package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class FormulaOsDao extends CrudDaoDefaultImpl { public FormulaOsDao() { super(Constantes.getValue("DATABASE_ALIAS"), null); } @Override public Collection<Field> getFields() { Collection<Field> listFields = new ArrayList<>(); listFields.add(new Field("idFormulaOs", "idFormulaOs", true, true, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("descricao", "descricao", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("formula", "formula", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("situacao", "situacao", false, false, false, false)); return listFields; } @Override public String getTableName() { return "formulaOs"; } @Override public void updateNotNull(IDto obj) throws PersistenceException { super.updateNotNull(obj); } @Override public Class getBean() { return FormulaOsDTO.class; } @Override public Collection find(IDto obj) throws PersistenceException { return null; } @Override public Collection list() throws PersistenceException { return null; } public Collection listar(int idContrato) throws PersistenceException { List lista = new ArrayList(); List listRetorno = new ArrayList(); List param = new ArrayList(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append(" SELECT DISTINCT formulaos.idformulaos, formulaos.descricao,formulaos.formula FROM formulaos "); sql.append(" INNER JOIN contratoformulaos ON formulaos.idformulaos = contratoformulaos.idformulaos AND contratoformulaos.idcontrato = ? AND contratoformulaos.deleted = 'N' AND formulaos.situacao = 'A' "); param.add(idContrato); lista = this.execSQL(sql.toString(), param.toArray()); listRetorno.add("idFormulaOs"); listRetorno.add("descricao"); listRetorno.add("formula"); if (lista != null && !lista.isEmpty()) { Collection<FormulaOsDTO> listResultado = this.engine.listConvertion(FormulaOsDTO.class, lista, listRetorno); return listResultado; } return null; } public FormulaOsDTO buscarPorFormula(String formula) throws PersistenceException { List result = new ArrayList(); List listRetorno = new ArrayList(); List param = new ArrayList(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT * from formulaos "); sql.append(" Where situacao = 'A' and formula = ? "); param.add(formula); result = this.execSQL(sql.toString(), param.toArray()); listRetorno.add("idFormulaOs"); listRetorno.add("descricao"); listRetorno.add("formula"); if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) { List listResultado = this.engine.listConvertion(FormulaOsDTO.class, result, listRetorno); FormulaOsDTO dto = (FormulaOsDTO) listResultado.get(0); return dto; } return null; } public boolean verificaSerExisteFormulaIgual(String formula, int idFormula) throws PersistenceException { List result = new ArrayList(); List listRetorno = new ArrayList(); List param = new ArrayList(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append(" select * from formulaos where formulaos.formula like ? "); param.add(formula); if(idFormula!=0){ sql.append(" and formulaos.idformulaos <> ? "); param.add(idFormula); } result = this.execSQL(sql.toString(), param.toArray()); listRetorno.add("idFormulaOs"); listRetorno.add("descricao"); listRetorno.add("formula"); if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) { List listResultado = this.engine.listConvertion(FormulaOsDTO.class, result, listRetorno); FormulaOsDTO dto = (FormulaOsDTO) listResultado.get(0); return true; } return false; } }