package org.apache.cassandra.stress.generatedata; public class DistributionSeqBatch extends DataGenHex { final Distribution delegate; final int batchSize; final long maxKey; private int batchIndex; private long batchKey; // object must be published safely if passed between threadCount, due to batchIndex not being volatile. various // hacks possible, but not ideal. don't want to use volatile as object intended for single threaded use. public DistributionSeqBatch(int batchSize, long maxKey, Distribution delegate) { this.batchIndex = batchSize; this.batchSize = batchSize; this.maxKey = maxKey; this.delegate = delegate; } @Override long next(long operationIndex) { if (batchIndex >= batchSize) { batchKey =; batchIndex = 0; } long r = batchKey + batchIndex++; if (r > maxKey) { batchKey =; batchIndex = 1; r = batchKey; } return r; } @Override public boolean isDeterministic() { return false; } }