/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.testutils; import junit.framework.TestCase; @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public class SdkTestCaseTest extends TestCase { public void testDiff() throws Exception { assertEquals( "", SdkTestCase.getDiff( "", "")); assertEquals( "", SdkTestCase.getDiff( "aaa", "aaa")); assertEquals( "@@ -1 +1\n" + "- aaa\n" + "@@ -2 +1\n" + "+ bbb\n", SdkTestCase.getDiff( "aaa", "bbb")); assertEquals( "@@ -1 +1\n" + "- this\n" + "@@ -4 +3\n" + "+ new\n", SdkTestCase.getDiff( "this\n" + "is\n" + "a\n" + "test\n", "is\n" + "a\n" + "new\n" + "test\n")); assertEquals( "@@ -4 +4\n" + "- line4\n" + "- line5\n" + "@@ -8 +6\n" + "- line8\n" + "+ line7.5\n", SdkTestCase.getDiff( "line1\n" + "line2\n" + "line3\n" + "line4\n" + "line5\n" + "line6\n" + "line7\n" + "line8\n" + "line9\n", "line1\n" + "line2\n" + "line3\n" + "line6\n" + "line7\n" + "line7.5\n" + "line9\n")); assertEquals( "@@ -8 +8\n" + "- android:id=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" + "+ android:id=\"@+id/output\"\n" + "@@ -19 +19\n" + "- android:layout_alignLeft=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" + "- android:layout_below=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" + "+ android:layout_alignLeft=\"@+id/output\"\n" + "+ android:layout_below=\"@+id/output\"\n", SdkTestCase.getDiff( "<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" + " xmlns:tools=\"http://schemas.android.com/tools\"\n" + " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" + " tools:context=\".MainActivity\" >\n" + "\n" + " <TextView\n" + " android:id=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" + " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_centerVertical=\"true\"\n" + " android:layout_toRightOf=\"@+id/button2\"\n" + " android:text=\"@string/hello_world\" />\n" + "\n" + " <Button\n" + " android:id=\"@+id/button1\"\n" + " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_alignLeft=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" + " android:layout_below=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" + " android:layout_marginLeft=\"22dp\"\n" + " android:layout_marginTop=\"24dp\"\n" + " android:text=\"Button\" />\n" + "\n" + " <Button\n" + " android:id=\"@+id/button2\"\n" + " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_alignParentLeft=\"true\"\n" + " android:layout_alignParentTop=\"true\"\n" + " android:text=\"Button\" />\n" + "\n" + "</RelativeLayout>", "<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" + " xmlns:tools=\"http://schemas.android.com/tools\"\n" + " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" + " tools:context=\".MainActivity\" >\n" + "\n" + " <TextView\n" + " android:id=\"@+id/output\"\n" + " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_centerVertical=\"true\"\n" + " android:layout_toRightOf=\"@+id/button2\"\n" + " android:text=\"@string/hello_world\" />\n" + "\n" + " <Button\n" + " android:id=\"@+id/button1\"\n" + " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_alignLeft=\"@+id/output\"\n" + " android:layout_below=\"@+id/output\"\n" + " android:layout_marginLeft=\"22dp\"\n" + " android:layout_marginTop=\"24dp\"\n" + " android:text=\"Button\" />\n" + "\n" + " <Button\n" + " android:id=\"@+id/button2\"\n" + " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:layout_alignParentLeft=\"true\"\n" + " android:layout_alignParentTop=\"true\"\n" + " android:text=\"Button\" />\n" + "\n" + "</RelativeLayout>")); } }