/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.activemq.artemis.cli.commands; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.io.File; import io.airlift.airline.Arguments; import io.airlift.airline.Help; import io.airlift.airline.Option; import io.airlift.airline.model.CommandGroupMetadata; import io.airlift.airline.model.CommandMetadata; import io.airlift.airline.model.GlobalMetadata; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.cli.factory.BrokerFactory; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.FileDeploymentManager; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.impl.FileConfiguration; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.dto.BrokerDTO; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.integration.bootstrap.ActiveMQBootstrapLogger; import org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.server.config.impl.FileJMSConfiguration; /** * Abstract class where we can replace the configuration in various places * */ public abstract class Configurable extends ActionAbstract { @Arguments(description = "Broker Configuration URI, default 'xml:${ARTEMIS_INSTANCE}/etc/bootstrap.xml'") String configuration; @Option(name = "--broker", description = "This would override the broker configuration from the bootstrap") String brokerConfig; @Inject public GlobalMetadata global; private BrokerDTO brokerDTO = null; private FileConfiguration fileConfiguration; protected void treatError(Exception e, String group, String command) { ActiveMQBootstrapLogger.LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e); System.err.println(); System.err.println("Error:" + e.getMessage()); System.err.println(); helpGroup(group, command); } protected void helpGroup(String groupName, String commandName) { for (CommandGroupMetadata group : global.getCommandGroups()) { if (group.getName().equals(groupName)) { for (CommandMetadata command : group.getCommands()) { if (command.getName().equals(commandName)) { Help.help(command); } } break; } } } protected FileConfiguration getFileConfiguration() throws Exception { if (fileConfiguration == null) { if (getBrokerInstance() == null) { final String defaultLocation = "./data"; fileConfiguration = new FileConfiguration(); // These will be the default places in case the file can't be loaded fileConfiguration.setBindingsDirectory(defaultLocation + "/bindings"); fileConfiguration.setJournalDirectory(defaultLocation + "/journal"); fileConfiguration.setLargeMessagesDirectory(defaultLocation + "/largemessages"); fileConfiguration.setPagingDirectory(defaultLocation + "/paging"); fileConfiguration.setBrokerInstance(new File(".")); } else { fileConfiguration = new FileConfiguration(); FileJMSConfiguration jmsConfiguration = new FileJMSConfiguration(); String serverConfiguration = getBrokerDTO().server.getConfigurationURI().toASCIIString(); FileDeploymentManager fileDeploymentManager = new FileDeploymentManager(serverConfiguration); fileDeploymentManager.addDeployable(fileConfiguration).addDeployable(jmsConfiguration); fileDeploymentManager.readConfiguration(); fileConfiguration.setBrokerInstance(new File(getBrokerInstance())); } } return fileConfiguration; } protected BrokerDTO getBrokerDTO() throws Exception { if (brokerDTO == null) { getConfiguration(); brokerDTO = BrokerFactory.createBrokerConfiguration(configuration, getBrokerHome(), getBrokerInstance(), getBrokerURIInstance()); if (brokerConfig != null) { if (!brokerConfig.startsWith("file:")) { brokerConfig = "file:" + brokerConfig; } brokerDTO.server.configuration = brokerConfig; } } return brokerDTO; } protected String getConfiguration() { if (configuration == null) { File xmlFile = new File(new File(new File(getBrokerInstance()), "etc"), "bootstrap.xml"); configuration = "xml:" + xmlFile.toURI().toString().substring("file:".length()); // To support Windows paths as explained above. configuration = configuration.replace("\\", "/"); ActiveMQBootstrapLogger.LOGGER.usingBrokerConfig(configuration); } return configuration; } }