package com.intrbiz.bergamot.check.ssh; import; import; import; import; import com.intrbiz.util.Hash; import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException; import com.jcraft.jsch.Session; public class SSHSession { private final JSch jsch; private final Session session; public SSHSession(JSch jsch, Session session) { this.jsch = jsch; this.session = session; } public String hostId() { return session.getHostKey().getFingerPrint(this.jsch); } public ExecStat exec(String command) { try { ChannelExec exec = (ChannelExec) this.session.openChannel("exec"); // execute exec.setCommand(command); // input if (command != null && command.length() > 0) exec.setInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(Hash.asUTF8(command))); // outputs ByteArrayOutputStream stdOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream stdErr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream stdOutStream = exec.getInputStream(); InputStream stdErrStream = exec.getExtInputStream(); try { exec.connect(); // process the streams while (! exec.isClosed()) { delicateCopy(stdOutStream, stdOut); delicateCopy(stdErrStream, stdErr); } delicateCopy(stdOutStream, stdOut); delicateCopy(stdErrStream, stdErr); // should be done now int exit = exec.getExitStatus(); return new ExecStat(exit, new String(stdOut.toByteArray()), new String(stdErr.toByteArray())); } finally { exec.disconnect(); } } catch (JSchException e) { throw new SSHException(e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SSHException(e); } } private static final void delicateCopy(InputStream from, ByteArrayOutputStream to) throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int r; if (from.available() > 0) { r =; if (r > 0) to.write(buf, 0, r); } } }