package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author thiago.borges * */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public class ExternalConnectionServiceEjb extends CrudServiceImpl implements ExternalConnectionService { private ExternalConnectionDao dao; @Override protected ExternalConnectionDao getDao() { if (dao == null) { dao = new ExternalConnectionDao(); } return dao; } @Override public Collection getTables(final Integer idExternalConnection) throws Exception { Collection colTables = null; ExternalConnectionDTO externalConnectionDTO = new ExternalConnectionDTO(); externalConnectionDTO.setIdExternalConnection(idExternalConnection); externalConnectionDTO = (ExternalConnectionDTO) this.getDao().restore(externalConnectionDTO); if (externalConnectionDTO != null) { String url = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getUrlJdbc()).trim(); if (externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcDbName() != null) { url = url + UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcDbName()).trim(); } final String driver = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcDriver()); final String userName = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcUser()); final String password = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcPassword()); final String schemadb = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getSchemaDb()); Connection conn = null; try { Class.forName(driver).newInstance(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password); System.out.println("CITSMART - ExternalConnectionServiceEjb - Connected to the database - " + url); final DataBaseMetaDadosUtil dataBaseMetaDadosUtil = new DataBaseMetaDadosUtil(); colTables = dataBaseMetaDadosUtil.readTables(conn, schemadb, schemadb, null, false); System.out.println("CITSMART - ExternalConnectionServiceEjb - Connected to the database - " + url); } catch (final Exception e) { System.out.println("CITSMART - ExternalConnectionServiceEjb - PROBLEM - Connected to the database - " + url); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } return colTables; } @Override public Collection getLocalTables() throws Exception { Collection colTables = null; final VisaoDao visaoDao = new VisaoDao(); Connection con = null; try { con = visaoDao.getTransactionControler().getConnection(); String DB_SCHEMA = ParametroUtil.getValorParametroCitSmartHashMap(Enumerados.ParametroSistema.DB_SCHEMA, ""); if (CITCorporeUtil.SGBD_PRINCIPAL.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLConfig.SQLSERVER)) { DB_SCHEMA = null; } else if (DB_SCHEMA == null || DB_SCHEMA.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { DB_SCHEMA = "citsmart"; } final DataBaseMetaDadosUtil dataBaseMetaDadosUtil = new DataBaseMetaDadosUtil(); colTables = dataBaseMetaDadosUtil.readTables(con, DB_SCHEMA, DB_SCHEMA, null, false); } finally { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } return colTables; } @Override public Collection getFieldsTable(final Integer idExternalConnection, final String tableName) throws Exception { Collection colTables = null; ExternalConnectionDTO externalConnectionDTO = new ExternalConnectionDTO(); externalConnectionDTO.setIdExternalConnection(idExternalConnection); externalConnectionDTO = (ExternalConnectionDTO) this.getDao().restore(externalConnectionDTO); if (externalConnectionDTO != null) { String url = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getUrlJdbc()).trim(); if (externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcDbName() != null) { url = url + UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcDbName()).trim(); } final String driver = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcDriver()); final String userName = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcUser()); final String password = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcPassword()); final String schemadb = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getSchemaDb()); Connection conn = null; try { Class.forName(driver).newInstance(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password); System.out.println("CITSMART - ExternalConnectionServiceEjb - Connected to the database - " + url); final DataBaseMetaDadosUtil dataBaseMetaDadosUtil = new DataBaseMetaDadosUtil(); colTables = dataBaseMetaDadosUtil.readTables(conn, schemadb, schemadb, tableName, false); System.out.println("CITSMART - ExternalConnectionServiceEjb - Connected to the database - " + url); } catch (final Exception e) { System.out.println("CITSMART - ExternalConnectionServiceEjb - PROBLEM - Connected to the database - " + url); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } } if (colTables != null && colTables.size() > 0) { final ObjetoNegocioDTO objNegocioDto = (ObjetoNegocioDTO) ((List) colTables).get(0); return objNegocioDto.getColCampos(); } return null; } @Override public Collection getFieldsLocalTable(final String tableName) throws Exception { Collection colTables = null; final VisaoDao visaoDao = new VisaoDao(); Connection con = null; try { con = visaoDao.getTransactionControler().getConnection(); String DB_SCHEMA = ParametroUtil.getValorParametroCitSmartHashMap(Enumerados.ParametroSistema.DB_SCHEMA, ""); if (DB_SCHEMA == null || DB_SCHEMA.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { DB_SCHEMA = "citsmart"; } final DataBaseMetaDadosUtil dataBaseMetaDadosUtil = new DataBaseMetaDadosUtil(); colTables = dataBaseMetaDadosUtil.readTables(con, DB_SCHEMA, DB_SCHEMA, tableName, false); if (colTables != null && colTables.size() > 0) { final ObjetoNegocioDTO objNegocioDto = (ObjetoNegocioDTO) ((List) colTables).get(0); return objNegocioDto.getColCampos(); } } finally { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } return null; } public Connection getConnectionExternal(final Integer idExternalConnection) throws Exception { ExternalConnectionDTO externalConnectionDTO = new ExternalConnectionDTO(); externalConnectionDTO.setIdExternalConnection(idExternalConnection); externalConnectionDTO = (ExternalConnectionDTO) this.getDao().restore(externalConnectionDTO); Connection conn = null; if (externalConnectionDTO != null) { String url = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getUrlJdbc()).trim(); if (externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcDbName() != null) { url = url + UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcDbName()).trim(); } final String driver = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcDriver()); final String userName = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcUser()); final String password = UtilStrings.nullToVazio(externalConnectionDTO.getJdbcPassword()); try { Class.forName(driver).newInstance(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password); System.out.println("CITSMART - ExternalConnectionServiceEjb - Connected to the database - " + url); return conn; } catch (final Exception e) { System.out.println("CITSMART - ExternalConnectionServiceEjb - PROBLEM - Connected to the database - " + url); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } return conn; } /** * Processa os dados cadastrados no ImportManager * */ @Override public void processImport(final ImportManagerDTO importManagerDTO, final List colMatrizTratada) throws Exception { String sqlOrigem = ""; String sqlDestino = ""; String sqlDestinoValues = ""; for (final Iterator it = colMatrizTratada.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final HashMap mapItem = (HashMap); final String idOrigem = (String) mapItem.get("IDORIGEM"); if (!idOrigem.equalsIgnoreCase("##AUTO##")) { if (!sqlOrigem.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { sqlOrigem += ","; } sqlOrigem += idOrigem; } final String idDestino = (String) mapItem.get("IDDESTINO"); if (!sqlDestino.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { sqlDestino += ","; sqlDestinoValues += ","; } sqlDestino += idDestino; sqlDestinoValues += "?"; } sqlOrigem = "SELECT " + sqlOrigem + " FROM " + importManagerDTO.getTabelaOrigem(); sqlDestino = "INSERT INTO " + importManagerDTO.getTabelaDestino() + " (" + sqlDestino + ") VALUES (" + sqlDestinoValues + ")"; Connection conn = null; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { conn = this.getConnectionExternal(importManagerDTO.getIdExternalConnection()); ps = conn.prepareStatement(sqlOrigem); rs = ps.executeQuery(); synchronized (colMatrizTratada) { while ( { int i = 0; final Object[] objs = new Object[colMatrizTratada.size()]; for (final Iterator it = colMatrizTratada.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object o = null; final HashMap mapItem = (HashMap); final String idOrigem = (String) mapItem.get("IDORIGEM"); final String idDestino = (String) mapItem.get("IDDESTINO"); String script = (String) mapItem.get("SCRIPT"); if (idOrigem.equalsIgnoreCase("##AUTO##")) { o = this.getDao().getLastValueFromDestino(importManagerDTO, idDestino); } else { o = rs.getObject(i + 1); i++; } if (script != null && !script.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { final org.mozilla.javascript.Context cx = org.mozilla.javascript.Context.enter(); final org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable scope = cx.initStandardObjects(); script = script.replaceAll("TEXTSEARCH", "utilStrings.generateNomeBusca"); script = script.replaceAll("GETFIELD", "hashMapUtil.getFieldInHash"); String compl = "var importNames = JavaImporter();\n"; compl += "importNames.importPackage(;\n"; compl += "importNames.importPackage(;\n"; script = compl + "\n" + script; scope.put("object", scope, o); scope.put("mapItem", scope, mapItem); scope.put("importManagerDTO", scope, importManagerDTO); scope.put("utilStrings", scope, new UtilStrings()); scope.put("utilNumbersAndDecimals", scope, new UtilNumbersAndDecimals()); scope.put("utilDatas", scope, new UtilDatas()); o = importManagerDTO.getResult(); } objs[i] = o; } this.getDao().executeSQLUpdate(sqlDestino, objs); } } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } } @Override public void deletarConexao(final IDto model, final DocumentHTML document) throws ServiceException, Exception { final ExternalConnectionDTO conexoesDto = (ExternalConnectionDTO) model; final TransactionControler tc = new TransactionControlerImpl(this.getDao().getAliasDB()); try { this.validaUpdate(model); this.getDao().setTransactionControler(tc); tc.start(); conexoesDto.setDeleted("S"); this.getDao().update(model); document.alert(this.i18nMessage("MSG07")); tc.commit(); tc.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { this.rollbackTransaction(tc, e); } } @Override public boolean consultarConexoesAtivas(final ExternalConnectionDTO obj) throws Exception { return this.getDao().consultarConexoesAtivas(obj); } @Override public Collection<ExternalConnectionDTO> seConexaoJaCadastrada(final ExternalConnectionDTO conexoesDTO) throws Exception { return this.getDao().seConexaoJaCadastrada(conexoesDTO); } @Override public Collection<ExternalConnectionDTO> listarAtivas() throws Exception { return this.getDao().listarAtivas(); } }