package org.browsermob.proxy; public enum FirefoxErrorContent { CONN_FAILURE("Unable to connect", "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at %s", FirefoxErrorConstants.SHARED_LONG_DESC), DNS_NOT_FOUND("Server not found", "Firefox can't find the server at %s.", "<ul>\n"+ " <li>Check the address for typing errors such as\n"+ " <strong>ww</strong> instead of\n"+ " <strong>www</strong></li>\n"+ " <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network\n"+ " connection.</li>\n"+ " <li>If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure\n"+ " that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.</li>\n"+ "</ul>"), GENERIC("Oops.", "Something went wrong.", "<p>Firefox can't load this page for some reason.</p>"), MALFORMED_URI("The address isn't valid", "The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded.", "<ul>\n" + " <li>Web addresses are usually written like\n" + " <strong></strong></li>\n" + " <li>Make sure that you're using forward slashes (i.e.\n" + " <strong>/</strong>).</li>\n" + "</ul>"), NET_INTERRUPT("The connection was interrupted", "The connection to %s was interrupted while the page was loading.", FirefoxErrorConstants.SHARED_LONG_DESC), NET_RESET("The connection was reset", "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.", FirefoxErrorConstants.SHARED_LONG_DESC), NET_TIMEOUT("The connection has timed out", "The server at %s is taking too long to respond.", FirefoxErrorConstants.SHARED_LONG_DESC), ; private String title; private String shortDesc; private String longDesc; FirefoxErrorContent(String title, String shortDesc, String longDesc) { this.title = title; this.shortDesc = shortDesc; this.longDesc = longDesc; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getShortDesc() { return shortDesc; } public String getLongDesc() { return longDesc; } }