/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.validation.entities; import java.util.UUID; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLTester; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.ByteOrderedPartitioner; import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService; public class UserTypesTest extends CQLTester { @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() // overrides CQLTester.setUpClass() { // Selecting partitioner for a table is not exposed on CREATE TABLE. StorageService.instance.setPartitionerUnsafe(ByteOrderedPartitioner.instance); prepareServer(); } @Test public void testInvalidField() throws Throwable { String myType = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (f int)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v frozen<" + myType + ">)"); // 's' is not a field of myType assertInvalid("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, {s : ?})", 0, 1); } @Test public void testInvalidInputForUserType() throws Throwable { String myType = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (f int)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s(pk int PRIMARY KEY, t frozen<" + myType + ">)"); assertInvalidMessage("Not enough bytes to read 0th component", "INSERT INTO %s (pk, t) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, "test"); assertInvalidMessage("Not enough bytes to read 0th component", "INSERT INTO %s (pk, t) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, Long.MAX_VALUE); } @Test public void testCassandra8105() throws Throwable { String ut1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b int)"); String ut2 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (j frozen<" + KEYSPACE + "." + ut1 + ">, k int)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (x int PRIMARY KEY, y set<frozen<" + KEYSPACE + "." + ut2 + ">>)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES (1, { { k: 1 } })"); String ut3 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b int)"); String ut4 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (j frozen<" + KEYSPACE + "." + ut3 + ">, k int)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (x int PRIMARY KEY, y list<frozen<" + KEYSPACE + "." + ut4 + ">>)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES (1, [ { k: 1 } ])"); String ut5 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b int)"); String ut6 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (i int, j frozen<" + KEYSPACE + "." + ut5 + ">)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (x int PRIMARY KEY, y set<frozen<" + KEYSPACE + "." + ut6 + ">>)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES (1, { { i: 1 } })"); } @Test public void testFor7684() throws Throwable { String myType = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (x double)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int, v frozen<" + myType + ">, b boolean static, PRIMARY KEY (k, v))"); execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, v) VALUES (?, {x:?})", 1, -104.99251); execute("UPDATE %s SET b = ? WHERE k = ?", true, 1); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> assertRows(execute("SELECT v.x FROM %s WHERE k = ? AND v = {x:?}", 1, -104.99251), row(-104.99251) ) ); } @Test public void testInvalidUDTStatements() throws Throwable { String typename = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int)"); String myType = KEYSPACE + '.' + typename; // non-frozen UDTs in a table PK assertInvalidMessage("Invalid non-frozen user-defined type for PRIMARY KEY component k", "CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (k " + myType + " PRIMARY KEY , v int)"); assertInvalidMessage("Invalid non-frozen user-defined type for PRIMARY KEY component k2", "CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (k1 int, k2 " + myType + ", v int, PRIMARY KEY (k1, k2))"); // non-frozen UDTs in a collection assertInvalidMessage("Non-frozen UDTs are not allowed inside collections: list<" + myType + ">", "CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (k int PRIMARY KEY, v list<" + myType + ">)"); assertInvalidMessage("Non-frozen UDTs are not allowed inside collections: set<" + myType + ">", "CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (k int PRIMARY KEY, v set<" + myType + ">)"); assertInvalidMessage("Non-frozen UDTs are not allowed inside collections: map<" + myType + ", int>", "CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (k int PRIMARY KEY, v map<" + myType + ", int>)"); assertInvalidMessage("Non-frozen UDTs are not allowed inside collections: map<int, " + myType + ">", "CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (k int PRIMARY KEY, v map<int, " + myType + ">)"); // non-frozen UDT in a collection (as part of a UDT definition) assertInvalidMessage("Non-frozen UDTs are not allowed inside collections: list<" + myType + ">", "CREATE TYPE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (a int, b list<" + myType + ">)"); // non-frozen UDT in a UDT assertInvalidMessage("A user type cannot contain non-frozen UDTs", "CREATE TYPE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (a int, b " + myType + ")"); // referencing a UDT in another keyspace assertInvalidMessage("Statement on keyspace " + KEYSPACE + " cannot refer to a user type in keyspace otherkeyspace;" + " user types can only be used in the keyspace they are defined in", "CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (k int PRIMARY KEY, v frozen<otherKeyspace.myType>)"); // referencing an unknown UDT assertInvalidMessage("Unknown type " + KEYSPACE + ".unknowntype", "CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (k int PRIMARY KEY, v frozen<" + KEYSPACE + '.' + "unknownType>)"); // bad deletions on frozen UDTs createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<" + myType + ">, c int)"); assertInvalidMessage("Frozen UDT column b does not support field deletion", "DELETE b.a FROM %s WHERE a = 0"); assertInvalidMessage("Invalid field deletion operation for non-UDT column c", "DELETE c.a FROM %s WHERE a = 0"); // bad updates on frozen UDTs assertInvalidMessage("Invalid operation (b.a = 0) for frozen UDT column b", "UPDATE %s SET b.a = 0 WHERE a = 0"); assertInvalidMessage("Invalid operation (c.a = 0) for non-UDT column c", "UPDATE %s SET c.a = 0 WHERE a = 0"); // bad deletions on non-frozen UDTs createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b " + myType + ", c int)"); assertInvalidMessage("UDT column b does not have a field named foo", "DELETE b.foo FROM %s WHERE a = 0"); // bad updates on non-frozen UDTs assertInvalidMessage("UDT column b does not have a field named foo", "UPDATE %s SET b.foo = 0 WHERE a = 0"); // bad insert on non-frozen UDTs assertInvalidMessage("Unknown field 'foo' in value of user defined type", "INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (0, {a: 0, foo: 0}, 0)"); if (usePrepared()) { assertInvalidMessage("Expected 1 value for " + typename + " column, but got more", "INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (0, ?, 0)", userType("a", 0, "foo", 0)); } else { assertInvalidMessage("Unknown field 'foo' in value of user defined type " + typename, "INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (0, ?, 0)", userType("a", 0, "foo", 0)); } // non-frozen UDT with non-frozen nested collection String typename2 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar int, foo list<int>)"); String myType2 = KEYSPACE + '.' + typename2; assertInvalidMessage("Non-frozen UDTs with nested non-frozen collections are not supported", "CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + ".wrong (k int PRIMARY KEY, v " + myType2 + ")"); } @Test public void testAlterUDT() throws Throwable { String myType = KEYSPACE + '.' + createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<" + myType + ">)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (1, ?)", userType("a", 1)); assertRows(execute("SELECT b.a FROM %s"), row(1)); flush(); schemaChange("ALTER TYPE " + myType + " ADD b int"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (2, ?)", userType("a", 2, "b", 2)); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> assertRows(execute("SELECT b.a, b.b FROM %s"), row(1, null), row(2, 2)) ); } @Test public void testAlterNonFrozenUDT() throws Throwable { String myType = KEYSPACE + '.' + createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b text)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v " + myType + ")"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, ?)", userType("a", 1, "b", "abc")); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> { assertRows(execute("SELECT v FROM %s"), row(userType("a", 1, "b", "abc"))); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.a FROM %s"), row(1)); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.b FROM %s"), row("abc")); }); schemaChange("ALTER TYPE " + myType + " RENAME b TO foo"); assertRows(execute("SELECT v FROM %s"), row(userType("a", 1, "b", "abc"))); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.a FROM %s"), row(1)); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.foo FROM %s"), row("abc")); execute("UPDATE %s SET v.foo = 'def' WHERE k = 0"); assertRows(execute("SELECT v FROM %s"), row(userType("a", 1, "foo", "def"))); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.a FROM %s"), row(1)); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.foo FROM %s"), row("def")); execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, ?)", userType("a", 2, "foo", "def")); assertRows(execute("SELECT v FROM %s"), row(userType("a", 2, "foo", "def"))); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.a FROM %s"), row(2)); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.foo FROM %s"), row("def")); schemaChange("ALTER TYPE " + myType + " ADD c int"); assertRows(execute("SELECT v FROM %s"), row(userType("a", 2, "foo", "def", "c", null))); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.a FROM %s"), row(2)); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.foo FROM %s"), row("def")); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.c FROM %s"), row(new Object[] {null})); execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (0, ?)", userType("a", 3, "foo", "abc", "c", 0)); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> { assertRows(execute("SELECT v FROM %s"), row(userType("a", 3, "foo", "abc", "c", 0))); assertRows(execute("SELECT v.c FROM %s"), row(0)); }); } @Test public void testUDTWithUnsetValues() throws Throwable { // set up String myType = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (x int, y int)"); String myOtherType = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a frozen<" + myType + ">)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v frozen<" + myType + ">, z frozen<" + myOtherType + ">)"); if (usePrepared()) { assertInvalidMessage("Invalid unset value for field 'y' of user defined type " + myType, "INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (10, {x:?, y:?})", 1, unset()); assertInvalidMessage("Invalid unset value for field 'y' of user defined type " + myType, "INSERT INTO %s (k, v, z) VALUES (10, {x:?, y:?}, {a:{x: ?, y: ?}})", 1, 1, 1, unset()); } } @Test public void testAlteringUserTypeNestedWithinMap() throws Throwable { // test frozen and non-frozen collections String[] columnTypePrefixes = {"frozen<map<text, ", "map<text, frozen<"}; for (String columnTypePrefix : columnTypePrefixes) { String ut1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int)"); String columnType = columnTypePrefix + KEYSPACE + "." + ut1 + ">>"; createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (x int PRIMARY KEY, y " + columnType + ")"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES(1, ?)", map("firstValue", userType("a", 1))); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, map("firstValue", userType("a", 1)))); flush(); execute("ALTER TYPE " + KEYSPACE + "." + ut1 + " ADD b int"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES(2, ?)", map("secondValue", userType("a", 2, "b", 2))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES(3, ?)", map("thirdValue", userType("a", 3, "b", null))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES(4, ?)", map("fourthValue", userType("a", null, "b", 4))); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, map("firstValue", userType("a", 1))), row(2, map("secondValue", userType("a", 2, "b", 2))), row(3, map("thirdValue", userType("a", 3, "b", null))), row(4, map("fourthValue", userType("a", null, "b", 4)))) ); } } @Test public void testAlteringUserTypeNestedWithinNonFrozenMap() throws Throwable { String ut1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int)"); String columnType = KEYSPACE + "." + ut1; createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (x int PRIMARY KEY, y map<text, frozen<" + columnType + ">>)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES(1, {'firstValue': {a: 1}})"); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, map("firstValue", userType("a", 1)))); flush(); execute("ALTER TYPE " + columnType + " ADD b int"); execute("UPDATE %s SET y['secondValue'] = {a: 2, b: 2} WHERE x = 1"); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, map("firstValue", userType("a", 1), "secondValue", userType("a", 2, "b", 2)))) ); } @Test public void testAlteringUserTypeNestedWithinSet() throws Throwable { // test frozen and non-frozen collections String[] columnTypePrefixes = {"frozen<set<", "set<frozen<"}; for (String columnTypePrefix : columnTypePrefixes) { String ut1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int)"); String columnType = columnTypePrefix + KEYSPACE + "." + ut1 + ">>"; createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (x int PRIMARY KEY, y " + columnType + ")"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES(1, ?)", set(userType("a", 1))); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, set(userType("a", 1)))); flush(); execute("ALTER TYPE " + KEYSPACE + "." + ut1 + " ADD b int"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES(2, ?)", set(userType("a", 2, "b", 2))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES(3, ?)", set(userType("a", 3, "b", null))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES(4, ?)", set(userType("a", null, "b", 4))); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, set(userType("a", 1))), row(2, set(userType("a", 2, "b", 2))), row(3, set(userType("a", 3, "b", null))), row(4, set(userType("a", null, "b", 4)))) ); } } @Test public void testAlteringUserTypeNestedWithinList() throws Throwable { // test frozen and non-frozen collections String[] columnTypePrefixes = {"frozen<list<", "list<frozen<"}; for (String columnTypePrefix : columnTypePrefixes) { String ut1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int)"); String columnType = columnTypePrefix + KEYSPACE + "." + ut1 + ">>"; createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (x int PRIMARY KEY, y " + columnType + ")"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES(1, ?)", list(userType("a", 1))); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, list(userType("a", 1)))); flush(); execute("ALTER TYPE " + KEYSPACE + "." + ut1 + " ADD b int"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES (2, ?)", list(userType("a", 2, "b", 2))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES (3, ?)", list(userType("a", 3, "b", null))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (x, y) VALUES (4, ?)", list(userType("a", null, "b", 4))); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, list(userType("a", 1))), row(2, list(userType("a", 2, "b", 2))), row(3, list(userType("a", 3, "b", null))), row(4, list(userType("a", null, "b", 4)))) ); } } @Test public void testAlteringUserTypeNestedWithinTuple() throws Throwable { String type = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b int)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<tuple<int, " + KEYSPACE + "." + type + ">>)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES(1, (1, ?))", userType("a", 1, "b", 1)); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, tuple(1, userType("a", 1, "b", 1)))); flush(); execute("ALTER TYPE " + KEYSPACE + "." + type + " ADD c int"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (2, (2, ?))", userType("a", 2, "b", 2, "c", 2)); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (3, (3, ?))", userType("a", 3, "b", 3, "c", null)); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (4, (4, ?))", userType("a", null, "b", 4, "c", null)); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, tuple(1, userType("a", 1, "b", 1))), row(2, tuple(2, userType("a", 2, "b", 2, "c", 2))), row(3, tuple(3, userType("a", 3, "b", 3, "c", null))), row(4, tuple(4, userType("a", null, "b", 4, "c", null)))) ); } @Test public void testAlteringUserTypeNestedWithinNestedTuple() throws Throwable { String type = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b int)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<tuple<int, tuple<int, " + KEYSPACE + "." + type + ">>>)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES(1, (1, (1, ?)))", userType("a", 1, "b", 1)); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, tuple(1, tuple(1, userType("a", 1, "b", 1))))); flush(); execute("ALTER TYPE " + KEYSPACE + "." + type + " ADD c int"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES(2, (2, (1, ?)))", userType("a", 2, "b", 2, "c", 2)); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES(3, (3, ?))", tuple(1, userType("a", 3, "b", 3, "c", null))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES(4, ?)", tuple(4, tuple(1, userType("a", null, "b", 4, "c", null)))); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, tuple(1, tuple(1, userType("a", 1, "b", 1)))), row(2, tuple(2, tuple(1, userType("a", 2, "b", 2, "c", 2)))), row(3, tuple(3, tuple(1, userType("a", 3, "b", 3, "c", null)))), row(4, tuple(4, tuple(1, userType("a", null, "b", 4, "c", null))))) ); } @Test public void testAlteringUserTypeNestedWithinUserType() throws Throwable { String type = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b int)"); String otherType = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (x frozen<" + KEYSPACE + "." + type + ">)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<" + KEYSPACE + "." + otherType + ">)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES(1, {x: ?})", userType("a", 1, "b", 1)); assertRows(execute("SELECT b.x.a, b.x.b FROM %s"), row(1, 1)); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES(1, ?)", userType("x", userType("a", 1, "b", 1))); assertRows(execute("SELECT b.x.a, b.x.b FROM %s"), row(1, 1)); flush(); execute("ALTER TYPE " + KEYSPACE + "." + type + " ADD c int"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES(2, {x: ?})", userType("a", 2, "b", 2, "c", 2)); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES(3, {x: ?})", userType("a", 3, "b", 3)); execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES(4, {x: ?})", userType("a", null, "b", 4)); beforeAndAfterFlush(() -> assertRows(execute("SELECT b.x.a, b.x.b, b.x.c FROM %s"), row(1, 1, null), row(2, 2, 2), row(3, 3, null), row(null, 4, null)) ); } /** * Migrated from cql_tests.py:TestCQL.user_types_test() */ @Test public void testUserTypes() throws Throwable { UUID userID_1 = UUID.fromString("550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"); String addressType = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (street text, city text, zip_code int, phones set<text >)"); String nameType = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (firstname text, lastname text)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name frozen < " + nameType + " >, addresses map < text, frozen < " + addressType + " >> )"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, name) VALUES(?, { firstname: 'Paul', lastname: 'smith' } )", userID_1); assertRows(execute("SELECT name.firstname FROM %s WHERE id = ?", userID_1), row("Paul")); execute("UPDATE %s SET addresses = addresses + { 'home': { street: '...', city:'SF', zip_code:94102, phones:{ } } } WHERE id = ?", userID_1); // TODO: deserialize the value here and check it 's right. execute("SELECT addresses FROM %s WHERE id = ? ", userID_1); } /** * Test user type test that does a little more nesting, * migrated from cql_tests.py:TestCQL.more_user_types_test() */ @Test public void testNestedUserTypes() throws Throwable { String type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s ( s set<text>, m map<text, text>, l list<text>)"); String type2 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s ( s set < frozen < " + type1 + " >>,)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int PRIMARY KEY, val frozen<" + type2 + ">)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, val) VALUES (0, ?)", userType("s", set(userType("s", set("foo", "bar"), "m", map("foo", "bar"), "l", list("foo", "bar"))))); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(0, userType("s", set(userType("s", set("foo", "bar"), "m", map("foo", "bar"), "l", list("foo", "bar")))))); } /** * Migrated from cql_tests.py:TestCQL.add_field_to_udt_test() */ @Test public void testAddFieldToUdt() throws Throwable { String typeName = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (fooint int, fooset set <text>)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int PRIMARY KEY, data frozen <" + typeName + ">)"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, data) VALUES (1, ?)", userType("fooint", 1, "fooset", set("2"))); execute("ALTER TYPE " + keyspace() + "." + typeName + " ADD foomap map <int,text>"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, data) VALUES (1, ?)", userType("fooint", 1, "fooset", set("2"), "foomap", map(3, "bar"))); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s"), row(1, userType("fooint", 1, "fooset", set("2"), "foomap", map(3, "bar")))); } @Test public void testCircularReferences() throws Throwable { String type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo int)"); String typeX = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar frozen<" + typeWithKs(type1) + ">)"); assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<" + typeWithKs(typeX) + '>'); typeX = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar frozen<list<" + typeWithKs(type1) + ">>)"); assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<" + typeWithKs(typeX) + '>'); typeX = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar frozen<set<" + typeWithKs(type1) + ">>)"); assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<" + typeWithKs(typeX) + '>'); typeX = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar frozen<map<text, " + typeWithKs(type1) + ">>)"); assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<" + typeWithKs(typeX) + '>'); typeX = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar frozen<map<" + typeWithKs(type1) + ", text>>)"); assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<" + typeWithKs(typeX) + '>'); // String type2 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo frozen<" + typeWithKs(type1) + ">)"); typeX = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar frozen<" + keyspace() + '.' + type2 + ">)"); assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<" + typeWithKs(typeX) + '>'); typeX = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar frozen<list<" + keyspace() + '.' + type2 + ">>)"); assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<" + typeWithKs(typeX) + '>'); typeX = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar frozen<set<" + keyspace() + '.' + type2 + ">>)"); assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<" + typeWithKs(typeX) + '>'); typeX = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar frozen<map<text, " + keyspace() + '.' + type2 + ">>)"); assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<" + typeWithKs(typeX) + '>'); typeX = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (bar frozen<map<" + keyspace() + '.' + type2 + ", text>>)"); assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<" + typeWithKs(typeX) + '>'); // assertInvalidMessage("would create a circular reference", "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(type1) + " ADD needs_to_fail frozen<list<" + typeWithKs(type1) + ">>"); } @Test public void testTypeAlterUsedInFunction() throws Throwable { String type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo ascii)"); assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1, type1, "{foo: 'abc'}"); type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo ascii)"); assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1, "list<frozen<" + type1 + ">>", "[{foo: 'abc'}]"); type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo ascii)"); assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1, "set<frozen<" + type1 + ">>", "{{foo: 'abc'}}"); type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo ascii)"); assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1, "map<text, frozen<" + type1 + ">>", "{'key': {foo: 'abc'}}"); type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo ascii)"); String type2 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo frozen<" + type1 + ">)"); assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1, type2, "{foo: {foo: 'abc'}}"); type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo ascii)"); type2 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo frozen<" + type1 + ">)"); assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1, "list<frozen<" + type2 + ">>", "[{foo: {foo: 'abc'}}]"); type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo ascii)"); type2 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo frozen<set<" + type1 + ">>)"); assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1, "map<text, frozen<" + type2 + ">>", "{'key': {foo: {{foo: 'abc'}}}}"); type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo ascii)"); assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1, "tuple<text, frozen<" + type1 + ">>", "('key', {foo: 'abc'})"); type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo ascii)"); assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1, "tuple<text, frozen<tuple<tuple<" + type1 + ", int>, int>>>", "('key', (({foo: 'abc'}, 0), 0))"); type1 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo ascii)"); type2 = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (foo frozen<set<" + type1 + ">>)"); assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1, "tuple<text, frozen<" + type2 + ">>", "('key', {foo: {{foo: 'abc'}}})"); } private void assertComplexInvalidAlterDropStatements(String type1, String fArgType, String initcond) throws Throwable { String f = createFunction(KEYSPACE, type1, "CREATE FUNCTION %s(arg " + fArgType + ", col int) " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS " + fArgType + ' ' + "LANGUAGE java AS 'return arg;'"); createAggregate(KEYSPACE, "int", "CREATE AGGREGATE %s(int) " + "SFUNC " + shortFunctionName(f) + ' ' + "STYPE " + fArgType + ' ' + "INITCOND " + initcond); assertInvalidAlterDropStatements(type1); } private void assertInvalidAlterDropStatements(String t) throws Throwable { assertInvalidMessage("Cannot alter user type " + typeWithKs(t), "ALTER TYPE " + typeWithKs(t) + " RENAME foo TO bar;"); assertInvalidMessage("Cannot drop user type " + typeWithKs(t), "DROP TYPE " + typeWithKs(t) + ';'); } @Test public void testInsertNonFrozenUDT() throws Throwable { String typeName = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b text)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v " + typeName + ")"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, {a: ?, b: ?})", 0, 0, "abc"); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc"))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc")); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc"))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, {a: ?, b: ?})", 0, 0, null); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 0, "b", null))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, userType("a", null, "b", "abc")); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", null, "b", "abc"))); } @Test public void testUpdateNonFrozenUDT() throws Throwable { String typeName = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b text)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v " + typeName + ")"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc")); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc"))); // overwrite the whole UDT execute("UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = ?", userType("a", 1, "b", "def"), 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 1, "b", "def"))); execute("UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = ?", userType("a", 0, "b", null), 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 0, "b", null))); execute("UPDATE %s SET v = ? WHERE k = ?", userType("a", null, "b", "abc"), 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", null, "b", "abc"))); // individually set fields to non-null values execute("UPDATE %s SET v.a = ? WHERE k = ?", 1, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 1, "b", "abc"))); execute("UPDATE %s SET v.b = ? WHERE k = ?", "def", 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 1, "b", "def"))); execute("UPDATE %s SET v.a = ?, v.b = ? WHERE k = ?", 0, "abc", 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc"))); execute("UPDATE %s SET v.b = ?, v.a = ? WHERE k = ?", "abc", 0, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc"))); // individually set fields to null values execute("UPDATE %s SET v.a = ? WHERE k = ?", null, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", null, "b", "abc"))); execute("UPDATE %s SET v.a = ? WHERE k = ?", 0, 0); execute("UPDATE %s SET v.b = ? WHERE k = ?", null, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 0, "b", null))); execute("UPDATE %s SET v.a = ? WHERE k = ?", null, 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, null)); assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET v.bad = ? FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0, 0); assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET v = ? FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0, 0); assertInvalid("UPDATE %s SET v = ? FROM %s WHERE k = ?", userType("a", 1, "b", "abc", "bad", 123), 0); } @Test public void testDeleteNonFrozenUDT() throws Throwable { String typeName = createType("CREATE TYPE %s (a int, b text)"); createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, v " + typeName + ")"); execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc")); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc"))); execute("DELETE v.b FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", 0, "b", null))); execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc")); execute("DELETE v.a FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, userType("a", null, "b", "abc"))); execute("DELETE v.b FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, null)); // delete both fields at once execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc")); execute("DELETE v.a, v.b FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, null)); // same, but reverse field order execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc")); execute("DELETE v.b, v.a FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, null)); // delete the whole thing at once execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)", 0, userType("a", 0, "b", "abc")); execute("DELETE v FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0); assertRows(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0), row(0, null)); assertInvalid("DELETE v.bad FROM %s WHERE k = ?", 0); } private String typeWithKs(String type1) { return keyspace() + '.' + type1; } }