package; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sun.jna.LastErrorException; import com.sun.jna.Native; /** * Handle sending and receiving ICMP packets. * * One thread is used to send an receive ICMP packets, * invoking appropriate callbacks. * */ public class RawEngine<UserContext> { private LinkedBlockingQueue<QueuedMessage> sendQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<QueuedMessage>(1000); private volatile boolean run = false; private final Object shutdownLock = new Object(); private Thread runner; private int socketFd; private ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(2048); private OnRecv callback; private long recieveTimeout = 200L * 1000L; public RawEngine() { super();; } public RawEngine(OnRecv callback) { super(); this.callback = callback;; } public RawEngine(long recieveTimeout, OnRecv callback) { super(); this.recieveTimeout = recieveTimeout; this.callback = callback;; } public RawEngine(int protocol) { super();; } public RawEngine(int protocol, OnRecv callback) { super(); this.callback = callback;; } public RawEngine(int protocol, long recieveTimeout, OnRecv callback) { super(); this.recieveTimeout = recieveTimeout; this.callback = callback;; } /** * On receive callback */ public OnRecv getCallback() { return callback; } /** * On receive callback */ public void setCallback(OnRecv callback) { this.callback = callback; } /** * The receive timeout in microseconds (default 200ms) */ public long getRecieveTimeout() { return recieveTimeout; } /** * Open the raw socket */ private void open(int protocol) { try { this.socketFd = CLibrary.INSTANCE.socket(CLibrary.AF_INET, CLibrary.SOCK_RAW, protocol); // wait 20ms to recv a response TimeVal tv = new TimeVal(0L, this.recieveTimeout); tv.write(); CLibrary.INSTANCE.setsockopt(this.socketFd, CLibrary.SOL_SOCKET, CLibrary.SO_RCVTIMEO, tv.getPointer(), tv.size()); } catch (LastErrorException lee) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create raw socket, check capabilities", lee); } } /** * Create a thread for our run loop and start it */ public void start() { synchronized (this) { if ( == false) { = true; this.runner = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { RawEngine.this.runLoop(); RawEngine.this.close(); } }); this.runner.start(); } } } private void close() { try { CLibrary.INSTANCE.close(this.socketFd); } catch (LastErrorException lee) { lee.printStackTrace(); } finally { synchronized (this.shutdownLock) { this.shutdownLock.notifyAll(); } } } /** * The main run loop */ private void runLoop() { while ( { // send stuff this.send(); // recv stuff this.recv(); } } private void send() { QueuedMessage msg; while ((msg = this.sendQueue.poll()) != null) { // pack the message this.buffer.clear(); msg.payload.pack(this.buffer); this.buffer.flip(); // send int sent = CLibrary.INSTANCE.sendto(this.socketFd, this.buffer, this.buffer.limit(), 0, msg.addr, msg.addr.size()); if (sent < 0) { // error sending int errNo = Native.getLastError(); System.err.println("Error sending message: " + errNo); break; } // fire the send callback if (msg.callback != null) { msg.callback.sent(msg.context, msg.payload,, msg.port, msg.addr); } } } private void recv() { while (true) { // read a message this.buffer.clear(); int got = CLibrary.INSTANCE.recv(this.socketFd, this.buffer, this.buffer.capacity(), 0 /*CLibrary.MSG_DONTWAIT*/); if (got < 0) { // got nothing or error int errNo = Native.getLastError(); if (errNo != CLibrary.ErroNo.EAGAIN) { System.err.println("Error receiving message: " + errNo); } break; } else { try { // parse the message this.buffer.limit(got); this.buffer.rewind(); IPPacket packet = new IPPacket(buffer); // invoke the recv callback if (this.callback != null) { this.callback.recv(packet); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * Send a message */ public void send(UserContext context, IPPayload payload, InetAddress to, int port, OnSend<UserContext> sendCallback) { this.send(context, payload, to, port, new SockAddrIn.ByReference(to, port), sendCallback); } public void send(UserContext context, IPPayload payload, InetAddress to, int port, SockAddrIn.ByReference addr, OnSend<UserContext> sendCallback) { try { this.sendQueue.put(new QueuedMessage(context, payload, to, port, addr, sendCallback)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Signal shutdown */ public void shutdown() { // signal the sender to stop = false; // wait until the send loop has shutdown synchronized (this.shutdownLock) { try { this.shutdownLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } /** * Are we running */ public boolean isRunning() { return; } /** * A message queues to be sent */ private class QueuedMessage { public final UserContext context; public final IPPayload payload; public final InetAddress to; public final int port; public final SockAddrIn.ByReference addr; public final OnSend<UserContext> callback; public QueuedMessage(UserContext context, IPPayload payload, InetAddress to, int port, SockAddrIn.ByReference addr, OnSend<UserContext> callback) { this.context = context; this.payload = payload; = to; this.port = port; this.addr = addr; this.callback = callback; } } /** * Callback invoked when a message is sent */ public static interface OnSend<UserContext> { void sent(UserContext context, IPPayload payload, InetAddress to, int port, SockAddrIn.ByReference addr); } /** * Callback invoked when a message is received */ public static interface OnRecv { void recv(IPPacket packet); } }