/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2010 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * John Camelon (IBM Rational Software) - Initial API and implementation * Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems) *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser; /** * @noextend This interface is not intended to be extended by clients. * @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients. */ public interface IToken { // getters public int getType(); public String getImage(); public char[] getCharImage(); public int getOffset(); public int getLength(); public int getEndOffset(); public IToken getNext(); public void setNext(IToken t); public void setType(int i); // Token types int FIRST_RESERVED_PREPROCESSOR= -200; int LAST_RESERVED_PREPROCESSOR= -101; int FIRST_RESERVED_SCANNER= -100; int LAST_RESERVED_SCANNER= -1; /** @since 5.2 */ int t_PRAGMA = 5200; int tIDENTIFIER = 1; int tINTEGER = 2; int tCOLONCOLON = 3; int tCOLON = 4; int tSEMI = 5; int tCOMMA = 6; int tQUESTION = 7; int tLPAREN = 8; int tRPAREN = 9; int tLBRACKET = 10; int tRBRACKET = 11; int tLBRACE = 12; int tRBRACE = 13; int tPLUSASSIGN = 14; int tINCR = 15; int tPLUS = 16; int tMINUSASSIGN = 17; int tDECR = 18; int tARROWSTAR = 19; int tARROW = 20; int tMINUS = 21; int tSTARASSIGN = 22; int tSTAR = 23; int tMODASSIGN = 24; int tMOD = 25; int tXORASSIGN = 26; int tXOR = 27; int tAMPERASSIGN = 28; int tAND = 29; int tAMPER = 30; int tBITORASSIGN = 31; int tOR = 32; int tBITOR = 33; int tBITCOMPLEMENT = 34; int tNOTEQUAL = 35; int tNOT = 36; int tEQUAL = 37; int tASSIGN = 38; int tUNKNOWN_CHAR= 39; int tSHIFTL = 40; int tLTEQUAL = 41; int tLT = 42; int tSHIFTRASSIGN = 43; int tSHIFTR = 44; int tGTEQUAL = 45; int tGT = 46; int tSHIFTLASSIGN = 47; int tELLIPSIS = 48; int tDOTSTAR = 49; int tDOT = 50; int tDIVASSIGN = 51; int tDIV = 52; /** * @see IScanner#setSplitShiftROperator(boolean) * @since 5.2 */ int tGT_in_SHIFTR= 5201; /** @deprecated use {@link #tAND} */ @Deprecated int t_and = 54; /** @deprecated use {@link #tAMPERASSIGN} */ @Deprecated int t_and_eq = 55; int t_asm = 56; int t_auto = 57; /** @deprecated use {@link #tAMPER} */ @Deprecated int t_bitand = 58; /** @deprecated use {@link #tBITOR} */ @Deprecated int t_bitor = 59; int t_bool = 60; int t_break = 61; int t_case = 62; int t_catch = 63; int t_char = 64; /** @since 5.2 */ int t_char16_t= 5202; /** @since 5.2 */ int t_char32_t= 5203; int t_class = 65; /** @deprecated use {@link #tBITCOMPLEMENT} */ @Deprecated int tCOMPL= tBITCOMPLEMENT; /** @deprecated use {@link #tBITCOMPLEMENT} */ @Deprecated int t_compl = 66; int t_const = 67; int t_const_cast = 69; int t_continue = 70; /** @since 5.2 */ int t_decltype= 5204; int t_default = 71; int t_delete = 72; int t_do = 73; int t_double = 74; int t_dynamic_cast = 75; int t_else = 76; int t_enum = 77; int t_explicit = 78; int t_export = 79; int t_extern = 80; int t_false = 81; int t_float = 82; int t_for = 83; int t_friend = 84; int t_goto = 85; int t_if = 86; int t_inline = 87; int t_int = 88; int t_long = 89; int t_mutable = 90; int t_namespace = 91; int t_new = 92; /** @deprecated use {@link #tNOT} */ @Deprecated int t_not = 93; /** @deprecated use {@link #tNOTEQUAL} */ @Deprecated int t_not_eq = 94; int t_operator = 95; /** @deprecated use {@link #tOR} */ @Deprecated int t_or = 96; /** @deprecated use {@link #tBITORASSIGN} */ @Deprecated int t_or_eq = 97; int t_private = 98; int t_protected = 99; int t_public = 100; int t_register = 101; int t_reinterpret_cast = 102; int t_return = 103; int t_short = 104; int t_sizeof = 105; int t_static = 106; /** @since 5.2 */ int t_static_assert = 5205; int t_static_cast = 107; int t_signed = 108; int t_struct = 109; int t_switch = 110; int t_template = 111; int t_this = 112; int t_throw = 113; int t_true = 114; int t_try = 115; int t_typedef = 116; int t_typeid = 117; int t_typename = 118; int t_union = 119; int t_unsigned = 120; int t_using = 121; int t_virtual = 122; int t_void = 123; int t_volatile = 124; int t_wchar_t = 125; int t_while = 126; /** @deprecated use {@link #tXOR} */ @Deprecated int t_xor = 127; /** @deprecated use {@link #tXORASSIGN} */ @Deprecated int t_xor_eq = 128; int tFLOATINGPT = 129; int tSTRING = 130; int tLSTRING = 131; /** @since 5.1 */ int tUTF16STRING = 5000; /** @since 5.1 */ int tUTF32STRING = 5001; int tCHAR = 132; int tLCHAR = 133; /** @since 5.1 */ int tUTF16CHAR = 5002; /** @since 5.1 */ int tUTF32CHAR = 5003; int t__Bool = 134; int t__Complex = 135; int t__Imaginary = 136; int t_restrict = 137; /** @deprecated don't use it */ @Deprecated int tMACROEXP = 138; int tPOUND= 138; int tPOUNDPOUND = 139; int tCOMPLETION = 140; int tEOC = 141; // End of Completion /** @deprecated don't use it */ @Deprecated int tCOMMENT = 142; /** @deprecated don't use it */ @Deprecated int tBLOCKCOMMENT = 143; int tEND_OF_INPUT= 144; /** @since 5.1 */ int tINACTIVE_CODE_START= 145; /** @since 5.1 */ int tINACTIVE_CODE_SEPARATOR= 146; /** @since 5.1 */ int tINACTIVE_CODE_END = 147; int FIRST_RESERVED_IGCCToken = 150; int LAST_RESERVED_IGCCToken = 199; int FIRST_RESERVED_IExtensionToken = 243; int LAST_RESERVED_IExtensionToken = 299; /** * @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients. */ @Deprecated public boolean isOperator(); }