* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.collect.*;
import com.google.common.primitives.Doubles;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.columniterator.OnDiskAtomIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Range;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTableReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.notifications.INotification;
import org.apache.cassandra.notifications.INotificationConsumer;
import org.apache.cassandra.notifications.SSTableAddedNotification;
import org.apache.cassandra.notifications.SSTableListChangedNotification;
public class LeveledCompactionStrategy extends AbstractCompactionStrategy implements INotificationConsumer
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LeveledCompactionStrategy.class);
private static final String SSTABLE_SIZE_OPTION = "sstable_size_in_mb";
final LeveledManifest manifest;
private final int maxSSTableSizeInMB;
public LeveledCompactionStrategy(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Map<String, String> options)
super(cfs, options);
int configuredMaxSSTableSize = 160;
SizeTieredCompactionStrategyOptions localOptions = new SizeTieredCompactionStrategyOptions(options);
if (options != null)
if (options.containsKey(SSTABLE_SIZE_OPTION))
configuredMaxSSTableSize = Integer.parseInt(options.get(SSTABLE_SIZE_OPTION));
if (!Boolean.getBoolean("cassandra.tolerate_sstable_size"))
if (configuredMaxSSTableSize >= 1000)
logger.warn("Max sstable size of {}MB is configured for {}.{}; having a unit of compaction this large is probably a bad idea",
configuredMaxSSTableSize, cfs.name, cfs.getColumnFamilyName());
if (configuredMaxSSTableSize < 50)
logger.warn("Max sstable size of {}MB is configured for {}.{}. Testing done for CASSANDRA-5727 indicates that performance improves up to 160MB",
configuredMaxSSTableSize, cfs.name, cfs.getColumnFamilyName());
maxSSTableSizeInMB = configuredMaxSSTableSize;
logger.debug("{} subscribed to the data tracker.", this);
manifest = LeveledManifest.create(cfs, this.maxSSTableSizeInMB, cfs.getSSTables(), localOptions);
logger.debug("Created {}", manifest);
public void shutdown()
public int getLevelSize(int i)
return manifest.getLevelSize(i);
public int[] getAllLevelSize()
return manifest.getAllLevelSize();
* the only difference between background and maximal in LCS is that maximal is still allowed
* (by explicit user request) even when compaction is disabled.
public synchronized AbstractCompactionTask getNextBackgroundTask(int gcBefore)
if (!isEnabled())
return null;
return getMaximalTask(gcBefore);
public AbstractCompactionTask getMaximalTask(int gcBefore)
while (true)
OperationType op;
LeveledManifest.CompactionCandidate candidate = manifest.getCompactionCandidates();
if (candidate == null)
// if there is no sstable to compact in standard way, try compacting based on droppable tombstone ratio
SSTableReader sstable = findDroppableSSTable(gcBefore);
if (sstable == null)
logger.debug("No compaction necessary for {}", this);
return null;
candidate = new LeveledManifest.CompactionCandidate(Collections.singleton(sstable),
op = OperationType.COMPACTION;
if (cfs.getDataTracker().markCompacting(candidate.sstables))
LeveledCompactionTask newTask = new LeveledCompactionTask(cfs, candidate.sstables, candidate.level, gcBefore, candidate.maxSSTableBytes);
return newTask;
public AbstractCompactionTask getUserDefinedTask(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, int gcBefore)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("LevelDB compaction strategy does not allow user-specified compactions");
public int getEstimatedRemainingTasks()
return manifest.getEstimatedTasks();
public void handleNotification(INotification notification, Object sender)
if (notification instanceof SSTableAddedNotification)
SSTableAddedNotification flushedNotification = (SSTableAddedNotification) notification;
else if (notification instanceof SSTableListChangedNotification)
SSTableListChangedNotification listChangedNotification = (SSTableListChangedNotification) notification;
manifest.replace(listChangedNotification.removed, listChangedNotification.added);
public long getMaxSSTableBytes()
return maxSSTableSizeInMB * 1024L * 1024L;
public List<ICompactionScanner> getScanners(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, Range<Token> range)
Multimap<Integer, SSTableReader> byLevel = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables)
List<ICompactionScanner> scanners = new ArrayList<ICompactionScanner>(sstables.size());
for (Integer level : byLevel.keySet())
// level can be -1 when sstables are added to DataTracker but not to LeveledManifest
// since we don't know which level those sstable belong yet, we simply do the same as L0 sstables.
if (level <= 0)
// L0 makes no guarantees about overlapping-ness. Just create a direct scanner for each
for (SSTableReader sstable : byLevel.get(level))
scanners.add(sstable.getScanner(range, CompactionManager.instance.getRateLimiter()));
// Create a LeveledScanner that only opens one sstable at a time, in sorted order
List<SSTableReader> intersecting = LeveledScanner.intersecting(byLevel.get(level), range);
if (!intersecting.isEmpty())
scanners.add(new LeveledScanner(intersecting, range));
return scanners;
// Lazily creates SSTableBoundedScanner for sstable that are assumed to be from the
// same level (e.g. non overlapping) - see #4142
private static class LeveledScanner extends AbstractIterator<OnDiskAtomIterator> implements ICompactionScanner
private final Range<Token> range;
private final List<SSTableReader> sstables;
private final Iterator<SSTableReader> sstableIterator;
private final long totalLength;
private ICompactionScanner currentScanner;
private long positionOffset;
public LeveledScanner(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, Range<Token> range)
this.range = range;
// add only sstables that intersect our range, and estimate how much data that involves
this.sstables = new ArrayList<SSTableReader>(sstables.size());
long length = 0;
for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables)
long estimatedKeys = sstable.estimatedKeys();
double estKeysInRangeRatio = 1.0;
if (estimatedKeys > 0 && range != null)
estKeysInRangeRatio = ((double) sstable.estimatedKeysForRanges(Collections.singleton(range))) / estimatedKeys;
length += sstable.uncompressedLength() * estKeysInRangeRatio;
totalLength = length;
Collections.sort(this.sstables, SSTableReader.sstableComparator);
sstableIterator = this.sstables.iterator();
assert sstableIterator.hasNext(); // caller should check intersecting first
currentScanner = sstableIterator.next().getScanner(range, CompactionManager.instance.getRateLimiter());
public static List<SSTableReader> intersecting(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, Range<Token> range)
ArrayList<SSTableReader> filtered = new ArrayList<SSTableReader>();
for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables)
Range<Token> sstableRange = new Range<Token>(sstable.first.getToken(), sstable.last.getToken(), sstable.partitioner);
if (range == null || sstableRange.intersects(range))
return filtered;
protected OnDiskAtomIterator computeNext()
if (currentScanner == null)
return endOfData();
while (true)
if (currentScanner.hasNext())
return currentScanner.next();
positionOffset += currentScanner.getLengthInBytes();
if (!sstableIterator.hasNext())
// reset to null so getCurrentPosition does not return wrong value
currentScanner = null;
return endOfData();
currentScanner = sstableIterator.next().getScanner(range, CompactionManager.instance.getRateLimiter());
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void close() throws IOException
if (currentScanner != null)
public long getLengthInBytes()
return totalLength;
public long getCurrentPosition()
return positionOffset + (currentScanner == null ? 0L : currentScanner.getCurrentPosition());
public String getBackingFiles()
return Joiner.on(", ").join(sstables);
public String toString()
return String.format("LCS@%d(%s)", hashCode(), cfs.name);
private SSTableReader findDroppableSSTable(final int gcBefore)
for (int i = manifest.getLevelCount(); i >= 0; i--)
// sort sstables by droppable ratio in descending order
SortedSet<SSTableReader> sstables = manifest.getLevelSorted(i, new Comparator<SSTableReader>()
public int compare(SSTableReader o1, SSTableReader o2)
double r1 = o1.getEstimatedDroppableTombstoneRatio(gcBefore);
double r2 = o2.getEstimatedDroppableTombstoneRatio(gcBefore);
return -1 * Doubles.compare(r1, r2);
if (sstables.isEmpty())
Set<SSTableReader> compacting = cfs.getDataTracker().getCompacting();
for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables)
if (sstable.getEstimatedDroppableTombstoneRatio(gcBefore) <= tombstoneThreshold)
continue level;
else if (!compacting.contains(sstable) && !sstable.isMarkedSuspect() && worthDroppingTombstones(sstable, gcBefore))
return sstable;
return null;
public static Map<String, String> validateOptions(Map<String, String> options) throws ConfigurationException
Map<String, String> uncheckedOptions = AbstractCompactionStrategy.validateOptions(options);
String size = options.containsKey(SSTABLE_SIZE_OPTION) ? options.get(SSTABLE_SIZE_OPTION) : "1";
int ssSize = Integer.parseInt(size);
if (ssSize < 1)
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("%s must be larger than 0, but was %s", SSTABLE_SIZE_OPTION, ssSize));
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("%s is not a parsable int (base10) for %s", size, SSTABLE_SIZE_OPTION), ex);
uncheckedOptions = SizeTieredCompactionStrategyOptions.validateOptions(options, uncheckedOptions);
return uncheckedOptions;