package org.browsermob.proxy; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException; import org.browsermob.proxy.http.*; import org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.http.*; import org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.jetty.Server; import org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.util.InetAddrPort; import org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.util.URI; import org.browsermob.proxy.selenium.SeleniumProxyHandler; import org.browsermob.proxy.util.Log; import; import; import*; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class BrowserMobProxyHandler extends SeleniumProxyHandler { private static final Log LOG = new Log(); private static final int HEADER_BUFFER_DEFAULT = 2; private Server jettyServer; private int headerBufferMultiplier = HEADER_BUFFER_DEFAULT; private BrowserMobHttpClient httpClient; protected final Set<SslRelay> sslRelays = new HashSet<SslRelay>(); public BrowserMobProxyHandler() { super(true, "", "", false, false); setShutdownLock(new Object()); // set the tunnel timeout to something larger than the default 30 seconds // we're doing this because SSL connections taking longer than this timeout // will result in a socket connection close that does NOT get handled by the // normal socket connection closing reportError(). Further, it has been seen // that Firefox will actually retry the connection, causing very strange // behavior observed in case // // You can also reproduce it by simply finding some slow loading SSL site // that takes greater than 30 seconds to response. // // Finally, it should be noted that we're setting this timeout to some value // that we anticipate will be larger than any reasonable response time of a // real world request. We don't set it to -1 because the underlying ProxyHandler // will not use it if it's <= 0. We also don't set it to Long.MAX_VALUE because // we don't yet know if this will cause a serious resource drain, so we're // going to try something like 5 minutes for now. setTunnelTimeoutMs(300000); } @Override public void handleConnect(String pathInContext, String pathParams, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws HttpException, IOException { URI uri = request.getURI(); String original = uri.toString(); String host = original; String port = null; int colon = original.indexOf(':'); if (colon != -1) { host = original.substring(0, colon); port = original.substring(colon + 1); } String altHost = httpClient.remappedHost(host); if (altHost != null) { if (port != null) { uri.setURI(altHost + ":" + port); } else { uri.setURI(altHost); } } super.handleConnect(pathInContext, pathParams, request, response); } @Override protected void wireUpSslWithCyberVilliansCA(String host, SeleniumProxyHandler.SslRelay listener) { List<String> originalHosts = httpClient.originalHosts(host); if (originalHosts != null && !originalHosts.isEmpty()) { if (originalHosts.size() == 1) { host = originalHosts.get(0); } else { // Warning: this is NASTY, but people rarely even run across this and those that do are solved by this // ok, this really isn't legal in real SSL land, but we'll make an exception and just pretend it's a wildcard String first = originalHosts.get(0); host = "*" + first.substring(first.indexOf('.')); } } super.wireUpSslWithCyberVilliansCA(host, listener); } @Override protected SslRelay getSslRelayOrCreateNew(URI uri, InetAddrPort addrPort, HttpServer server) throws Exception { SslRelay relay = super.getSslRelayOrCreateNew(uri, addrPort, server); relay.setNukeDirOrFile(null); synchronized (sslRelays) { sslRelays.add(relay); } if (!relay.isStarted()) { server.addListener(relay); startRelayWithPortTollerance(server, relay, 1); } return relay; } private void startRelayWithPortTollerance(HttpServer server, SslRelay relay, int tries) throws Exception { if (tries >= 5) { throw new BindException("Unable to bind to several ports, most recently " + relay.getPort() + ". Giving up"); } try { if (server.isStarted()) { relay.start(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Can't start SslRelay: server is not started (perhaps it was just shut down?)"); } } catch (BindException e) { // doh - the port is being used up, let's pick a new port"Unable to bind to port %d, going to try port %d now", relay.getPort(), relay.getPort() + 1); relay.setPort(relay.getPort() + 1); startRelayWithPortTollerance(server, relay, tries + 1); } } @Override protected HttpTunnel newHttpTunnel(HttpRequest httpRequest, HttpResponse httpResponse, InetAddress inetAddress, int i, int i1) throws IOException { // we're opening up a new tunnel, so let's make sure that the associated SslRelay (which may or may not be new) has the proper buffer settings adjustListenerBuffers(); return super.newHttpTunnel(httpRequest, httpResponse, inetAddress, i, i1); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) protected long proxyPlainTextRequest(final URL url, String pathInContext, String pathParams, HttpRequest request, final HttpResponse response) throws IOException { try { String urlStr = url.toString(); // We don't want selenium-related showing up in the detailed transaction logs if (urlStr.contains("/selenium-server/")) { return super.proxyPlainTextRequest(url, pathInContext, pathParams, request, response); } // we also don't URLs that Firefox always loads on startup showing up, or even wasting bandwidth. // so for these we just nuke them right on the spot! if (urlStr.startsWith("") || urlStr.startsWith("") || urlStr.startsWith("") || urlStr.startsWith("") || urlStr.startsWith("")) { // don't even xfer these! request.setHandled(true); return -1; } // this request must have come in just as we were shutting down, since there is no more associted http client // so let's just handle it like we do any other request we don't know what to do with :) if (httpClient == null) { // don't even xfer these! request.setHandled(true); return -1; // for debugging purposes, NOT to be used in product! // httpClient = new BrowserMobHttpClient(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // httpClient.setDecompress(false); // httpClient.setFollowRedirects(false); } BrowserMobHttpRequest httpReq = null; if ("GET".equals(request.getMethod())) { httpReq = httpClient.newGet(urlStr, request); } else if ("POST".equals(request.getMethod())) { httpReq = httpClient.newPost(urlStr, request); } else if ("PUT".equals(request.getMethod())) { httpReq = httpClient.newPut(urlStr, request); } else if ("DELETE".equals(request.getMethod())) { httpReq = httpClient.newDelete(urlStr, request); } else if ("OPTIONS".equals(request.getMethod())) { httpReq = httpClient.newOptions(urlStr, request); } else if ("HEAD".equals(request.getMethod())) { httpReq = httpClient.newHead(urlStr, request); } else { LOG.warn("Unexpected request method %s, giving up", request.getMethod()); request.setHandled(true); return -1; } // copy request headers boolean isGet = "GET".equals(request.getMethod()); boolean hasContent = false; Enumeration enm = request.getFieldNames(); long contentLength = 0; while (enm.hasMoreElements()) { String hdr = (String) enm.nextElement(); if (!isGet && HttpFields.__ContentType.equals(hdr)) { hasContent = true; } if (!isGet && HttpFields.__ContentLength.equals(hdr)) { contentLength = Long.parseLong(request.getField(hdr)); continue; } Enumeration vals = request.getFieldValues(hdr); while (vals.hasMoreElements()) { String val = (String) vals.nextElement(); if (val != null) { if (!isGet && HttpFields.__ContentLength.equals(hdr) && Integer.parseInt(val) > 0) { hasContent = true; } if (!_DontProxyHeaders.containsKey(hdr)) { httpReq.addRequestHeader(hdr, val); } } } } try { // do input thang! InputStream in = request.getInputStream(); if (hasContent) { httpReq.setRequestInputStream(in, contentLength); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.fine(e.getMessage(), e); } // execute the request httpReq.setOutputStream(response.getOutputStream()); httpReq.setRequestCallback(new RequestCallback() { @Override public void handleStatusLine(StatusLine statusLine) { response.setStatus(statusLine.getStatusCode()); response.setReason(statusLine.getReasonPhrase()); } @Override public void handleHeaders(Header[] headers) { for (Header header : headers) { if (reportHeader(header)) { response.addField(header.getName(), header.getValue()); } } } @Override public boolean reportHeader(Header header) { // don't pass in things like Transfer-Encoding and other headers that are being masked by the underlying HttpClient impl return !_DontProxyHeaders.containsKey(header.getName()) && !_ProxyAuthHeaders.containsKey(header.getName()); } @Override public void reportError(Exception e) { BrowserMobProxyHandler.reportError(e, url, response); } }); BrowserMobHttpResponse httpRes = httpReq.execute(); // ALWAYS mark the request as handled if we actually handled it. Otherwise, Jetty will think non 2xx responses // mean it wasn't actually handled, resulting in totally valid 304 Not Modified requests turning in to 404 responses // from Jetty. NOT good :( request.setHandled(true); return httpRes.getEntry().getResponse().getBodySize(); } catch (BadURIException e) { // this is a known error case (see MOB-93); BrowserMobProxyHandler.reportError(e, url, response); return -1; } catch (Exception e) {"Exception while proxying " + url, e); BrowserMobProxyHandler.reportError(e, url, response); return -1; } } private static void reportError(Exception e, URL url, HttpResponse response) { FirefoxErrorContent error = FirefoxErrorContent.GENERIC; if (e instanceof UnknownHostException) { error = FirefoxErrorContent.DNS_NOT_FOUND; } else if (e instanceof ConnectException) { error = FirefoxErrorContent.CONN_FAILURE; } else if (e instanceof ConnectTimeoutException) { error = FirefoxErrorContent.NET_TIMEOUT; } else if (e instanceof NoHttpResponseException) { error = FirefoxErrorContent.NET_RESET; } else if (e instanceof EOFException) { error = FirefoxErrorContent.NET_INTERRUPT; } else if (e instanceof IllegalArgumentException && e.getMessage().startsWith("Host name may not be null")){ error = FirefoxErrorContent.DNS_NOT_FOUND; } else if (e instanceof BadURIException){ error = FirefoxErrorContent.MALFORMED_URI; } String shortDesc = String.format(error.getShortDesc(), url.getHost()); String text = String.format(FirefoxErrorConstants.ERROR_PAGE, error.getTitle(), shortDesc, error.getLongDesc()); try { response.setStatus(HttpResponse.__502_Bad_Gateway); response.setContentLength(text.length()); response.getOutputStream().write(text.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.warn("IOException while trying to report an HTTP error"); } } public void autoBasicAuthorization(String domain, String username, String password) { httpClient.autoBasicAuthorization(domain, username, password); } public void rewriteUrl(String match, String replace) { httpClient.rewriteUrl(match, replace); } public void remapHost(String source, String target) { httpClient.remapHost(source, target); } public void setJettyServer(Server jettyServer) { this.jettyServer = jettyServer; } public void adjustListenerBuffers(int headerBufferMultiplier) { // limit to 10 so there can't be any out of control memory consumption by a rogue script if (headerBufferMultiplier > 10) { headerBufferMultiplier = 10; } this.headerBufferMultiplier = headerBufferMultiplier; adjustListenerBuffers(); } public void resetListenerBuffers() { this.headerBufferMultiplier = HEADER_BUFFER_DEFAULT; adjustListenerBuffers(); } public void adjustListenerBuffers() { // configure the listeners to have larger buffers. We do this because we've seen cases where the header is // too large. Normally this would happen on "meaningless" JS includes for ad networks, but we eventually saw // it in a way that caused a Selenium script not to work due to too many headers (see HttpListener[] listeners = jettyServer.getListeners(); for (HttpListener listener : listeners) { if (listener instanceof SocketListener) { SocketListener sl = (SocketListener) listener; if (sl.getBufferReserve() != 512 * headerBufferMultiplier) { sl.setBufferReserve(512 * headerBufferMultiplier); } if (sl.getBufferSize() != 8192 * headerBufferMultiplier) { sl.setBufferSize(8192 * headerBufferMultiplier); } } } } public void setHttpClient(BrowserMobHttpClient httpClient) { this.httpClient = httpClient; } public void cleanup() { synchronized (sslRelays) { for (SslRelay relay : sslRelays) { if (relay.getHttpServer() != null && relay.isStarted()) { relay.getHttpServer().removeListener(relay); } } sslRelays.clear(); } } }