package; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.codahale.metrics.Meter; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import com.intrbiz.Util; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.config.model.TemplatedObjectCfg; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.config.validator.BergamotConfigResolver; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.config.validator.BergamotObjectLocator; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.APIToken; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.AccessControl; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.AgentRegistration; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.AgentTemplate; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Alert; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.AlertEncompasses; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.AlertEscalation; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Check; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.CheckCommand; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Cluster; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Command; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Comment; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.ComputedPermission; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.ComputedPermissionForDomain; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Config; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.ConfigChange; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Contact; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.ContactBackupCode; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.ContactHOTPRegistration; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.ContactU2FDeviceRegistration; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Credential; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Downtime; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Escalation; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.GlobalSetting; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Group; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Host; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Location; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.NotificationEngine; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Notifications; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Resource; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.SecurityDomain; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.SecurityDomainMembership; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Service; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Site; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Team; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.TimePeriod; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.Trap; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.VirtualCheck; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.state.CheckSavedState; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.state.CheckState; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.state.CheckStats; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.state.CheckTransition; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.model.state.GroupState; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.virtual.VirtualCheckExpressionContext; import com.intrbiz.configuration.Configuration; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.intrbiz.gerald.witchcraft.Witchcraft; @SQLSchema( name = "bergamot", version = @SQLVersion({3, 46, 0}), tables = { Site.class, Location.class, Group.class, TimePeriod.class, Command.class, Team.class, Contact.class, Notifications.class, NotificationEngine.class, CheckState.class, CheckCommand.class, Host.class, Service.class, Trap.class, Cluster.class, Resource.class, GroupState.class, Alert.class, Config.class, Comment.class, Downtime.class, APIToken.class, ConfigChange.class, CheckStats.class, CheckTransition.class, AgentRegistration.class, CheckSavedState.class, SecurityDomain.class, SecurityDomainMembership.class, AccessControl.class, ComputedPermission.class, ComputedPermissionForDomain.class, Escalation.class, AlertEscalation.class, AlertEncompasses.class, ContactU2FDeviceRegistration.class, ContactHOTPRegistration.class, ContactBackupCode.class, AgentTemplate.class, GlobalSetting.class, Credential.class } ) public abstract class BergamotDB extends DatabaseAdapter { /** * Compile and register the Bergamot Database Adapter */ static { DataManager.getInstance().registerDatabaseAdapter( BergamotDB.class, DatabaseAdapterCompiler.defaultPGSQLCompiler().compileAdapterFactory(BergamotDB.class) ); } public static void load() { // do nothing } /** * Install the Bergamot schema into the default database */ public static void install() { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BergamotDB.class); DatabaseConnection database = DataManager.getInstance().connect(); DatabaseAdapterCompiler compiler = DatabaseAdapterCompiler.defaultPGSQLCompiler().setDefaultOwner("bergamot"); // check if the schema is installed if (! compiler.isSchemaInstalled(database, BergamotDB.class)) {"Installing database schema"); compiler.installSchema(database, BergamotDB.class); } else { // check the installed schema is upto date if (! compiler.isSchemaUptoDate(database, BergamotDB.class)) {"The installed database schema is not upto date"); compiler.upgradeSchema(database, BergamotDB.class); } else {"The installed database schema is upto date"); } } } /** * Connect to the Bergamot database */ public static BergamotDB connect() { return DataManager.getInstance().databaseAdapter(BergamotDB.class); } /** * Connect to the Bergamot database */ public static BergamotDB connect(DatabaseConnection connection) { return DataManager.getInstance().databaseAdapter(BergamotDB.class, connection); } public BergamotDB(DatabaseConnection connection, Cache cache) { super(connection, cache); } // the schema public void flushGlobalCaches() { this.getAdapterCache().removePrefix("get_site_by_name"); this.getAdapterCache().removePrefix("get_site"); } // global settings @Cacheable @SQLSetter(table = GlobalSetting.class, name = "set_global_setting", since = @SQLVersion({3, 44, 0})) public abstract void setGlobalSetting(GlobalSetting setting); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = GlobalSetting.class, name = "get_global_setting", since = @SQLVersion({3, 44, 0})) public abstract GlobalSetting getGlobalSetting(@SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @SQLRemove(table = GlobalSetting.class, name = "remove_global_setting", since = @SQLVersion({3, 44, 0})) public abstract void removeGlobalSetting(@SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLGetter(table = GlobalSetting.class, name = "list_global_settings", since = @SQLVersion({3, 44, 0})) public abstract List<GlobalSetting> listGlobalSettings(); // site @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_site_by_name.*"}) @SQLSetter(table = Site.class, name = "set_site", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setSite(Site site); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Site.class, name = "get_site", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Site getSite(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Site.class, name ="get_site_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM WHERE name = p_name OR aliases @> ARRAY[p_name]") ) public abstract Site getSiteByName(@SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_site_by_name.*"}) @SQLRemove(table = Site.class, name = "remove_site", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeSite(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLGetter(table = Site.class, name = "list_sites", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Site> listSites(); // config @SQLSetter(table = Config.class, name = "set_config", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setConfig(Config template); @SQLGetter(table = Config.class, name = "get_config", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Config getConfig(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLRemove(table = Config.class, name = "remove_config", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeConfig(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLGetter(table = Config.class, name = "list_config", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Config> listConfig(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam(value = "type", optional = true) String type); @SQLGetter(table = Config.class, name = "list_config_templates", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.config WHERE site_id = p_site_id AND type = p_type AND template = TRUE") ) public abstract List<Config> listConfigTemplates(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam(value = "type") String type); @SQLGetter(table = Config.class, name = "get_config_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Config getConfigByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("type") String type, @SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLGetter(table = Config.class, name = "list_dependent_config", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.config WHERE site_id = p_site_id AND required_templates @> ARRAY[p_qualified_template_name] AND (NOT (type = 'service' OR type = 'trap' OR type = 'resource'))") ) public abstract List<Config> listDependentConfig(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam(value = "qualified_template_name", virtual = true) String qualifiedTemplateName); /** * Recursively find all objects which utilise the given template */ @SQLGetter(table = Config.class, name = "list_all_dependent_config_objects", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("WITH RECURSIVE config_graph AS ( " + " SELECT c.* " + " FROM bergamot.config c " + " WHERE c.site_id = p_site_id AND c.required_templates @> ARRAY[p_qualified_template_name] " + " UNION " + " SELECT c.* " + " FROM bergamot.config c, config_graph cg " + " WHERE c.site_id = p_site_id AND c.required_templates @> ARRAY[cg.type || ':' ||] " + " ) " + " SELECT * " + " FROM config_graph cg " + " WHERE cg.template = FALSE AND (NOT (type = 'service' OR type = 'trap' OR type = 'resource'))") ) public abstract List<Config> listAllDependentConfigObjects(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam(value = "qualified_template_name", virtual = true) String qualifiedTemplateName); protected final Timer objectLocatorLookupTimer = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().timer(, "bergamot.object_locator.lookup")); public BergamotObjectLocator getObjectLocator(final UUID siteId) { return new BergamotObjectLocator() { private ConcurrentMap<String, TemplatedObjectCfg<?>> localConfigCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, TemplatedObjectCfg<?>>(); @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends TemplatedObjectCfg<T>> T lookup(Class<T> type, String name) { try (Timer.Context tctx = objectLocatorLookupTimer.time()) { // try our local cache first String key = type.getSimpleName() + "::" + name; T cfg = (T) this.localConfigCache.get(key); if (cfg == null) { cfg = (T) Util.nullable(BergamotDB.this.getConfigByName(siteId, Configuration.getRootElement(type), name), Config::getConfiguration); if (cfg != null) this.localConfigCache.putIfAbsent(key, cfg); } return cfg; } } }; } public BergamotConfigResolver getConfigResolver(final UUID siteId) { return new BergamotConfigResolver(this.getObjectLocator(siteId)); } @SQLSetter(table = ConfigChange.class, name = "set_config_change", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setConfigChange(ConfigChange change); @SQLGetter(table = ConfigChange.class, name = "get_config_change", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract ConfigChange getConfigChange(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLRemove(table = ConfigChange.class, name = "remove_config_change", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeConfigChange(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLGetter(table = ConfigChange.class, name = "list_config_changes", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), orderBy = { @SQLOrder(value = "applied", direction = Direction.ASC), @SQLOrder(value = "created", direction = Direction.DESC) } ) public abstract List<ConfigChange> listConfigChanges(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @SQLGetter(table = ConfigChange.class, name = "page_all_config_changes", since = @SQLVersion({3, 33, 0}), orderBy = { @SQLOrder(value = "applied", direction = Direction.ASC), @SQLOrder(value = "created", direction = Direction.DESC) } ) public abstract List<ConfigChange> pageAllConfigChanges(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLLimit long limit, @SQLOffset long offset); @SQLGetter(table = ConfigChange.class, name = "page_config_changes", since = @SQLVersion({3, 33, 0}), orderBy = { @SQLOrder(value = "applied", direction = Direction.ASC), @SQLOrder(value = "created", direction = Direction.DESC) } ) public abstract List<ConfigChange> pageConfigChanges(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("applied") boolean applied, @SQLLimit long limit, @SQLOffset long offset); @SQLGetter(table = ConfigChange.class, name = "list_pending_config_changes", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.config_change WHERE site_id = p_site_id AND applied = FALSE"), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "created", direction = Direction.DESC) ) public abstract List<ConfigChange> getPendingConfigChanges(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); // time period @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_timeperiod_by_name.#{site_id}.*"}) @SQLSetter(table = TimePeriod.class, name = "set_timeperiod", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setTimePeriod(TimePeriod timePeriod); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = TimePeriod.class, name = "get_timeperiod", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract TimePeriod getTimePeriod(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = TimePeriod.class, name = "get_timeperiod_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract TimePeriod getTimePeriodByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLGetter(table = TimePeriod.class, name = "list_timeperiods", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<TimePeriod> listTimePeriods(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_timeperiod_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*"}) @SQLRemove(table = TimePeriod.class, name = "remove_timeperiod", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeTimePeriod(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); public void addTimePeriodExclude(TimePeriod timePeriod, TimePeriod excluded) { if (! timePeriod.getExcludesId().contains(excluded.getId())) { timePeriod.getExcludesId().add(excluded.getId()); } this.setTimePeriod(timePeriod); } public void removeTimePeriodExclude(TimePeriod timePeriod, TimePeriod excluded) { timePeriod.getExcludesId().remove(excluded.getId()); this.setTimePeriod(timePeriod); } // credential @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_credential_by_name.#{site_id}.*"}) @SQLSetter(table = Credential.class, name = "set_credential", since = @SQLVersion({3, 46, 0})) public abstract void setCredential(Credential Credential); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Credential.class, name = "get_credential", since = @SQLVersion({3, 46, 0})) public abstract Credential getCredential(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Credential.class, name = "get_credential_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({3, 46, 0})) public abstract Credential getCredentialByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLGetter(table = Credential.class, name = "list_credentials", since = @SQLVersion({3, 46, 0})) public abstract List<Credential> listCredentials(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_credential_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*"}) @SQLRemove(table = Credential.class, name = "remove_credential", since = @SQLVersion({3, 46, 0})) public abstract void removeCredential(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); // command @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_command_by_name.#{site_id}.*"}) @SQLSetter(table = Command.class, name = "set_command", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setCommand(Command command); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Command.class, name = "get_command", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Command getCommand(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Command.class, name = "get_command_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Command getCommandByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLGetter(table = Command.class, name = "list_commands", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Command> listCommands(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_command_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*"}) @SQLRemove(table = Command.class, name = "remove_command", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeCommand(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); // location @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_root_locations.#{site_id}", "get_location_by_name.#{site_id}.*", "get_locations_in_location.#{id}" }) @SQLSetter(table = Location.class, name = "set_location", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setLocation(Location location); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Location.class, name = "get_location", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Location getLocation(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Location.class, name = "get_location_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Location getLocationByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Location.class, name = "get_locations_in_location", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Location> getLocationsInLocation(@SQLParam("location_id") UUID locationId); @SQLGetter(table = Location.class, name = "list_locations", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Location> listLocations(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Location.class, name = "get_root_locations", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.location WHERE site_id = p_site_id AND location_id IS NULL") ) public abstract List<Location> getRootLocations(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_root_locations.#{this.getSiteId(id)}", "get_location_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_locations_in_location.#{id}" }) @SQLRemove(table = Location.class, name = "remove_location", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeLocation(@SQLParam("id") UUID locationId); public void addLocationChild(Location parent, Location child) { child.setLocationId(parent.getId()); this.setLocation(child); this.invalidateLocationsInLocation(parent.getId()); } public void removeLocationChild(Location parent, Location child) { child.setLocationId(null); this.setLocation(child); this.invalidateLocationsInLocation(parent.getId()); } public void invalidateLocationsInLocation(UUID locationId) { this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_locations_in_location." + locationId); } public void addLocationHost(Location location, Host host) { host.setLocationId(location.getId()); this.setHost(host); this.invalidateHostsInLocation(location.getId()); } public void removeLocationHost(Location location, Host host) { host.setLocationId(null); this.setHost(host); this.invalidateHostsInLocation(location.getId()); } public void invalidateHostsInLocation(UUID locationId) { this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_hosts_in_location." + locationId); } // group @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_group_by_name.#{site_id}.*", "get_root_groups.#{site_id}.*", "get_groups_in_group.#{id}" }) @SQLSetter(table = Group.class, name = "set_group", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setGroup(Group group); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Group.class, name = "get_group", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Group getGroup(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Group.class, name = "get_group_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Group getGroupByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLGetter(table = Group.class, name = "list_group", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Group> listGroups(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Group.class, name = "get_root_groups", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM WHERE site_id = p_site_id AND (group_ids IS NULL OR group_ids = ARRAY[]::UUID[])") ) public abstract List<Group> getRootGroups(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Group.class, name = "get_groups_in_group", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_group_id]") ) public abstract List<Group> getGroupsInGroup(@SQLParam(value = "group_id", virtual = true) UUID groupId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_group_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_root_groups.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_groups_in_group.#{id}" }) @SQLRemove(table = Group.class, name = "remove_group", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "UPDATE SET group_ids=array_remove(group_ids, p_id) WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE SET group_ids=array_remove(group_ids, p_id) WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE SET group_ids=array_remove(group_ids, p_id) WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.service SET group_ids=array_remove(group_ids, p_id) WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.trap SET group_ids=array_remove(group_ids, p_id) WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.cluster SET group_ids=array_remove(group_ids, p_id) WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.resource SET group_ids=array_remove(group_ids, p_id) WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "DELETE FROM WHERE id = p_id" ) ) public abstract void removeGroup(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); public void addGroupChild(Group parent, Group child) { if (! child.getGroupIds().contains(parent.getId())) { child.getGroupIds().add(parent.getId()); } this.setGroup(child); this.invalidateGroupsInGroup(parent.getId()); } public void removeGroupChild(Group parent, Group child) { child.getGroupIds().remove(parent.getId()); this.setGroup(child); this.invalidateGroupsInGroup(parent.getId()); } public void invalidateGroupsInGroup(UUID groupId) { this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_groups_in_group." + groupId); } public void addCheckToGroup(Group group, Check<?,?> check) { if (check.getGroupIds().contains(group.getId())) { check.getGroupIds().add(group.getId()); } this.invalidateChecksInGroup(group.getId()); } public void removeCheckFromGroup(Group group, Check<?,?> check) { check.getGroupIds().remove(group.getId()); this.setCheck(check); this.invalidateChecksInGroup(group.getId()); } public void invalidateChecksInGroup(UUID groupId) { this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_hosts_in_group." + groupId); this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_services_in_group." + groupId); this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_traps_in_group." + groupId); this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_clusters_in_group." + groupId); this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_resources_in_group." + groupId); } // team @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_team_by_name.#{site_id}.*", "get_teams_in_team.#{id}", "get_contacts_in_team.#{id}" }) @SQLSetter(table = Team.class, name = "set_team", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setTeam(Team team); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Team.class, name = "get_team", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Team getTeam(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLGetter(table = Team.class, name = "list_teams", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Team> listTeams(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Team.class, name = "get_team_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Team getTeamByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Team.class, name = "get_teams_in_team", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM WHERE team_ids @> ARRAY[p_team_id]") ) public abstract List<Team> getTeamsInTeam(@SQLParam(value = "team_id", virtual = true) UUID teamId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_team_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_teams_in_team.#{id}", "get_contacts_in_team.#{id}" }) @SQLRemove(table = Team.class, name = "remove_team", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "UPDATE SET team_ids=array_remove(team_ids, p_id) WHERE team_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE SET team_ids=array_remove(team_ids, p_id) WHERE team_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE SET team_ids=array_remove(team_ids, p_id) WHERE team_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.service SET team_ids=array_remove(team_ids, p_id) WHERE team_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.trap SET team_ids=array_remove(team_ids, p_id) WHERE team_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.cluster SET team_ids=array_remove(team_ids, p_id) WHERE team_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.resource SET team_ids=array_remove(team_ids, p_id) WHERE team_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "DELETE FROM WHERE id = p_id" ) ) public abstract void removeTeam(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); public void addTeamChild(Team parent, Team child) { if (! child.getTeamIds().contains(parent.getId())) { child.getTeamIds().add(parent.getId()); } this.setTeam(child); this.invalidateTeamsInTeam(parent.getId()); } public void removeTeamChild(Team parent, Team child) { child.getTeamIds().remove(parent.getId()); this.setTeam(child); this.invalidateTeamsInTeam(parent.getId()); } public void invalidateTeamsInTeam(UUID teamId) { this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_teams_in_team." + teamId); } public void addContactToTeam(Team parent, Contact contact) { if (! contact.getTeamIds().contains(parent.getId())) { contact.getTeamIds().add(parent.getId()); } this.setContact(contact); this.invalidateContactsInTeam(parent.getId()); } public void removeContactFromTeam(Team parent, Contact contact) { contact.getTeamIds().remove(parent.getId()); this.setContact(contact); this.invalidateContactsInTeam(parent.getId()); } public void invalidateContactsInTeam(UUID teamId) { this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_contacts_in_team." + teamId); } // contact @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_contact_by_name.#{site_id}.*", "get_contact_by_email.#{site_id}.*", "get_contact_by_name_or_email.#{site_id}.*" }) @SQLSetter(table = Contact.class, name = "set_contact", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setContact(Contact contact); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Contact.class, name = "get_contact", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Contact getContact(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Contact.class, name = "get_contact_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Contact getContactByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Contact.class, name = "get_contact_by_email", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Contact getContactByEmail(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("email") String email); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Contact.class, name = "get_contact_by_name_or_email", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM WHERE site_id = p_site_id AND (name = p_name_or_email OR email = p_name_or_email)") ) public abstract Contact getContactByNameOrEmail(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam(value = "name_or_email", virtual = true) String nameOrEmail); @SQLGetter(table = Contact.class, name = "list_contacts", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Contact> listContacts(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Contact.class, name = "get_contacts_in_team", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM WHERE team_ids @> ARRAY[p_team_id]") ) public abstract List<Contact> getContactsInTeam(@SQLParam(value = "team_id", virtual = true) UUID teamId); @SQLGetter(table = Contact.class, name = "get_contacts_not_in_a_team", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM contact WHERE site_id = p_site_id AND (team_ids IS NULL OR team_ids = ARRAY[]::UUID[])") ) public abstract List<Contact> getContactsNotInATeam(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID site_id); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_contact_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_contact_by_email.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_contact_by_name_or_email.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*" }) @SQLRemove(table = Contact.class, name = "remove_contact", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "UPDATE SET contact_ids=array_remove(contact_ids, p_id) WHERE contact_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.service SET contact_ids=array_remove(contact_ids, p_id) WHERE contact_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.trap SET contact_ids=array_remove(contact_ids, p_id) WHERE contact_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.cluster SET contact_ids=array_remove(contact_ids, p_id) WHERE contact_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "UPDATE bergamot.resource SET contact_ids=array_remove(contact_ids, p_id) WHERE contact_ids @> ARRAY[p_id];\n" + "DELETE FROM WHERE id = p_id" ) ) public abstract void removeContact(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); // API tokens @Cacheable @SQLSetter(table = APIToken.class, name = "set_api_token", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setAPIToken(APIToken token); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = APIToken.class, name = "get_api_token", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract APIToken getAPIToken(@SQLParam("token") String token); @Cacheable @SQLRemove(table = APIToken.class, name = "remove_api_token", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeAPIToken(@SQLParam("token") String token); @SQLGetter(table = APIToken.class, name = "get_api_tokens_for_contact", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<APIToken> getAPITokensForContact(@SQLParam("contact_id") UUID contactId); // U2F devices @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_u2f_device_registrations_for_contact.#{contact_id}"}) @SQLSetter(table = ContactU2FDeviceRegistration.class, name = "set_u2f_device_registration", since = @SQLVersion({3, 38, 0})) public abstract void setU2FDeviceRegistration(ContactU2FDeviceRegistration device); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = ContactU2FDeviceRegistration.class, name = "get_u2f_device_registration", since = @SQLVersion({3, 38, 0})) public abstract ContactU2FDeviceRegistration getU2FDeviceRegistration(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_u2f_device_registrations_for_contact.*"}) @SQLRemove(table = ContactU2FDeviceRegistration.class, name = "remove_u2f_device_registration", since = @SQLVersion({3, 38, 0})) public abstract void removeU2FDeviceRegistration(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = ContactU2FDeviceRegistration.class, name = "get_u2f_device_registrations_for_contact", since = @SQLVersion({3, 38, 0})) public abstract List<ContactU2FDeviceRegistration> getU2FDeviceRegistrationsForContact(@SQLParam("contact_id") UUID contactId); // HOTP @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_hotp_registrations_for_contact.#{contact_id}"}) @SQLSetter(table = ContactHOTPRegistration.class, name = "set_hotp_registration", since = @SQLVersion({3, 39, 0})) public abstract void setHOTPRegistration(ContactHOTPRegistration device); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = ContactHOTPRegistration.class, name = "get_hotp_registration", since = @SQLVersion({3, 39, 0})) public abstract ContactHOTPRegistration getHOTPRegistration(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_hotp_registrations_for_contact.*"}) @SQLRemove(table = ContactHOTPRegistration.class, name = "remove_hotp_registration", since = @SQLVersion({3, 39, 0})) public abstract void removeHOTPRegistration(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = ContactHOTPRegistration.class, name = "get_hotp_registrations_for_contact", since = @SQLVersion({3, 39, 0})) public abstract List<ContactHOTPRegistration> getHOTPRegistrationsForContact(@SQLParam("contact_id") UUID contactId); // Backup Codes @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_backup_codes_for_contact.#{contact_id}"}) @SQLSetter(table = ContactBackupCode.class, name = "set_backup_code", since = @SQLVersion({3, 40, 0})) public abstract void setBackupCode(ContactBackupCode device); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = ContactBackupCode.class, name = "get_backup_code", since = @SQLVersion({3, 40, 0})) public abstract ContactBackupCode getBackupCode(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_backup_codes_for_contact.*"}) @SQLRemove(table = ContactBackupCode.class, name = "remove_backup_code", since = @SQLVersion({3, 40, 0})) public abstract void removeBackupCode(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = ContactBackupCode.class, name = "get_backup_codes_for_contact", since = @SQLVersion({3, 40, 0})) public abstract List<ContactBackupCode> getBackupCodesForContact(@SQLParam("contact_id") UUID contactId); // notifications @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_notification_engines.#{id}"}) @SQLSetter(table = Notifications.class, name = "set_notifications", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setNotifications(Notifications notifications); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Notifications.class, name = "get_notifications", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Notifications getNotifications(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_notification_engines.#{id}"}) @SQLRemove(table = Notifications.class, name = "remove_notifications", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeNotifications(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); // notification engine @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_notification_engines.#{notifications_id}"}) @SQLSetter(table = NotificationEngine.class, name = "set_notification_engine", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setNotificationEngine(NotificationEngine notificationEngine); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = NotificationEngine.class, name = "get_notification_engine", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract NotificationEngine getNotificationEngine(@SQLParam("notifications_id") UUID notificationId, @SQLParam("engine") String engine); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = NotificationEngine.class, name = "get_notification_engines", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<NotificationEngine> getNotificationEngines(@SQLParam("notifications_id") UUID notificationId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_notification_engines.#{notifications_id}"}) @SQLRemove(table = NotificationEngine.class, name = "remove_notification_engine", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeNotificationEngine(@SQLParam("notifications_id") UUID notificationId, @SQLParam("engine") String engine); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_notification_engines.#{notifications_id}"}) @SQLRemove(table = NotificationEngine.class, name = "remove_notification_engines", since = @SQLVersion({3, 22, 0})) public abstract void removeNotificationEngines(@SQLParam("notifications_id") UUID notificationId); // escalations @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_escalations.#{notifications_id}"}) @SQLSetter(table = Escalation.class, name = "set_escalation", since = @SQLVersion({3, 22, 0})) public abstract void setEscalation(Escalation escalation); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Escalation.class, name = "get_escalation", since = @SQLVersion({3, 22, 0})) public abstract Escalation getEscalation(@SQLParam("notifications_id") UUID notificationId, @SQLParam("after") long after); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Escalation.class, name = "get_escalations", since = @SQLVersion({3, 22, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "after", direction = Direction.DESC)) public abstract List<Escalation> getEscalations(@SQLParam("notifications_id") UUID notificationId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_escalations.#{notifications_id}"}) @SQLRemove(table = Escalation.class, name = "remove_escalation", since = @SQLVersion({3, 22, 0})) public abstract void removeEscalation(@SQLParam("notifications_id") UUID notificationId, @SQLParam("after") long after); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_escalations.#{notifications_id}"}) @SQLRemove(table = Escalation.class, name = "remove_escalations", since = @SQLVersion({3, 22, 0})) public abstract void removeEscalations(@SQLParam("notifications_id") UUID notificationId); // state @Cacheable @SQLSetter(table = CheckState.class, name = "set_check_state", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setCheckState(CheckState state); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = CheckState.class, name = "get_check_state", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract CheckState getCheckState(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLRemove(table = CheckState.class, name = "remove_check_state", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeCheckState(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID id); // saved state @Cacheable @SQLSetter(table = CheckSavedState.class, name = "set_check_saved_state", since = @SQLVersion({3, 7, 0})) public abstract void setCheckSavedState(CheckSavedState savedState); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = CheckSavedState.class, name = "get_check_saved_state", since = @SQLVersion({3, 7, 0})) public abstract CheckSavedState getCheckSavedState(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID id); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_check_saved_state.#{check_id}", }) @SQLRemove(table = CheckSavedState.class, name = "remove_check_saved_state", since = @SQLVersion({3, 7, 0})) public abstract void removeCheckSavedState(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID id); // alerts @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_all_alerts_for_check.#{check_id}", "get_recovered_alerts_for_check.#{check_id}", "get_all_alerts_for_check_paged.#{check_id}.*", "get_alerts_for_check.#{check_id}", "get_current_alert_for_check.#{check_id}" }) @SQLSetter(table = Alert.class, name = "set_alert", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setAlert(Alert alert); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Alert.class, name = "get_alert", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Alert getAlert(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_all_alerts_for_check.*", "get_all_alerts_for_check_paged.*", "get_recovered_alerts_for_check.*", "get_alerts_for_check.*", "get_current_alert_for_check.*" }) @SQLRemove(table = Alert.class, name = "remove_alert", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeAlert(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Alert.class, name = "get_all_alerts_for_check", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "raised", direction = Direction.DESC)) public abstract List<Alert> getAllAlertsForCheck(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Alert.class, name = "get_all_alerts_for_check_paged", since = @SQLVersion({3, 5, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "raised", direction = Direction.DESC)) public abstract List<Alert> getAllAlertsForCheck(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId, @SQLLimit() long limit, @SQLOffset() long offset); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Alert.class, name = "get_all_recent_alerts_for_check", since = @SQLVersion({3, 5, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "raised", direction = Direction.DESC), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.alert WHERE check_id = p_check_id AND raised > (now() - p_interval) ORDER BY raised DESC LIMIT p_limit") ) public abstract List<Alert> getAllRecentAlertsForCheck(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId, @SQLParam(value = "interval", virtual = true) String interval, @SQLLimit() long limit); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Alert.class, name = "get_recovered_alerts_for_check", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "raised", direction = Direction.DESC), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.alert WHERE check_id = p_check_id AND recovered = TRUE") ) public abstract List<Alert> getRecoveredAlertsForCheck(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Alert.class, name = "get_alerts_for_check", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "raised", direction = Direction.DESC), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.alert WHERE check_id = p_check_id AND recovered = FALSE") ) public abstract List<Alert> getAlertsForCheck(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Alert.class, name = "get_current_alert_for_check", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.alert WHERE check_id = p_check_id AND recovered = FALSE ORDER BY raised DESC LIMIT 1") ) public abstract Alert getCurrentAlertForCheck(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId); @SQLGetter(table = Alert.class, name = "list_alerts", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.alert WHERE site_id = p_site_id AND recovered = FALSE AND acknowledged = FALSE ORDER BY raised DESC") ) public abstract List<Alert> listAlerts(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); // alert escalations // escalations @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_alert_escalations.#{alert_id}"}) @SQLSetter(table = AlertEscalation.class, name = "set_alert_escalation", since = @SQLVersion({3, 26, 0})) public abstract void setAlertEscalation(AlertEscalation alertEscalation); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = AlertEscalation.class, name = "get_alert_escalation", since = @SQLVersion({3, 26, 0})) public abstract AlertEscalation getAlertEscalation(@SQLParam("alert_id") UUID alertId, @SQLParam("after") long after); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = AlertEscalation.class, name = "get_alert_escalations", since = @SQLVersion({3, 26, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "after", direction = Direction.ASC)) public abstract List<AlertEscalation> getAlertEscalations(@SQLParam("alert_id") UUID alertId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_alert_escalations.#{alert_id}"}) @SQLRemove(table = AlertEscalation.class, name = "remove_alert_escalation", since = @SQLVersion({3, 26, 0})) public abstract void removeAlertEscalation(@SQLParam("alert_id") UUID alertId, @SQLParam("after") long after); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_alert_escalations.#{alert_id}"}) @SQLRemove(table = AlertEscalation.class, name = "remove_alert_escalations", since = @SQLVersion({3, 26, 0})) public abstract void removeAlertEscalations(@SQLParam("alert_id") UUID alertId); // encompasses @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_alert_encompasses.#{alert_id}"}) @SQLSetter(table = AlertEncompasses.class, name = "set_alert_encompasses", since = @SQLVersion({3, 30, 0})) public abstract void setAlertEncompasses(AlertEncompasses alertEncompasses); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = AlertEncompasses.class, name = "get_alert_encompasses", since = @SQLVersion({3, 30, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "raised", direction = Direction.DESC)) public abstract List<AlertEncompasses> getAlertEncompasses(@SQLParam("alert_id") UUID alertId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_alert_encompasses.#{alert_id}"}) @SQLRemove(table = AlertEncompasses.class, name = "remove_an_alert_encompasses", since = @SQLVersion({3, 30, 0})) public abstract void removeAnAlertEncompasses(@SQLParam("alert_id") UUID alertId, @SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_alert_encompasses.#{alert_id}"}) @SQLRemove(table = AlertEncompasses.class, name = "remove_alert_encompasses", since = @SQLVersion({3, 30, 0})) public abstract void removeAlertEncompasses(@SQLParam("alert_id") UUID alertId); // group state /** * Compute the state of the given group, this will recursively follow * the group hierarchy an compute the state of all the checks within the * group * @param groupId * @return */ @SQLGetter(table = GroupState.class, name = "compute_group_state", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "WITH RECURSIVE group_graph(id) AS ( \n" + " SELECT \n" + " FROM g \n" + " WHERE = p_group_id \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT \n" + " FROM g, group_graph gg \n" + " WHERE g.group_ids @> ARRAY[] \n" + ") \n" + "SELECT \n" + " p_group_id, \n" + " bool_and(s.ok OR s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) AS ok, \n" + " max(CASE WHEN s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed THEN 0 ELSE s.status END)::INTEGER AS status, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 0 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS pending_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 2 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS ok_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 3 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS warning_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 4 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS critical_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 5 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS unknown_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 6 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS timeout_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 7 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS error_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.suppressed THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS suppressed_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 1 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS info_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 9 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS action_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.in_downtime THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS in_downtime_count,\n" + " count(s.check_id)::INTEGER AS total_checks, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 8 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS disconnected_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.acknowledged THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS acknowledged_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.encompassed THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS encompassed_count\n" + "FROM bergamot.check_state s \n" + "JOIN ( \n" + " SELECT id, group_ids FROM \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT id, group_ids FROM bergamot.service \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT id, group_ids FROM bergamot.trap \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT id, group_ids FROM bergamot.cluster \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT id, group_ids FROM bergamot.resource \n" + ") q ON (s.check_id = \n" + "JOIN group_graph g ON (q.group_ids @> ARRAY[])\n" ) ) public abstract GroupState computeGroupState(@SQLParam(value = "group_id", virtual = true) UUID groupId); /** * Compute the state of the given group, with respect to the access controls * of the given contact, this will recursively follow the group hierarchy * an compute the state of all the checks within the group * @param groupId * @param contactId */ @SQLGetter(table = GroupState.class, name = "compute_group_state_for_contact", since = @SQLVersion({3, 11, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "WITH RECURSIVE group_graph(id) AS ( \n" + " SELECT \n" + " FROM g \n" + " LEFT JOIN \n" + " ( \n" + " SELECT sdm1.check_id, coalesce(bool_or(cpfd1.allowed), false) as allowed \n" + " FROM bergamot.security_domain_membership sdm1 \n" + " JOIN bergamot.computed_permissions_for_domain cpfd1 ON (sdm1.security_domain_id = cpfd1.security_domain_id) \n" + " WHERE cpfd1.permission = 'read' AND cpfd1.contact_id = p_contact_id \n" + " GROUP BY sdm1.check_id \n" + " ) q1 ON (q1.check_id = \n" + " WHERE = p_group_id AND (coalesce(q1.allowed, false) OR bergamot.has_permission(p_contact_id, 'read'))\n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT \n" + " FROM g\n" + " LEFT JOIN \n" + " ( \n" + " SELECT sdm2.check_id, coalesce(bool_or(cpfd2.allowed), false) as allowed \n" + " FROM bergamot.security_domain_membership sdm2 \n" + " JOIN bergamot.computed_permissions_for_domain cpfd2 ON (sdm2.security_domain_id = cpfd2.security_domain_id) \n" + " WHERE cpfd2.permission = 'read' AND cpfd2.contact_id = p_contact_id \n" + " GROUP BY sdm2.check_id \n" + " ) q2 ON (q2.check_id =, \n" + " group_graph gg \n" + " WHERE g.group_ids @> ARRAY[] AND (coalesce(q2.allowed, false) OR bergamot.has_permission(p_contact_id, 'read'))\n" + ") \n" + "SELECT \n" + " p_group_id, \n" + " coalesce(bool_and(s.ok OR s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed), true) AS ok, \n" + " coalesce(max(CASE WHEN s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed THEN 0 ELSE s.status END)::INTEGER, 0) AS status, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 0 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS pending_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 2 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS ok_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 3 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS warning_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 4 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS critical_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 5 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS unknown_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 6 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS timeout_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 7 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS error_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.suppressed THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS suppressed_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 1 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS info_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 9 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS action_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.in_downtime THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS in_downtime_count,\n" + " count(s.check_id)::INTEGER AS total_checks,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 8 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS disconnected_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.acknowledged THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS acknowledged_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.encompassed THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS encompassed_count\n" + "FROM\n" + " bergamot.check_state s \n" + " JOIN ( \n" + " SELECT id, group_ids FROM \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT id, group_ids FROM bergamot.service \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT id, group_ids FROM bergamot.trap \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT id, group_ids FROM bergamot.cluster \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT id, group_ids FROM bergamot.resource \n" + " ) q ON (s.check_id =\n" + "JOIN group_graph g ON (q.group_ids @> ARRAY[])\n" + "LEFT JOIN \n" + "( \n" + " SELECT sdm3.check_id, coalesce(bool_or(cpfd3.allowed), false) as allowed \n" + " FROM bergamot.security_domain_membership sdm3 \n" + " JOIN bergamot.computed_permissions_for_domain cpfd3 ON (sdm3.security_domain_id = cpfd3.security_domain_id) \n" + " WHERE cpfd3.permission = 'read' AND cpfd3.contact_id = p_contact_id \n" + " GROUP BY sdm3.check_id \n" + ") q3 ON (q3.check_id = s.check_id) \n" + "WHERE coalesce(q3.allowed, false) OR bergamot.has_permission(p_contact_id, 'read')\n" ) ) public abstract GroupState computeGroupStateForContact(@SQLParam(value = "group_id", virtual = true) UUID groupId, @SQLParam(value = "contact_id", virtual = true) UUID contactId); /** * Compute the state of the given group, this will recursively follow * the group hierarchy an compute the state of all the checks within the * group * @param groupId * @return */ @SQLGetter(table = GroupState.class, name = "compute_location_state", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "WITH RECURSIVE location_graph(id) AS ( \n"+ " SELECT \n"+ " FROM bergamot.location l \n"+ " WHERE = p_location_id \n"+ " UNION \n"+ " SELECT \n"+ " FROM bergamot.location l, location_graph lg \n"+ " WHERE l.location_id = \n"+ ") \n"+ "SELECT \n"+ " p_location_id,\n"+ " bool_and(s.ok OR s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) AS ok,\n" + " max(CASE WHEN s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed THEN 0 ELSE s.status END)::INTEGER AS status,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 0 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS pending_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 2 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS ok_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 3 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS warning_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 4 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS critical_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 5 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS unknown_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 6 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS timeout_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 7 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS error_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.suppressed THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS suppressed_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 1 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS info_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 9 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS action_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.in_downtime THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS in_downtime_count,\n" + " count(s.check_id)::INTEGER AS total_checks,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 8 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS disconnected_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.acknowledged THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS acknowledged_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.encompassed THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS encompassed_count\n" + "FROM bergamot.check_state s \n" + "JOIN h ON (s.check_id = \n"+ "JOIN location_graph lg ON (h.location_id =\n" ) ) public abstract GroupState computeLocationState(@SQLParam(value = "location_id", virtual = true) UUID locationId); /** * Compute the state of the given location taking into account the permissions * granted to the given contact, this will recursively follow the location * hierarchy an compute the state of all the checks within the location * @param groupId * @return */ @SQLGetter(table = GroupState.class, name = "compute_location_state_for_contact", since = @SQLVersion({3, 13, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "WITH RECURSIVE location_graph(id) AS (\n" + " SELECT\n" + " FROM bergamot.location l1\n" + " LEFT JOIN \n" + " ( \n" + " SELECT sdm1.check_id, coalesce(bool_or(cpfd1.allowed), false) as allowed \n" + " FROM bergamot.security_domain_membership sdm1 \n" + " JOIN bergamot.computed_permissions_for_domain cpfd1 ON (sdm1.security_domain_id = cpfd1.security_domain_id) \n" + " WHERE cpfd1.permission = 'read' AND cpfd1.contact_id = p_contact_id \n" + " GROUP BY sdm1.check_id \n" + " ) q1 ON (q1.check_id = \n" + " WHERE = p_location_id AND (coalesce(q1.allowed, false) OR bergamot.has_permission(p_contact_id, 'read'))\n" + " UNION\n" + " SELECT\n" + " FROM bergamot.location l2\n" + " LEFT JOIN \n" + " ( \n" + " SELECT sdm2.check_id, coalesce(bool_or(cpfd2.allowed), false) as allowed \n" + " FROM bergamot.security_domain_membership sdm2 \n" + " JOIN bergamot.computed_permissions_for_domain cpfd2 ON (sdm2.security_domain_id = cpfd2.security_domain_id) \n" + " WHERE cpfd2.permission = 'read' AND cpfd2.contact_id = p_contact_id \n" + " GROUP BY sdm2.check_id \n" + " ) q2 ON (q2.check_id =, \n" + " location_graph lg\n" + " WHERE l2.location_id = AND (coalesce(q2.allowed, false) OR bergamot.has_permission(p_contact_id, 'read'))\n" + ") \n" + "SELECT\n" + " p_location_id,\n" + " coalesce(bool_and(s.ok OR s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed), true) AS ok, \n" + " coalesce(max(CASE WHEN s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed THEN 0 ELSE s.status END)::INTEGER, 0) AS status, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 0 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS pending_count, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 2 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS ok_count, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 3 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS warning_count, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 4 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS critical_count, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 5 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS unknown_count, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 6 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS timeout_count, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 7 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS error_count, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.suppressed THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS suppressed_count, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 1 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS info_count, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 9 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS action_count, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.in_downtime THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS in_downtime_count, \n" + " count(s.check_id)::INTEGER AS total_checks, \n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.status = 8 AND NOT (s.suppressed OR s.in_downtime OR s.acknowledged OR s.encompassed) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS disconnected_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.acknowledged THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS acknowledged_count,\n" + " count(CASE WHEN s.encompassed THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)::INTEGER AS encompassed_count\n" + "FROM bergamot.check_state s \n" + "JOIN h ON (s.check_id =\n" + "JOIN location_graph lg ON (h.location_id =\n" + "LEFT JOIN \n" + "( \n" + " SELECT sdm3.check_id, coalesce(bool_or(cpfd3.allowed), false) as allowed \n" + " FROM bergamot.security_domain_membership sdm3 \n" + " JOIN bergamot.computed_permissions_for_domain cpfd3 ON (sdm3.security_domain_id = cpfd3.security_domain_id) \n" + " WHERE cpfd3.permission = 'read' AND cpfd3.contact_id = p_contact_id \n" + " GROUP BY sdm3.check_id \n" + ") q3 ON (q3.check_id = s.check_id) \n" + "WHERE coalesce(q3.allowed, false) OR bergamot.has_permission(p_contact_id, 'read')\n" ) ) public abstract GroupState computeLocationStateForContact(@SQLParam(value = "location_id", virtual = true) UUID locationId, @SQLParam(value = "contact_id", virtual = true) UUID contactId); // check command @Cacheable @SQLSetter(table = CheckCommand.class, name = "set_check_command", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setCheckCommand(CheckCommand command); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = CheckCommand.class, name = "get_check_command", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract CheckCommand getCheckCommand(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLRemove(table = CheckCommand.class, name = "remove_check_command", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeCheckCommand(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID id); // host @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "check_command.#{id}", "check_state.#{id}", "get_host_by_name.#{site_id}.*", "get_host_by_address.#{site_id}.*", "get_host_by_external_ref.#{site_id}.*", "get_host_by_agent_id.#{site_id}.*", "get_hosts_in_location.*", "get_hosts_in_group.*" }) @SQLSetter(table = Host.class, name = "set_host", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setHost(Host host); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Host.class, name = "get_host", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Host getHost(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Host.class, name = "get_host_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Host getHostByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Host.class, name = "get_host_by_address", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Host getHostByAddress(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("address") String address); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Host.class, name = "get_host_by_external_ref", since = @SQLVersion({2, 1, 0})) public abstract Host getHostByExternalRef(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("external_ref") String externalRef); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Host.class, name = "get_host_by_agent_id", since = @SQLVersion({2, 3, 0})) public abstract Host getHostByAgentId(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("agent_id") UUID agentId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Host.class, name = "get_hosts_in_location", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Host> getHostsInLocation(@SQLParam("location_id") UUID locationId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Host.class, name = "get_hosts_in_group", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_group_id]") ) public abstract List<Host> getHostsInGroup(@SQLParam(value = "group_id", virtual = true) UUID groupId); @SQLGetter(table = Host.class, name = "list_hosts", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Host> listHosts(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @SQLGetter(table = Host.class, name = "list_hosts_that_are_not_ok", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT c.* FROM c JOIN bergamot.check_state s ON ( = s.check_id) WHERE c.site_id = p_site_id AND (NOT s.ok) AND s.hard AND (NOT c.suppressed)") ) public abstract List<Host> listHostsThatAreNotOk(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @SQLGetter(table = Host.class, name = "list_hosts_in_pool", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Host> listHostsInPool(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("pool") int pool); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "check_command.#{id}", "check_state.#{id}", "get_host_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_host_by_address.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_host_by_external_ref.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_host_by_agent_id.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_hosts_in_location.*", "get_hosts_in_group.*" }) @SQLRemove(table = Host.class, name = "remove_host", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "DELETE FROM bergamot.comment USING bergamot.alert a WHERE object_id = AND a.check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.comment WHERE object_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.alert WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_state WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_stats WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_transition WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.downtime WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.notification_engine WHERE notifications_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.notifications WHERE id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM WHERE id = p_id" ) ) public abstract void removeHost(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); public void addServiceToHost(Host host, Service service) { service.setHostId(host.getId()); this.setService(service); this.invalidateServicesOnHost(host.getId()); } public void removeServiceFromHost(Host host, Service service) { service.setHostId(null); this.setService(service); this.invalidateServicesOnHost(host.getId()); } public void invalidateServicesOnHost(UUID hostId) { this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_services_on_host." + hostId); } public void addTrapToHost(Host host, Trap trap) { trap.setHostId(host.getId()); this.setTrap(trap); this.invalidateTrapsOnHost(host.getId()); } public void removeTrapFromHost(Host host, Trap trap) { trap.setHostId(null); this.setTrap(trap); this.invalidateTrapsOnHost(host.getId()); } public void invalidateTrapsOnHost(UUID hostId) { this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_traps_on_host." + hostId); } // service @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "check_command.#{id}", "check_state.#{id}", "get_services_on_host.#{host_id}" }) @SQLSetter(table = Service.class, name = "set_service", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setService(Service service); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Service.class, name = "get_service", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Service getService(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Service.class, name = "get_services_on_host", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Service> getServicesOnHost(@SQLParam("host_id") UUID hostId); @SQLGetter(table = Service.class, name = "get_service_on_host", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Service getServiceOnHost(@SQLParam("host_id") UUID hostId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLGetter(table = Service.class, name = "get_service_on_host_by_external_ref", since = @SQLVersion({2, 1, 0})) public abstract Service getServiceOnHostByExternalRef(@SQLParam("host_id") UUID hostId, @SQLParam("external_ref") String externalRef); @SQLGetter(table = Service.class, name = "get_service_on_host_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.service WHERE host_id = (SELECT FROM h WHERE h.site_id = p_site_id AND = p_host_name) AND name = p_name") ) public abstract Service getServiceOnHostByName(@SQLParam(value = "site_id", virtual = true) UUID siteId, @SQLParam(value = "host_name", virtual = true) String hostName, @SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Service.class, name = "get_services_in_group", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.service WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_group_id]") ) public abstract List<Service> getServicesInGroup(@SQLParam(value = "group_id", virtual = true) UUID groupId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Service.class, name = "list_services", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Service> listServices(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @SQLGetter(table = Service.class, name = "list_services_that_are_not_ok", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT c.* FROM bergamot.service c JOIN bergamot.check_state s ON ( = s.check_id) WHERE c.site_id = p_site_id AND (NOT s.ok) AND s.hard AND (NOT c.suppressed)") ) public abstract List<Service> listServicesThatAreNotOk(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @SQLGetter(table = Service.class, name = "list_services_in_pool", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Service> listServicesInPool(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("pool") int pool); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "check_command.#{id}", "check_state.#{id}" }) @SQLRemove(table = Service.class, name = "remove_service", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "DELETE FROM bergamot.comment USING bergamot.alert a WHERE object_id = AND a.check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.comment WHERE object_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.alert WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_state WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_stats WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_transition WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.downtime WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.notification_engine WHERE notifications_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.notifications WHERE id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.service WHERE id = p_id" ) ) public abstract void removeService(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); // trap @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "check_command.#{id}", "check_state.#{id}", "get_traps_on_host.#{host_id}" }) @SQLSetter(table = Trap.class, name = "set_trap", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setTrap(Trap trap); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Trap.class, name = "get_trap", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Trap getTrap(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Trap.class, name = "get_traps_on_host", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Trap> getTrapsOnHost(@SQLParam("host_id") UUID hostId); @SQLGetter(table = Trap.class, name = "get_trap_on_host", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Trap getTrapOnHost(@SQLParam("host_id") UUID hostId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLGetter(table = Trap.class, name = "get_trap_on_host_by_external_ref", since = @SQLVersion({2, 1, 0})) public abstract Trap getTrapOnHostByExternalRef(@SQLParam("host_id") UUID hostId, @SQLParam("external_ref") String externalRef); @SQLGetter(table = Trap.class, name = "get_trap_on_host_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.trap WHERE host_id = (SELECT FROM h WHERE h.site_id = p_site_id AND = p_host_name) AND name = p_name") ) public abstract Trap getTrapOnHostByName(@SQLParam(value = "site_id", virtual = true) UUID siteId, @SQLParam(value = "host_name", virtual = true) String hostName, @SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Trap.class, name = "get_traps_in_group", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.trap WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_group_id]") ) public abstract List<Trap> getTrapsInGroup(@SQLParam(value = "group_id", virtual = true) UUID groupId); @SQLGetter(table = Trap.class, name = "list_traps", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Trap> listTraps(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @SQLGetter(table = Trap.class, name = "list_traps_for_watcher", since = @SQLVersion({1, 8, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT t.* FROM bergamot.trap t" + " JOIN bergamot.check_command cc ON ( = cc.check_id)" + " JOIN bergamot.command c ON (cc.command_id =" + " JOIN h ON (t.host_id =" + " WHERE (c.site_id = p_site_id OR p_site_id IS NULL) AND (h.location_id = p_location_id OR p_location_id IS NULL) AND (c.engine = p_engine OR p_engine IS NULL)") ) public abstract List<Trap> listTrapsForWatcher(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam(value = "location_id", virtual = true) UUID locationId, @SQLParam(value = "engine", virtual = true) String engine); @SQLGetter(table = Trap.class, name = "list_traps_that_are_not_ok", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT c.* FROM bergamot.trap c JOIN bergamot.check_state s ON ( = s.check_id) WHERE c.site_id = p_site_id AND (NOT s.ok) AND s.hard AND (NOT c.suppressed)") ) public abstract List<Trap> listTrapsThatAreNotOk(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "check_command.#{id}", "check_state.#{id}" }) @SQLRemove(table = Trap.class, name = "remove_trap", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "DELETE FROM bergamot.comment USING bergamot.alert a WHERE object_id = AND a.check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.comment WHERE object_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.alert WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_state WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_stats WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_transition WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.downtime WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.notification_engine WHERE notifications_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.notifications WHERE id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.trap WHERE id = p_id" ) ) public abstract void removeTrap(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); // cluster @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "check_command.#{id}", "check_state.#{id}", "get_cluster_by_name.#{site_id}.*" }) @SQLSetter(table = Cluster.class, name = "set_cluster", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setCluster(Cluster cluster); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Cluster.class, name = "get_cluster", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Cluster getCluster(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Cluster.class, name = "get_cluster_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Cluster getClusterByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Cluster.class, name = "get_cluster_by_external_ref", since = @SQLVersion({2, 1, 0})) public abstract Cluster getClusterByExternalRef(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("external_ref") String externalRef); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Cluster.class, name = "get_clusters_in_group", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.cluster WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_group_id]") ) public abstract List<Cluster> getClustersInGroup(@SQLParam(value = "group_id", virtual = true) UUID groupId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "check_command.#{id}", "check_state.#{id}", "get_cluster_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", "get_clusters_referencing_check.*" }) @SQLRemove(table = Cluster.class, name = "remove_cluster", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "DELETE FROM bergamot.comment USING bergamot.alert a WHERE object_id = AND a.check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.comment WHERE object_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.alert WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_state WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_stats WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_transition WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.downtime WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.notification_engine WHERE notifications_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.notifications WHERE id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.cluster WHERE id = p_id" ) ) public abstract void removeCluster(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Cluster.class, name = "get_clusters_referencing_check", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.cluster WHERE reference_ids @> ARRAY[p_check_id]") ) public abstract List<Cluster> getClustersReferencingCheck(@SQLParam(value = "check_id", virtual = true) UUID checkId); @SQLGetter(table = Cluster.class, name = "list_clusters", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Cluster> listClusters(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @SQLGetter(table = Cluster.class, name = "list_clusters_that_are_not_ok", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT c.* FROM bergamot.cluster c JOIN bergamot.check_state s ON ( = s.check_id) WHERE c.site_id = p_site_id AND (NOT s.ok) AND s.hard AND (NOT c.suppressed)") ) public abstract List<Cluster> listClustersThatAreNotOk(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); public void addResourceToCluster(Cluster cluster, Resource resource) { resource.setClusterId(cluster.getId()); this.setResource(resource); this.invalidateResourcesOnCluster(cluster.getId()); } public void removeResourceFromCluster(Cluster cluster, Resource resource) { resource.setClusterId(null); this.setResource(resource); this.invalidateResourcesOnCluster(cluster.getId()); } public void invalidateResourcesOnCluster(UUID clusterId) { this.getAdapterCache().remove("get_resources_on_cluster." + clusterId); } // resources @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "check_command.#{id}", "check_state.#{id}", "get_resources_referencing_check.*", "get_resources_on_cluster.#{cluster_id}" }) @SQLSetter(table = Resource.class, name = "set_resource", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setResource(Resource resource); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Resource.class, name = "get_resource", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Resource getResource(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLGetter(table = Resource.class, name = "get_resources_on_cluster", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Resource> getResourcesOnCluster(@SQLParam("cluster_id") UUID clusterId); @SQLGetter(table = Resource.class, name = "get_resource_on_cluster", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Resource getResourceOnCluster(@SQLParam("cluster_id") UUID clusterId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLGetter(table = Resource.class, name = "get_resource_on_cluster_by_external_ref", since = @SQLVersion({2, 1, 0})) public abstract Resource getResourceOnClusterByExternalRef(@SQLParam("cluster_id") UUID clusterId, @SQLParam("external_ref") String externalRef); @SQLGetter(table = Resource.class, name = "get_resource_on_cluster_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.resource WHERE host_id = (SELECT FROM bergamot.cluster c WHERE c.site_id = p_site_id AND = p_cluster_name) AND name = p_name") ) public abstract Resource getResourceOnClusterByName(@SQLParam(value = "site_id", virtual = true) UUID siteId, @SQLParam(value = "cluster_name", virtual = true) String clusterName, @SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Resource.class, name = "get_resources_in_group", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.resource WHERE group_ids @> ARRAY[p_group_id]") ) public abstract List<Resource> getResourcesInGroup(@SQLParam(value = "group_id", virtual = true) UUID groupId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "check_command.#{id}", "check_state.#{id}", "get_resources_referencing_check.*" }) @SQLRemove(table = Resource.class, name = "remove_resource", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "DELETE FROM bergamot.comment USING bergamot.alert a WHERE object_id = AND a.check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.comment WHERE object_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.alert WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_state WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_stats WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.check_transition WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.downtime WHERE check_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.notification_engine WHERE notifications_id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.notifications WHERE id = p_id;\n" + "DELETE FROM bergamot.resource WHERE id = p_id" ) ) public abstract void removeResource(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Resource.class, name = "get_resources_referencing_check", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.resource WHERE reference_ids @> ARRAY[p_check_id]") ) public abstract List<Resource> getResourcesReferencingCheck(@SQLParam(value = "check_id", virtual = true) UUID checkId); @SQLGetter(table = Resource.class, name = "list_resources", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Resource> listResources(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @SQLGetter(table = Resource.class, name = "list_resources_that_are_not_ok", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT c.* FROM bergamot.resource c JOIN bergamot.check_state s ON ( = s.check_id) WHERE c.site_id = p_site_id AND (NOT s.ok) AND s.hard AND (NOT c.suppressed)") ) public abstract List<Resource> listResourceThatAreNotOk(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); // comments @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_comments_for_object.*"}) @SQLSetter(table = Comment.class, name = "set_comment", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setComment(Comment comment); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Comment.class, name = "get_comment", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Comment getComment(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_comments_for_object.*"}) @SQLRemove(table = Comment.class, name = "remove_comment", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeComment(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Comment.class, name = "get_comments_for_object", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "created", direction = Direction.DESC)) public abstract List<Comment> getCommentsForObject(@SQLParam("object_id") UUID checkId, @SQLOffset long offset, @SQLLimit long limit); @SQLGetter(table = Comment.class, name = "list_comments", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Comment> listComments(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLOffset long offset, @SQLLimit long limit); // downtime @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({"get_downtimes_for_check.#{check_id}.*", "get_all_downtimes_for_check.#{check_id}"}) @SQLSetter(table = Downtime.class, name = "set_downtime", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setDowntime(Downtime downtime); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Downtime.class, name = "get_downtime", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract Downtime getDowntime(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLRemove(table = Downtime.class, name = "remove_downtime", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeDowntime(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Downtime.class, name = "get_downtimes_for_check", since = @SQLVersion({1, 1, 1}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "starts", direction = Direction.DESC), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.downtime WHERE check_id = p_check_id AND starts >= (now() - p_past_interval::INTERVAL) AND ends <= (now() + p_future_interval::INTERVAL)") ) public abstract List<Downtime> getDowntimesForCheck(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId, @SQLParam(value = "past_interval", virtual = true) String pastInterval, @SQLParam(value = "future_interval", virtual = true) String futureInterval); public List<Downtime> getDowntimesForCheck(UUID checkId) { return this.getDowntimesForCheck(checkId, "1 week", "1 week"); } @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = Downtime.class, name = "get_all_downtimes_for_check", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "created", direction = Direction.DESC)) public abstract List<Downtime> getAllDowntimesForCheck(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId); @SQLGetter(table = Downtime.class, name = "list_downtimes", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract List<Downtime> listDowntimes(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLOffset long offset, @SQLLimit long limit); // stats @Cacheable @SQLSetter(table = CheckStats.class, name = "set_check_stats", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void setCheckStats(CheckStats state); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = CheckStats.class, name = "get_check_stats", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract CheckStats getCheckStats(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLRemove(table = CheckStats.class, name = "remove_check_stats", since = @SQLVersion({1, 0, 0})) public abstract void removeCheckStats(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID id); // transition log @SQLSetter(table = CheckTransition.class, name = "log_check_transition", since = @SQLVersion({1, 3, 0})) public abstract void logCheckTransition(CheckTransition transition); @SQLGetter(table = CheckTransition.class, name = "get_check_transition", since = @SQLVersion({1, 3, 0})) public abstract CheckTransition getCheckTransition(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLGetter(table = CheckTransition.class, name = "list_check_transitions_for_check", since = @SQLVersion({1, 3, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "applied_at", direction = Direction.DESC)) public abstract List<CheckTransition> listCheckTransitionsForCheck(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId, @SQLOffset long offset, @SQLLimit long limit); @SQLGetter(table = CheckTransition.class, name = "list_check_transitions_for_check", since = @SQLVersion({1, 3, 0}), orderBy = @SQLOrder(value = "applied_at", direction = Direction.DESC), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM bergamot.check_transition WHERE check_id = p_check_id AND applied_at BETWEEN p_from AND p_to") ) public abstract List<CheckTransition> listCheckTransitionsForCheckByDate(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId, @SQLParam(value = "from", virtual = true) Timestamp from, @SQLParam(value = "to", virtual = true) Timestamp to); @SQLRemove(table = CheckTransition.class, name = "remove_check_Transition", since = @SQLVersion({1, 3, 0})) public abstract void removeCheckTransition(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); // agent @SQLSetter(table = AgentRegistration.class, name = "set_agent_registration", since = @SQLVersion({2, 2, 0})) public abstract void setAgentRegistration(AgentRegistration reg); @SQLGetter(table = AgentRegistration.class, name = "get_agent_registration", since = @SQLVersion({2, 2, 0})) public abstract AgentRegistration getAgentRegistration(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLGetter(table = AgentRegistration.class, name ="get_agent_registration_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({2, 2, 0})) public abstract AgentRegistration getAgentRegistrationByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLRemove(table = AgentRegistration.class, name = "remove_agent_registration", since = @SQLVersion({2, 2, 0})) public abstract void removeAgentRegistration(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLGetter(table = AgentRegistration.class, name = "list_agent_registrations", since = @SQLVersion({2, 2, 0})) public abstract List<AgentRegistration> listAgentRegistrations(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); // agent template @SQLSetter(table = AgentTemplate.class, name = "set_agent_template", since = @SQLVersion({3, 41, 0})) public abstract void setAgentTemplate(AgentTemplate reg); @SQLGetter(table = AgentTemplate.class, name = "get_agent_template", since = @SQLVersion({3, 41, 0})) public abstract AgentTemplate getAgentTemplate(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLGetter(table = AgentTemplate.class, name ="get_agent_template_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({3, 41, 0})) public abstract AgentTemplate getAgentTemplateByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @SQLRemove(table = AgentTemplate.class, name = "remove_agent_template", since = @SQLVersion({3, 41, 0})) public abstract void removeAgentTemplate(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @SQLGetter(table = AgentTemplate.class, name = "list_agent_templates", since = @SQLVersion({3, 41, 0})) public abstract List<AgentTemplate> listAgentTemplates(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @SQLGetter(table = Config.class, name = "list_host_templates_without_certificates", since = @SQLVersion({3, 42, 0}), query = @SQLQuery("SELECT c.* FROM bergamot.config c LEFT JOIN bergamot.agent_template t ON ( = WHERE c.type = 'host' AND c.template AND IS NULL") ) public abstract List<Config> listHostTemplatesWithoutCertificates(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); // generic public void setCheck(Check<?, ?> check) { if (check instanceof Host) this.setHost((Host) check); else if (check instanceof Service) this.setService((Service) check); else if (check instanceof Trap) this.setTrap((Trap) check); else if (check instanceof Cluster) this.setCluster((Cluster) check); else if (check instanceof Resource) this.setResource((Resource) check); else if (check != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set check: " + check.getClass()); } public void addContactToCheck(Check<?, ?> check, Contact contact) { if (! check.getContactIds().contains(contact.getId())) { check.getContactIds().add(contact.getId()); } this.setCheck(check); } public void removeContactFromCheck(Check<?, ?> check, Contact contact) { check.getContactIds().remove(contact.getId()); this.setCheck(check); } public void addTeamToCheck(Check<?, ?> check, Team team) { if (! check.getTeamIds().contains(team.getId())) { check.getTeamIds().add(team.getId()); } this.setCheck(check); } public void removeTeamFromCheck(Check<?, ?> check, Team team) { check.getTeamIds().remove(team.getId()); this.setCheck(check); } public Check<?,?> getCheck(UUID id) { Check<?,?> c = null; // service c = this.getService(id); if (c != null) return c; // trap c = this.getTrap(id); if (c != null) return c; // host c = this.getHost(id); if (c != null) return c; // resource c = this.getResource(id); if (c != null) return c; // cluster c = this.getCluster(id); if (c != null) return c; return c; } public List<Check<?,?>> getChecksInGroup(UUID groupId) { List<Check<?,?>> checks = new LinkedList<Check<?,?>>(); // hosts checks.addAll(this.getHostsInGroup(groupId)); // services checks.addAll(this.getServicesInGroup(groupId)); // traps checks.addAll(this.getTrapsInGroup(groupId)); // clusters checks.addAll(this.getClustersInGroup(groupId)); // resources checks.addAll(this.getResourcesInGroup(groupId)); return checks; } public List<VirtualCheck<?,?>> getVirtualChecksReferencingCheck(UUID checkId) { List<VirtualCheck<?,?>> r= new LinkedList<VirtualCheck<?,?>>(); // resources r.addAll(this.getResourcesReferencingCheck(checkId)); // clusters r.addAll(this.getClustersReferencingCheck(checkId)); return r; } public List<Check<?,?>> listChecksThatAreNotOk(UUID siteId) { List<Check<?,?>> checks = new LinkedList<Check<?,?>>(); // hosts checks.addAll(this.listHostsThatAreNotOk(siteId)); // services checks.addAll(this.listServicesThatAreNotOk(siteId)); // traps checks.addAll(this.listTrapsThatAreNotOk(siteId)); // clusters checks.addAll(this.listClustersThatAreNotOk(siteId)); // resources checks.addAll(this.listResourceThatAreNotOk(siteId)); return checks; } // public VirtualCheckExpressionContext createVirtualCheckContext(final UUID siteId, final Host contextualHost) { return new VirtualCheckExpressionContext() { @Override public Check<?, ?> lookupCheck(UUID id) { return getCheck(Site.setSiteId(siteId, id)); } @Override public Host lookupHost(String name) { return getHostByName(siteId, name); } @Override public Host lookupHost(UUID id) { return getHost(Site.setSiteId(siteId, id)); } @Override public Cluster lookupCluster(String name) { return getClusterByName(siteId, name); } @Override public Cluster lookupCluster(UUID id) { return getCluster(Site.setSiteId(siteId, id)); } @Override public Service lookupService(Host on, String name) { return getServiceOnHost(Site.setSiteId(siteId, on.getId()), name); } @Override public Service lookupService(UUID id) { return getService(Site.setSiteId(siteId, id)); } @Override public Trap lookupTrap(Host on, String name) { return getTrapOnHost(Site.setSiteId(siteId, on.getId()), name); } @Override public Trap lookupTrap(UUID id) { return getTrap(Site.setSiteId(siteId, id)); } @Override public Resource lookupResource(Cluster on, String name) { return getResourceOnCluster(Site.setSiteId(siteId, on.getId()), name); } @Override public Resource lookupResource(UUID id) { return getResource(Site.setSiteId(siteId, id)); } @Override public Service lookupAnonymousService(String name) { return contextualHost == null ? null : contextualHost.getService(name); } @Override public Trap lookupAnonymousTrap(String name) { return contextualHost == null ? null : contextualHost.getTrap(name); } }; } // security domains @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_security_domain_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", }) @SQLSetter(table = SecurityDomain.class, name = "set_security_domain", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract void setSecurityDomain(SecurityDomain securityDomain); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = SecurityDomain.class, name = "get_security_domain", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract SecurityDomain getSecurityDomain(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = SecurityDomain.class, name = "get_security_domain_by_name", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract SecurityDomain getSecurityDomainByName(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId, @SQLParam("name") String name); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = SecurityDomain.class, name = "list_security_domains", since = @SQLVersion({3, 17, 0})) public abstract List<SecurityDomain> listSecurityDomains(@SQLParam("site_id") UUID siteId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_security_domain_by_name.#{this.getSiteId(id)}.*", }) @SQLRemove(table = SecurityDomain.class, name = "remove_security_domain", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract void removeSecurityDomain(@SQLParam("id") UUID id); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_security_domain_members.#{security_domain_id}", "get_security_domains_for_check.#{check_id}" }) @SQLSetter(table = SecurityDomainMembership.class, name = "set_security_domain_membership", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0}), upsert = false) public abstract void setSecurityDomainMembership(SecurityDomainMembership membership); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = SecurityDomainMembership.class, name = "get_security_domain_members", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract List<SecurityDomainMembership> getSecurityDomainMembers(@SQLParam("security_domain_id") UUID securityDomainId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_security_domain_members.#{security_domain_id}", "get_security_domains_for_check.#{check_id}" }) @SQLRemove(table = SecurityDomainMembership.class, name = "remove_security_domain_membership", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract void removeSecurityDomainMembership(@SQLParam("security_domain_id") UUID securityDomainId, @SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId); @Cacheable @CacheInvalidate({ "get_security_domain_members.*", "get_security_domains_for_check.#{check_id}" }) @SQLRemove(table = SecurityDomainMembership.class, name = "remove_security_domain_membership_for_check", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract void removeSecurityDomainMembershipForCheck(@SQLParam("check_id") UUID checkId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = SecurityDomain.class, name = "get_security_domains_for_object", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0}), query = @SQLQuery( "SELECT sd.* " + "FROM bergamot.security_domain sd " + "JOIN bergamot.security_domain_membership sdm ON ( = sdm.security_domain_id) " + "WHERE sdm.check_id = p_check_id" ) ) public abstract List<SecurityDomain> getSecurityDomainsForObject(@SQLParam(value = "check_id", virtual = true) UUID checkId); public List<Check<?,?>> getChecksInSecurityDomain(UUID securityDomainId) { List<Check<?,?>> checks = new LinkedList<Check<?,?>>(); for (SecurityDomainMembership member : this.getSecurityDomainMembers(securityDomainId)) { checks.add(this.getCheck(member.getCheckId())); } return checks; } public void addCheckToSecurityDomain(UUID securityDomainId, UUID checkId) { this.setSecurityDomainMembership(new SecurityDomainMembership(securityDomainId, checkId)); } // access controls @Cacheable @SQLSetter(table = AccessControl.class, name = "set_access_control", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract void setAccessControl(AccessControl accessControl); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = AccessControl.class, name = "get_access_control", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract AccessControl getAccessControl(@SQLParam("security_domain_id") UUID securityDomainId, @SQLParam("role_id") UUID roleId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = AccessControl.class, name = "get_access_controls_for_security_domain", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract List<AccessControl> getAccessControlsForSecurityDomain(@SQLParam("security_domain_id") UUID securityDomainId); @Cacheable @SQLGetter(table = AccessControl.class, name = "get_access_controls_for_role", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract List<AccessControl> getAccessControlsForRole(@SQLParam("role_id") UUID roleId); @Cacheable @SQLRemove(table = AccessControl.class, name = "remove_access_control", since = @SQLVersion({3, 8, 0})) public abstract void removeAccessControl(@SQLParam("security_domain_id") UUID securityDomainId, @SQLParam("role_id") UUID roleId); // compute permissions from ACL information private Timer build_permissions = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().timer(, "bergamot.build_permissions(UUID)")); /** * Compute the permissions model for the given site * @param siteId * @return the number of permissions computed */ public int buildPermissions(UUID siteId) { // compute a flattened view of the permissions int changed = this.useTimed( build_permissions, (with) -> { try (PreparedStatement stmt = with.prepareStatement("SELECT bergamot.build_permissions(?::UUID)")) { stmt.setObject(1, siteId); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( return rs.getInt(1); } } return null; } ); // cache management this.invalidatePermissionsCache(siteId); // return the number of permissions which were computed return changed; } public void invalidatePermissionsCache(UUID siteId) { this.getAdapterCache().removePrefix("has_permission." + siteId); this.getAdapterCache().removePrefix("has_permission_for_object." + siteId); this.getAdapterCache().removePrefix("has_permission_for_domain." + siteId); } private Timer has_permission = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().timer(, "bergamot.has_permission(UUID,TEXT)")); private Meter cache_miss_has_permission = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().meter(, "cache_miss.bergamot.has_permission(UUID,TEXT)")); /** * Does the given contact have the given permission * @param contactId the contact * @param permission the permission * @return true if the contact has permission */ public boolean hasPermission(UUID contactId, String permission) { return this.useTimedCached( has_permission, cache_miss_has_permission, "has_permission." + this.getSiteId(contactId) + "." + contactId + "." + permission, null, (with) -> { try (PreparedStatement stmt = with.prepareStatement("SELECT bergamot.has_permission(?::UUID, ?::TEXT)")) { stmt.setObject(1, contactId); stmt.setString(2, permission); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( return rs.getBoolean(1); } } return false; } ); } private Timer has_permission_for_domain = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().timer(, "bergamot.has_permission_for_domain(UUID,UUID,TEXT)")); private Meter cache_miss_has_permission_for_domain = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().meter(, "cache_miss.bergamot.has_permission_for_domain(UUID,UUID,TEXT)")); /** * Does the given contact have the given permission for the given security domain * @param contactId the contact * @param securityDomainId the security domain * @param permission the permission * @return true if the contact has permission */ public boolean hasPermissionForSecurityDomain(UUID contactId, UUID securityDomainId, String permission) { return this.useTimedCached( has_permission_for_domain, cache_miss_has_permission_for_domain, "has_permission_for_domain." + this.getSiteId(contactId) + "." + contactId + "." + securityDomainId + "." + permission, null, (with) -> { try (PreparedStatement stmt = with.prepareStatement("SELECT bergamot.has_permission_for_domain(?::UUID, ?::UUID, ?::TEXT)")) { stmt.setObject(1, contactId); stmt.setObject(2, securityDomainId); stmt.setString(3, permission); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( return rs.getBoolean(1); } } return false; } ); } private Timer has_permission_for_object = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().timer(, "bergamot.has_permission_for_object(UUID,UUID,TEXT)")); private Meter cache_miss_has_permission_for_object = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().meter(, "cache_miss.bergamot.has_permission_for_object(UUID,UUID,TEXT)")); /** * Does the given contact have the given permission for the given object * @param contactId the contact * @param objectId the object * @param permission the permission * @return true if the contact has permission */ public boolean hasPermissionForObject(UUID contactId, UUID objectId, String permission) { return this.useTimedCached( has_permission_for_object, cache_miss_has_permission_for_object, "has_permission_for_object." + this.getSiteId(contactId) + "." + contactId + "." + objectId + "." + permission, null, (with) -> { try (PreparedStatement stmt = with.prepareStatement("SELECT bergamot.has_permission_for_object(?::UUID, ?::UUID, ?::TEXT)")) { stmt.setObject(1, contactId); stmt.setObject(2, objectId); stmt.setString(3, permission); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( return rs.getBoolean(1); } } return false; } ); } private Timer suppress_check = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().timer(, "bergamot.suppress_check(UUID,BOOLEAN)")); /** * Update the suppressed state of the given check * @param checkId the check id * @param suppressed is this check suppressed * @return true if the check was updated */ public boolean suppressCheck(UUID checkId, boolean suppressed) { return this.useTimed( suppress_check, (with) -> { try (PreparedStatement stmt = with.prepareStatement("SELECT bergamot.suppress_check(?::UUID, ?::BOOLEAN)")) { stmt.setObject(1, checkId); stmt.setBoolean(2, suppressed); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( { this.getAdapterCache().remove("check_state." + checkId); return rs.getBoolean(1); } } } return false; }); } private Timer set_current_alert = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().timer(, "bergamot.set_current_alert(UUID,UUID)")); /** * Update the state of a check to record the current alert * @param checkId the check id * @param alertId the alert id * @return true if the check state was updated */ public boolean setCurrentAlert(UUID checkId, UUID alertId) { return this.useTimed( set_current_alert, (with) -> { try (PreparedStatement stmt = with.prepareStatement("SELECT bergamot.set_current_alert(?::UUID, ?::UUID)")) { stmt.setObject(1, checkId); stmt.setObject(2, alertId); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( { this.getAdapterCache().remove("check_state." + checkId); return rs.getBoolean(1); } } } return false; }); } private Timer acknowledge_check = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().timer(, "bergamot.acknowledge_check(UUID,BOOLEAN)")); /** * Update the acknowledge state of the given check * @param checkId the check id * @param acknowledged is this check acknowledged * @return true if the check was updated */ public boolean acknowledgeCheck(UUID checkId, boolean acknowledged) { return this.useTimed( acknowledge_check, (with) -> { try (PreparedStatement stmt = with.prepareStatement("SELECT bergamot.acknowledge_check(?::UUID, ?::BOOLEAN)")) { stmt.setObject(1, checkId); stmt.setBoolean(2, acknowledged); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( { this.getAdapterCache().remove("check_state." + checkId); return rs.getBoolean(1); } } } return false; }); } private Timer set_alert_escalation_threshold = Witchcraft.get().source("").getRegistry().timer(, "bergamot.set_alert_escalation_threshold(UUID,BIGINT)")); /** * Update the acknowledge state of the given check * @param checkId the check id * @param acknowledged is this check acknowledged * @return true if the check was updated */ public boolean setAlertEscalationThreshold(UUID alertId, long escalationThreshold) { return this.useTimed( set_alert_escalation_threshold, (with) -> { try (PreparedStatement stmt = with.prepareStatement("SELECT bergamot.set_alert_escalation_threshold(?::UUID, ?::BIGINT)")) { stmt.setObject(1, alertId); stmt.setLong(2, escalationThreshold); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( { this.getAdapterCache().remove("alert." + alertId); return rs.getBoolean(1); } } } return false; }); } // helpers /** * Get the site id from a given object id */ public UUID getSiteId(UUID objectId) { return Site.getSiteId(objectId); } // patches @SQLPatch(name = "move_stats_from_state", index = 1, type = ScriptType.UPGRADE, version = @SQLVersion({1, 2, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript moveStatsFromState() { return new SQLScript( "INSERT INTO bergamot.check_stats (check_id, last_runtime, average_runtime, last_check_execution_latency, average_check_execution_latency, last_check_processing_latency, average_check_processing_latency) (SELECT check_id, last_runtime, average_runtime, last_check_execution_latency, average_check_execution_latency, last_check_processing_latency, average_check_processing_latency FROM bergamot.check_state)" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "drop_state_stats_columns", index = 2, type = ScriptType.UPGRADE, version = @SQLVersion({1, 2, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript dropStateStatsColumns() { return new SQLScript( // state table "ALTER TABLE bergamot.check_state DROP COLUMN last_runtime", "ALTER TABLE bergamot.check_state DROP COLUMN average_runtime", "ALTER TABLE bergamot.check_state DROP COLUMN last_check_execution_latency", "ALTER TABLE bergamot.check_state DROP COLUMN average_check_execution_latency", "ALTER TABLE bergamot.check_state DROP COLUMN last_check_processing_latency", "ALTER TABLE bergamot.check_state DROP COLUMN average_check_processing_latency", // state type "ALTER TYPE bergamot.t_check_state DROP ATTRIBUTE last_runtime", "ALTER TYPE bergamot.t_check_state DROP ATTRIBUTE average_runtime", "ALTER TYPE bergamot.t_check_state DROP ATTRIBUTE last_check_execution_latency", "ALTER TYPE bergamot.t_check_state DROP ATTRIBUTE average_check_execution_latency", "ALTER TYPE bergamot.t_check_state DROP ATTRIBUTE last_check_processing_latency", "ALTER TYPE bergamot.t_check_state DROP ATTRIBUTE average_check_processing_latency" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_check_transition_indexes", index = 3, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({1, 3, 3}), skip = false) public static SQLScript upgradeCheckTransitionIndexes() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE INDEX check_transition_check_id_applied_at_idx ON bergamot.check_transition (check_id, applied_at)" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_validate_group_ids", index = 1, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({1, 6, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addValidateGroupIds() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.validate_group_ids(p_ids uuid[])\n" + "RETURNS boolean AS\n" + "$BODY$\n" + "DECLARE\n" + " v_ret boolean;\n" + "BEGIN\n" + " v_ret := true;\n" + " IF p_ids IS NOT NULL THEN\n" + " SELECT (count(*) = array_length(p_ids, 1)) INTO v_ret FROM WHERE p_ids @> ARRAY[id];\n" + " END IF;\n" + " RETURN v_ret;\n" + "END;\n" + "$BODY$\n" + "LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE", "ALTER FUNCTION bergamot.validate_group_ids(uuid[]) OWNER TO bergamot" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_validate_team_ids", index = 2, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({1, 6, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addValidateTeamIds() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.validate_team_ids(p_ids uuid[])\n" + "RETURNS boolean AS\n" + "$BODY$\n" + "DECLARE\n" + " v_ret boolean;\n" + "BEGIN\n" + " v_ret := true;\n" + " IF p_ids IS NOT NULL THEN\n" + " SELECT (count(*) = array_length(p_ids, 1)) INTO v_ret FROM WHERE p_ids @> ARRAY[id];\n" + " END IF;\n" + " RETURN v_ret;\n" + "END;\n" + "$BODY$\n" + "LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE", "ALTER FUNCTION bergamot.validate_team_ids(uuid[]) OWNER TO bergamot" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_validate_contact_ids", index = 3, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({1, 6, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addValidateContactIds() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.validate_contact_ids(p_ids uuid[])\n" + "RETURNS boolean AS\n" + "$BODY$\n" + "DECLARE\n" + " v_ret boolean;\n" + "BEGIN\n" + " v_ret := true;\n" + " IF p_ids IS NOT NULL THEN\n" + " SELECT (count(*) = array_length(p_ids, 1)) INTO v_ret FROM WHERE p_ids @> ARRAY[id];\n" + " END IF;\n" + " RETURN v_ret;\n" + "END;\n" + "$BODY$\n" + "LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE", "ALTER FUNCTION bergamot.validate_contact_ids(uuid[]) OWNER TO bergamot" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_site_alias_index", index = 5, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({1, 6, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addSiteAliasIndex() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE INDEX \"site_aliases_idx\" ON USING gin (aliases)" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_info_and_action_statuses", index = 6, type = ScriptType.UPGRADE, version = @SQLVersion({2, 4, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addInfoAndActionStatuses() { return new SQLScript( // check state "UPDATE bergamot.check_state " + "SET " + " status=(CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 0 ELSE status + 1 END), " + " last_hard_status=(CASE WHEN last_hard_status = 0 THEN 0 ELSE last_hard_status + 1 END) ", // check transitions "UPDATE bergamot.check_transition " + "SET " + " previous_status=(CASE WHEN previous_status = 0 THEN 0 ELSE previous_status + 1 END), " + " previous_last_hard_status=(CASE WHEN previous_last_hard_status = 0 THEN 0 ELSE previous_last_hard_status + 1 END), " + " next_status=(CASE WHEN next_status = 0 THEN 0 ELSE next_status + 1 END), " + " next_last_hard_status=(CASE WHEN next_last_hard_status = 0 THEN 0 ELSE next_last_hard_status + 1 END)", // alerts "UPDATE bergamot.alert "+ "SET " + " status=(CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 0 ELSE status + 1 END), " + " last_hard_status=(CASE WHEN last_hard_status = 0 THEN 0 ELSE last_hard_status + 1 END) " ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_downtime_indexes", index = 7, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({2, 9, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addDowntimeIndexes() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE INDEX \"downtime_check_id_idx\" ON bergamot.downtime USING btree (check_id)", "CREATE INDEX \"downtime_starts_ends_idx\" ON bergamot.downtime USING btree (starts, ends)" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_acknowledge_notifications", index = 8, type = ScriptType.UPGRADE, version = @SQLVersion({3, 2, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addAcknowledgeNotifications() { return new SQLScript( "UPDATE bergamot.notifications SET acknowledge_enabled = TRUE", "UPDATE bergamot.notification_engine SET acknowledge_enabled = TRUE" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_downtime_state", index = 9, type = ScriptType.UPGRADE, version = @SQLVersion({3, 3, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addDowntimeState() { return new SQLScript( "UPDATE bergamot.check_state SET in_downtime = FALSE", "UPDATE bergamot.check_transition SET previous_in_downtime = FALSE, next_in_downtime = FALSE" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_suppressed_state", index = 9, type = ScriptType.UPGRADE, version = @SQLVersion({3, 4, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addSuppressedState() { return new SQLScript( "UPDATE bergamot.check_state SET suppressed = FALSE", "UPDATE bergamot.check_transition SET previous_suppressed = FALSE, next_suppressed = FALSE" ); } // V2 ACLs @SQLPatch(name = "add_acl_processing", index = 10, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({3, 11, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addACLProcessing() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.match_permission(p_grants TEXT[], p_permission TEXT) \n" + "RETURNS BOOLEAN \n" + "LANGUAGE SQL \n" + "AS $$ \n" + " SELECT bool_or(q.v) \n" + " FROM \n" + " ( \n" + " SELECT \n" + " CASE \n" + " WHEN g.v ~ '\\*$' THEN \n" + " substring(g.v, 1, length(g.v) - 1) = substring($2, 1, length(g.v) - 1) \n" + " ELSE \n" + " g.v = $2 \n" + " END \n" + " FROM unnest($1) g(v) \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT FALSE \n" + " ) q(v) \n" + "$$", "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.check_permission(p_contact_id UUID, p_permission TEXT)\n" + "RETURNS BOOLEAN\n" + "LANGUAGE SQL\n" + "AS $$\n" + " SELECT (bool_or(granted_generic) AND NOT bool_or(revoked_generic)) AS allowed\n" + " FROM\n" + " (\n" + " WITH RECURSIVE team_graph(id, team_ids, granted_permissions, revoked_permissions, depth, chain) AS (\n" + " SELECT, t1.team_ids, t1.granted_permissions, t1.revoked_permissions, 1, ARRAY[]\n" + " FROM t1\n" + " UNION\n" + " SELECT, t2.team_ids, t2.granted_permissions, t2.revoked_permissions, tg.depth + 1, tg.chain ||\n" + " FROM t2, team_graph tg\n" + " WHERE tg.team_ids @> ARRAY[]\n" + " )\n" + " SELECT \n" + ", \n" + " 0 AS depth, \n" + " ARRAY[] AS chain, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(c.granted_permissions, $2) AS granted_generic, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(c.revoked_permissions, $2) AS revoked_generic \n" + " FROM c\n" + " WHERE = $1\n" + " UNION ALL\n" + " SELECT \n" + ", \n" + " tg.depth, \n" + " tg.chain, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(tg.granted_permissions, $2) AS granted_generic, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(tg.revoked_permissions, $2) AS revoked_generic\n" + " FROM c\n" + " JOIN team_graph tg ON (c.team_ids && tg.chain)\n" + " WHERE = $1\n" + " ) q\n" + "$$", "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.check_permission_for_domain(p_contact_id UUID, p_security_domain_id UUID, p_permission TEXT)\n" + "RETURNS BOOLEAN\n" + "LANGUAGE SQL\n" + "AS $$\n" + " SELECT ((bool_or(granted_generic) AND NOT bool_or(revoked_generic)) OR (bool_or(granted_domain) AND NOT bool_or(revoked_domain))) AS allowed\n" + " FROM\n" + " (\n" + " WITH RECURSIVE team_graph(id, team_ids, granted_permissions, revoked_permissions, depth, chain) AS (\n" + " SELECT, t1.team_ids, t1.granted_permissions, t1.revoked_permissions, 1, ARRAY[]\n" + " FROM t1\n" + " UNION\n" + " SELECT, t2.team_ids, t2.granted_permissions, t2.revoked_permissions, tg.depth + 1, tg.chain ||\n" + " FROM t2, team_graph tg\n" + " WHERE tg.team_ids @> ARRAY[]\n" + " )\n" + " SELECT \n" + ", \n" + " 0 AS depth, \n" + " ARRAY[] AS chain, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(c.granted_permissions, $3) AS granted_generic, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(c.revoked_permissions, $3) AS revoked_generic, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(ac.granted_permissions, $3) AS granted_domain, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(ac.revoked_permissions, $3) AS revoked_domain\n" + " FROM c\n" + " LEFT JOIN bergamot.access_control ac ON ( = ac.role_id AND ac.security_domain_id = $2)\n" + " WHERE = $1\n" + " UNION ALL\n" + " SELECT \n" + ", \n" + " tg.depth, \n" + " tg.chain, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(tg.granted_permissions, $3) AS granted_generic, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(tg.revoked_permissions, $3) AS revoked_generic, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(ac.granted_permissions, $3) AS granted_domain, \n" + " bergamot.match_permission(ac.revoked_permissions, $3) AS revoked_domain\n" + " FROM c\n" + " JOIN team_graph tg ON (c.team_ids && tg.chain)\n" + " LEFT JOIN bergamot.access_control ac ON ( = ac.role_id AND ac.security_domain_id = $2)\n" + " WHERE = $1\n" + " ) q\n" + "$$", "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.list_permissions()\n" + "RETURNS SETOF TEXT\n" + "LANGUAGE SQL AS $$\n" + " SELECT unnest(\n" + " ARRAY[\n" + " 'ui.access',\n" + " 'ui.view.stats',\n" + " 'ui.view.stats.transitions',\n" + " 'ui.view.readings',\n" + " 'ui.sign.agent',\n" + " 'ui.generate.agent',\n" + " 'ui.admin',\n" + " 'api.access',\n" + " 'api.sign.agent',\n" + " 'read',\n" + " 'read.config',\n" + " 'read.comment',\n" + " 'read.downtime',\n" + " 'read.readings',\n" + " 'enable',\n" + " 'disable',\n" + " 'execute',\n" + " 'suppress',\n" + " 'unsuppress',\n" + " 'submit',\n" + " 'acknowledge',\n" + " 'write',\n" + " 'write.comment',\n" + " 'write.downtime',\n" + " 'create',\n" + " 'remove',\n" + " 'remove.comment',\n" + " 'remove.downtime',\n" + " 'sign.agent',\n" + " 'config.export',\n" + " 'config.change.apply'\n" + " ])::TEXT;\n" + "$$", "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.compute_permissions(p_contact_id UUID)\n" + "RETURNS INTEGER \n" + "LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE\n" + "AS $$\n" + "DECLARE\n" + " v_count INTEGER;\n" + "BEGIN\n" + " -- remove first\n" + " DELETE FROM bergamot.computed_permissions WHERE contact_id = p_contact_id;\n" + " -- now load\n" + " INSERT INTO bergamot.computed_permissions \n" + " (\n" + " SELECT p_contact_id, p.permission, bergamot.check_permission(p_contact_id, p.permission) AS allowed\n" + " FROM bergamot.list_permissions() p(permission)\n" + " );\n" + " GET DIAGNOSTICS v_count = ROW_COUNT;\n" + " RETURN v_count;\n" + "END;\n" + "$$", "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.compute_permissions_for_domain(p_contact_id UUID, p_security_domain_id UUID)\n" + "RETURNS INTEGER \n" + "LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE\n" + "AS $$\n" + "DECLARE\n" + " v_count INTEGER;\n" + "BEGIN\n" + " -- remove first\n" + " DELETE FROM bergamot.computed_permissions_for_domain WHERE contact_id = p_contact_id AND security_domain_id = p_security_domain_id;\n" + " -- now load\n" + " INSERT INTO bergamot.computed_permissions_for_domain \n" + " (\n" + " SELECT p_contact_id, p_security_domain_id, p.permission, bergamot.check_permission_for_domain(p_contact_id, p_security_domain_id, p.permission) AS allowed\n" + " FROM bergamot.list_permissions() p(permission)\n" + " );\n" + " GET DIAGNOSTICS v_count = ROW_COUNT;\n" + " RETURN v_count;\n" + "END;\n" + "$$", "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.build_permissions(p_site_id UUID)\n" + "RETURNS INTEGER \n" + "LANGUAGE PLPGSQL VOLATILE AS\n" + "$$\n" + "BEGIN\n" + " -- compute the permissions\n" + " RETURN sum(q.cp)\n" + " FROM\n" + " (\n" + " SELECT bergamot.compute_permissions( AS cp \n" + " FROM c \n" + " WHERE c.site_id = p_site_id\n" + " UNION ALL\n" + " SELECT bergamot.compute_permissions_for_domain(, AS cp \n" + " FROM c " + " CROSS JOIN bergamot.security_domain sd \n" + " WHERE c.site_id = p_site_id\n" + " ) q;\n" + "END;\n" + "$$", "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.has_permission(p_contact_id UUID, p_permission TEXT)\n" + "RETURNS BOOLEAN \n" + "LANGUAGE SQL STABLE AS\n" + "$$\n" + " SELECT allowed \n" + " FROM bergamot.computed_permissions \n" + " WHERE contact_id = $1 AND permission = $2\n" + "$$", "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.has_permission_for_domain(p_contact_id UUID, p_security_domain_id UUID, p_permission TEXT)\n" + "RETURNS BOOLEAN \n" + "LANGUAGE SQL STABLE AS\n" + "$$\n" + " SELECT cpfd.allowed \n" + " FROM bergamot.computed_permissions_for_domain cpfd\n" + " WHERE cpfd.contact_id = $1 AND cpfd.security_domain_id = $2 AND permission = $3\n" + "$$", "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.has_permission_for_object(p_contact_id UUID, p_object_id UUID, p_permission TEXT)\n" + "RETURNS BOOLEAN \n" + "LANGUAGE SQL STABLE AS\n" + "$$\n" + " SELECT coalesce(bool_or(q.allowed), false) AS allowed\n" + " FROM\n" + " (\n" + " SELECT cpfd.allowed\n" + " FROM bergamot.computed_permissions_for_domain cpfd\n" + " JOIN bergamot.security_domain_membership sdm ON (cpfd.security_domain_id = sdm.security_domain_id)\n" + " WHERE cpfd.contact_id = $1 AND sdm.check_id = $2 AND cpfd.permission = $3\n" + " UNION ALL\n" + " SELECT allowed\n" + " FROM bergamot.computed_permissions\n" + " WHERE contact_id = $1 AND permission = $3\n" + " ) q\n" + "$$" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_ui_create_permission", index = 11, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({3, 18, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addUiCreatePermission() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.list_permissions()\n" + "RETURNS SETOF TEXT\n" + "LANGUAGE SQL AS $$\n" + " SELECT unnest(\n" + " ARRAY[\n" + " 'ui.access',\n" + " 'ui.view.stats',\n" + " 'ui.view.stats.transitions',\n" + " 'ui.view.readings',\n" + " 'ui.sign.agent',\n" + " 'ui.generate.agent',\n" + " 'ui.admin',\n" + " 'ui.create',\n" + " 'api.access',\n" + " 'api.sign.agent',\n" + " 'read',\n" + " 'read.config',\n" + " 'read.comment',\n" + " 'read.downtime',\n" + " 'read.readings',\n" + " 'enable',\n" + " 'disable',\n" + " 'execute',\n" + " 'suppress',\n" + " 'unsuppress',\n" + " 'submit',\n" + " 'acknowledge',\n" + " 'write',\n" + " 'write.comment',\n" + " 'write.downtime',\n" + " 'create',\n" + " 'remove',\n" + " 'remove.comment',\n" + " 'remove.downtime',\n" + " 'sign.agent',\n" + " 'config.export',\n" + " 'config.change.apply'\n" + " ])::TEXT;\n" + "$$", "SELECT bergamot.build_permissions(id) FROM" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_suppress_check", index = 12, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({3, 20, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addSuppressCheckFunction() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.suppress_check(p_check_id UUID, p_suppressed BOOLEAN)\n" + "RETURNS BOOLEAN\n" + "LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$\n" + "BEGIN\n" + " UPDATE bergamot.check_state SET suppressed = p_suppressed WHERE check_id = p_check_id;\n" + " RETURN FOUND;\n" + "END;\n" + "$$" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_alert_indexes", index = 13, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({3, 26, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addAlertIndexes() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE INDEX alert_check_id_raised_idx ON bergamot.alert USING btree(check_id, raised)" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_set_current_alert", index = 14, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({3, 29, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addSetCurrentAlert() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.set_current_alert(p_check_id UUID, p_alert_id UUID)\n" + "RETURNS BOOLEAN\n" + "LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$\n" + "BEGIN\n" + " UPDATE bergamot.check_state SET current_alert_id = p_alert_id WHERE check_id = p_check_id;\n" + " RETURN FOUND;\n" + "END;\n" + "$$" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_acknowledge_check", index = 15, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({3, 31, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addAcknowledgeCheckFunction() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.acknowledge_check(p_check_id UUID, p_acknowledged BOOLEAN)\n" + "RETURNS BOOLEAN\n" + "LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$\n" + "BEGIN\n" + " UPDATE bergamot.check_state SET acknowledged = p_acknowledged WHERE check_id = p_check_id;\n" + " RETURN FOUND;\n" + "END;\n" + "$$" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_set_alert_escalation_threshold", index = 15, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({3, 34, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addSetAlertEscalationThresholdFunction() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bergamot.set_alert_escalation_threshold(p_alert_id UUID, p_escalation_threshold BIGINT)\n" + "RETURNS BOOLEAN\n" + "LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$\n" + "BEGIN\n" + " UPDATE bergamot.alert SET escalation_threshold = p_escalation_threshold WHERE id = p_alert_id;\n" + " RETURN FOUND;\n" + "END;\n" + "$$" ); } @SQLPatch(name = "add_config_name_idx", index = 16, type = ScriptType.BOTH, version = @SQLVersion({3, 37, 0}), skip = false) public static SQLScript addConfigNameIndex() { return new SQLScript( "CREATE INDEX config_name_idx ON bergamot.config (site_id ASC NULLS LAST, type ASC NULLS LAST, name ASC NULLS LAST)" ); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length == 1 && "install".equals(args[0])) { DatabaseAdapterCompiler.main(new String[] { "install", BergamotDB.class.getCanonicalName() }); } else if (args.length == 2 && "upgrade".equals(args[0])) { DatabaseAdapterCompiler.main(new String[] { "upgrade", BergamotDB.class.getCanonicalName(), args[1] }); } else { // interactive try (Scanner input = new Scanner( { for (;;) { System.out.print("Would you like to generate the install or upgrade schema: "); String action = input.nextLine(); // process the action if ("exit".equals(action) || "quit".equals(action) || "q".equals(action)) { System.exit(0); } else if ("install".equalsIgnoreCase(action) || "in".equalsIgnoreCase(action) || "i".equalsIgnoreCase(action)) { DatabaseAdapterCompiler.main(new String[] { "install", BergamotDB.class.getCanonicalName() }); System.exit(0); } else if ("upgrade".equalsIgnoreCase(action) || "up".equalsIgnoreCase(action) || "u".equalsIgnoreCase(action)) { System.out.print("What is the current installed version: "); String version = input.nextLine(); DatabaseAdapterCompiler.main(new String[] { "upgrade", BergamotDB.class.getCanonicalName(), version }); System.exit(0); } } } } } }