/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.collections; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock; /** * Concurrent hash set for primitive longs * * Provides similar methods as a ConcurrentSet<Long> but since it's an open hash map with linear probing, no node * allocations are required to store the values. * <p> * Items <strong>MUST</strong> be >= 0. */ public class ConcurrentLongHashSet { private static final long EmptyItem = -1L; private static final long DeletedItem = -2L; private static final float SetFillFactor = 0.66f; private static final int DefaultExpectedItems = 256; private static final int DefaultConcurrencyLevel = 16; private final Section[] sections; public interface ConsumerLong { void accept(long item); } public ConcurrentLongHashSet() { this(DefaultExpectedItems); } public ConcurrentLongHashSet(int expectedItems) { this(expectedItems, DefaultConcurrencyLevel); } public ConcurrentLongHashSet(int expectedItems, final int numSections) { checkArgument(numSections > 0); if (expectedItems < numSections) { expectedItems = numSections; } int perSectionExpectedItems = expectedItems / numSections; int perSectionCapacity = (int) (perSectionExpectedItems / SetFillFactor); this.sections = new Section[numSections]; for (int i = 0; i < numSections; i++) { sections[i] = new Section(perSectionCapacity); } } public int size() { int size = 0; for (Section s : sections) { size += s.size; } return size; } public long capacity() { long capacity = 0; for (Section s : sections) { capacity += s.capacity; } return capacity; } public boolean isEmpty() { for (Section s : sections) { if (s.size != 0) { return false; } } return true; } long getUsedBucketCount() { long usedBucketCount = 0; for (Section s : sections) { usedBucketCount += s.usedBuckets; } return usedBucketCount; } public boolean contains(long item) { checkBiggerEqualZero(item); long h = hash(item); return getSection(h).contains(item, (int) h); } public boolean add(long item) { checkBiggerEqualZero(item); long h = hash(item); return getSection(h).add(item, (int) h); } /** * Remove an existing entry if found * * @param item * @return true if removed or false if item was not present */ public boolean remove(long item) { checkBiggerEqualZero(item); long h = hash(item); return getSection(h).remove(item, (int) h); } private Section getSection(long hash) { // Use 32 msb out of long to get the section final int sectionIdx = (int) (hash >>> 32) & (sections.length - 1); return sections[sectionIdx]; } public void clear() { for (Section s : sections) { s.clear(); } } public void forEach(ConsumerLong processor) { for (Section s : sections) { s.forEach(processor); } } /** * @return a new list of all keys (makes a copy) */ public Set<Long> items() { Set<Long> items = new HashSet<>(); forEach(items::add); return items; } // A section is a portion of the hash map that is covered by a single @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class Section extends StampedLock { // Keys and values are stored interleaved in the table array private long[] table; private int capacity; private volatile int size; private int usedBuckets; private int resizeThreshold; Section(int capacity) { this.capacity = alignToPowerOfTwo(capacity); this.table = new long[this.capacity]; this.size = 0; this.usedBuckets = 0; this.resizeThreshold = (int) (this.capacity * SetFillFactor); Arrays.fill(table, EmptyItem); } boolean contains(long item, int hash) { long stamp = tryOptimisticRead(); boolean acquiredLock = false; int bucket = signSafeMod(hash, capacity); try { while (true) { // First try optimistic locking long storedItem = table[bucket]; if (!acquiredLock && validate(stamp)) { // The values we have read are consistent if (item == storedItem) { return true; } else if (storedItem == EmptyItem) { // Not found return false; } } else { // Fallback to acquiring read lock if (!acquiredLock) { stamp = readLock(); acquiredLock = true; bucket = signSafeMod(hash, capacity); storedItem = table[bucket]; } if (item == storedItem) { return true; } else if (storedItem == EmptyItem) { // Not found return false; } } bucket = (bucket + 1) & (table.length - 1); } } finally { if (acquiredLock) { unlockRead(stamp); } } } @SuppressWarnings("NonAtomicVolatileUpdate") boolean add(long item, long hash) { long stamp = writeLock(); int bucket = signSafeMod(hash, capacity); // Remember where we find the first available spot int firstDeletedItem = -1; try { while (true) { long storedItem = table[bucket]; if (item == storedItem) { // Item was already in set return false; } else if (storedItem == EmptyItem) { // Found an empty bucket. This means the key is not in the map. If we've already seen a deleted // key, we should write at that position if (firstDeletedItem != -1) { bucket = firstDeletedItem; } else { ++usedBuckets; } table[bucket] = item; ++size; return true; } else if (storedItem == DeletedItem) { // The bucket contained a different deleted key if (firstDeletedItem == -1) { firstDeletedItem = bucket; } } bucket = (bucket + 1) & (table.length - 1); } } finally { if (usedBuckets > resizeThreshold) { try { rehash(); } finally { unlockWrite(stamp); } } else { unlockWrite(stamp); } } } @SuppressWarnings("NonAtomicVolatileUpdate") private boolean remove(long item, int hash) { long stamp = writeLock(); int bucket = signSafeMod(hash, capacity); try { while (true) { long storedItem = table[bucket]; if (item == storedItem) { --size; cleanBucket(bucket); return true; } else if (storedItem == EmptyItem) { // Key wasn't found return false; } bucket = (bucket + 1) & (table.length - 1); } } finally { unlockWrite(stamp); } } private void cleanBucket(int bucket) { int nextInArray = (bucket + 1) & (table.length - 1); if (table[nextInArray] == EmptyItem) { table[bucket] = EmptyItem; --usedBuckets; } else { table[bucket] = DeletedItem; } } void clear() { long stamp = writeLock(); try { Arrays.fill(table, EmptyItem); this.size = 0; this.usedBuckets = 0; } finally { unlockWrite(stamp); } } public void forEach(ConsumerLong processor) { long stamp = tryOptimisticRead(); long[] table = this.table; boolean acquiredReadLock = false; try { // Validate no rehashing if (!validate(stamp)) { // Fallback to read lock stamp = readLock(); acquiredReadLock = true; table = this.table; } // Go through all the buckets for this section for (int bucket = 0; bucket < table.length; bucket++) { long storedItem = table[bucket]; if (!acquiredReadLock && !validate(stamp)) { // Fallback to acquiring read lock stamp = readLock(); acquiredReadLock = true; storedItem = table[bucket]; } if (storedItem != DeletedItem && storedItem != EmptyItem) { processor.accept(storedItem); } } } finally { if (acquiredReadLock) { unlockRead(stamp); } } } private void rehash() { // Expand the hashmap int newCapacity = capacity * 2; long[] newTable = new long[newCapacity]; Arrays.fill(newTable, EmptyItem); // Re-hash table for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { long storedItem = table[i]; if (storedItem != EmptyItem && storedItem != DeletedItem) { insertKeyValueNoLock(newTable, newCapacity, storedItem); } } capacity = newCapacity; table = newTable; usedBuckets = size; resizeThreshold = (int) (capacity * SetFillFactor); } private static void insertKeyValueNoLock(long[] table, int capacity, long item) { int bucket = signSafeMod(hash(item), capacity); while (true) { long storedKey = table[bucket]; if (storedKey == EmptyItem) { // The bucket is empty, so we can use it table[bucket] = item; return; } bucket = (bucket + 1) & (table.length - 1); } } } private static final long HashMixer = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995L; private static final int R = 47; static long hash(long key) { long hash = key * HashMixer; hash ^= hash >>> R; hash *= HashMixer; return hash; } static int signSafeMod(long n, int Max) { return (int) (n & (Max - 1)); } static int alignToPowerOfTwo(int n) { return (int) Math.pow(2, 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n - 1)); } static void checkBiggerEqualZero(long n) { if (n < 0L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Keys and values must be >= 0"); } } }