package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ClienteDao extends CrudDaoDefaultImpl { public ClienteDao() { super(Constantes.getValue("DATABASE_ALIAS"), null); } @Override public Class getBean() { return ClienteDTO.class; } @Override public Collection<Field> getFields() { Collection<Field> listFields = new ArrayList<>(); listFields.add(new Field("IDCLIENTE", "idCliente", true, true, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("NOMERAZAOSOCIAL", "nomeRazaoSocial", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("NOMEFANTASIA", "nomeFantasia", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("CPFCNPJ", "cpfCnpj", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("OBSERVACOES", "observacoes", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("SITUACAO", "situacao", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("DELETED", "deleted", false, false, false, false)); return listFields; } @Override public String getTableName() { return "CLIENTES"; } @Override public Collection find(IDto obj) throws PersistenceException { return null; } @Override public Collection list() throws PersistenceException { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Order("nomeFantasia")); return super.list(list); } /** * Metodo que verifica se existe um registro com os mesmos dados na base de dados. * * @param nomeRazaoSocial - nome da razao social do cliente. * @return Retorna 'true' se existir um registro igual e 'false' caso contrario. * @throws Exception */ public boolean existeDuplicacao(String nomeRazaoSocial) throws PersistenceException { List condicao = new ArrayList(); List ordenacao = new ArrayList(); condicao.add(new Condition("nomeRazaoSocial", "=", nomeRazaoSocial)); condicao.add(new Condition("deleted", "is", null)); ordenacao.add(new Order("nomeRazaoSocial")); List result = (List) super.findByCondition(condicao, ordenacao); if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Encontra o Cliente pelo ID * @author euler.ramos * @throws Exception */ public List<ClienteDTO> findByIdCliente(Integer id) throws PersistenceException { List resp = new ArrayList(); Collection fields = getFields(); List parametro = new ArrayList(); List listRetorno = new ArrayList(); String campos = ""; for (Iterator it = fields.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Field field = (Field); if (!campos.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { campos = campos + ","; } campos = campos + field.getFieldDB(); listRetorno.add(field.getFieldClass()); } String sql = "SELECT " + campos + " FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE idcliente=? and ((deleted is NULL)OR(deleted<>'y')) ORDER BY idcliente"; parametro.add(id); resp = this.execSQL(sql, parametro.toArray()); List result = engine.listConvertion(getBean(), resp, listRetorno); return (result == null ? new ArrayList<ClienteDTO>() : result); } /** * Encontra o cliente pela Raz�o Social * @author euler.ramos * @throws Exception */ public List<ClienteDTO> findByRazaoSocial(String razaoSocial) throws PersistenceException { List resp = new ArrayList(); Collection fields = getFields(); List parametro = new ArrayList(); List listRetorno = new ArrayList(); String campos = ""; for (Iterator it = fields.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Field field = (Field); if (!campos.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { campos = campos + ","; } campos = campos + field.getFieldDB(); listRetorno.add(field.getFieldClass()); } String sql = "SELECT " + campos + " FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE nomerazaosocial=? and ((deleted is NULL)OR(deleted<>'y')) ORDER BY nomerazaosocial"; parametro.add(razaoSocial); resp = this.execSQL(sql, parametro.toArray()); List result = engine.listConvertion(getBean(), resp, listRetorno); return (result == null ? new ArrayList<ClienteDTO>() : result); } /** * Verifica se existe cliente vinculado � algum contrato. * @param idCliente * @return * @throws Exception * @author mario.haysaki */ public boolean clienteVinculadoContrato (Integer idCliente) throws PersistenceException { List parametro = new ArrayList(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append(" select count(*) from contratos co "); sql.append(" inner join clientes cl on co.idcliente = cl.idcliente "); sql.append(" where cl.idcliente = ? and (co.deleted <> 'y' or co.deleted is null) and co.situacao = 'A' "); parametro.add(idCliente); List lista = new ArrayList(); lista = this.execSQL(sql.toString(), parametro.toArray()); Long total = 0l; BigDecimal totalLinhaBigDecimal; Integer totalLinhaInteger; if(lista != null){ Object[] totalLinha = (Object[]) lista.get(0); if(totalLinha != null && totalLinha.length > 0){ if (CITCorporeUtil.SGBD_PRINCIPAL.toUpperCase().equals(SQLConfig.POSTGRESQL) || CITCorporeUtil.SGBD_PRINCIPAL.toUpperCase().equals(SQLConfig.MYSQL)) { total = (Long) totalLinha[0]; } if (CITCorporeUtil.SGBD_PRINCIPAL.toUpperCase().equals(SQLConfig.ORACLE)) { totalLinhaBigDecimal = (BigDecimal) totalLinha[0]; total = totalLinhaBigDecimal.longValue(); } if (CITCorporeUtil.SGBD_PRINCIPAL.toUpperCase().equals(SQLConfig.SQLSERVER)) { totalLinhaInteger = (Integer) totalLinha[0]; total = Long.valueOf(totalLinhaInteger); } } } if (total > 0) { return true; } else{ return false; } } }