package com.intrbiz.bergamot.model; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.config.model.GroupCfg; import; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.message.CheckMO; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.message.GroupMO; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.state.GroupState; import; import; import; import; @SQLTable(schema = BergamotDB.class, name = "group", since = @SQLVersion({ 1, 0, 0 })) @SQLUnique(name = "name_unq", columns = { "site_id", "name" }) public class Group extends SecuredObject<GroupMO, GroupCfg> implements Commented { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The groups this group is a member of */ @SQLColumn(index = 1, name = "group_ids", type = "UUID[]", since = @SQLVersion({ 1, 0, 0 })) protected List<UUID> groupIds = new LinkedList<UUID>(); public Group() { super(); } @Override public void configure(GroupCfg configuration, GroupCfg resolvedConfiguration) { super.configure(configuration, resolvedConfiguration); } public GroupState getState() { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { return db.computeGroupState(this.getId()); } } public GroupState getStateForContact(Contact contact) { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { return db.computeGroupStateForContact(this.getId(), contact.getId()); } } public List<UUID> getGroupIds() { return groupIds; } public void setGroupIds(List<UUID> groupIds) { this.groupIds = groupIds; } public List<Group> getGroups() { List<Group> r = new LinkedList<Group>(); if (this.getGroupIds() != null) { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { for (UUID id : this.getGroupIds()) { r.add(db.getGroup(id)); } } } return r; } public void addParent(Group parent) { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { db.addGroupChild(parent, this); } } public void removeParent(Group parent) { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { db.removeGroupChild(parent, this); } } public List<Group> getChildren() { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { return db.getGroupsInGroup(this.getId()); } } public void removeChild(Group child) { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { db.removeGroupChild(this, child); } } public void addChild(Group child) { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { db.addGroupChild(this, child); } } public Collection<Check<?,?>> getChecks() { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { return db.getChecksInGroup(this.getId()); } } public void addCheck(Check<?,?> check) { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { db.addCheckToGroup(this, check); } } public void removeCheck(Check<?,?> check) { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { db.removeCheckFromGroup(this, check); } } /** * Get comments against this downtime * @param limit the maximum number of comments to get */ @Override public List<Comment> getComments(int limit) { try (BergamotDB db = BergamotDB.connect()) { return db.getCommentsForObject(this.getId(), 0, limit); } } /** * Get comments against this downtime */ @Override public List<Comment> getComments() { return this.getComments(5); } @Override public GroupMO toMO(Contact contact, EnumSet<MOFlag> options) { GroupMO mo = new GroupMO(); super.toMO(mo, contact, options); mo.setState(this.getState().toMO(contact)); if (options.contains(MOFlag.CHECKS)) mo.setChecks(this.getChecks().stream().filter((x) -> contact == null || contact.hasPermission("read", x)).map((c) -> {return (CheckMO) c.toStubMO(contact);}).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (options.contains(MOFlag.GROUPS)) mo.setGroups(this.getGroups().stream().filter((x) -> contact == null || contact.hasPermission("read", x)).map((x) -> x.toStubMO(contact)).collect(Collectors.toList())); if (options.contains(MOFlag.CHILDREN)) mo.setChildren(this.getChildren().stream().filter((x) -> contact == null || contact.hasPermission("read", x)).map((x) -> x.toStubMO(contact)).collect(Collectors.toList())); return mo; } }