameBinding).getDelegates(); for (IBinding delegate : delegates) { if (isReferenceBinding(delegate)) { return true; } } return false; } else { return false; } } return false; } public IASTName[] getReferences() { if (idx < refs.length) { IASTName[] temp = new IASTName[idx]; System.arraycopy(refs, 0, temp, 0, idx); refs = temp; } return refs; } } /** * Generate a function type for an implicit function. * NOTE: This does not correctly handle parameters with typedef types. */ public static ICPPFunctionType createImplicitFunctionType(IType returnType, IParameter[] parameters, boolean isConst, boolean isVolatile) { IType[] pTypes = new IType[parameters.length]; IType pt = null; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { pt = parameters[i].getType(); // remove qualifiers if (pt instanceof IQualifierType) { pt= ((IQualifierType) pt).getType(); } if (pt instanceof IArrayType) { pt = new CPPPointerType(((IArrayType) pt).getType()); } else if (pt instanceof IFunctionType) { pt = new CPPPointerType(pt); } pTypes[i] = pt; } return new CPPFunctionType(returnType, pTypes, isConst, isVolatile, false); } /** * Creates the type for the given type id. */ public static IType createType(IASTTypeId typeid) { return createType(typeid.getAbstractDeclarator()); } /** * Creates the type for a parameter declaration. */ public static IType createType(final ICPPASTParameterDeclaration pdecl, boolean forFuncType) { IType pt; IASTDeclSpecifier pDeclSpec = pdecl.getDeclSpecifier(); ICPPASTDeclarator pDtor = pdecl.getDeclarator(); pt = createType(pDeclSpec); if (pDtor != null) { pt = createType(pt, pDtor); } pt= adjustParameterType(pt, forFuncType); if (pDtor != null && CPPVisitor.findInnermostDeclarator(pDtor).declaresParameterPack()) { pt= new CPPParameterPackType(pt); } return pt; } private static IType createType(IType returnType, ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator fnDtor) { IType[] pTypes = createParameterTypes(fnDtor); IASTName name = fnDtor.getName(); if (name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { IASTName[] ns = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) name).getNames(); name = ns[ns.length - 1]; } if (name instanceof ICPPASTConversionName) { returnType = createType(((ICPPASTConversionName) name).getTypeId()); } else { returnType = getPointerTypes(returnType, fnDtor); } CPPFunctionType type = new CPPFunctionType(returnType, pTypes, fnDtor.isConst(), fnDtor.isVolatile(), fnDtor.takesVarArgs()); final IASTDeclarator nested = fnDtor.getNestedDeclarator(); if (nested != null) { return createType(type, nested); } return type; } /** * Creates an array of types for the parameters of the given function declarator. */ public static IType[] createParameterTypes(ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator fnDtor) { ICPPASTParameterDeclaration[] params = fnDtor.getParameters(); IType[] pTypes = new IType[params.length]; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { pTypes[i]= createType(params[i], true); } return pTypes; } /** * Adjusts the parameter type according to 8.3.5-3: * cv-qualifiers are deleted, arrays and function types are converted to pointers. */ static IType adjustParameterType(final IType pt, boolean forFunctionType) { // bug 239975 IType t= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(pt, TDEF); if (t instanceof IArrayType) { IArrayType at = (IArrayType) t; return new CPPPointerType(at.getType()); } if (t instanceof IFunctionType) { return new CPPPointerType(pt); } // 8.3.5-3 // Any cv-qualifier modifying a parameter type is deleted. The parameter type remains // to be qualified. if (forFunctionType && SemanticUtil.getCVQualifier(t) != CVQualifier.NONE) { return SemanticUtil.getNestedType(t, TDEF | ALLCVQ); } return pt; } private static IType getPointerTypes(IType type, IASTDeclarator declarator) { IASTPointerOperator[] ptrOps = declarator.getPointerOperators(); for (IASTPointerOperator ptrOp : ptrOps) { if (ptrOp instanceof ICPPASTPointerToMember) { type = new CPPPointerToMemberType(type, (ICPPASTPointerToMember) ptrOp); } else if (ptrOp instanceof IASTPointer) { type = new CPPPointerType(type, (IASTPointer) ptrOp); } else if (ptrOp instanceof ICPPASTReferenceOperator) { final ICPPASTReferenceOperator refOp = (ICPPASTReferenceOperator) ptrOp; type = new CPPReferenceType(type, refOp.isRValueReference()); } } return type; } private static IType getArrayTypes(IType type, IASTArrayDeclarator declarator) { IASTArrayModifier[] mods = declarator.getArrayModifiers(); for (int i = mods.length -1; i >= 0; i--) { IASTArrayModifier mod = mods[i]; type = new CPPArrayType(type, mod.getConstantExpression()); } return type; } public static IType createType(IASTDeclarator declarator) { if (declarator == null) return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_NO_NAME); declarator= findOutermostDeclarator(declarator); IASTNode parent = declarator.getParent(); IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec = null; boolean isPackExpansion= false; if (parent instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { declSpec = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) parent).getDeclSpecifier(); } else if (parent instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { declSpec = ((IASTFunctionDefinition) parent).getDeclSpecifier(); } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTTypeId) { final ICPPASTTypeId typeId = (ICPPASTTypeId) parent; declSpec = typeId.getDeclSpecifier(); isPackExpansion= typeId.isPackExpansion(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier && ((ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) declSpec).getType() == IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_auto) { return createAutoType(declSpec, declarator); } IType type = createType(declSpec); type = createType(type, declarator); // C++ specification and IASTNode initClause= declarator.getInitializer(); if (initClause instanceof IASTEqualsInitializer) { initClause= ((IASTEqualsInitializer) initClause).getInitializerClause(); } if (initClause instanceof IASTInitializerList) { IType t= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(type, TDEF); if (t instanceof IArrayType) { IArrayType at= (IArrayType) t; if (at.getSize() == null) { type= new CPPArrayType(at.getType(), Value.create(((IASTInitializerList) initClause).getSize())); } } } if (isPackExpansion) { type= new CPPParameterPackType(type); } return type; } private static IType createAutoType(IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec, IASTDeclarator declarator) { if (declarator instanceof ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) { return createAutoFunctionType(declSpec, (ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) declarator); } IASTInitializerClause autoInitClause= null; IASTNode parent = declarator.getParent().getParent(); if (parent instanceof ICPPASTNewExpression) { IASTInitializer initializer = ((ICPPASTNewExpression) parent).getInitializer(); if (initializer != null) { IASTInitializerClause[] arguments = ((ICPPASTConstructorInitializer) initializer).getArguments(); if (arguments.length == 1) { autoInitClause = arguments[0]; } } } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement) { // See 6.5.4 The range-based for statement [stmt.ranged] ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement forStmt= (ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement) parent; IASTInitializerClause forInit = forStmt.getInitializerClause(); IASTExpression beginExpr= null; if (forInit instanceof IASTExpression) { final IASTExpression expr = (IASTExpression) forInit; IType type= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(expr.getExpressionType(), TDEF|CVTYPE); if (type instanceof IArrayType) { beginExpr= expr.copy(); } else if (type instanceof ICPPClassType) { ICPPClassType ct= (ICPPClassType) type; if (ct.getCompositeScope().find(BEGIN_STR).length > 0) { final CPPASTName name = new CPPASTName(BEGIN); name.setOffset(((ASTNode) forInit).getOffset()); beginExpr= new CPPASTFunctionCallExpression( new CPPASTFieldReference(name, expr.copy()), NO_ARGS); } } } if (beginExpr == null) { final CPPASTName name = new CPPASTName(BEGIN); name.setOffset(((ASTNode) forInit).getOffset()); beginExpr= new CPPASTFunctionCallExpression( new CPPASTIdExpression(name), new IASTInitializerClause[] { forInit.copy() }); } autoInitClause= new CPPASTUnaryExpression(IASTUnaryExpression.op_star, beginExpr); autoInitClause.setParent(forStmt); autoInitClause.setPropertyInParent(ICPPASTRangeBasedForStatement.INITIALIZER); } else if (parent instanceof IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier && declSpec.getStorageClass() != IASTDeclSpecifier.sc_static) { // Non-static auto-typed class members are not allowed. return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_AUTO_FOR_NON_STATIC_FIELD); } else { IASTInitializer initClause= declarator.getInitializer(); if (initClause instanceof IASTEqualsInitializer) { autoInitClause= ((IASTEqualsInitializer) initClause).getInitializerClause(); } else if (initClause instanceof IASTInitializerClause) { autoInitClause= (IASTInitializerClause) initClause; } } return createAutoType(autoInitClause, declSpec, declarator); } private static IType createAutoType(IASTInitializerClause initClause, IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec, IASTDeclarator declarator) { // C++0x: if (initClause == null || !autoTypeDeclSpecs.get().add(declSpec)) { // Detected a self referring auto type, e.g.: auto x = x; return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_CANNOT_DEDUCE_AUTO_TYPE); } IType type = AutoTypeResolver.AUTO_TYPE; IType initType = null; ValueCategory valueCat= null; ICPPClassTemplate initializer_list_template = null; try { if (initClause instanceof ICPPASTInitializerList) { initializer_list_template = get_initializer_list(declSpec); if (initializer_list_template == null) { return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_CANNOT_DEDUCE_AUTO_TYPE); } type = (IType) CPPTemplates.instantiate(initializer_list_template, new ICPPTemplateArgument[] { new CPPTemplateArgument(type) }); if (type instanceof IProblemBinding) { return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_CANNOT_DEDUCE_AUTO_TYPE); } } type = decorateType(type, declSpec, declarator); if (initClause instanceof IASTExpression) { final IASTExpression expression = (IASTExpression) initClause; initType = expression.getExpressionType(); valueCat= expression.getValueCategory(); } else if (initClause instanceof ICPPASTInitializerList) { initType = new InitializerListType((ICPPASTInitializerList) initClause); } if (initType == null) { return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_CANNOT_DEDUCE_AUTO_TYPE); } } finally { autoTypeDeclSpecs.get().remove(declSpec); } ICPPFunctionTemplate template = new AutoTypeResolver(type); CPPTemplateParameterMap paramMap = new CPPTemplateParameterMap(1); TemplateArgumentDeduction.deduceFromFunctionArgs(template, Collections.singletonList(initType), Collections.singletonList(valueCat), paramMap); ICPPTemplateArgument argument = paramMap.getArgument(0, 0); if (argument == null) { return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_CANNOT_DEDUCE_AUTO_TYPE); } type = argument.getTypeValue(); if (initClause instanceof ICPPASTInitializerList) { type = (IType) CPPTemplates.instantiate(initializer_list_template, new ICPPTemplateArgument[] { new CPPTemplateArgument(type) }); } return decorateType(type, declSpec, declarator); } /** * C++0x: [8.3.5-2] */ private static IType createAutoFunctionType(IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec, ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator declarator) { IASTTypeId id= declarator.getTrailingReturnType(); if (id == null) return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_NO_NAME); IType t= createType(id.getAbstractDeclarator()); t= qualifyType(t, declSpec); return createType(t, declarator); } public static IType createType(IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec) { IType type = getBaseType(declSpec); return qualifyType(type, declSpec); } private static IType getBaseType(IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec) { IASTName name; if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) { name = ((ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) declSpec).getName(); } else if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier) { name = ((ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier) declSpec).getName(); } else if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) { name = ((ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) declSpec).getName(); } else if (declSpec instanceof IASTEnumerationSpecifier) { name = ((IASTEnumerationSpecifier) declSpec).getName(); } else if (declSpec instanceof ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) { ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier spec = (ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) declSpec; // Check for decltype(expr) IType type = getDeclType(spec); if (type != null) return type; return new CPPBasicType(spec); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (name == null) return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_NO_NAME); IBinding binding = name.resolvePreBinding(); if (!(binding instanceof IProblemBinding)) { if (binding instanceof ICPPConstructor) return ((ICPPConstructor) binding).getClassOwner(); if (binding instanceof IType) return (IType) binding; } return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_UNRESOLVED_NAME); } private static IType decorateType(IType type, IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec, IASTDeclarator declarator) { type = qualifyType(type, declSpec); return createType(type, declarator); } private static IType qualifyType(IType type, IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec) { return SemanticUtil.addQualifiers(type, declSpec.isConst(), declSpec.isVolatile(), declSpec.isRestrict()); } private static IType createType(IType baseType, IASTDeclarator declarator) { if (declarator instanceof ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) return createType(baseType, (ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) declarator); IType type = baseType; type = getPointerTypes(type, declarator); if (declarator instanceof IASTArrayDeclarator) type = getArrayTypes(type, (IASTArrayDeclarator) declarator); IASTDeclarator nested = declarator.getNestedDeclarator(); if (nested != null) { return createType(type, nested); } return type; } /** * Compute the type for decltype(expr) or typeof(expr) */ private static IType getDeclType(ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier spec) { IASTExpression expr = spec.getDeclTypeExpression(); if (expr == null) return null; if (spec.getType() == IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_decltype) { IASTName namedEntity= null; if (expr instanceof IASTIdExpression) { namedEntity= ((IASTIdExpression) expr).getName(); } else if (expr instanceof IASTFieldReference) { namedEntity= ((IASTFieldReference) expr).getFieldName(); } if (namedEntity != null) { IBinding b= namedEntity.resolvePreBinding(); if (b instanceof IType) { return (IType) b; } if (b instanceof IVariable) { return ((IVariable) b).getType(); } if (b instanceof IFunction) { return ((IFunction) b).getType(); } } } IType type = expr.getExpressionType(); if (spec.getType() == IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_decltype) { switch((expr).getValueCategory()) { case XVALUE: type= new CPPReferenceType(type, true); break; case LVALUE: type= new CPPReferenceType(type, false); break; case PRVALUE: break; } } return type; } public static IType getImpliedObjectType(IScope scope) { try { IASTNode node = null; while (scope != null) { if (scope instanceof ICPPBlockScope || scope instanceof ICPPFunctionScope) { node = ASTInternal.getPhysicalNodeOfScope(scope); if (node instanceof IASTFunctionDeclarator) break; if (node.getParent() instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) break; } scope = scope.getParent(); } if (node != null) { if (node.getParent() instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { IASTFunctionDefinition def = (IASTFunctionDefinition) node.getParent(); node = def.getDeclarator(); } if (node instanceof IASTFunctionDeclarator) { ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator dtor = (ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) node; IASTName funcName = findInnermostDeclarator(dtor).getName(); if (funcName instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { IASTName[] ns = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) funcName).getNames(); funcName = ns[ns.length - 1]; } IScope s = getContainingScope(funcName); while (s instanceof ICPPTemplateScope) { s = s.getParent(); } if (s instanceof ICPPClassScope) { ICPPClassScope cScope = (ICPPClassScope) s; IType type = cScope.getClassType(); if (type instanceof ICPPClassTemplate) { type= CPPTemplates.instantiateWithinClassTemplate((ICPPClassTemplate) type); } return SemanticUtil.addQualifiers(type, dtor.isConst(), dtor.isVolatile(), false); } } } } catch (DOMException e) { return e.getProblem(); } return null; } public static IType getPointerDiffType(final IASTBinaryExpression binary) { IType t= getStdType(binary, PTRDIFF_T); return t != null ? t : INT_TYPE; } private static IType getStdType(final IASTNode node, char[] name) { IBinding[] std= node.getTranslationUnit().getScope().find(STD); for (IBinding binding : std) { if (binding instanceof ICPPNamespace) { final ICPPNamespaceScope scope = ((ICPPNamespace) binding).getNamespaceScope(); IBinding[] bs= CPPSemantics.findBindings(scope, name, false, node); if (bs.length > 0) { for (IBinding b : bs) { if (b instanceof IType && CPPSemantics.declaredBefore(b, node, false)) { return (IType) b; } } } } } return null; } public static IType get_type_info(IASTExpression expression) { IType t= getStdType(expression, TYPE_INFO); return t != null ? t : INT_TYPE; } public static IType get_SIZE_T(IASTNode sizeofExpr) { IType t= getStdType(sizeofExpr, SIZE_T); return t != null ? t : UNSIGNED_LONG; } public static ICPPClassTemplate get_initializer_list(IASTNode node) { IType t= getStdType(node, INITIALIZER_LIST); if (t instanceof ICPPClassTemplate) return (ICPPClassTemplate) t; return null; } public static IASTProblem[] getProblems(IASTTranslationUnit tu) { CollectProblemsAction action = new CollectProblemsAction(); tu.accept(action); return action.getProblems(); } public static IASTName[] getReferences(IASTTranslationUnit tu, IBinding binding) { CollectReferencesAction action = new CollectReferencesAction(binding); tu.accept(action); return action.getReferences(); } public static IASTName[] getImplicitReferences(IASTTranslationUnit tu, IBinding binding) { CollectReferencesAction action = new CollectReferencesAction(binding) { { shouldVisitNames = false; shouldVisitImplicitNames = true; shouldVisitImplicitNameAlternates = true; } }; tu.accept(action); return action.getReferences(); } public static IASTName[] getDeclarations(IASTTranslationUnit tu, IBinding binding) { CollectDeclarationsAction action = new CollectDeclarationsAction(binding); tu.accept(action); IASTName[] found = action.getDeclarations(); if (found.length == 0 && binding instanceof ICPPSpecialization && binding instanceof ICPPInternalBinding) { IASTNode node = ((ICPPInternalBinding) binding).getDefinition(); if (node == null) { IASTNode[] nds = ((ICPPInternalBinding) binding).getDeclarations(); if (nds != null && nds.length > 0) node = nds[0]; } if (node != null) { IASTName name = null; if (node instanceof IASTDeclarator) { name = ((IASTDeclarator) node).getName(); } else if (node instanceof IASTName) { name = (IASTName) node; } if (name != null) found = new IASTName[] { name }; } } return found; } public static String[] getQualifiedName(IBinding binding) { String[] ns = null; for (IBinding owner= binding.getOwner(); owner != null; owner= owner.getOwner()) { if (owner instanceof ICPPEnumeration && !((ICPPEnumeration) owner).isScoped()) { continue; } String n= owner.getName(); if (n == null) break; if (owner instanceof ICPPFunction) break; if (owner instanceof ICPPNamespace && n.length() == 0) { // TODO(sprigogin): Do not ignore anonymous namespaces. continue; } ns = (String[]) ArrayUtil.append(String.class, ns, n); } ns = (String[]) ArrayUtil.trim(String.class, ns); String[] result = new String[ns.length + 1]; for (int i = ns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result[ns.length - i - 1] = ns[i]; } result[ns.length]= binding.getName(); return result; } public static char[][] getQualifiedNameCharArray(IBinding binding) { char[][] ns = null; for (IBinding owner= binding.getOwner(); owner != null; owner= owner.getOwner()) { char[] n= owner.getNameCharArray(); if (n == null) break; if (owner instanceof ICPPFunction) break; if (owner instanceof ICPPNamespace && n.length == 0) continue; ns = (char[][]) ArrayUtil.append(n.getClass(), ns, n); } final char[] bname = binding.getNameCharArray(); ns = (char[][]) ArrayUtil.trim(bname.getClass(), ns); char[][] result = new char[ns.length + 1][]; for (int i = ns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result[ns.length - i - 1] = ns[i]; } result[ns.length]= bname; return result; } private static IScope getParentScope(IScope scope, IASTTranslationUnit unit) throws DOMException { IScope parentScope= scope.getParent(); // the index cannot return the translation unit as parent scope if (parentScope == null && scope instanceof IIndexScope && unit != null) { parentScope= unit.getScope(); } return parentScope; } public static boolean isExternC(IASTNode node) { while (node != null) { node= node.getParent(); if (node instanceof ICPPASTLinkageSpecification) { if ("\"C\"".equals(((ICPPASTLinkageSpecification) node).getLiteral())) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } } } return false; } @Deprecated public static boolean isLValueReference(IType t) { t= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(t, TDEF); return t instanceof ICPPReferenceType && !((ICPPReferenceType) t).isRValueReference(); } /** * Searches for the function enclosing the given node. May return <code>null</code>. */ public static IBinding findEnclosingFunction(IASTNode node) { while (node != null && !(node instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition)) { node= node.getParent(); } if (node == null) return null; IASTDeclarator dtor= findInnermostDeclarator(((IASTFunctionDefinition) node).getDeclarator()); if (dtor != null) { IASTName name= dtor.getName(); if (name != null) { return name.resolveBinding(); } } return null; } /** * Searches for the function or class enclosing the given node. May return <code>null</code>. */ public static IBinding findEnclosingFunctionOrClass(IASTNode node) { IASTName name = null; for (; node != null; node= node.getParent()) { if (node instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { IASTDeclarator dtor= findInnermostDeclarator(((IASTFunctionDefinition) node).getDeclarator()); if (dtor != null) { name= dtor.getName(); } break; } if (node instanceof IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) { name= ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) node).getName(); break; } } if (name == null) return null; return name.resolveBinding(); } public static IBinding findNameOwner(IASTName name, boolean allowFunction) { IASTNode node= name.getLastName(); while (node instanceof IASTName) { if (node instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) { IASTName[] qn= ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) node).getNames(); int i= qn.length; while (--i >= 0) { if (qn[i] == name) { break; } } if (--i < 0) break; return bindingToOwner(qn[i].resolveBinding()); } name= (IASTName) node; node= node.getParent(); } return findDeclarationOwner(node, allowFunction); } private static IBinding bindingToOwner(IBinding b) { if (b instanceof ITypedef) { IType t= SemanticUtil.getNestedType((IType) b, TDEF); if (t instanceof IBinding) return (IBinding) t; return b; } while (b instanceof ICPPNamespaceAlias) { b= ((ICPPNamespaceAlias) b).getBinding(); } return b; } /** * Searches for the first class, namespace, or function, if <code>allowFunction</code> * is <code>true</code>, enclosing the declaration the provided node belongs to and returns * the binding for it. Returns <code>null</code>, if the declaration is not enclosed by any * of the above constructs. */ public static IBinding findDeclarationOwner(IASTNode node, boolean allowFunction) { // Search for declaration boolean isNonSimpleElabDecl= false; while (!(node instanceof IASTDeclaration)) { if (node == null) return null; if (node instanceof IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) { isNonSimpleElabDecl= true; final IASTNode parent= node.getParent(); if (parent instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { final IASTSimpleDeclaration sdecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) parent; if (sdecl.getDeclarators().length == 0) { isNonSimpleElabDecl= false; } } } else if (node instanceof IASTEnumerator) { break; } node= node.getParent(); } boolean isFriend= isFriendDeclaration(node); // Search for enclosing binding IASTName name= null; node= node.getParent(); for (; node != null; node= node.getParent()) { if (node instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) { if (!allowFunction) continue; IASTDeclarator dtor= findInnermostDeclarator(((IASTFunctionDefinition) node).getDeclarator()); if (dtor != null) { name= dtor.getName(); } break; } if (node instanceof IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) { if (isFriend || isNonSimpleElabDecl) continue; name= ((IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) node).getName(); break; } if (node instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) { name= ((ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) node).getName(); break; } if (node instanceof ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) { name= ((ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) node).getName(); break; } } if (name == null) return null; return name.resolveBinding(); } public static boolean doesNotSpecifyType(IASTDeclSpecifier declspec) { if (declspec instanceof ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) { ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier ds= (ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) declspec; if (ds.getType() == IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_unspecified) { if (ds.isShort() || ds.isLong() || ds.isLongLong() || ds.isSigned() || ds.isUnsigned()) return false; return true; } } return false; } public static ICPPASTDeclarator findInnermostDeclarator(ICPPASTDeclarator dtor) { return (ICPPASTDeclarator) ASTQueries.findInnermostDeclarator(dtor); } }