// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Brian Wellington (bwelling@xbill.org) package org.xbill.DNS; import org.xbill.DNS.utils.base16; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Arrays; /** * A generic DNS resource record. The specific record types extend this class. * A record contains a name, type, class, ttl, and rdata. * * @author Brian Wellington */ public abstract class Record implements Cloneable, Comparable, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2694906050116005466L; protected Name name; protected int type, dclass; protected long ttl; private static final DecimalFormat byteFormat = new DecimalFormat(); static { byteFormat.setMinimumIntegerDigits(3); } protected Record() {} Record(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl) { if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); Type.check(type); DClass.check(dclass); TTL.check(ttl); this.name = name; this.type = type; this.dclass = dclass; this.ttl = ttl; } /** * Creates an empty record of the correct type; must be overriden */ abstract Record getObject(); private static final Record getEmptyRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, boolean hasData) { Record proto, rec; if (hasData) { proto = Type.getProto(type); if (proto != null) rec = proto.getObject(); else rec = new UNKRecord(); } else rec = new EmptyRecord(); rec.name = name; rec.type = type; rec.dclass = dclass; rec.ttl = ttl; return rec; } /** * Converts the type-specific RR to wire format - must be overriden */ abstract void rrFromWire(DNSInput in) throws IOException; private static Record newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, int length, DNSInput in) throws IOException { Record rec; rec = getEmptyRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl, in != null); if (in != null) { if (in.remaining() < length) throw new WireParseException("truncated record"); in.setActive(length); rec.rrFromWire(in); if (in.remaining() > 0) throw new WireParseException("invalid record length"); in.clearActive(); } return rec; } /** * Creates a new record, with the given parameters. * @param name The owner name of the record. * @param type The record's type. * @param dclass The record's class. * @param ttl The record's time to live. * @param length The length of the record's data. * @param data The rdata of the record, in uncompressed DNS wire format. Only * the first length bytes are used. */ public static Record newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, int length, byte [] data) { if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); Type.check(type); DClass.check(dclass); TTL.check(ttl); DNSInput in; if (data != null) in = new DNSInput(data); else in = null; try { return newRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl, length, in); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } /** * Creates a new record, with the given parameters. * @param name The owner name of the record. * @param type The record's type. * @param dclass The record's class. * @param ttl The record's time to live. * @param data The complete rdata of the record, in uncompressed DNS wire * format. */ public static Record newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, byte [] data) { return newRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl, data.length, data); } /** * Creates a new empty record, with the given parameters. * @param name The owner name of the record. * @param type The record's type. * @param dclass The record's class. * @param ttl The record's time to live. * @return An object of a subclass of Record */ public static Record newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl) { if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); Type.check(type); DClass.check(dclass); TTL.check(ttl); return getEmptyRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl, false); } /** * Creates a new empty record, with the given parameters. This method is * designed to create records that will be added to the QUERY section * of a message. * @param name The owner name of the record. * @param type The record's type. * @param dclass The record's class. * @return An object of a subclass of Record */ public static Record newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass) { return newRecord(name, type, dclass, 0); } static Record fromWire(DNSInput in, int section, boolean isUpdate) throws IOException { int type, dclass; long ttl; int length; Name name; Record rec; name = new Name(in); type = in.readU16(); dclass = in.readU16(); if (section == Section.QUESTION) return newRecord(name, type, dclass); ttl = in.readU32(); length = in.readU16(); if (length == 0 && isUpdate) return newRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl); rec = newRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl, length, in); return rec; } static Record fromWire(DNSInput in, int section) throws IOException { return fromWire(in, section, false); } /** * Builds a Record from DNS uncompressed wire format. */ public static Record fromWire(byte [] b, int section) throws IOException { return fromWire(new DNSInput(b), section, false); } void toWire(DNSOutput out, int section, Compression c) { name.toWire(out, c); out.writeU16(type); out.writeU16(dclass); if (section == Section.QUESTION) return; out.writeU32(ttl); int lengthPosition = out.current(); out.writeU16(0); /* until we know better */ rrToWire(out, c, false); int rrlength = out.current() - lengthPosition - 2; out.save(); out.jump(lengthPosition); out.writeU16(rrlength); out.restore(); } /** * Converts a Record into DNS uncompressed wire format. */ public byte [] toWire(int section) { DNSOutput out = new DNSOutput(); toWire(out, section, null); return out.toByteArray(); } private void toWireCanonical(DNSOutput out, boolean noTTL) { name.toWireCanonical(out); out.writeU16(type); out.writeU16(dclass); if (noTTL) { out.writeU32(0); } else { out.writeU32(ttl); } int lengthPosition = out.current(); out.writeU16(0); /* until we know better */ rrToWire(out, null, true); int rrlength = out.current() - lengthPosition - 2; out.save(); out.jump(lengthPosition); out.writeU16(rrlength); out.restore(); } /* * Converts a Record into canonical DNS uncompressed wire format (all names are * converted to lowercase), optionally ignoring the TTL. */ private byte [] toWireCanonical(boolean noTTL) { DNSOutput out = new DNSOutput(); toWireCanonical(out, noTTL); return out.toByteArray(); } /** * Converts a Record into canonical DNS uncompressed wire format (all names are * converted to lowercase). */ public byte [] toWireCanonical() { return toWireCanonical(false); } /** * Converts the rdata in a Record into canonical DNS uncompressed wire format * (all names are converted to lowercase). */ public byte [] rdataToWireCanonical() { DNSOutput out = new DNSOutput(); rrToWire(out, null, true); return out.toByteArray(); } /** * Converts the type-specific RR to text format - must be overriden */ abstract String rrToString(); /** * Converts the rdata portion of a Record into a String representation */ public String rdataToString() { return rrToString(); } /** * Converts a Record into a String representation */ public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(name); if (sb.length() < 8) sb.append("\t"); if (sb.length() < 16) sb.append("\t"); sb.append("\t"); if (Options.check("BINDTTL")) sb.append(TTL.format(ttl)); else sb.append(ttl); sb.append("\t"); if (dclass != DClass.IN || !Options.check("noPrintIN")) { sb.append(DClass.string(dclass)); sb.append("\t"); } sb.append(Type.string(type)); String rdata = rrToString(); if (!rdata.equals("")) { sb.append("\t"); sb.append(rdata); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Converts the text format of an RR to the internal format - must be overriden */ abstract void rdataFromString(Tokenizer st, Name origin) throws IOException; /** * Converts a String into a byte array. */ protected static byte [] byteArrayFromString(String s) throws TextParseException { byte [] array = s.getBytes(); boolean escaped = false; boolean hasEscapes = false; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] == '\\') { hasEscapes = true; break; } } if (!hasEscapes) { if (array.length > 255) { throw new TextParseException("text string too long"); } return array; } ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int digits = 0; int intval = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { byte b = array[i]; if (escaped) { if (b >= '0' && b <= '9' && digits < 3) { digits++; intval *= 10; intval += (b - '0'); if (intval > 255) throw new TextParseException ("bad escape"); if (digits < 3) continue; b = (byte) intval; } else if (digits > 0 && digits < 3) throw new TextParseException("bad escape"); os.write(b); escaped = false; } else if (array[i] == '\\') { escaped = true; digits = 0; intval = 0; } else os.write(array[i]); } if (digits > 0 && digits < 3) throw new TextParseException("bad escape"); array = os.toByteArray(); if (array.length > 255) { throw new TextParseException("text string too long"); } return os.toByteArray(); } /** * Converts a byte array into a String. */ protected static String byteArrayToString(byte [] array, boolean quote) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (quote) sb.append('"'); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { int b = array[i] & 0xFF; if (b < 0x20 || b >= 0x7f) { sb.append('\\'); sb.append(byteFormat.format(b)); } else if (b == '"' || b == '\\') { sb.append('\\'); sb.append((char)b); } else sb.append((char)b); } if (quote) sb.append('"'); return sb.toString(); } /** * Converts a byte array into the unknown RR format. */ protected static String unknownToString(byte [] data) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("\\# "); sb.append(data.length); sb.append(" "); sb.append(base16.toString(data)); return sb.toString(); } /** * Builds a new Record from its textual representation * @param name The owner name of the record. * @param type The record's type. * @param dclass The record's class. * @param ttl The record's time to live. * @param st A tokenizer containing the textual representation of the rdata. * @param origin The default origin to be appended to relative domain names. * @return The new record * @throws IOException The text format was invalid. */ public static Record fromString(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, Tokenizer st, Name origin) throws IOException { Record rec; if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); Type.check(type); DClass.check(dclass); TTL.check(ttl); Tokenizer.Token t = st.get(); if (t.type == Tokenizer.IDENTIFIER && t.value.equals("\\#")) { int length = st.getUInt16(); byte [] data = st.getHex(); if (data == null) { data = new byte[0]; } if (length != data.length) throw st.exception("invalid unknown RR encoding: " + "length mismatch"); DNSInput in = new DNSInput(data); return newRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl, length, in); } st.unget(); rec = getEmptyRecord(name, type, dclass, ttl, true); rec.rdataFromString(st, origin); t = st.get(); if (t.type != Tokenizer.EOL && t.type != Tokenizer.EOF) { throw st.exception("unexpected tokens at end of record"); } return rec; } /** * Builds a new Record from its textual representation * @param name The owner name of the record. * @param type The record's type. * @param dclass The record's class. * @param ttl The record's time to live. * @param s The textual representation of the rdata. * @param origin The default origin to be appended to relative domain names. * @return The new record * @throws IOException The text format was invalid. */ public static Record fromString(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, String s, Name origin) throws IOException { return fromString(name, type, dclass, ttl, new Tokenizer(s), origin); } /** * Returns the record's name * @see Name */ public Name getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the record's type * @see Type */ public int getType() { return type; } /** * Returns the type of RRset that this record would belong to. For all types * except RRSIGRecord, this is equivalent to getType(). * @return The type of record, if not SIGRecord. If the type is RRSIGRecord, * the type covered is returned. * @see Type * @see RRset * @see SIGRecord */ public int getRRsetType() { if (type == Type.RRSIG) { RRSIGRecord sig = (RRSIGRecord) this; return sig.getTypeCovered(); } return type; } /** * Returns the record's class */ public int getDClass() { return dclass; } /** * Returns the record's TTL */ public long getTTL() { return ttl; } /** * Converts the type-specific RR to wire format - must be overriden */ abstract void rrToWire(DNSOutput out, Compression c, boolean canonical); /** * Determines if two Records could be part of the same RRset. * This compares the name, type, and class of the Records; the ttl and * rdata are not compared. */ public boolean sameRRset(Record rec) { return (getRRsetType() == rec.getRRsetType() && dclass == rec.dclass && name.equals(rec.name)); } /** * Determines if two Records are identical. This compares the name, type, * class, and rdata (with names canonicalized). The TTLs are not compared. * @param arg The record to compare to * @return true if the records are equal, false otherwise. */ public boolean equals(Object arg) { if (arg == null || !(arg instanceof Record)) return false; Record r = (Record) arg; if (type != r.type || dclass != r.dclass || !name.equals(r.name)) return false; byte [] array1 = rdataToWireCanonical(); byte [] array2 = r.rdataToWireCanonical(); return Arrays.equals(array1, array2); } /** * Generates a hash code based on the Record's data. */ public int hashCode() { byte [] array = toWireCanonical(true); int code = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) code += ((code << 3) + (array[i] & 0xFF)); return code; } Record cloneRecord() { try { return (Record) clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } /** * Creates a new record identical to the current record, but with a different * name. This is most useful for replacing the name of a wildcard record. */ public Record withName(Name name) { if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); Record rec = cloneRecord(); rec.name = name; return rec; } /** * Creates a new record identical to the current record, but with a different * class and ttl. This is most useful for dynamic update. */ Record withDClass(int dclass, long ttl) { Record rec = cloneRecord(); rec.dclass = dclass; rec.ttl = ttl; return rec; } /* Sets the TTL to the specified value. This is intentionally not public. */ void setTTL(long ttl) { this.ttl = ttl; } /** * Compares this Record to another Object. * @param o The Object to be compared. * @return The value 0 if the argument is a record equivalent to this record; * a value less than 0 if the argument is less than this record in the * canonical ordering, and a value greater than 0 if the argument is greater * than this record in the canonical ordering. The canonical ordering * is defined to compare by name, class, type, and rdata. * @throws ClassCastException if the argument is not a Record. */ public int compareTo(Object o) { Record arg = (Record) o; if (this == arg) return (0); int n = name.compareTo(arg.name); if (n != 0) return (n); n = dclass - arg.dclass; if (n != 0) return (n); n = type - arg.type; if (n != 0) return (n); byte [] rdata1 = rdataToWireCanonical(); byte [] rdata2 = arg.rdataToWireCanonical(); for (int i = 0; i < rdata1.length && i < rdata2.length; i++) { n = (rdata1[i] & 0xFF) - (rdata2[i] & 0xFF); if (n != 0) return (n); } return (rdata1.length - rdata2.length); } /** * Returns the name for which additional data processing should be done * for this record. This can be used both for building responses and * parsing responses. * @return The name to used for additional data processing, or null if this * record type does not require additional data processing. */ public Name getAdditionalName() { return null; } /* Checks that an int contains an unsigned 8 bit value */ static int checkU8(String field, int val) { if (val < 0 || val > 0xFF) throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"" + field + "\" " + val + " must be an unsigned 8 " + "bit value"); return val; } /* Checks that an int contains an unsigned 16 bit value */ static int checkU16(String field, int val) { if (val < 0 || val > 0xFFFF) throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"" + field + "\" " + val + " must be an unsigned 16 " + "bit value"); return val; } /* Checks that a long contains an unsigned 32 bit value */ static long checkU32(String field, long val) { if (val < 0 || val > 0xFFFFFFFFL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"" + field + "\" " + val + " must be an unsigned 32 " + "bit value"); return val; } /* Checks that a name is absolute */ static Name checkName(String field, Name name) { if (!name.isAbsolute()) throw new RelativeNameException(name); return name; } }